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Yugioh Parody Tier 1

 Heart of the Sea

Chap 2 Ship Rides

The duelists were gathered, everyone was sucked into Pegasus’ offer. Not only just the title of the King of Games, cash prizes, and even rare cards. Elite duelists gathered for the title, some gathered for the money, others gathered for the chance to test their skills. Pegasus had sent out three cards, one was a card full of treasure on it, another appeared to be of the island, the other card appeared to be blank. The top three in the tournament got to exchange one of these cards for the prize.

Joey and Yugi gathered at the docks. Joey was still a little nervous, Yugi would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous too. He knew Pegasus didn’t really care about their Game Shop, but what was he really after.

They had spent the last month training, Joey learned several tricks from both Yugi and his Grandpa. He entered a local tournament to get money to get new cards. He came in sixth place, which was far enough to get some deck building funds. It was a needed cost, to enter a big tournament like this.

Tristan showed up to see his friends off. “I hope you guys win the whole thing,” he says. “Do your best Joey!”

“We will!” Joey and Yugi give him a thumbs up.

“Take this with you, for luck!” Tristan gives Joey his Lava Battleguard.

“This card will be great for my deck, thanks man!” Joey says.

Tristan puts his arm around him and pulls him in for a mini huddle. “You finally gonna make a move on Yugi or what?” he nudges him.

“What?!” Joey gasped. “Dude!” he looked and saw Yugi waiting for him.

“Come on, it’s just gonna be you and Yugi on a boat for a few days, then you are gonna be on an island together.” Tristan wiggles his brow. Joey blushed, feeling his heart race a little.

“What are you talking about? We are here for a tournament!” Joey hissed.

“Yes, and the tournament is a big deal, but this is the perfect opportunity. Picture it, you and Yugi sharing a bunk together,” he says, and makes a perverted hand gesture. “You’ve been in love with him forever. This trip can be your chance to make a move!”

“Yeah but...” he’s had these feelings for a while. He wanted Yugi more than anyone before, the boy’s smile made his heart flutter when he was around he always felt better lighter. In his lowest points, he found comfort in Yugi and just being hugged by him made him feel better. The boy excited him, he just didn’t want to lose the friendship they had. He also wasn’t worried about Yugi finding someone else to love, he wanted Yugi to be happy no matter what, even if it wasn’t with him.

“Dude, I know you are scared, but it’s Yugi, trust him and trust your feelings man.” he patted him on the back. “Come back with the money for Serenity and a boyfriend!” Joey blushed and walked back over to Yugi.

“Let’s get going Joey.”

“Right Yuge,” he says and follows the boy as they got in line to board. There was Weevil Underwood the latest tournament champion a bug duelist. The runner-up of that tournament Rex Raptor who is a dino duelist. There was also a tall busty woman, named Mai Valentine, a harpy duelist. Another champion was Mako Tsunami, he used a water deck. A lot of participants were talking about the elites, but one in particular everyone was talking about the legendary duelist Rafael. He was said to be on the same level of skill as Seto Kaiba.

These were some of the elites Pegasus personally invited and hooked up with fancy rooms. A tall blonde was seen with two young kids. His little brother Julian and his little sister Sonia. “Let’s go,” they followed him as he got on the ship. “It’s him, that’s Rafael!” everyone was going nuts about him, and at first glance, the man seemed cold.

Yugi, however, felt a strange tremor from Rafael’s heart. “Hmm,” Yugi stared. ‘His heart seems to be so heavy.’

“What’s wrong Yuge?”

“Nothing, let’s get going Joey.” They board the ship. The elite duelists were given 5 star, private, rooms, and 5 star service enjoying delicious food. A lot of other duelists were sharing two to a room. Before hitting their room Yugi and Joey decided to explore the ship. There was a simple dining hall with buffet-style serving. Then there was the trading hall, where duelists were gathering to trade their cards in the hopes of powering up their decks before the tournament.

“Oh man!” Joey says excitedly and began going around trying to get some new cards. Yugi chuckled. It took him a moment but he did notice people were staring at him, whispering and muttering to each other.

“They say Seto Kaiba lost to the guy.”

“Him really no way!”

“It’s true supposedly he has some really powerful cards.”

“He looks weak to me.” Yugi sweatdropped. ‘I can hear you...’ he thinks.

“Ignore the rabble Yugi.” the green haired boy Weevil came up to him. “Rumors of your defeat of Seto Kaiba are spreading like wildfire you know,” he says. ‘Of course, I’m the one spreading the rumors hehe!’

“Well it’s not a rumor, I really did defeat him in a duel.”

“Of course you did.” Weevil’s plan was to make Yugi a target for other duelists. “I know talent when I see it, and you sure have talent. People always underestimate those that appear weak.”

“Uh, thanks?” Weevil smiled.

“Of course, of course, we have a lot in common you and I.” Yugi sweatdropped.

‘I really don’t think so.’

“To have you down here with the riff-raff is an insult. Why don’t you come to my room? We can have a drink and share elite tactics.” It was a lie, of course, Weevil just wanted to get close to Yugi’s cards so he could steal the legendary beast that defeated Kaiba.

“Oh man Yugi, look at the cards I just got!” Joey came running over.

Weevil flinched. “Get back you oaf!”

“This is my friend Joey,” Yugi says, shooting Weevil a glare. “What cards did you get?”

Joey showed off his new trap cards, and he gained some new monsters as well. Mountain Battleguard, Meadow Battleguard, and Forest Battleguard.

Mountain Battleguard 4 Stars Warrior/Effect: This card gains 300 ATK for each Battleguard monster you control. This card can attack twice each turn. ATK 1200 DEF 1700

Forrest Battleguard 4 Stars Warrior/Effect: This card gains 300 ATK for each Battleguard monster you control. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent you can special summon 1 level 4 or lower warrior monster from your deck. ATK 1300 DEF 1600

Meadow Battleguard 4 Stars Warrior/Effect: This card gains 300 ATK for each Battleguard monster you control. Once per turn, you can treat this card’s normal summon as a special summon. ATK 1250 DEF 1500

“These are great Joey, your deck is really coming along.” Yugi praises. He goes towards his deck box, where Yugi keeps all of his excess cards. “You should take this to.”

Ocean Battleguard 5 Stars Warrior/Effect: This card gains 500 ATK for each Battleguard monster you control. If this card attacks, you can choose to attack all monsters your opponent controls. ATK 1700 DEF 2000

This card could be seen as the brother to Swamp and Lava Battleguard.

Swamp Battleguard 5 Stars Warrior/Effect: This card gains 500 ATK for each Battleguard monster you control. If this card attacks, you can destroy one spell or trap card your opponent controls. ATK 1800 DEF 1500

Lava Battleguard 5 Stars Warrior/Effect: This card gains 500 ATK for each Battleguard monster you control. While this card is in your hand if your opponent destroys a monster you control you can special summon this card in defense mode. ATK 1550 DEF 1800

Joey had a thing for warriors, he liked their strength. They really suited him in Yugi’s opinion. “Thanks Yuge, you are the best!” he hugged the boy.

“Heh, if you are trying to build your deck up at this rate you are not ready for this level of dueling.” he gives a shrug, and laughs. “How did a nobody like you even get an invite into this tournament?”

“Hey I happen to have been in the same tournament you were in Weevil, and I finished in the top six,” Joey says.

“Sorry, I don’t bother to remember trash.” Joey was about to slug the creep, but Yugi put his hand on his arm.

“Yuge?” the boy shook his head. The look in his eye said enough, that he wasn’t worth it.

“Let’s go, Joey,” he says. “Our room is on the lower deck.”

“Yugi, if you ditch the dumb oaf you can stay in my fancy 5 star room, it’s much more suited to elites like us than trash like him.” Yugi had enough. He approached Weevil in an instant and promptly slapped him, knocking the green-haired male on his ass. “You struck me how dare you!”

Joey had a different reaction upon seeing Yugi strike Weevil. ‘I fucking love you!’ he thinks.

“You insulted my friend Weevil, and even before that I’ve felt your motive were far from pure.”

“You little brat!” Weevil cursed. “You best watch yourself, trash’s stink tends to rub off on others if you wanna surround yourself with it, you’ll end up rotting to.”

“It’s your attitude that’s rotten.” Yugi’s treasure glows slightly, the water answered his emotional call.

Suddenly a small wave hits and dowses Weevil and soaked him completely. “Achoo!” Weevil ran off.

“Go crawl back under the rock you came out of.” Joey snapped and flipped him off. Yugi chuckled. He had read Weevil’s heart, it was a shallow heart, he didn’t see anyone as his equal, just a means to an end. He wanted to keep people underfoot, not the kind for friends he wanted lackeys. His only interest in him was because was a hot topic right now, beating Kaiba.

“Sigh, how long is this boat ride?” Yugi didn’t know if staying around Weevil was a good idea.

“Let’s see,” Joey pulls out the invite. “Says about 3 days.”

Yugi groans. “Let’s just relax in our room, for the next three days.”

‘Our room, three days, alone, with Yugi!’ his heart skipped a beat, and his blood rushed south. They took their stuff down below and found their room, it was small and had only one bed.

“Looks like we’ll have to share.” they set their stuff down, and Yugi starts to strip.

Joey locks the door, not taking any chances with a creep like Weevil around. When he turns he gasps as Yugi was down to his underwear. “Yuge!” he gasped, if he wasn’t hard before, he’s painfully hard now! “What are you doing?”

“I was getting ready for bed, I started sleeping naked a couple years ago.” he blushed. “Though I guess that wouldn’t be appropriate, huh?”

“No it’s cool, I like to sleep in the buff too. Just another thing we have in common.” he chuckled, wasn’t a lie either, he often slept either bare ass or in his underwear. “Just caught me by surprise is all.” He starts to strip off his clothes, Yugi smiles and apologizes and removes his own boxers. Joey couldn’t believe the size of Yugi’s dick, when they first met Yugi was kinda short but had grown over their time together. ‘So that’s where his height went, he’s fucking huge!’ he puts his clothes into the cubbyhole.

His dick twitched in delight. ‘Damn it all, quick think of bad stuff to calm down.’ As much as he tried all Joey could think of was… ‘I wonder how his dick tastes’ and ‘I wonder how big he gets if he gets hard’ and ‘Can I take something that big?’ Each of these thoughts came with a visual image that makes the blonde bite his lip and pre starts to form at the tip of his dick.

“Something wrong Joey?”

“No!” he gasped, sounding strained. He lowers his boxers but faces away from Yugi so he doesn’t see his erection. Yugi did get a good look at his ass though, and when he bent over to remove his boxers he got a peek at his hole and balls. Clearly, his erection wasn’t going away.

“Is there something you want to tell me, Joey?”

“Yeah Yuge, there is. Uhh,” he tried to find the right words. ‘Come on Wheeler think, just tell him its Yugi he cares about you.’ he clears his throat. “Yuge you know how guys like girls?”

“Huh?” Yugi blinked.

“And sometimes there are girls that like girls.”

“Yeah, and there are guys that like guys.” Joey’s face went red.

“I...am like those guys,” he says. “I’m really hard right now, and it’s because of you!” he admits.


“This isn’t the first time either, there are times when I think about you it excites me like this, I get hard and I want to do things with you, but this isn’t just lust I really like you.” he takes a breath. “I’m in love with you, I have been for a while, I just have been scared, I’m still scared,” he says. “I want you to be happy more than anything else, if my feelings are one-sided I’ll understand, I just hope we can still be friends, and you won’t hate me.” Yugi was quiet for a moment, the silence almost deafening, he could hear his heart pounding.

“Joey, turn around.” Joey obeyed, turning around and showing off his hard 8-inch dick. What he wasn’t expecting was Yugi to be...

‘Oh wow, so that’s what it looks like when its hard!’ Joey gulped. “You’re hard!”

“Yes Joey, I got like this because of you.” Yugi ran a hand along his massive dick, seeing Joey’s sexy ass had stirred his loins. “I like guys too, and I’d be lying if I didn’t think of us together from time to time.” he blushed. “But I didn’t want to push you into anything. I have very unique tastes.” he scratches his cheek sheepishly. “You see I have fantasies about sleeping with more than one guy at once, I like threesomes, foursomes, I actually want to have a harem one day. Between the two of us your the more normal one.”

“I’m for it!” Joey says. Yugi blinked, his cock was leaking pre like crazy. “I can watch, I can get involved, I’ll even fool around with another guy so long as you are watching. I don’t have a lot to offer, but I offer myself, even if I’m a bit perverted.”

Yugi chuckles. “And I offer you myself, even though I’m a bit perverted too.” Joey approached the bed, his hard cock bobbing as he walked. “We can start off slow, learn from each other. Let’s have our fun now before we get to the island.”

“Right!” the two share their first kiss, soft and loving, their hearts fluttering. It was their first kiss, what they lacked in experience they made up for in love. Their lips seemed to fit together in a way like this was fate. The kiss broke for air, and the two were flushed.

“Get in this bed Joey!” the blonde did, sliding in and Yugi climbed on top of him. The kissed again this one short but sweet, another kiss this one rougher and more heated. Yugi licked Joey’s lips asking for entry, and the blonde parted his lips. The smaller male’s tongue slipped into his mouth and played with Joey’s tongue. “Mmmm,” they shared a moan and began exploring this new kiss.

As tongue’s danced, Yugi’s hands didn’t stay idle, finding Joey’s perfect chest, his nice pecs groped and caressed. He found Joey’s nipples and began to tease them to hardness. Joey shivered in delight, body rocking with the waves of pleasure. The more they kissed the more into it they got. Their kisses broke for air, but it wasn’t long before they were kissing each other breathless again.

Finally, Yugi broke the kiss and moved down the blonde’s body. He kissed down his neck, licking and nipping earning moans from Joey. He fisted the sheets as Yugi got to his chest. He found his left perky nipple and began to lick the pert bud. “Ahhh, Yuge!” he bucked his hips.

The smaller male continued to tease his nipple with his lips, mouth, and tongue, using his left hand to tease Joey’s right nipple, and his free hand moved between their crotches. He holds their cocks together and began pumping them. “Ohh Yuge, ahh ohhh ooohhh!” He never knew his nipples would be so sensitive, every flick, every pinch, gave new sensations compared to the licks and sucks the other received, but instead of clashing they melted together and pooled down into his crotch. “Yuge, I’m gonna cum!”

Yugi was as close as Joey was, working their dicks together to chase their release. Their orgasms hit mere seconds apart, thick white streams erupting from hard manhoods, going this way and that it was hard to tell who’s was who’s, as the white cum splashed together and covered their fine bodies. “That was wow!”

“Yeah, it was.” Yugi kissed Joey again. The kiss was gentle and loving, guiding Joey down from his first high together.

“I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard before.” his legs felt like jelly, he didn’t think he could move.

“Me to,” he kissed the blonde’s cheek.

“What a mess, I don’t think I can even move to...” Yugi answered Joey’s problem with ease, moving back down the blonde’s body licking him. Joey blushed as Yugi gave him a tongue bath, lapping up the cocktail of cum. He shivered in delight, each lick made him feel loved, wanted, adored. Yugi cleaned him with care, not wasting a drop. He moved down Wheeler’s body going as far as to clean the blonde’s crotch.

As the tongue bath went Yugi’s hands weren’t idle, feeling up Joey’s sides, and then his legs as he cleaned his crotch. Joey couldn’t be outdone, he needed to return the favor. He recovered enough to move and flipped their positions so Yugi was on the bed. “Now you,” he says, and starts to lick the cocktail of cum off Yugi’s body. He didn’t know if he was doing a good job or not, but as Yugi smiled at him he continued to do his best. He managed to clean Yugi off, and he found himself wanting to do more, his legs, his feet, his arms, his pits Joey wanted to taste every inch of him.

Though his body gave out and he collapsed next to Yugi. “All clean,” he says. Yugi chuckles and lays down with him. “I think this is the start of something great,” Yugi says to him and takes hold of his hand.

“Yeah, it is.”

To be continued...Rock The Boat

Preview: Weevil tries to steal Yugi’s legendary monster and gets a terrifying surprise. Yugi and Joey continue to explore their new relationship and each other’s bodies, and end up getting an audience to their loving.


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