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Ben 10 Parody: Tier 1


The Suit

Ben was just an average kid, then he saw a meteor fall from the sky, and inside was a strange goo. This goo bonds with him, increasing his strength and skills. There’s a lot of people after this goo, as it can be used to build and amplify an army. Symbiote Ben/Harem

Chap 1 The Suit

Ben Tennyson was not having the best day, it should have been perfect it was the last day of school before summer vacation. Not that Ben really had any friends to hang out with during summer break. Ben liked soccer, comic books, video games, and heroes. He wanted to stick up for the little guy, despite being a little guy.  

He was bullied by two guys, Cash and J.T. the two were the local bullies, they messed with anyone. Cash was quite tall and strong, and J.T. was more of his yes man, but he helped in the bullying. Ben actually tried to stand up to Cash and J.T. which only made him a bigger target to get messed with. The two were trying to get their summer cash, out of the pockets of the classmates.  

Ben stood up to them and only ended up getting beaten up, wedgied, and his money stolen. “Thanks for trying Ben.”  

“Sorry dude,” he frowns. It was a low blow but Ben had to take it.  

Ben is saved when his grandfather picks him up from school. It turns out he was gonna be hanging out with his Grandpa Max and his cousin Gwen for the summer. He liked his grandpa just fine, it was spending time with his cousin he wasn’t looking forward to. They didn’t get along, they were very different people. While Gwen was book smart and college focused, Ben was smart when he tried but nothing really held his attention that much. When Ben did his homework it was mostly right but you can tell he waited till the last minute to do it. On tests Ben did fine for the most part which was odd cause it seemed like he barely paid attention in class.  

Gwen was more the study for days before a big test, and then get mad they didn’t get a perfect score. Her parents decided she needed to relax more and enjoy summer and not cram even more studying. They wanted her daughter to succeed not burn out.  

They were very different people, while Ben brought along video games and comic books, Gwen brought along text books and summer homework. So the two weren’t exactly happy to see each other, let alone spend the entire summer together. “Worst summer ever.” As the Rustbucket carries them to a summer of camping and road trip something else was happening much farther away.  


In space  

A massive terrifying ship was attacking a smaller ship, a barrage of red beams striking the shields. “My lord, their shields are down to 40%” one of the operators report, to a shadowy figure with red eyes.  

“Focus the onslaught I want that cargo.” it said. “Once they reach 20% lock on them and haul them in.”   

The targeted ship was working on protecting the cargo, setting it up to escape, but they needed more time. Their shields dropped against the overwhelming force, and the monstrous ship had locked them on with a tractor beam, drawing them in. As luck would have it a strange surge on the enemy ship caused their weapon systems fail.  

“What’s happening?!” the figure shouts.  

“Weapon systems offline, our shields are down, tractor beam offline.” his men were working but things weren’t working, sparks were flying.  

“Don’t you dare lose that ship!” he shouts.  

The ship launches a counter attack, blasting the energy core. This resulted in a chain reaction of explosions catching the tyrant up in the explosion, his body becoming heavily damaged. The special ship was caught up in the blast, its shields not holding up against it. Their systems started failing but wanting to protect the cargo they ejected it, sending it to the nearby planet. They dropped from the sky falling further away, the pilot enters a stasis pod to protect them from the impact.  

A pod shoots toward Earth.


Max had taken the kids to an RV camping area, and had set up. It was a tense road so far, Ben wasn’t talking to Gwen, she wasn’t talking to Ben, and he tried to talk to them but got the simplest of responses. After dinner Max said it was time to turn in, the tents were set up. “To think I could be home, in my nice soft bed, studying for my college exams.”  

Ben rolls his eyes. “Fresh air is good for you, good for both of you, this trip is a Tennyson tradition, I took your parents with me on them before.” Gwen sighs and turns in. Ben however wasn’t ready for bed yet, there was a lake nearby and he wanted to go for a midnight swim, he grabbed his swim trunks and a towel and snuck off to the lake.  

Seeing the glistening water reflecting the stars in the sky made Ben pause, then he got an idea. It was late, no one around, what better time to skinny dip, right? It was good enough for Ben, he ditched his swim trunks and stood in all his naked glory. He was surprised how much he missed being naked, at home he often stripped down in his own room, just the freedom of it. His parents understood, allowing him to express himself in the house but he still had to wear clothes when he went outside. Now with Gwen around he couldn’t, and he really wanted to ditch his clothes and just relax.  

Ben sighed letting his dick hang free, it wasn’t fun to keep his monster confined, he had a nest of pubes crowning his crotch, and some nice balls hanging below. He stretches, his naked body flexing and shifting back and forth, enjoying the breeze between his knees. “Banzai!” Ben cheers as he jumps into the lake.  

The water felt amazing, not too warm not too cold, and skinny dipping was amazing. He swam round and round, before laying back and floating starring up at the stars. This is where he sees the strange shooting star, that was heading towards them. “Whoa!” It hits the edge of the lake and tears through the earth and rips through some trees.  

Ben was thrown from the lake from the impact, water rushing through the trench. He abandoned his trunks and towel, rushing forward and going into the crater. “Is it a meteor?” he got closer and saw a strange metal pod. “No way is it an alien!?” Ben got more excited and rushed in. It was weird the metal should have been hot, but it wasn’t.  

He touched it hesitantly, and the pod reacted to his touch. A symbol flashed before the pod opened up. Ben got closer and peered inside. “What is this?” inside was a strange goo. Ben poked it and that proved to be a mistake. The goo surged forward and snaked up his arm. “What the heck!” Ben gasped.  

The goo was like a little blob, or maybe a slime from an rpg, it slithered up his arm, and when Ben tried to grab it it kept moving. “A host finally a host!” Ben heard.  

“Who said that?” Ben looked around.  

“Me!” he heard again, and felt the goo move. It settled on his chest and formed some form of head. “I spoke!”  

“Waaahhh!” Ben fell back on his ass. “What are you? Get off me!” he tried to get the goo off of him but it was fast, slithering all over his naked body.  

“Ohh yes, you will do nicely, mmm,” it slithered here, there, and everywhere, checking every inch of Ben’s body making the brunette blush. “Firm, strong, big, ohh yes!” It slithered between Ben’s ass and groped him, and it fondled Ben’s balls and slithered up his cock. “Ohh what fun we will have!”  

“Hey quit that!” Ben tried to grab him but the goo simply enveloped his dick, holding the boy’s full 10 inch soft dick in one go. He pulled and pulled but all he succeeded in doing was tug on his cock to hardness. “Seriously!” he blushed as he was now hard.  

“We will be so great together, do not want to fight with you.” the goo said.  

“What are you? How are you talking to me?”  

“The symbiote, learned from you, the more we are together the more to learn.”  

“Symbiote?” Ben remembered a similar word he heard in science class. Symbiotic denoting a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups, or involving interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association.  ‘So its not gonna hurt me, since it needs me alive at least.’

“Yes that is correct, will not hurt, want to help!” the goo says surprising Ben

“Are you reading my mind?” The goo nodded, making Ben’s cock bob in the process. “We are one, share everything!” Ben groaned and face palmed. ‘Of course it’s reading my mind that’s how it learns.’

“Don’t you have a home to go back to or family?” the goo shook his head making Ben’s hard dick wag.  

“Alone, last of my kind, world gone.” Ben felt bad, but this was really weird.

“I feel like I’m talking to my dick.” Ben face palmed. “Can you get off for a moment?”

“Must stay connected, weak alone, together strong.” the goo says, and Ben sighs  

“Why me? Just because I found you, it could have been anyone.” he hugs himself. “I’m weak, I’m not anything special, you should find someone else.”  

The goo slithered up his body and nuzzled his cheek. “I like you.” 

“You don’t even know me.”

“I know,” it nuzzled him again. “I want to stay with you.”  

“I bet you say that to all your hosts.” he gets up. “Is there a way for you to come off?”  

“Don’t want to, let me stay.” It gave Ben big sad eyes.  

“Don’t give me that look, you have to understand this is weird for me. I just found an alien and it bonded to me.” he started pacing. “I mean this is the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me, but it’s weird and cool, and crazy. No one would ever believe me.”  

“I can help!” the goo says.  

“Help how?” Ben raised a brow.  

“If you accept me, I can do so much for you, we could be so great together.” Ben had to admit he was curious.  

“Alright I’m listening.”  

“Yay!” the goo cheered, and it began to spread over Ben’s body. 

“Hey what are you...” he was cut off as the goo covered his mouth. Ben blushed as the goo got warm spreading over every inch of skin, forming a second skin. It invaded his body, from both his cock and his ass. His eyes widened before rolling up, the process was highly pleasurable. The goo could bond with any living thing sure, but if the host was willing and accepting it can do so much more.  

As the goo worked on honoring its agreement with Ben, its bonding was noticed. This process gave off a lot of energy which was detectable…

To be continued



Hehe Ben meets Venom eh? Very nice job indeed! Plus that explains the baggy pants, very interested to see how this develops! Plus the thought of Ben talking to his dick is quite amusing. What are they feeding this kid hahaha