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Akame Ga Kill parody: Tier 1

Chap 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/22871959

Chapter 2 Tatsumi’s Treasure

Leone had just finished off the father, and was looking for Akame. “She should be done by now...huh?” she looked and found Akame facing off with a familiar face. “Oh man that kid doesn’t have any luck at all.” She felt a little bad stealing the kids money.  

Tatsumi and Akame were fighting fiercely, it was taking everything Tatsumi had to stay alive. Leone watched growing more and more interested. “His sword might be more than it seems.” She had seen Akame cut through lesser swords before and with the way the blade was you wouldn’t think it was sturdy.  

He had seen Akame kill someone all it would take was one scratch and he was done for. Akame was having her own problems, even if she dodged the blade or blocked it the blade twisted and turned acting like a real snake, even if you dodge the first strike the second strike came so quickly.  

‘The boy has skills!’ in the hands of a lesser warrior the blade would be meaningless, Tatsumi was using his blade to the best of his ability, while using his instincts to fend of Akame. Blows were going back and forth, and the fight had drawn the other Night Raid members to the scene. A girl with pink hair and a BFG, aimed her weapon at him.  

“I have a shot, I can end him now.” Leone held up a hand.  

“Hold on, I owe this kid, let me handle this.” the pink haired girl stood down. A guy in armor whistled.  

“That boy is something else.”  

A boy with green haired watched. “I’ve never seen anyone go against Akame for so long.”  

Tatsumi was fighting hard, and he seemed to be losing steam, Akame was truly a fierce opponent to have. Before she can make another strike, Leone caught her and stopped her. “What are you doing?”  

“Hold on, I owe this kid, and we have time.”  

“Ahhh you!” Tatsumi pointed at her.

“I see you remember me.” she approached Tatsumi.  

“Stay back!” he pointed his blade at her.  

“Easy kid, you are fighting trying to protect that girl aren’t you?”  

“That’s right, she’s innocent and I will protect her!”  

“Innocent huh? What if I told you she wasn’t innocent.” she went over to the shed and broke the lock. The shed opened and Tatsumi’s eyes widened. “Behold, the dark side of the capital.”  

Inside was nothing short of a torture room, there were people in cages looking half starved and beaten. People strung up missing body parts; eyes, fingers, teeth, feet, hair, to name a few. There were body parts and specimens in jars. People in torture machines, the rack, the iron maiden, beds of spikes. Bloody weapons lined the walls, with tables of surgical tools, bodies strung up like ornaments.  

Everywhere he looked was a new horror. The smell of death was strong, corpses were open and blood and guts were left to spill out. Tatsumi would have gotten sick if not for the horror his eyes fell upon. “Sayo...” his friend Sayo was strung up naked, one of her legs were severed, scars and marks littered her form.  

“This is the truth, they invite unidentified people who come from the country with sweet offers, and then play with them by torturing them to death. That is their true nature.” Aria tried to sneak away, but Leone grabbed her. “Whoa now, you’re asking for too much if you think you can run away, little missy.”  

“That family did all this?” Tatsumi asked.  

“That’s right, the guards knew and did nothing so they had to be punished as well.”  

“Ah, she’s lying!” Aria protests, trying to act cute. “Tatsumi help me please.” she called out reaching out for him. “I never knew this place existed!” Tatsumi stood there unresponsive, but the grip on his blade stayed strong. “Are you gonna believe me, who saved you, or them?”  

“Tatsumi!” a hoarse call drew Tatsumi’s attention. From one of the cages someone was reaching out for him. He looked starved, and had weird marks on his body.  

“Ieyasu?!” Tatsumi gasped.  

“Don’t listen to her!” he says. “That girl approached me and Sayo, and after she gave us some tea we passed out and woke up here.” he gripped the bars tight, crying. “That...that girl...she tortured Sayo to death!!!” he shouts.  

“And what’s wrong with that?” she broke out of the loose hold Leone had her in. “You are just country bumpkins, no different than live stock, I can treat you however I want!” her madness was showing as her cute face twisted up. “For some country trash to have such beautiful straight hair while I have to suffer with kinked hair, I made her pay for it!” she cackled. “You should be thanking me, if I didn’t beat her my father would have played with her instead!”  

“Wolves in sheeps’ clothing, sorry I stopped you Akame.”  

“I will finish her...”  

“Wait...” the girls turn to Tatsumi.  

“Don’t tell me you are still gonna defend her?”

“No...” he took his sword and with one blow he cut her in two right through the middle. “I’ll be the one to kill her!” Her blood splattered him.  

“Hmmm,” she eyed him. ‘She was detestable but to cut her down without hesitation...this boy is special.’  

“Heh heh, that’s my Tatsumi!” he chuckled before coughing up some blood. Tatsumi rushed to him and got him out of the cage.  

“Ieyasu!” he cupped his cheek.  

“There’s no saving him, the wife loved to poison her victims with different drugs. It’s amazing he survived this long.”  

“Sayo...she never gave into that bitch, she was awesome you should have seen her!” he coughed.

“Don’t talk you need to save your strength.”  

“I saved it all, in hopes of seeing you again. I almost didn’t think it was enough, did I make you proud Tatsumi?” he asked.  

Tatsumi hugged him. “Please, someone anyone, there has to be a way, its just poison...I need an antidote...I need the power to save him!” he cried out. Tatsumi’s sword responded, pulsing and producing a strange aura.  

“I was right it was a teigu!” Lione says. The snake on the blade, changed colors turning to silver, and its eyes glowed. In a flash of green light Tatsumi changed.  

His clothing ripped apart, his muscles surged as purple scales covered him. From his wrists to his elbows, and over his cheeks like stripes, his ears became more curved and pointed. His shirt, pants, boxers, and shoes were left as tatters as Tatsumi’s legs fused together and became a long snake like tail with purple scales.  

“He’s become a lamia?!” Akame gasped. An ancient danger beast and quite the powerful one. There were so many legends about lamias it was hard to know which were true and what were myths.  

Tatsumi scooped Ieyasu up. “You’re strength was not a waste, my friend!” he bit into Ieyasu’s neck, and a loud sucking noise could be heard.  

“No way!” Akame gasped.  

“He’s drinking the poison from his body!?”  

While some of the marks on his body would take time to heal, but the color was returning to his body, and his breathing that was once ragged was now calmer. The poison running through his veins had been attacking so much, but now that it was being pulled away his natural immune system was allowed to kick in and do its job.    

Tatsumi didn’t stop sucking till he couldn’t smell the poison inside him. He didn’t stop there, once he released the boy he bit into his wrist and drew blood. His blood poured into the wound. Monster blood had powerful regenerative powers more so in snakes and lizard monsters. His blood spread through his system helping repair the damage the days of drugging and poison did to him.  

The marks began to fade from his body, a good sign for his bones and organs. The bite he left soon healed and Tatsumi knew his friend was in the clear, he’d just need food and rest, his blood was good but the guy was starved and drugged for days. With one flick of his tail he got Sayo down and caught her. The girl’s heart had stopped, there was no coming back from that, her body was cold and possibly heavier than it was when she was alive. “Sayo...” he put her body down and cried. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CAPITAL!?” he roared.  

Tatsumi snapped a bit lashing out destroying the bloodied weapons, the torture devices, destroying the whole building before passing out. He reverted back to human form and gave the girls another surprise, Tatsumi had 2 dicks and he was quite endowed as well.  

“We should go.” Akame says.  

“Lets take them along.” Leone says.  

“Hm?” Akame blinked in shock.  

“You have to admit he’s skilled, he was able to fight you and not die, and the way he handled that girl pretty well.” Akame pouted.  

Leone called the others to help with the clean up and moving the bodies. The guy in armor carried the naked Tatsumi. “This little spit fire really went all out, must have been the first time he used his teigu like that.” he cradled him well.  

The boy with green haired stared at the naked Tatsumi, more so his twin appendages. “I’ve heard of guys with two dicks but I’ve never seen them before.”   

Leone grabbed Ieyasu and lifted him over her shoulder like he was a sack of potatoes.  

“Paws off till we get back to the base, the kids been through a lot tonight.” Tatsumi shifted and began to thrash. “Hey now none of that, can’t carry ya if you go wild.”  

“Sayo...can’t leave her...Ieyasu...my friend...” he weakly opened his eyes and looked at the guy in the armor, but his vision was blurred.  

“We will give her a proper burial, and your friend is fine, you saved him, you did good.” With that Tatsumi went slack. “He’s got spirit.”  

“He treasures his friends more than himself.” Leone points out. “This one was able to resist the poison on his will alone. If only we had attacked sooner maybe we could have saved the girl, they all seem really great.”  

To be continued


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