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Adventures of a Slime

Monsters are often hunted by humans, the weak to the strong, with very few safe places for monsters to grow. Slimes often seen as lowly and weak, are often hunted by new adventurers. One slime manages to escape a mass wipe out of his kind, and meets a powerful being giving him a chance to change his fate.  

Chapter 1 Survival of the Fittest

In this world of monsters and magic, it is seen as the survival of the fittest, the weak submit to the strong or the strong devour the weak. Those with talent and those who work hard to improve can reach knew heights, and are rewarded for their efforts and skills.  

Many humans become adventurers, testing their skills while trying to earn money. One of the most monsters hunted are the Slimes. Whenever a pack of slimes pops up, young adventurers go out to test their skills and more often than not wipe them out.  

Slimes were considered the weakest of the weak, even other monsters do not see them as any form of threat. Of all the possible monsters seeking to conquer the world, no one believed it possible, for a slime to accomplish it. It was laughable...A Slime...conquering the world? Impossible!


A small blue slime woke up. ‘Huh?’ he was smaller than the other slimes. ‘Hello?’ he slithered around. Feeling the soil beneath him and the grass. ‘Dirt? Grass?’ he seemed to know what things were by touching them. He didn’t have eyes, a mouth, or ears, but he seemed to be able to sense the world around him. He could feel the breeze, feel the sun’s rays. ‘Sun? Light? Breeze? Wind?’ He was learning so much.  

When monsters were born, they were given something known as knowledge of the world. A basic knowledge passed on through one’s genes, from one generation to the next. Slimes usually did not get such knowledge as they didn’t reproduce in normal ways. For a slime to be born with any form of thought or knowledge was truly rare and unique.  

He slithered around looking for someone to talk to. ‘Am I alone?’ his knowledge was growing, as was the realization he was alone, so he searched for someone to talk to. He didn’t know how he was learning these things, he was learning words and the names of things. ‘What’s my name?’ he thinks.  

A question that would be answered later as he bumped into something, something jiggly. ‘Huh?’ if he had eyes he would have blinked. He felt like something was there but he couldn’t see. ‘A slime?’  

‘Hello friend, I’m a slime to, do you have a name?’ the other slime didn’t respond, it just continued to slither around. ‘Ehh, can he not hear me, am I talking?’  

Telepathy Level 1: Monsters are often born with some form of telepathy, able to communicate with their own kind without words.  

A voice spoke to him. ‘So I have telepathy?’ he continued to move, bumping into more slimes, he was surprisingly smaller than other slimes, and his coloring was lighter. ‘Why won’t they talk to me?’

Slimes: A low level monster, often ruled by instinct, a creature that relies on it’s sense of touch. It’s body is able to touch and feel the world around it. Capable of devouring and absorbing objects items and other creatures for food.  

The voice spoke to him again. ‘Hmm,’ he tried to eat some grass, and absorbed it, the plant dissolving into his body. He couldn’t taste, but it was something to do so he continued. The other slimes were eating, but more slowly, while they moved slowly he moved around much faster.  

Self Regeneration Level 1: Upon taking damage, able to self heal wounds. 10%

Regeneration Level 1: Upon touching or eating a living creature, using this skill you can slowly heal their wounds. 10%

Cure Level 1: Can heal minor wounds. 10%

The plant he was eating was known and used as an herb. Eating the plant alone could help cure minor wounds, but could be used to make stronger healing potions.  

He found a patch of purple and yellow flowers, he ate those to, his body breaking them down. The purple flower, was a common plant used for making Antidotes, just eating the flower petals is said to help fight poisonings. The yellow flower was another common plant used to make all sorts of things including poisons, one whiff could cause someone to be stunned.

Breaking down the flowers he awakened new skills.  

Poison Resistance Level 1: Resistant to low level poisons.  

Poison Nullification Level 1: Can nullify low level poison skills and magic.

Stun Resistance Level 1: Resistant to the stun effect  

Stun Nullification Level 1: Can nullify low level spells and skills that cause stun.

The skills he learned before, synchronized with the ones he learned from the flowers.  

Poison Cure Level 1: Can cure low level poison effect.

Stun Cure Level 1: Can cure low level stun effect.  

He continued eating, having nothing else to do. ‘Hey there, how you doing?’ he tried to talk to the other slimes in the area but they didn’t respond. ‘Hi!’ he passed by one slime after another but none of them ever responded. ‘Good morning!’  

It wasn’t like they were mean to him or attacked him or anything, it was just lonely. There was plenty of food, the grass appeared again every 5 hours and the flowers grew back every 10 hours. He didn’t know why, but he kept eating none the less.  

His skills boosted to level 2.

Self Regeneration Level 2: Upon taking damage, able to self heal wounds. 25%

Regeneration Level 2: Upon touching or eating a living creature, using this skill you can slowly heal their wounds. 25%

Cure Level 2: Can heal minor wounds. 25%

Poison Resistance Level 2: Resistant to low level poisons.  

Poison Nullification Level 2: Can nullify low level poison skills and magic.

Stun Resistance Level 2: Resistant to the stun effect  

Stun Nullification Level 2: Can nullify low level spells and skills that cause stun.

Poison Cure Level 2: Can cure low level poison effect.

Stun Cure Level 2: Can cure low level stun effect.

The little slime didn’t know why he was learning these skills. He looked at his fellow slimes and wondered if they were learning these skills to. More often than not it seemed the slimes ate a little then entered a mini hibernation period, then came to, and ate some more.  

He felt the suns rays vanish, and came to understand the phenomenon of day and night. ‘Tomorrow is another day, maybe they’ll talk to me then.’ he didn’t feel all too tired, but since the other slimes slept, he decided to try.  

Settling himself near a rock, he fell asleep.  


He didn’t sleep long, he didn’t know if this was a normal sleep for a slime but something special did occur, he dreamed. It was a rainbow of colors, through the colors he was able to almost see the world around him. What really got him was the twinkling of stars.  

Greeted by dawn’s early light, he got to work on eating the grass and flowers. He took breaks to try and talk to the slimes but never got any response. He could have left the group but even though the slimes didn’t talk to him, he stayed.  

By the end of his second day of life, he managed to get his skills to level 3. ‘I sure do have to eat a lot to boost these skills, are the others gonna be okay?’ he thinks, the other slimes weren’t moving too fast.  

Self Regeneration Level 3: Upon taking damage, able to self heal wounds. 50%

Regeneration Level 3: Upon touching or eating a living creature, using this skill you can slowly heal their wounds.  50%

Cure Level 3: Can heal wounds. 50%

Poison Resistance Level 3: Resistant to mid level poisons.  

Poison Nullification Level 3: Can nullify mid level poison skills and magic.

Stun Resistance Level 3: Resistant to the stun effect  

Stun Nullification Level 3: Can nullify mid level spells and skills that cause stun.

Poison Cure Level 3: Can cure mid level poison effect, and 10% health

Stun Cure Level 3: Can cure mid level stun effect, and 10% health

The days passed and the more the little slime wondered what he should do. Should he stay here with his fellow slimes or explore further, finding new things to eat and gain more skills. In all honesty he just wanted someone to talk to.  

Something did come for the group but not anything friendly. A Wicked Crow spotted the group of slimes and attacked it. ‘Hey stop!’ the little slime cried out as the Wicked Crow attacked one of his fellow slimes. ‘What is that thing?’  

Wicked Crow: Once an ordinary bird, the Wicked Crow has been tainted by dark magic. They like to eat magic items and charms, and attack smaller monsters to gain more power.  

A voice told him. The Wicked Crow injured one of his fellow slimes, but before it could eat him, the other slimes attacked. They launched themselves at the nearby enemy, forcing the Wicked Crow away.  

Little Slime, approached the weakened one, and it seemed like it was the end for him, it hadn’t devoured enough herbs to learn regeneration. ‘I know why I have these skills!’ he touched the slime and focused. ‘Cure!’ his body glowed and the light transferred to the injured slime and he recovered.  

There was no words, but the healed slime did nudge him a little. Little Slime was touched, filled with a new emotion called Joy. It was such a small gesture, but it meant so much to him.  

His fellow slimes were creatures of instinct, when an enemy entered their territory, they had attacked to defend each other. He hoped they would be able to evolve somehow like he had, though he didn’t know if that was possible. He did know one thing, he needed to know how to fight so he could protect his fellow slimes.  

The battle instinct triggered an awakening of skills. Since he wasn’t as instinctual as the others, he had to acknowledge his desire to fight in order to tap into the possibilities. The unique pollen and nectar of the stun flowers could be used offensively.   

Monster Skill – Stun Touch Level 1: A physical attack that can leave an enemy stunned. 10%

Monster Skill – Stun Breath Level 1: Releasing a burst of poison that can leave an enemy stunned. 25%

Stun Touch Level 2:  A physical attack that can leave an enemy stunned. 25%  

Stun Breath Level 2: Releasing a burst of poison that can leave an enemy stunned. 50%

Stun Touch Level 3: A physical attack that can leave an enemy stunned. 50%

Stun Breath Level 3: Releasing a burst of poison that can leave an enemy stunned. 75%

With these skills he felt confident he could help protect his comrades. Little did he know their little band had been around enough to be noticed by the local town.  


While the slimes slept, a guild request for Slime Hunting was put up, and a small band of rookie adventurers, took the job. They headed out towards the location they had been spotted. “Can you believe we are getting paid for clearing out just a few slimes?” The adventurer carrying an axe said.  

“This is gonna be cake.” Said one carrying two swords.  

“Slimes are so weak I won’t even need to use my magic.” said the only female in the group, she wielded a long silver staff.  

“They will make a great set of punching bags.” said the brawler in the group.  

A bold party to adventure out without a healer, but they were just after slimes after all. Little Slime was eating some herbs, when he sensed someone approaching. ‘Hmm, who are they?’  

Humans: One of the many creatures that exist in the world. Humans are born certain skills and talents. Some humans can have a talent for harnessing one’s aura to master skills and weapons, while others have a talent for magic. It is possible for humans to harness both, but the secondary will never reach the level their natural born talent can.  

The voice explained. ‘People?’ he went back to his fellow slimes. ‘Hello there!’ he called out, but they didn’t respond. ‘Ehh?’  

Telepathy Level 1 Only allows you to communicate with those of your kind, only those with an open mind can hear your voice.  

‘What are they here for?’ he thinks.  

He’d soon get his answer, as the human with an axe approached one of his fellow slimes. The man smirked and raised his axe. The slime sensed danger and tried to attack, only to be cut down with one swing.  

The slime cried out as his life was extinguished. ‘No!’ Little slime cried out. The other slimes attacked, but they weren’t powerful enough. The girl struck down one with her staff, smashing him and extinguishing his life. The guy with the twin swords were cutting the slimes down left and right.  

Brawler focused on the attacking slimes, who jumped to make their attacks, he through a barrage of punches and smashed them apart. ‘Guys stop, run away they are too strong.’  

Even if it was possible, the boy with the twin swords was too fast, cutting down the most slimes. ‘Stop it!’ Little Slime shouted.  

The boy with the swords didn’t hear his voice, but did see him. “Hey look it’s a little one.”  

“Must be a runt.” said the one with the axe, he was with the brawler as his attacks were powerful but slow.  

“Runt or not, he’s a slime and a kills a kill!” he twirls his swords as he approached Little Slime. He shook in rage, his comrades were wiped out, it happened so fast he didn’t even have time to heal them. He could sense maybe two other slimes left.  

‘I have to stop them.’ He jumped up. ‘Stun Breath!’ he released a yellow breath. It hit the sword wielder and he froze in his tracks.  

“What the heck!?” the other three gasped. “How did a slime do that?”  

“Who cares, let’s finish him!” the brawler rushed forward. The guy with the axe grabbed their stunned friend. The girl with the staff readied her magic. “Triple Blow!” he launched three quick punches and struck the slime.  

He wasn’t destroyed like the others, only damaged, but thanks to his skills, his body regenerated. “Move back, there’s two more I’ll finish them all at once. Blaze All!” she readied the powerful fire magic, she was clearly not that powerful as she needed time to build up the power to launch the attack.

Blaze All Level 5 Fire Magic: A wide spread fire spell attacking all enemies, burning their bodies to ash. Chances of survival...1%  

Little Slime gasped. ‘What do I do, I can’t protect them, I can’t protect myself. If only I was stronger, if only...if only...if only this wasn’t the end.’

“Stun All!” A yellow light flashed, and the adventurers were stunned in an instant.  


“It’s alright, you are safe now.”  

‘Who’s there, where are you?’ Little Slime couldn’t feel another presence.  

“I’m here, but we need to talk in private. Teleportation!” In an instant, the three surviving slimes were teleported away.  

‘Whoa where am I?’ this place felt different than where he was before.  

“You are safe, as I said.”  

‘You can understand me? Are you a slime?’ the mystery person chuckled.  

“I have been called many things in my time, but never a slime. No, I’m just very open minded.”

‘So what are you?’ the figure smirked.  

“I’m a Chaos Maker!”  

On this day, a unique slime faced a wall of power he couldn’t match, but was saved by an even greater power, but for what purpose? What fate is in store for the little slime and the remainder of his friends?

To be continued      



Guessing you too have been reading "Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken"… Looking forward to your take upon the subject matter. ;)


So cute! And I love Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, so I'll definitely love this!


Very fascinating take, especially since I rarely read things regarding non?-human creatures. Definitely a wonderful start for sure, and very engaging. I suppose it's unique to view the world in a way that doesn't exactly have eyes. I believe we've talked somewhat about it, but I'm really curious to see how this might go! I suppose to me it felt a bit fast for how things leveled up for him, but there might be an ability in store for that. Although I am ready for some chaos~ great job!


I can actually answer this cause it's not major spoilers, in the Adventures of Series, skills are all about time and consumption, the more you use a skill like the more you use a sword the more sword skills you can learn, now with monsters they gain certain skills by eating be it plants, creatures, or other monsters, now the level of the monster or item they consume will effect how much they gain towards their skills. Like if a lamia killed and ate a really powerful monster that would unlock very powerful skills, but what Little Slime was doing was just eating, eating eating eating, stopping only to try and talk to his fellow slimes. Skill settings have a max level of 5 and upon a skill reaching level 5 it unlocks a super skill like regeneration level 5 will unlock high speed regeneration, and upon that reaching level 5 you unlock the ultimate skill and ultimate skills have no levels they are the ultimate high speed regeneration level 5 can unlock instant regeneration