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 Adventures of a Slime

Chapter 2 How the World Works

‘A Chaos Maker? Does that mean you are a bad guy?’ Little Slime couldn’t see, he felt like there was nothing around him, but he was standing still, so he wasn’t falling. It was like he was floating in a big black empty.  

“Certainly not, it’s a common misconception, just like slimes are weak.”  

‘My..friends...they were all taken out, I could do nothing to stop them,’ he felt sadness, and loss. ‘It’s weird we never spoke, but I considered them my comrades.’

“Not all of them,” two huge vats suddenly appeared, each one was filled with pure liquid magic. His slime friends were resting inside.  

‘Ohh!’ he felt the sudden shift.  

“Now, I’m sure you have questions, let us have a chat.” more things appeared, a chair, a table, a tea set, with cookies.  

‘Yes, I do, I don’t know where to start...umm where are we?’

“This is the void, also referred to the space between spaces, most things can’t exist here, but we chaos makers call it home.”  

‘Ahh...’ it was hard to wrap his head around, but he had more pressing questions. The chaos maker poured some tea. ‘You said slimes weren’t weak, what did you mean by that?’  

“Ah yes, the secret about slimes, you see there are monsters born fighting, most slimes could be called late bloomers, even though they have a slower start, slimes are such wonderful creatures.” Little Slime felt his body heat up in a blush. “I’m sure you noticed how plants seemed to grow quickly?” he nodded. “You see, there is magic in the air, the earth, the sea, all around us, you felt it yes?”

‘I did, I guess that’s how I was able to feel things?’  

“Bingo!” random prize bells started to ring. “Here have a cookie.”  

He ate the offered snack. “Yummy!” it tasted so good...wait taste. “I can taste...I...I can talk!” the chaos maker chuckled.  

“Now then, you see slimes take in the magic around them, be it from the earth, the air, or in living things. Since they have a low level power from the start they can become exhausted rather easily poor things.” the chaos maker drank some tea. “To call slimes weak is to call a baby weak, it’s not really fair to make such a judgment until they are grown.”

“So am I really that different from other slimes?”  

“Yes!” he was suddenly scooped up and hugged. “You my precious little slime are a unique, a wonderful miracle!” he gets set back down. “You were born smaller than the other slimes, but your intelligence was much higher, and your power was higher so it took longer for you to tire out.”  

“So, if given time the other slimes were gonna be like me?”  

“No no no, my sweet Little Slime, no one is like you, even if there is another unique slime out there in the world he or she wouldn’t be the same as you.”  

“Then how do normal slimes get stronger?”  

“Excellent question!” the Chaos Maker clapped his hands. “You see since there is magic in the air, the earth, well everywhere, slimes slowly absorb it into their bodies and overtime the magic builds up and up until it forms a sphere, this is called a magical core. Once a slime gets their magical core they are able to take on their true self.” he drinks some tea. “It’s how you were able to learn so quickly, the knowledge of the world is sprinkled through the magic, so as you absorbed the more you learned.”   

“Ohh, so when I absorb enough magic I’ll get a sphere of my own and evolve to?”  

“Bingo!” the Chaos Maker cheered, more alarms of praise came.  

“Ohhhhhh, I can’t wait to get one, how long does it take?” he was bubbling with excitement, bouncing up and down in his chair.  

“Ah, I’m afraid for you it will take quite some time.”  

“Huh?” a little slime question mark appeared above him.  

“You see, being a unique you were born with a higher magical power than other slimes, so you need to absorb equal magical power to form your own orb.” he pours more tea. “Sadly most slimes are killed before they can even get their orb, so they are judged as weak before even getting a chance to see what they are made of.”

“Ohh,” he shriveled down. ‘I was hoping the power boost would help me protect my comrades.’ he thought, forgetting the Chaos Maker could hear him.  

“Now little one, this is why I brought you here.”  

“Huh?” he tilted his head cutely.

“You see, life is full of choices, every choice causing something to happen, and you my Little Slime, made a beautiful wonderful choice.”  

“I did?” he couldn’t recall doing anything special or exciting.  

“Yes, you did, you stayed!” the chaos maker burst into a fit of giggles. “A unique slime instead of going out to gain more power you stayed to look after all the other slimes around you. If you had abandoned your little friends you’d have found many different objects and creatures to absorb and you’d have built up many more skills, and accelerated your magic orb making process. However, you sweet little thing, you chose to stay.”  

“That doesn’t seem like much,” he says.  

“Every action no matter how small has an effect on the world,  no matter if people realize it or not, even the action of taking no action has an effect, the people you don’t meet, the things you don’t do, rippling out to the beyond!” he sounded almost in ecstasy.  

“Are you alright?”  

“Oh yes, excuse me!” there was shifting. “I got a bit excited, you see life is chaos, every action and reaction exists because of life! Its why it saddens me to see life cut down before its time, your story was not to end there Little Slime.”  

“What about the others, why didn’t you save them to?” he didn’t know why he was angry, this being saved him and two of his friends, he was very grateful. The chaos maker set the cup he was drinking down. Little Slime flinched. “Death is sad for us chaos makers, but every story must end cause while one story ends a death to causes things to happen. Your friends their loss, it is sad, and I feel your sorrow.” Little Slime could feel it, a wave of sorrow, so deep almost never ending.  

It was like he could feel the pain of every slime that had died ever. “I’m sorry...” he says.  

“It’s okay, for you see their death might have been the end of their story, but it’s not the end.” touching the tea cup, he stirred the strange mixture. “The slimes who died, returned to the universe, the magic they absorbed returned, and the cycle begins again. In a few months maybe a few years, new slimes will be born on that very spot, thanks to the sacrifice they made today.”  

Little Slime could see it, his comrades were gone today, but not gone forever, their magic scattered to the ether and over time the magic would gather and form and a new slime would be born.  

“Then why save me, why save them?” he couldn’t help but be curious. This was a lot to take in but he was absorbing it well.   

“Because you stayed, you made a choice to stand by your comrades, your voice reached them, those two could sense they could not win, heard you and tried to retreat. You challenged fighters beyond your skills to try and protect your comrades. You could have escaped and easily survived on your own, but again you stayed.” he finished his tea. “You changed not only your fate, but the fates of these two, and I very much would like to see how your story goes.”  

“Thank you,” he bows, and again the Chaos Maker laughs.  

“I think this is the first time I’ve been thanked for my actions. We chaos makers enjoy life because life is chaos. So every now and then we may take action in the world, from the tiniest to the biggest, saving you was a tiny show of my power.” Little Slime was confused. “All I did was teleport you and your friends to my world, and stun some humans for a tiny bit.”

An orb suddenly appeared and rolled across the table towards Little Slime. “This is one of my chaos orbs, I want you to absorb it.”  

“Ehh!” he gasped.  

“I brought you into my home, I can’t let you leave without a gift. Since this is a gift, you must never give it away to anyone.”  

“Whoa!” he could sense the great power emanating from the orb. “If I absorb this, does that mean I won’t get an orb of my own?”  

“Fufufu,” he chuckled. “Not at all, you’ll make one of your own and evolve possibly even further then them.”  

The vats glowed. “You gave gifts to them to?”  

“Of course, I’m nothing if not a good host, I placed them in vats with raw liquefied magic, so they’ll be getting their magical orbs soon.”  

“Ooohhhh!” he bounced excitedly.  

“When you return to the world, I hope you will remember our chat, and understand a bit more about it.”  

“Will I ever see you again?” He was met with an empty silence. He wondered if he asked a bad question.  

“Perhaps, I shouldn’t interfere anymore with your life, but perhaps one day you can have me for tea.”  

“It’s a promise.” He swallows the orb, and it pulses. “Ohhh!”  

Power filled the little slimes body, so much he could barely contain himself. The slime twisted and curled, swirling like a river, with the force of a waterfall. He’d have been bouncing off the walls had their been walls to begin with. Things began to change.  

His once cute little slime body began to grow and take shape, the orb acting like a heart, each pulse a heart beat. Power flowed through him allowing him to take new form. He manifested arms and legs made of slime, then hands and feet.  

He gained a neck and a head, and a face, smooth handsome features, and he gained a tentacle for hair, it was a darker blue than the rest of him, the tentacle curved back. He had sapphire sclera eyes.  

Before he could gaze at his companion, the force of the transformation caused him to pass out. “Well now, this was a lovely visit, but it’s time for you to go home.” he looked at the vats to see the slimes develop a magical core of their own. “Look after each other.” With a snap of his fingers he teleported the three back to their world, but in a safe place.  

To be continued



I really enjoy this series :)