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Overlord Parody: Tier 1


Overlord of Men

Momonga was spending the last days of video game, admiring the world he and his friends designed. When the game ends he suddenly finds himself in a new world, with the NPC's being alive. The girls want him, the males want him, to bad for the girls Momonga is gay and despite being an undead he's such high level he's gained certain attributes. Much like his crystal core he has a secondary crystal that acts as his endowements, the orb shifts and can grow and extend. This special rod has a power effect on men. Demiurge believes Momon or Ainze wants to take over the world and build a harem of men, what overlord doesn't need a harem.

Chapter 1 Awakened Into A New World

Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

Or, for short, DMMORPG

It allowed one to immerse yourself in an imaginary world as if you were in it. One of these was known as Yggdrasil. Released in the year 2126, the game sported an expansive world map and an unusual high degree of player freedom. These features, among others, made it stand above all other DMMORPG of its time.  

It became wildly popular all over the world. Now, after 12 years of operation, it was about to see its end.  

In the final days of Yggdrasil hardcore players found themselves trying to crush and raid the areas said to be unstoppable. Giving one last hurrah as it were. So it was for a group of players who charged upon the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As they approached a horde of undead of varying level rose out of from the swamp and mud, while others marched out of the tomb to fight.  

The players made quick work of them, showing their skill and level. However as the master of the tomb stepped out, the players faced their death, a powerful high level undead. This undead was Momonga, he alone faced these players and bested them, leaving them groaning in agony in the ground.  

His undead soldiers would clean up the mess. He laughed as he claimed victory. “It was fun, in fact, it was a blast.” Momonga was his name, he was a level 100 Undead, and reigning leader of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. He loved this game since it first came out, he spent days and nights playing, and now the game was soon to end.  

He took time off work to spend the final day in Yggdrasil, he had hoped the others would have joined him to, his friends, his comrades. Now the Great Tomb felt so large and empty, and it weighed heavily on his heart.  

The only one he’s seen show up was Herohero an inhuman slime based creature. They greeted each other nicely enough. “It’s been awhile Momonga.”  

“Herohero, I’m glad you came, to be honest I almost thought you wouldn’t.” Many of the others had long since passed the torch to him to over see the tomb. Herohero himself had been gone for a couple years.  

“It’s really been that long, huh? Man been working so much my sense of time is all out of whack.”  

“That sucks, it can’t be healthy for you.” Momonga says.  

“Tell me about it, I feel like my avatar looks.” Coming from a purple slime monster that says a lot.  


“I’m sorry, I didn’t come here to complain.”  

“Please, don’t worry about it.” Momonga was very happy to see anyone really.  

“Well, I better go, I’m beyond exhausted.” His avatar appeared to be touching a floating screen.  

“Right. Rest up and feel better.” He sent him a smiley face emoji.  

“But, gotta say, I’m kinda shocked to see the Great Tomb of Nazarick still standing.” he looked around. His words were like an arrow to the heart of Momonga, he flinched. “You’ve done a great job maintaining the place. You really were the best guy for the job of Guild Leader.  

“Well, we created this place together. I couldn’t just let it go to dust.” he says.  

“Thanks for everything. I hope we meet again IRL.” Herohero says and sends a smiley face, before he signs out. He left Momonga alone.  

“It is the last day the servers will be online, why not stay. We could reminisce and wait until everything shuts down for good.” he sighs. “Oh well, I’m happy that he even came at all.”  

The line “I hope we meet again” felt so hollow to Momonga, who’s heard it more times than he’d like and never had such words and promises mattered. “This sucks!” he punches the table.  

“This was our home. We built it together, with virtual blood and sweat.” It hurt, it felt like everyone had turned their backs on it, on him. He mentally slaps himself. ‘Stop that, no one in the guild betrayed you.’ He got up and went over to a floating golden staff.  

“Our Guild’s Weapon: The Staff of Ains Ooal Gown.” he admired it, they had played recklessly to make it. They had even spent their paid time off just to have time to grind the materials. “But, among the original 41 members, 37 quit and then the three that were left...” he hung his head.  

He takes the staff, feeling it’s power. “Let’s go. You’re a testament of our guild.” he says and starts to walk. There wasn’t time to explore the whole tomb, but one last walk through to the throne room wouldn’t take too long.  

As he walked he thought about the guild they had made, and the requirements for joining. The guild Ains Ooal Gown, had two requirements for joining. The player’s avatar had to be inhuman and the player themselves had to be a functioning member of society.  

They put their livelihoods on the line to play! Some members had managed to make their dreams come true. ‘In the end, I can’t blame them for choosing real life.’ On his way to the throne room he ran across the Combat Maids of the Pleiades. Their leader was Sebas Tian, though he also had man servants under his command.  

The combat maids were meant to be the last line of defense for the throne room, but no one ever made it that far.   

At his presence they bowed to him. He decided to move them around one final time, and had them follow him to the throne room. Waiting in the Throne Room was Albedo, she was the highest ranking NPC in the Tomb of Nazarick, she supervises all the other guardians.

Momonga sits on the throne, and the NPC’s bow to him. He sighs again. He goes over Albedo’s and some of the other guardian’s stats and settings, only to gasp when he got to the end of Albedo’s. ‘She’s deeply in love with Momonga?’ he face palmed. Tabula the settings maniac was the one who made her, and they always seemed to believe he needed a girlfriend.  

He didn’t have the heart to tell his friend he was actually gay, and preferred men. He couldn’t fault him, as he was just trying to help his bro out, but still. He closed the menu, and sat back gazing upon the flags of the 41 members.  

The clock was ticking down, soon the servers would shut down and all of this would be gone. He looked at his flag, and the flags of his friends.  

“Touch Me.” “Shijuuten Suzaku.” “Ankoro Mocchi Mocchi.” “Herohero.” “Peroroncino.” “Bukubuku Chagama.” “Tabula Smaragdina.” “Warrior Takemikazuchi.” “Variable Talisman.” “Genjiro.”  

“Well it was fun, in fact...it was a blast.” the clock was running out a few minutes remaining, the last seconds ticked closer and closer to the end.  

The clock struck 0 but the world did not fade away. Momonga gasped. “Did the developers push back the server shut down?” he tried to summon his console but nothing happened. Other game functions like chat or contact a GM were also not responding. “What’s going on?” he stood up from the throne.  

“Is something the matter Lord Momonga?” the undead twitched.  

“Hm?” he looked and saw that Albedo was moving, having an expression different from the one in the game. She tilted her head to the side, expressing concern.  

“Lord Momonga?” she proceeded to speak, questioning him, and asking if he was alright. This kinda freaked Momonga out, not the concern, but the fact an NPC was talking! She approached him. “If there is a problem please let me help.”  

He tried to explain his issue, but Albedo had no idea what a GM call function was. Albedo scolded herself, but Momonga was still trying to wrap his head around this. ‘No way, is this a bug? A programming error?’ The way she moved and talked was more advanced than any other game he’d seen.  

The staff was still functioning as it should despite him not having his console anymore. It was like he had become his avatar! “Sebas!”  

“Lord.” he stands up and comes forward. He was a bit conflicted about giving orders, but he had no other choice. He didn’t have his console, he couldn’t contact the admins, he had no idea what to do.   

“Sebas, step outside the Great Tomb and confirm the surroundings of Nazarick.”  

Sebas gave a bow. “By your command, my lord. I’ll return.”  

He followed up the order by sending the Pleiades to the ninth floor. “As you wish lord, it will be done.” they bow and head out.  

‘They are responding to commands not native to the game what has happened.’ he was running through his options.

“So, Lord Momonga,” Albedo had a light giggle in her voice. “Do you have any orders for me to obey?” the way she said it and the way she eyed him up and down made the undead shiver.  

He needed to run some tests. “Uh yes, I need to take care of some things,” she got in close, looking rather excited.  

“This is it isn’t it, are you gonna take me right here?” Momonga’s jaw dropped. ‘Huh!?’ she seemed to get more excited. “What should I do about my clothes, should I remove them, or would you like the honor of taking them off me yourself.”  

“Albedo, calm yourself, now is not the time for this.”  

“Yes Lord, of course.” just being in his presence seemed to excite her. Momonga sweat dropped.   

“I do have a job for you, besides the guardians on the Fourth and Eighth Floors, I want everyone to meet at the Sixth Floor fighting Arena. Have them gather there in an hour, however I need to speak with Demiurge quickly.”  

“As you command it lord.” she bows and shivers. Having Momonga command her gave her the greatest of joys. She was practically skipping out of the throne room.  

‘Tabula good lord, I know you thought I needed a girlfriend but jeez. Of course he made her a succubus!’ What was he gonna do. He shook his head. ‘First things first, we need to establish what’s happening here, the NPC’s are talking and following commands not normal in Yggdrasil, but there are other ways of testing to see if I’m not in some other game.’  

In Yggdrasil you had complete control over designing a character, age, sex, body type, armor and clothing. You could have a character decked out in armor, or be as naked as a newborn infant but some things were clear, the game did not allow showings of genitalia it wasn’t a hentai game. Also all characters regardless of gender did not have nipples, it was a small detail but the game makers had bigger things to work on than making sure to animate nipples on every character in varying shapes sizes colors and placements.  

Demiurge entered the throne room. The demon had dark skin, black hair, and wore round glasses. He wears a British suit and tie, and is dressed like a gentleman. He has a long silver tail covered in metal plates with six long spikes at the end. He is the guardian of the Seventh Floor, and the commander of the NPC defenses.  

“Hello Lord Momonga, it is an honor you summoned me to the throne room.”  

‘He’s talking as well.’ Momonga thinks. “Yes, I was hoping to run a few tests would you be willing to help me with that?” Demiurge nods. “Good, strip for me.”  

There was a pause, and for a moment Momonga thought he had just fucked himself. “As you command my lord!” Demiurge said excitedly. Demiurge began to strip without an ounce of hesitation. Momonga’s jaw dropped as the sexy demon stripped for him, doing it in a way that seemed he’d practiced this.  

A few things Momonga noticed, one Demiurge was hot as hell, Ulbert Alain Odle did an amazing job designing him. Besides that, the first thing he noticed was that Demiurge had nipples!  

As the Arch-Devil’s strip tease came to an end Momonga got the first look at Demiurge’s crotch. ‘He’s got a cock!’ A beautiful 9 inch dick with a matching set of big balls. His crotch was neatly trimmed and his balls were smooth. Being an inhuman he didn’t have a navel which was no big shock.  

“Does this please you My Lord?” he didn’t cover up, he didn’t hide, he let his natural wonders hang out on full display.  

‘Very much so!’ Momonga thought, and realized his current form. ‘Great guess that’s one sword I won’t be wielding anymore.’ So he thought, but as he continued to eye Demiurge he felt a strange warmth in his pelvic area.  

“Yes Demiurge, you are quite wonderful, a splendid performance on top of it all.” Demiurge smiled and bowed.  

“If I’m told to strip for the Supreme Beings, I best be able to put on a good show.” he says.  

“Quite, come here.” The look of joy and excitement on the demon’s face was adorable as he rushes over to the throne. Being naked his natural manly musk was able to flow freely and Momonga got a whiff.  

‘Whoa he smells good...wait smell!’ Such a thing could not be programmed into a game. He felt another strange stirring in his loins.  

“Demiurge may I touch you?”  

“Of course sir, anywhere you wish.” he says. Momonga starts by touching Demiurge, and feels his pulse. The boney hands feels up Demiurge’s body. ‘I can feel his muscles, and he’s so warm.’  

Demiurge shivered in delight, Momonga’s touch was absolutely divine for him. He couldn’t help but get excited, his nipples peeked, and his cock swelled in delight. Momonga’s hand slid along his sides and cupped his plump butt cheek.  

He gave his ass a squeeze. “Ahhh!” Demiurge moaned, shivering in delight. His other hand went to his chest, and carefully pinched his perky nipple. “Ahh yes my lord!” Demiurge started to leak pre, his body getting hotter, his tail thrashing in delight.  

Momonga continued to tease and grope him as he pondered, Demiurge basking in his glorious touch. ‘He’s got nipples, he’s got a penis, this could be a hentai game, but I can even touch him. Touch and smell were two things no DMMORPG have ever been able to program.’  

“My lord, I’m close!” Demiurge pants, pulling Momonga from his thoughts.  

“Yes, of course,” he maneuvered Demiurge so easily and placed the demon fully in his lap, his back resting against the boney chest. The demon shivered, legs spreading suggestively. Momonga reached down and took hold of Demiurge’s weeping member.  

His touch was electrifying, hot and cold at the same time. His dick pulsed in his hand, so Momonga gave his cock a squeeze. “Ahhh my lord!” Demiurge’s balls lurched as he came, his toes curling as his cum erupts all over himself. His face, neck, chest, abs, were drenched in his thick demon cum, the rest spilling out and over his boney hand.  

“Such a mess, you were pent up quite a bit weren’t you?” he feels the thick semen between his fingers.  

“Y-y-yes my lord.” he shivers a blush spreading.  

“Can’t have that, I think we need to do this again, another time of course.”  

“Thank you lord, I am not worthy.”  

“Oh but you are.” Momonga’s words take Demiurge to an even higher plane of pleasure. He can’t help himself, he starts licking his cum off Momonga’s fingers, sucking on the boney hand and cleaning it of his milk.  

Momonga is stunned, both at Demiurge and at himself. If that wasn’t enough of a shock the heat in his loins could no longer be contained. Similar to his core orb, a second orb was in his pelvis, the orb shifted and formed a large phallus poking Demiurge’s ass.   

‘I have a dick!!!!’ This was too much, it was clear now he wasn’t in a game anymore.  

To be continued     



Never expected an Overlord parody, what a pleasant surprise! Is this under someone's commission, or is it up for grabs?

Damion Andrew

I definitely want to see another chapter. Imagine Cocytus or Gargantua or Sebas... Aw man, I can't help but imagine!!! XD