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Yu yu Hakusho Parody: Backburner Ideas


Yu Yu Hakusho Backburner

Multi Chaps

Demon’s Song

Jin and his group are a hit band, and they have just had an encounter with the new band on the block Spirit Detective, Jin falls for the lead singer Yusuke, but with love rivals galore can Jin fight his way to Yusuke’s heart.

Corrupting Detective

Yusuke is a detective on a case and dealing with a strange drug that’s plaguing the city. Who knew a missing person’s case would lead him down the path of a drug dealers and human trafficking. Will he be able to to stay afloat or will he become corrupted. Yusuke/Hiei/Multiple Partners

Iron Strip

Humans and Demons live side by side, under the watch of Spirit World and the Demon King. Yusuke doesn’t have the best life, he learned early he had to rely on his body to survive. Currently he works as a stripper/erotic dancer, who’s actually popular between humans and demons, and is highly sought after even more so than some of the demon dancers. Yusuke has only ever relied on himself, but he has a good heart and does his best to protect his fellow dancers. Yusuke/Multiple Partners

Detective Trio

Spirit World often finds those of talent and makes them into spirit detectives, three prime candidates are found and brought in. En and Ryo, were being trained by a former spirit detective and martial arts master named Mitamura. They are tasked to form a team with the current Spirit Detective Yusuke Urameshi. Yusuke/En/Ryo

Demon Suit

A strange demon has come to the human world, it’s considered a parasite and not very powerful but fools, he was no parasite, he didn’t feed on his host, it was a symbiotic relationship. He just needed the right host, he finds Yusuke. Admires his strength and iron will, and hey the boy could use a friend. Symbiote Yusuke/Harem

The Infestation

A mad demon is trying to take over the demon and human world by releasing ancient demon creatures. Even Mukuro wasn’t crazy enough to mess with these monsters, once they get out they spread like wild fire messing with any demon or human they find. Yusuke tries to fight them but can he really stop something that even his old man was scared of. Cock Hugger Cock Tail Yusuke/Harem

The Forbidden Tomb

Yusuke has moved into the demon world, and has been handling issues and the like. So he has to form a team and investigate this tomb after a seal had been broken. The tomb was forbidden but since someone had already broken the seal they had to make sure what was locked up stayed locked up. Cock Hugger: Yusuke/Harem  

Fox Partner

After the three treasures incident, Koenma decided to give Yusuke a partner as spirit detective, someone he could trust to watch his back. Yusuke is happy to have the help and Kurama helps awaken Yusuke to some desires he wasn’t allowed to express before Yusuke/Kurama/Suzaku/???

Ghost Detective

After Yusuke Urameshi died he became a ghost, but because of his unique case he’s chosen to become an agent of Spirit World. He goes through training to awaken his spirit energy, once obtained he can interact with the physical world. He’s told after some time he’ll gain enough spirit energy to maintain physical form permanently until then he’s given a ring to keep him solid and he can resume a normal life. Yusuke/Kuwabara/Harem  

Spirit Awakening

Toguro is forcing Yusuke and his friends to enter the dark tournament. He goes to Genkai for some more training and he knows he can’t just learn her techniques he has to make them his own. With his creativity he makes new and hopefully useful techniques. Yusuke/Rinku/Zeru/Chu

Yusuke’s Treasures

Yusuke has a unique bloodline, his ancestor had unique psychic power. That passes down the line to him from his father to him. His father left him a treasure a little golden dragon coiled around a silver orb. It is a medium for his powers though it has yet to awaken. With his abilities he becomes spirit detective.  

Yusuke’s Life With Demon Boys

Things have changed in the human world, demons are allowed to stay with humans as part of a cultural exchange, humans can’t harm demons and demons can’t harm humans, but there is more than a chance for love. Yusuke/Demon Harem

Serpent Ring

Yusuke finds a strange ring, inside houses the spirit snake Azaspa. After putting it on Azaspa bonds with Yusuke and awakens his spirit potential and desires. As an added bonus and extra incentive for Yusuke for each new mate he takes his cock gets a boost. Yusuke decides to keep the perverted snake spirit and build a harem for himself. Mind Control Hyper Yusuke/Harem

Monster Revival: Lamia
Yusuke finds himself dead, but because it was an accident and he wasn’t supposed to die So he’s given a chance at revival, but he’ll have to give up his human soul to come back to life. He didn’t know what benefits his body would obtain from becoming a monster, but he was gonna love it. Lamia Yusuke/Harem

Monster Revival: Arachne

Yusuke Urameshi finds himself dead, but because it was an accident and no one expected him to do the noble thing and try and save a kids life, he’s offered the chance to be reborn. It means giving up his humanity but all things tended to come with a price. Yusuke doesn’t want to be a ghost anymore so he agrees giving up his humanity and becoming a monster. Bondage Monster Boy Arachne Yusuke/Harem

Snake Demon Urameshi

Yusuke never felt different from other people and he didn’t know just how much. His father was a snake demon, from a very proud and noble line of demons. He knew nothing of this, only thing he knew is he tried to save a kid from being hit by a car and died, only thing is he didn’t stay dead. His demon power awakened and his body woke up. He’s still young but his power is sure to grow.  

Kakuen Spirit

Yusuke died, and in order to get a second chance at life he has to go through a trail and obtain a monster spirit. The spirit would join with his soul and he’d come back to life, but he’d never be human again. He gains monkey traits and some unique abilities. Kakuen Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Incubus Spirit

Yusuke’s mother was a succubus, who mated a demon lord and had Yusuke. While pregnant she escaped to the human world for safety as other demon lords sought to kill her child. Yusuke was born a powerful incubus, with strong demon aura. While he enjoys playing with humans Yusuke gains power by submitting and feeding on human’s energy. Bottom Yusuke/Harem

That Time Yusuke Was Reincarnated As A Slime

Yusuke died in a rather unique way, because his death was so unique he’s granted a second chance at life but not as a human but as a slime. Using his new skills he works on rebuilding a new life for himself. Slime Yusuke/Harem

Manticore Detective

It was rare for Spirit World to take on a monster as a detective. Yusuke’s unique biology and power makes him a perfect choice, it does help the fact 3 treasures were stolen on Koenma’s watch and he needs them brought back ASAP. Yusuke agrees to become a spirit detective in exchange for a free pass to live in the human world. Little does Yusuke know the biggest mystery he’ll solve is about his past and himself. Manticore Yusuke/Harem Tail Sex

Vampire Detective

Yusuke doesn’t remember who killed him, his memory a blur. He remembers fangs and blood, the messed up thing he didn’t stay dead he was reborn as a monster, a vampire! Spirit World offers to help Yusuke get control of his newfound powers and body, in exchange he takes on cases for them. His friends want to find a cure, but even if one is found Yusuke isn’t sure he even wants to go back. Yusuke/Kurama/Hiei/Jin

Satyros Yusuke

Yusuke is a monster human hybrid, his mother being a satyros his father was a human. Along with having spirit energy he’s able to draw out demon energy. Because of his monster side he has a strong tolerance for alcohol, and has a pretty high sex drive. He’s a skilled fighter, and capable of drunken fist, but he loves as wild as he fights. Switcher Yusuke/Chu/Harem  

Slime Carrier

Yusuke didn’t know anything about monsters and spirits, but his life caused him to end up secluded the perfect prey for a creature. He’s attacked by parasitic slime and made the host of this creature, it’s not so bad as the creature gives Yusuke power in exchange. Yusuke decides to keep the slime, and they have a mutual goal. Yusuke wants a harem and the slime wishes to multiply. Tentacles Yusuke/Harem

Minotaur’s Detective

Yusuke is a minotaur, his father was a demon his mother was human. He wanted to have a human life, but Spirit World found him and locked him up. After 2 years of imprisonment, Koenma has to free Yusuke because he needs his help. Yusuke agrees on a few condition. Minotaur Yusuke/Harem

Beast Rumble

Yusuke is approached by a strange man offering him a large sum of money to take part in an experiment. His body is altered and became more beast like, he takes part in fights to get even more money. He wasn’t looking for love, just food and money, but fight after fight maybe this is where he belonged where he needed to be. Knot: Yusuke/Harem

Frog Hanyo

Yusuke’s mother is a frog demon, his father was a human, though in his family line way back he’s connected to a powerful demon lord that’s still alive. He doesn’t know this, but being a half demon does come with some unique benefits, like having both demon and human energy. Mind Break Yusuke/Harem Tongue Sex

Curse of the Fullmoon

Yusuke was thrown out of his house, so left out in the cold he went to the park to sleep. He’s attacked by a strange beast, and it awakens strange powers inside him. During the full moon he transforms into a monster, he goes to Genki in the hopes of getting control of his new found power. Imagine his shock when he learns who sent the dog that bit him. Werewolf Yusuke/Harem

Water Demon Urameshi

Yusuke’s mother was a strong water demon, who met a powerful demon lord. They had a child, but while she was pregnant she became weak enough to pass through the barrier and escape into the human world. She wanted her son to have a normal life, but that was not the way. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Yusuke Oni

Yusuke didn’t know who his father was, but his mother was human. He has oni horns, strong skin, and a strong tolerance for booze. His powers grow more and more, to the point spirit world seeks to take action. They make a deal so Yusuke can still see his mother and travel to the demon world to do missions. Hyper Yusuke/Harem  

Four Armed Demon

As a sign of the Mazoku blood Yusuke was born with four arms. Outside of that Yusuke thought he was normal, sure he had four arms but some people were born with tails, and other people had 3 nipples, heck some guys were even born with two functioning dicks, but he had to face he wasn’t exactly human when he saves a kid from a car accident and he survived. Spirit World calls on him and agrees to help him figure things out and help protect those around him.  

Pheromone Trouble

Yusuke has problems, be it sexually harassing teachers who he’s knocked a few in the balls a few times for trying, he’s tries to get a job, but ends up getting harassed by either the boss or the customers. He doesn’t know what’s going on. Little did he know he was just having some pheromone trouble. Bottom Yusuke/Harem

Demon Pheromones

Yusuke has a lot to deal with since becoming a demon, what he wasn’t expecting that his musk was making his friends want to jump his bones. What’s he to do? Go with the flow or try to hide? Well he wasn’t one for hiding. Yusuke/Harem

Shadow Skill

Yusuke never fit in with normal humans, there was something wild about his soul. His mom was a mess sometimes he’d end up getting locked out of his home. There in the shadows he meets one that sees his potential and teaches him to use Shadow Skills, powers said to rival that of demons. The training is hard but Yusuke is willing to prove himself. Yusuke/Harem

Demon Tamer Yusuke

It wasn’t uncommon for Spirit World to find humans with potential and train them to battle evil. Yusuke has a unique soul and seeking a place in the world. He’s found and trained to be a demon tamer. Yusuke’s methods might seem strange but the results are impressive. Yusuke/Harem Bondage Cock Cage

Psychic Card

Yusuke has always been a card shark, he gambles as a way of survival, but grew tough fighting punks who tried to welsh on bets or tried to get revenge. After becoming a spirit detective Genkai tells him he can tap into greater power by using a medium that was always close to him, Yusuke chooses his lucky deck, and infuses the cards with his spirit power. Strip Poker, Gambling, Yusuke/Kuwabara/Kurama/Hiei/???

Spirit Charmer

Yusuke is a young psychic, growing up he was an outsider no one believed him in his powers or what he could see. He never used his powers on normal people, but he hardened his fists by fighting his own battles. His skills have developed to the point he’s contacted by spirit world, and through training and skill he hones and skills far beyond expectations and Yusuke finds the family he’s been needing. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Spirit Bow

Yusuke’s psychic powers awakened at a young age, not only he was able to tap into his spirit energy he was able to mold it into a bow. He first just dealt with weird spirits that came to his house but he was scouted by Spirit World, and is able to take his skills to the next level. Top Yusuke/Harem

Spirit Gear

Yusuke is a pretty clever psychic, a manipulator type capable of creating unique objects by infusing his spirit energy into an item, the skill and power of an item is determined by the intent and how much of his spirit energy is poured into the item to create gear he can use to battle demons. When he becomes a spirit detective he’s able to get his hands on some real spirit world items, he’s able to take these items and increase their power surpassing their limits. Bottom/Yusuke Harem Toys

Hanyo Craft

Hanyo’s or half demons were considered very dangerous, feared by spirit world and hunted by demons, as they can freely use both spirit and demon energy. Yusuke is a hanyo, his mother was a human and his father was a demon. While he didn’t know his father he knew his mother loved him very much. He sought to gain power so he could one day return and see her again, by combing spirit and demon energy he’s able to craft weapons with unique abilities. Yusuke’s a skilled craftsman, and quite clever and strong. He’s able to survive and return to the human world, so Koenma decides to make him a spirit detective. Top Yusuke/Harem Toys

Shaman Yusuke

Yusuke was able to tap into his spirit energy at a young age, he can see things and sense things. Yusuke doesn’t feel comfortable in normal clothing, he feels the most free and powerful in the nude. He’s got some pretty good tricks and is able to read a person’s soul pretty well. Nudist Yusuke/Kuwabara/Harem

Medium Detective

Being a medium sucked, Yusuke was able to hear people’s thoughts, but fat lot of good it did. Yusuke tried to warn his mother about guys just trying to use her for money, she never listened Yusuke hears all the horrible things teachers think about him but can’t prove it who’d believe him that he can read minds. A guiding hand saves him from falling down the wrong path, Yusuke/Kuwabara/Harem

Sacred Teachings

Genkai saw something in Yusuke, something special, so she goes all out on him teaching him everything she knows including how to use Sacred Energy. Using these teachings Yusuke hopes to change things for the better. Genkai believes Yusuke might just be able to do better for the world more than she ever did or could. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Witchcraft Files

Yusuke goes to a school for witches, he’s a considered a failure, and if not for the principle he’d have been kicked out long ago. What people don’t know Yusuke isn’t a failure due to a lack of power or talent, its the opposite, Yusuke’s power is great, greater than he can control on his own. During the familiar test his power is drawn out to summon a demon to act as his familiar, to his shock he doesn’t summon just one demon he summons three! Yusuke/Kurama/Hiei/Jin

Rune Hunter

Yusuke can see ghosts and spirits feel demonic auras, as luck would have it his principle knows about that world, and is a Rune Hunter, using runes and spirit energy a human is capable of fighting demons. He’s retired so when Spirit World needs help they turn to his apprentice Yusuke. Yusuke/Harem

Alpha Spirit

Yusuke is a young alpha, often butting heads with another alpha named Kuwabara. His reputation and living situation has turned off many betas and omegas. Yusuke thought he’d be a lone alpha the rest of his life, that is until he died saving a kid. Thus set him on a path to find the mates he needs. Yusuke/Beta Kurama/Omega Hiei/Beta Jin/Omega Touya

Beta Spirit

Yusuke is a beta and a powerful one at that, to much for some omegas and too scary for an alpha to try and tame. Yusuke was fine with that he claimed he didn’t want a omega or need an alpha, or so he says. He learns quickly that there are those he needs he was just looking in the wrong place. Alpha Hiei/Beta Yusuke/Omega Kurama/Delta Suzaku/Alpha Chu/Omega Jin

Omega Spirit

Omegas could be scary, oh yes, the stronger the omega the stronger the desired alpha needed to be. Yusuke is quite the powerful omega and tough as steel, it takes quite a few alphas to properly satisfy the wild spirit. Alpha Kurama/Alpha Hiei/Alpha Jin/Beta Suzaku

Delta Spirit

Deltas were rare some considered them beautiful, a missing link between betas and omegas, but those that don’t know or fully understand often lash out at the exotic and the unique. Yusuke had to be tough, and made himself distant because of his unique sub sex, that is until he finds himself dead and becoming a spirit detective, humans may not have seen how special he was but apparitions do. Alpha Hiei/Beta Kurama/Alpha Jin/Beta Suzaku/Delta Yusuke

Gamma Spirit

Gamma were rare the missing link between alphas and omegas, it is said when a gamma is properly awakened no one can win against them when they are pissed. Yusuke is a gamma, a fact that is covered up, but once he becomes a spirit detective there is no hiding it. Alpha Kurama/Gamma Yusuke/Omega Hiei/Beta Jin/Beta Chu/Omega Rinku/Alpha Touya

Alpha Mazoku

Yusuke’s demon blood has awakened, and he’s going through the awakening his sub sex revealed. As it turns out he’s an alpha which is a big deal for demons, as alphas are very rare due to infighting. Yusuke is the first alpha in over 800 years, so the draw is big. Alpha Yusuke/Delta Hiei/Beta Kurama/Beta Jin/Beta Touya/Omega Suzuki/Omega Shishi

Waking the Demon

What if Yusuke’s demon power awakened before the dark tournament? Yusuke goes through a break through while training with Genkai, his demon blood line awakens and Yusuke accepts his new found self. Genkai is no fool she knows about the Mazoku so she uses a seal to hide him from Spirit World. The new found power helps greatly in the tournament and the bonds he forms are even more intense. Yusuke/Harem

The Next Dark Tournament

After Yusuke has become a Mazoku, the time has come for the next Dark Tournament, new teams, new enemies, and the sinister Shadow 6 who have taken over the whole game. Yusuke and his mates spice things up and enter for fun and to stop the new enemy from getting their hands on one of the prizes. Yusuke/Harem Cock Cage/Bondage/Exhib/

For His Hand

Yusuke is quite possibly one of the sexiest demons around, but he’s dense as fuck. He couldn’t tell if a guy was hitting on him if they showed up wearing nothing but a sign around his dick that says free cock. Tempers are flaring and the demons who want Yusuke decide to hold a tournament, Yusuke of course gets wind of a tournament and wants to participate...yeah…who will get Yusuke’s hand and will Yusuke realize that some of his closest friends want him so damn bad they are willing to fight for him?  

Demon Revival

Yusuke died protecting a small boy, his mother wants him back. She begs and pleads seemingly her voice falls on deaf ears, that is until a voice says he shall return. Yusuke’s demon bloodline father had been keeping an eye on his line secretly, using his power he brings the boy back to life allowing him to tap into both his human and demon energy. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Improper Resurrection  

After Yusuke’s death his mother couldn’t bare it and seeks a way to bring him back to life. She tries and does revive Yusuke but he’s no longer human, spirit world tries to put him down but he’s too strong. He’s revived as a Ghoul, a kin to vampires but often considered more dangerous by drinking blood or semen of an enemy a ghoul can gain new abilities and powers. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Demon Vacation

Yusuke has been hard at work dealing with affairs in the demon world, possibly overworking himself. Kurama gets a bright idea of taking Yusuke on vacation. There was a new resort in the demon world, so they decide to go there not realizing its a clothing banned place, no armor no weapons no clothes. They decide to stay but things may get a little more wild.  

Mazoku Detective

Many thought Koenma was crazy for taking on the Mazoku’s heir as the next spirit detective. He has his reasons, not just because Yusuke was great in bed. Yusuke was quite powerful and was had a great ass...ahem was a great asset to spirit world. Yusuke/Koenma/Harem

Spirit Deodorant

One of Botan’s new tools turns Yusuke’s world upside down, every guy with the smallest attraction to Yusuke gets overcome with lust at the slightest whiff of his new scent. Yusuke feels responsible so he handles it giving it his all, but he has no idea how to reverse this! Yusuke/Multiple guys

Yusuke Meets the Nudist Tribe

Yusuke is a model/actor in a rut, he’s not getting the roles he wants, and he just feels bored so he goes on a trip to refresh and ends up becoming the bride of the nudist tribe. Guys and guys everywhere naked as the day they were born, and boy did living naked do wonders for them. Will he wanna go back when his manager finds him? Yusuke/Multiple Guys

Undercover Mission

Yusuke is invited to a new demon city to meet a new demon lord who’s making waves. This demon doesn’t like men, while he has to let Yusuke in he insists that Yusuke’s guard consist of only women. Not gonna happen, Kurama and Suzuki works some of his magic and dresses some boys up in girls clothing so they can watch Yusuke’s back. Crossdressing: Yusuke/Harem

Demon Ninja of Fire

Yusuke is taught by the former demon ninja of flames, his powers grow and he’s able to create all different kinds of unique flames, even ones that can hypnotize. He is called upon when Hiei and co steal some artifacts, he’ll take the job so long as he is paid. Mind Control: Yusuke/Hiei/Zeru/Jin/Touya/

Cuffs and Tricks

What if Genkai put the spirit cuffs on Yusuke, before he even went to Maze castle, causing his spirit energy to train and grow under her watch. His abilities take leaps and bounds and he’s able to do a lot more and save others. Bondage Kinky Yusuke/Byakko/Suzaku/Kurama/Hiei/Harem  

Phoenix Revival

What if Yusuke’s Spirit Beast hatched and revived him? Puu awakens and brings Yusuke o life, this little spirit beast is his other self his familiar, and helps him tap into his true powers. Through this method Keiko and Kuwabara retain their spirit power and are able to become detectives with him. Yusuke/Harem

His Kiss Awakens

What if Kuwabara was the one to kiss Yusuke? Kuwabara gives up his spirit power to save Yusuke, the boy is relieved to be free of his burden not wanting to see and hear spirits anymore. While Kuwabara falls into a normal life Yusuke is pulled towards a more fantastical one. His kiss did more than just revive Yusuke it awakened him to his true feelings and desires.

Gems and Humans

Yusuke is an Emerald, a part of the gem race, the gem world is dying so gems often seek out other worlds and take them over. Yusuke is tasked with taking over earth but finds he likes Earth and doesn’t want to destroy it. Other gems show up, and Yusuke is willing to fight them in order to protect it.   

King’s Guards

Yusuke is one of the demon lord princes, as such he’s a prime target for assassination. Its rumored he’d yet to choose any guards for himself which made him a prime target for a hit. Some demon ninja are tasked with killing the young prince but find he’s much harder to kill than expected. Yusuke/Hiei/Jin/Touya

Fear the Angels Clan

There were those capable of divine energy, humans and demons alike, the energy eventually consumed them and made them into something else, a powerful race known as Angels. They were sealed away in hopes of protecting the world from their influence but they have been awakened. Feelings are shifted power gained, minds corrupted can Yusuke stop the angel clan.  

The Lost Ghost Files

Stories following Yusuke, Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara as they deal with less world threatening cases and demons. Things got a little more steamy than you know. Read as Yusuke faces off against a mischievous cupid, face stealing ghouls, haunted homes, and more.   

Demon Hunter Yusuke

Yusuke didn’t die, he managed to save the kid and not get hurt. He had awakened his hero spirit so imagine the blow that came when a demon got into his school and slaughtered his classmates. Yusuke snapped awakening his spirit energy and he killed the demon but it filled his heart with rage, he became a demon hunter gaining skills to hunt down and destroy demons, but are all demons bad?

Demon Conquest

In the world of demons, the strong rules, to the victor goes the spoils, if you are beaten in battle the winner gets to decide to kill you or keep you. Such is the land they live on, powers grow and factions form, who will be the one who conquers and rules the demon world?

Doom Seed

Spirit World tried to contain many horrors, one such horror was the Doom Seed, believed to be the seed from the apple of the fruit of knowledge. It is a terrifying power corrupted over time by the wicked, it seeks to bloom once again, a demon group seeks to awaken it so it will bare fruit and grant the demons power beyond S class demons.  

X Class

To think there was something more deadly than an S class demon, the X Class were demons said capable of distorting reality unkillable, unstoppable. An X Class demon escapes and uses its power to go back in time to bring chaos to the current future. Unable to travel back in time themselves as 2 of the same being cannot meet in the past, Yusuke’s children go back in time and hopefully unite their parents.  

Underground Arena

Hybrids are not treated right, though more and more are appearing they are treated no more than beasts despite having more power than their so called masters. Yusuke is a wolf hybrid who serves Sakyo, Yusuke actually likes his master, who treats him pretty well. Yusuke fights in the arena against other hybrids, he’s even won some hybrids for Sakyo. Knot Hybrids: Yusuke/Harem

Spirit of the Sea

Yusuke is a wanted man, one of three terrifying captains said to rule the sea. Yusuke has a lust for life that is rarely satisfied with just one, he travels the seas with a fierce and loyal crew they weather more than can ever be known. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Dark Water

Pirate AU: Yusuke never believed in legends or prophecies, but he knew one thing the dark sea ruled by a monster, his blood lust was soul fowl it stained the very sea as black as his soul. For years the sacred treasures kept the dark water at bay but some have begun to vanish making the seas very unsafe. Yusuke doesn’t want to get involved but he soon finds himself roped in and setting sail.  

Mark of the Beast

Yusuke’s Mazoku blood is far more active in him than he knew, when he gets angry his demon markings appear on his body. Koenma finds him and warns him if he gives into his demon blood he will lose his humanity and be hunted like any other demon. What happens when Yusuke must embrace his demon side in order to protect his friends.  

Cat Thief Urameshi

During the time of Yoko Kurama he faced off against a very perverted Cat Demon named Urameshi. He often lost against the cat, their record tipping towards Yusuke. Yoko Kurama was often a sore loser, but he was not able to settle the score before Neko Urameshi vanished from the world, reincarnating himself. Hypnosis Bondage Yusuke/Harem

Harpy Detective

Yusuke is a harpie, a powerful one capable of traveling between worlds somehow, and being to strong to stop Koenma decides to hire him as a spirit detective. Yusuke likes to fight and be free so being a spirit detective didn’t bother him but he must face powerful forces against him. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Mermaid Market

There is a market for mermaids on the dark market. Sakyo had a treasured mermaid of a special breed taken from him so he calls upon strong fighters to rescue him from Tarukane who’s using the mermaid to increase his wealth. Octo Merman Yusuke Yusuke/Sakyo/Harem

Yusuke Delivery Service

Yusuke has to get a job delivering pizza, his friends find out and decide to call him over for a big tip. Yusuke/Multiple pairings

The Makai Insect Incident

The makai insects are more unique than spirit world thought, while thy possess weak people, but their bites on strong people have an effect. A Makai Insect bites Yusuke turning his spirit power into powerful pheromones and making the boy go into heat. Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Bonded Souls

The mirror granted Kurama’s wish to save his mother, but Yusuke offered his own life in exchange for Kurama’s so it bound the two together. Yusuke’s pleasure is Kurama’s pleasure, should Yusuke die Kurama dies to and vice versa. Yusuke/Kurama/Harem

Mazoku Mirror

What if the Forlorn Hope did take Yusuke’s life, but because of his tapping into his spirit energy it allowed his Mazoku blood to awaken? Yusuke thought he died and he’s awakened to find his heart not beating. Koenma tries to protect him but as Yusuke grows stronger it may not be able to hide. Yusuke/Harem

Bad End: Hiei’s Demon Army

Hiei beats Yusuke and upon using the demon blade turns Yusuke into a demon, but not a low level one his spirit energy turns into powerful demonic energy. He has Yusuke collect more suitable warriors for him to enact his plans. Hiei/Yusuke/Harem

Nurse Yusuke

Yusuke is a psychic working at a hospital as a nurse, using his skills he’s saved quite a few lives. Spirit World has need of his skills, so he gets pulled in agreeing because of his own sense of justice. He has just one rule, anyone’s life he saves belongs to him Spirit World can’t kill someone he’s saved. Yusuke/Harem

Pervert Detective

Yusuke has been revived and is able to tap into his spirit energy. Botan gives him some instructions how spirit energy can be used. Yusuke gets some wild ideas, that prove quite effective against demons. Toys Brain Break: Yusuke/Harem

Blessing of a Lust God

A starving lust god finds Yusuke and gets fed by the boy’s pent up lust. As a reward he bestows Yusuke his power, a mark appeared above his crotch and he’s given access to his spirit power. His cock gains some oomf oomf, his stamina grows, and he stops wearing clothes. Yusuke/Harem

Psychic Kiss

Yusuke is a psychic, his ability is known as Instant Lover, with a single kiss he can control someone’s mind and make them his devoted love slave. The effect can be temporary unless a ritual is performed to seal the deal forever. His powers grow more and more when Spirit World needs his help and he becomes a spirit detective. Mind control: Switcher Yusuke/Harem

Demon Controller

Yusuke’s Demon power has awakened awakening a new skill, he conjures a strange remote control, it has the power to control the minds and bodies of anyone he shoots with these special needles. His father Raizen says its a gift of the Mazoku to build a harem. At first Yusuke doesn’t want to use it but Raizen warns that it has an auto pilot function if you deny yourself it will act. Mind Control, Body Modification: Yusuke Harem

Angels versus Demons

Yusuke and Kuwabara are of the angel clan, watching over humanity from demons. Kuwabara doesn’t like demons but Yusuke doesn’t think they are so bad. Kuwabara is concerned that Yusuke may fall from grace and should not mettle in the affairs of demons, Yusuke however cannot help but want to help just as he can’t help who he falls for. Yusuke/Harem

Spirit Double  

What if Yusuke learned from Suzaku, and learned to create a spirit double of himself. The two Yusuke experiment and work together to have some fun with their friends. The technique grows strong and Yusuke learns of a kink he didn’t know he had. Voy Exh Twin: Yusuke/Yusuke/Harem

One Shots

Silver and Red

Shuichi won’t act on his feelings for Yusuke but Yoko Kurama is not so kind, the silver fox takes hold and takes action. Shuichi loses control, and has some fun with the detective.  

See His Thoughts

With the Jagan eye Hiei can hear people’s thoughts and even peer into their dreams he uses this ability to spy on a certain detective he has a crush on. He should be careful or the jagan eye will make things more real for him.  

Studying Not!

Kurama is asked to help Yusuke study, but the boy isn’t interested in studying, so he finds way of distracting Kurama until he gets his way. Tease Yusuke Yusuke/Kurama

Knife Edge

Chu and Yusuke have a rematch, but one certainly different than there original fight. Yusuke’s all for it but will this fight go the way he thinks. Frot Yusuke/Chu

Urameshi Air

Jin loves the wind and the air, and can tell a lot about a person by the air around him, he rather liked the air around Urameshi, he really really likes it! Scent Kink Yusuke/Jin

Fox Heat

Kurama is going into heat soon, as Yoko he’s faced many, but this is his first time as Shuichi, he wants it to be perfect so he wants to ask Yusuke. Yusuke/Kurama

Ice Need

Touya has had the hots for Yusuke for some time now, trying to fend off his need using his ice but its not enough. Yusuke finds him and scolds him for being an idiot before taking care of his need. Yusuke/Touya  

Dream Fun

Yusuke as a ghost can invade people’s dreams, so he decides to have some fun with Kuwabara while he’s sleeping. Yusuke/Kuwabara

What to do with a sleeping Yusuke? Jin

Jin finds Yusuke sleeping under a tree and the boy is in a pure hibernation, but just how asleep is he when a certain part of him reacts to Jin’s presence. Yusuke/Jin

Ghost Touch

botan tells Yusuke if he focuses hard enough he can touch physical things. Yusuke practices on Kuwabara and has some fun with the orange haired teen. Kuwabara/Yusuke

Horny Drunk

Chu gets frisky when he drinks, so most aren’t willing to look after him when he goes bar hoping Yusuke had no idea what he was in for. Yusuke/Chu

Rinku Loves Toys

Rinku is good at turning toys into weapons with his spirit energy, he also likes using toys in the bedroom, his boyfriend Yusuke certainly doesn’t complain. Toys: Yusuke/Rinku

What To Do With A Sleeping Yusuke? Zeru

Zeru tries to kill Yusuke while he’s asleep, despite his powerful flames all he destroys is the boys clothes and upon seeing Yusuke’s body his plans for Yusuke changes. Yusuke/Zeru

Bad End: Suzaku’s Win

Suzaku proves to be tougher than Yusuke can handle, overwhelming the detective and toying with him until his friends arrive, to see the state of the former spirit detective. Suzaku/Yusuke

What to do with a sleeping Yusuke? Chu

Chu protects Yusuke’s sleeping body, while guarding him he gets a little curious so he decides to have a taste, the taste excites him so he has a second helping. Yusuke/Chu

Bad End: Hiei’s Pets

Hiei cuts Yusuke and Kurama turning them into demons, the two are loyal and obedient to him. He makes use of their obedience to serve his needs. Mind Control Brain Break Hiei/Yusuke/Kurama

Mazoku Growth

Yusuke’s body has been changing since becoming a Mazoku, including certain endowments, it takes a powerful demon to handle such a size, thankfully he has two willing to try. Yusuke/Kurama/Hiei

Yusuke’s Taste

As it turns out Yusuke has a thing for red heads. Kurama and Jin hear this and take full advantage of it, who knew demons would be so willing to share. Yusuke/Kurama/Jin

Fire and Ice

Hiei and Touya both want Yusuke, and are willing to fight each other over him. Yusuke doesn’t know what they are fighting about but puts a stop to it. The two form a truce and plan to have Yusuke together since he’s so strong and so dense. Yusuke/Hiei/Touya

Jin’s Punishment

Jin asks to be punished for the cheating during the match. Yusuke doesn’t agree since Jin had no say and didn’t want to fight that way. Jin is adamant so Yusuke thinks up a fitting punishment. Spank: Yusuke/Jin

After the Match

Chu and Rinku visit Yusuke after the match, to thank him and to celebrate his victory. Things get a little wild not that Yusuke is complaining. Yusuke/Chu/Rinku

After the Match 2

Jin and Touya visit Yusuke adter the match to thank him and celebrate the great match. Things get a little wild, but Yusuke can handle it. Yusuke/Jin/Touya

Hiei Tries a Vibe

Hiei was not that kinky, while he greatly enjoyed sex and being with his lover, he had very little interest in the weird things humans have come up with for it. Yusuke however really wants to try some things, and he’s adorably persistent. Toys: Yusuke/Hiei

Caged Fox

Kurama was quite kinky, he loved sex, but he had yet to find someone to fully submit to, to give up control of even his cock...that is until he met Yusuke. Cock Cage Toys: Yusuke/Kurama

Caged Wind

Jin was not a fan of most bondage games when it came to sex, but for Yusuke he’s willing to give just one thing a try. He loves it, his boyfriend was right he can still feel the wind caged or no. Cock Cage: Yusuke/Jin

Caged Dragon

Hiei is about to go into heat, his kind tends to try and fuck everything that moves when going into heat, so he has to wear a cock cage. He’s still horny and still in need, he’s willing to to tease even Yusuke to get the cage of big mistake, Yusuke knows how to handle naughty demons.  

Shuichi Size Queen

Kurama is a size queen, has been since his time as Yoko, it was weird he was born with such a monster but it was useless on him he couldn’t fuck himself after all, lucky for him Yusuke has a nice girth but wants a few more inches taking this opportunity he shaves off some of his length and gives it to Yusuke. Size Stealing/Hyper: Yusuke/Kurama

Urameshi Size Queen

Yusuke has a love of big cocks, its possibly his greatest weakness, he doesn’t want to admit it but after defeating Hiei the boy had a monster between his legs. How can Yusuke resist, and Hiei gives in cause no one has handled his dragon so well. Hiei/Yusuke

Peeping Dragon

Hiei rarely abuses the Jigan eye, but when it comes to Yusuke he just can’t help himself he keeps an eye on the boy sometimes during times he shouldn’t. With the Jagan eye he might as well be wearing nothing at all. Voy: Yusuke/Hiei

Hiei’s Secret

Yusuke has invited Hiei to the hot springs but the boy has refused time and again, Kurama knows why. Hiei has a thing for big cocks and Yusuke has a mighty piece that Hiei is trying very hard to resist. Hyper Yusuke/Hiei

From Alpha to Omega

Kurama is having a hard time as an omega, as Yoko he was an alpha but his new body is an omega. He tries to resist his urges and desires but goes too long without a mate now he needs Yusuke to satisfy his pent up need. Alpha Yusuke/Omega Kurama

Like A Moth to the Flame

Yusuke was working out working up a nice sweat, and like a moth to the flame Hiei is drawn to him. The boy’s manly musk drives him mad with need, Yusuke feels bad and horny so decides to take care of him. Scent Bukake: Yusuke/Hiei

Losing His Cherry

Kurama having been reborn finds himself a virgin, with all the sexual memory he had as Yoko. He seeks to satisfy his pent up lust but it occurred to him he was a virgin again, so he could offer his cherry to someone special. Yusuke/Kurama

Dirty Trick

Yusuke is drugged with a powerful aphrodisiac before his match with Jin. Jin doesn’t want to win on a fix so he decides to help Yusuke out before their fight. Who knew he’d get so excited as well. Yusuke/Jin

Hypnosis For Dummies

Yusuke tries out some hypnosis on Kuwabara, Kuwabara laughs thinking hypnosis is a joke, but turns out with a little spirit power even his trick from Hypnosis for Dummies book works like a charm. Mind Control: Yusuke/Kuwabara

Hiei’s Game

Hiei loves Yusuke, but is too embarrassed to act on some of his more perverted desires. Yusuke comes up with a rather brilliant plan. Hiei puts Yusuke under hypnosis so he can’t remember anything embarrassing. Mind Control Yusuke/Hiei  


Kurama brings Yusuke some flowers, these special demon flowers are a powerful aphrodisiac, one whiff could put a demon in the mood for hours. They make viagra look like a tic tak. He may have bit off more than he could chew with Yusuke. Kurama/Yusuke

Long Time Apart

Jin is so excited to see Yusuke he can help himself. As the clothes go flying the two get it on right in front of the demon court. Exhib Yusuke/Jin

Tamed Wind

Jin never thought he wanted to be dominated, that is until he met Yusuke. The boy awakens the deeply buried desires the wind master never knew he had. Since mating Yusuke his ears have not stopped being pointy and wiggling. Yusuke/Jin

Hiei’s Hibernation

Yusuke has been tasked of taking care of Hiei while he’s hibernating. The list is long and Yusuke thought it’d be easy looking after the fire demon. Yusuke/Hiei

You’re Beautiful

Suzuki has a praise kink, so when Yusuke praises him the blonde gets excited. The more praise the hornier he gets Yusuke plays with the Beautiful Suzuki. Yusuke/Suzuki

Bad End Prism of Seven

Suzaku’s technique prism of seven proves to be too much for Yusuke to take, they realized if pain isn’t enough to break Yusuke then they will try pleasure. 7 Suzaku x Yusuke

Naughty Suzuki

Suzuki uses his art of disguise to mess with Yusuke. Changing himself into Kurama he hits on Yusuke and takes him to bed big surprise when Kurama comes in. Yusuke/Suzuki/Kurama

Trust Exercise

Hiei says he can’t trust Yusuke, the boy says he needs him to, and what will it take. Hiei decides to test Yusuke and says if he wants his trust then submit to him. He’s surprised when Yusuke agrees. Hiei/Yusuke

He’s a Grower

Yusuke is bumbed after Keiko breaks up with him, no one knows what happened, but Kurama wants to help his friend. As it turns out Keiko dumped him because Yusuke’s cock is too big. Now Kurama is curious so Yusuke shows him and indeed Yusuke is quite hung putting most demons to shame, then Yusuke drops the bombshell he’s a grower. Yusuke/Kurama

Ass Eating Demon

Its very dangerous to be around a sleeping Yusuke, the boy tends to sleep walk in a way, or prey on anyone nearby. It never goes too far, and the encounters are always enjoyable. Rimming

Hiei’s Secret

Hiei has a secret about his body, he’s very nervous about it, so he’s been putting off having sex with his boyfriend Yusuke. It’s been very hard as Yusuke has no idea what’s wrong and just wants to love Hiei and he’s damn sexy to boot. Kurama tells him to stop being so scared and let Yusuke in. Herm Hiei/Yusuke


Love of Battle

Yusuke wasn’t expecting to find love at the dark tournament, who knew he’d meet a girl who liked fighting as much as he did. Yusuke/Koto

Hot for Foxes

Yusuke can’t say he doesn’t have a type, fox demons get him hot! Kurama and Koto take full advantage of it, playing with their spirit detective and making sure he’s theres forever. Yusuke/Kurama/Koto


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