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One Piece Parody: Short: 


Wanna Be Scary

Luffy visits an island celebrating Halloween. The scarier you are the more candy you get, but Luffy just isn’t scary. Katakuri does his best to help him.  


Luffy was bouncing all over the ship in excitement. “Yes yes yes, this place is celebrating Halloween!” Katakuri stared at his new captain with a raised brow. He knew about Halloween, it was celebrated in Totland as well. The whole crew seemed to be in a festive mood, decorating the ship, Franky was building a haunted house, with Zoro’s and Usopp’s help. Sanji was making special halloween candy. Chopper was dressing up as a vampire, he was partnered with Brook, who didn’t really need a costume. Nami was setting up to charge for their haunted house.  

Robin chuckled at the boy’s excitement. “Want me to help you with your costume?”

“Yes please,” he bounded below deck with Robin. Katakuri drew the straw to be partnered with Luffy.  

“Katakuri-san,” Nami came over to him. “Listen, your new but this is easy, just make sure Luffy gets lots of candy and gets back safe.”  

“Why wouldn’t he get candy?”  

“Well...” Luffy came bounding up on deck, he was wearing wolf ears, fake fangs, furry pants with a tail.  

“Rawr!” he growls. Both Nami and Katakuri blush.  

‘Too cute!’ they both think.  

Luffy rushed over to him. “Katakuri am I scary?”  

“Uhh...” Nami elbowed him in the side. “Yes very scary!” he grunted out.  

“Yay!” Luffy suddenly hugged him. “Let’s go, let’s go!” he and Chopper started chanting “Candy, Candy, Candy!”

The island was known as a dusk island as it was night much sooner and a lot longer than any other islands. So it was no wonder this place was Halloween Crazy. The houses and buildings were decked out to the nines.  

The costumes were insane as well, ranging from creative to holy hell terrifying. They took different routes, trying to hit every house and site on the island. Luffy handed Katakuri a basket, the huge man sweat dropped. He hadn’t participated in Halloween in a long time, but followed after Luffy.  

Luffy stood in line behind men and women of various ages dressed up and trick or treating. Katakuri being tall enough to see the candy givers were giving handfuls of candy, but when it was Luffy’s turn. “Rawr!” Luffy growled.  

“Aren’t you cute.” he was given only one piece of candy.

Now Katakuri realized, those who got the most candy had the scariest costumes. House after house, Luffy’s attempts to be scary didn’t pay off in the slightest, his basket barely had 15 pieces of candy. Luffy frowned looking at his empty bag. “Am I not scary?” he looked so upset.  

Katakuri was reminded of what Nami told him. “It’s still early, let’s hit the next house.”  

“Okay...” it pained him to see Luffy so down. He waited in line, and like before the scarier the costume the more candy received. It was Luffy’s turn. “Rawr!” he roared.  

“Oh my aren’t you...” Katakuri got in close behind Luffy, lowing his scarf and exposing his mouth. The candy giver froze in terror, as he stared at Katakuri’s row of pointy teeth. “Scary!” he screamed and he gave Luffy a whole bunch of candy, and quickly shut his door.  

The mochi man covered up, his mouth scared his own family, he’d have felt bad if he didn’t see how happy Luffy was. The rest of the night went as such, Luffy tried to be scary, coming off as adorable. Katakuri appearing behind him flashing his pointy whites and looking terrifying.  

The joy on Luffy’s face made up for all the screaming at the sight of his mouth. Luffy’s basket was filled to overflow. “What a haul!” he was grinning from ear to ear.

“You did great,” Luffy looked at him and noticed his bag was empty. He rushed over to him and grabbed his basket. “Luffy what?” the boy poured half of his candy into his basket.  

He then searched his basket and found a bag of mini doughnuts. “Happy Halloween Katakuri!” the mochi man blushed.  

“Happy Halloween Luffy.” Luffy took hold of his hand, and their fingers laced. It was Luffy’s best halloween ever, all thanks to Katakuri.  

