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Testing out a new grammar program, please tell me if the work is improved or not so I can keep using it. 

Digimon Parody: Patreon Reward


Chap 3 Jealousy is a Dark Emotion

Tai was sitting in class. ‘Good thing the teacher was in a meeting, looks like that disturbance caused a distraction.’ he breathed a sigh of relief. Getting grounded for being late to school meant less Matt time.

Suddenly the door to the classroom burst open and Matt stalked into the room. Tai stands up quickly. “Hey Matt, what’s up?”

“Don’t ‘what’s up’ me. I heard about what happened this morning.” he got up close on his boyfriend.

“Oh yeah, that giant bug thing, it caused quite the commotion.” he sweats.

“Anything else you wanna tell me about this morning?” Tai couldn’t meet Matt’s gaze. ‘Oh crap don’t tell me he knows I was Aguman. Great I’m a hero one day and I already blow my secret identity.’

“Uhh not that I can think of...”

“You jerk!” Matt punched him in the shoulder.

“Oww!” Tai clutched his shoulder. ‘Damn he hits hard.’

“My dad called, he heard about a soccer player with brown hair, who risked his life trying to fight that monster.” he suddenly hugged Tai. “Are you crazy, you could have been hurt or worse.” he got teary-eyed.

“I’m sorry I worried you, but I couldn’t sit back and do nothing.” he hugged Matt back.

“Idiot,” he hugs him tighter. “But how on earth did you get away from that monster?”

“Oh uh, once I got him away from the kids I gave him the slip, it was just a big bug after all.” he gives Matt a smile.

“So you didn’t see what happened?”

“What happened?”

“Apparently a superhero showed up and took on the overgrown insect.”

“You don’t say.” Tai scratched his chin.

“What? Don’t you believe me, my dad saw him with his own two eyes.”

“I believe you, but hey Matt can I ask a favor.” The blonde blinked.

“You got some nerve asking for a favor when you nearly scared me half to death.” he pulled back and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Aww babe, I appreciate the worry, but I’m safe.” he kissed Matt’s cheek, the blonde huffed. “I promise to make it up to you.”

“You better,” he unfolded his arm and relaxed. “Fine, what’s the favor.”

“Can you ask your dad to leave my name out of the news? I don’t want the media circus.” it wouldn’t be hard to find out it was him playing hero if someone heard he had tried to help the kids.

“Oh sure, I can ask.” Tai kissed him as a thank you. Matt melted, his kisses were sweeter than chocolate, and Matt had a sweet tooth. Tai supported the blonde until he got feeling back in his legs. ‘This idiot better not try anything crazy like that again, I can’t bear to lose him.’ Once he was back to his senses, they parted. “Don’t forget you owe me one.”

“I won’t I promise.” Sharing one last kiss they parted, the state of emergency was over and classes were starting back up. Matt had just enough time to call his dad and give him Tai’s message.

“Sure, none of the kids knew his name, and it’s not like we have a video of him doing it. We’ll just announce him as a young good Samaritan.”

“Thanks, dad, I appreciate it.” the call ended and just in time too. It was around lunch when the news hit the net. Students were on their phones going nuts over the wild sight. Some kids thought it was a hoax, some big stunt for some movie that was being shot. Some kids thought it was aliens. More theories began to spin out going as far as mutant insects from the government and genetic super soldiers.

Matt and Tai were sitting at their usual lunch table together, Tai taking Matt’s lunch and giving it a little kick. “It’s all over the school, that insect thing is terrifying.”

“You should have seen it up close.” Matt fixed him a glare. “Sorry.” he inserted food into his mouth. Little did Matt know Tai kept sneaking food off his own plate and fed it to Agumon who was hiding in one of Tai’s pockets. “What about that guy fighting him?”

“It’s all over the net!” Izzy joined them at the table.

“Hey, Izzy,” the two greet. “Oh yes hi!” the boy responds opening up his laptop. “Look!” on the screen were several images of Aguman, from different angles. “No one knows who he is, but he’s already getting quite the following.” There was a flood of comments, ranging from “He’s so cool!” to the “Is he single?” and “Look at that bulge!”

Izzy had quite the collection of shots from that particular angle. “This is big, I’ve already created a blog about the guy. Looking for any hits on the net to who he is or where he came from. All we know is he calls himself Aguman!”

‘News spread quickly, best to keep things on the down low.’

“What more info do you need?” Matt asked.

“What are his powers? What was that monster? Are there more of them? Is he this cities defender?”

“Hopefully not!” the boys turned to see Sora. Matt grimaced but Tai gave her a polite hello. “Hey, Tai honey!” This is why Matt didn’t like the girl. She got all up on Tai, pressing her boobs against him. Tai was clearly uncomfortable but didn’t say anything to be polite.

“We don’t need any crazy monsters in this town, it was so scary,” she says rubbing up on Tai. “I was so scared but I know Tai honey would protect me.”

Tai sweatdropped. Agumon gagged, making a noise. ‘Agumon!’ Tai began to sweat more. Of course, Sora thought the noise came from Tai. “Oh you like my new scent, I bought this new perfume yesterday. It’s so sweet of you to notice.”

Sora’s mom ran a flower shop, but her flower arrangements grew more and more popular, now she owns flower shops all over. Sora used to smell like a flower shop, but now she douses herself in perfume that clashes which makes the aroma suffocating.

“Tai honey, why don’t you come over to my place. We could study or something.” Matt knew just what sorta something she was implying. Just as he was about to snap, Tai pushed Sora off him.

“Sorry Sora, I have plans with Matt tonight.”

“That silly band stuff, you can come to my place after and...” Tai cut her off.

“I’m sorry, but we have plans all night.” Matt smiles, and Sora looks between them. Her hand balls up into a fist.

“I see, have fun with your plans. I wouldn’t waste my time listening to some poser’s band anyway.” she humphs and walks away.

“Jealousy really brings out the ugliness in people.” Izzy comments.

“Why do you put up with that girl?” Matt groans and Tai rubs his back.

“Sora can be a handful, but we were friends when we were kids,” Tai says.

“It’s clear she wants something more than that.” Tai chuckles and kisses Matt’s cheek.

“To bad for her, I’m a man’s man, that isn’t gonna change.” The two kiss, and Click! Izzy took a picture of them.

“You guys really are too cute.” Izzy was a super nerd, he had different blogs about all kinds of things, and he managed them all equally, all while being the president of the computer and tech club.

“You want in on this Izzy? Tai could rock your world.” Matt says, and Izzy blushes. The nerd certainly thought of it, Tai was a sweet guy, strong, handsome a total catch.

“I uhh umm don’t want to come between you two.” he stuttered.

“Now there is an idea.” Tai and Matt get up and embrace Izzy, giving him a kiss on both cheeks. Izzy’s face goes as red as a tomato. Tai grabs his camera and does his best to take their picture.

“I-I-I-I-I need to get to the computer lab!” he bolted, Tai’s hand brushing his confined erection. Izzy knew they weren’t teasing him either it was an honest offer, he was just shy, fine being behind the scenes and watching. Tai and Matt were so open with their feelings, it was kinda intimidating, but also very exciting.

“He ran away again.” Matt sighed.

“He’ll get there, we just have to wait for his pace.” Lunch ended and the students headed back to class. Much to Matt’s displeasure his next class had no Tai and had Sora.

The girl kept throwing dirty looks at him. ‘Just great.’ After class, Sora cut him off. “What do you want Sora?”

“Cancel your plans with Tai,” she says folding her arms.

“Not happening.” he tries to get by her but she blocks his path.

“I don’t know what he sees in you, you're a talent-less brat from a broken home, he must pity you.” She was clearly in one of her moods.

“What is your deal?” he tried to keep calm, getting into a fight with her would only complicate things.

“My deal is, Tai should be with me not you.”

“You really need to get your jealousy in check.”

“Me? Jealous of you? Don’t make me laugh. Tai is going through a phase, he’ll see the light one day.” she turned and headed towards the door. “Why should I be jealous, when I can give him something you never can,” she says before leaving.

It was a low blow one, especially since it stroked Matt’s fears that he kept hidden. Matt didn’t have many friends when he was younger, his dad worked hard since the divorce to keep them afloat so he often got hand me down clothes or used clothes and it often made him the joke of his fellow classmates. So it was hard to believe Tai wanted to be friends with him at first let alone want to date him when they got older.

It was a bad habit of his when he felt like he was losing someone or something he tended to cling. It’s why Tai promised to never leave him, and that he would be the only guy he marries. Their open-ish relationship did ease some of his fears as Tai wasn’t the type of guy to go back on his word. He did have his own friends now, and fans for his band, and he still had Tai. ‘Tai loves me, I have friends, my family might be little and broken but it’s still good.’ he repeated this over and over, a little mantra.


He got through the day, and Tai escorted him to band practice. Upon arrival, they bumped into Takeru. “Hey, T.K. it’s good to see you.”

“Good to see you to Matt.” the brothers hug. “It’s good seeing you to Big Bro Tai.”

“Aww come on,” Tai blushed.

“You are practically family.” Takeru hugs Tai. “But really...” Takeru starts groping Tai and rubbing on him. “My brother is so lucky.”

“Ahh!” Tai gasped and moaned. Takeru was obviously hard and was rubbing against Tai’s bulge.

Matt came over

and slapped Takeru’s ass. “Knock it off, we are in public.”

“Sorry, Tai is so sexy I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself.” Matt was fine if Tai wanted to fuck Takeru, but Takeru was even more of an exhibitionist than he was. ‘It’s not your hands I’m worried about.’ While Matt had no problem staying naked all day behind closed doors, or issues with public displays of affection. Takeru could almost be called a nudist, he wore clothes because society told him to, but that didn’t stop him from going commando and not wearing socks. Also if he didn’t stop him Takeru probably would have gone down on Tai right in front of his band.

Taking their seats, Takeru happily sitting in Tai’s lap to watch the show.

They played a bit and Tai and Takeru applauded. “You guys are sounding great.” Agumon agreed but continued to stay hidden, it wasn’t easy especially with how frisky Takeru was being.

“You’re really coming together,” Takeru says.

“Hopefully we’ll be able to get our first big gig in a few weeks.”

“That battle of the bands' thing?”

“Yeah if we can get the money for the entrance fee we can enter, even if we don’t win its great promotion.”

“If you need money maybe we can have a mini-concert to raise money.”

“That could work, and give us a chance at playing in front of a live audience.”

“Get me a stand I can serve up some food while you guys play and do it up right.”

“Sounds like a plan, this is gonna be big!” After drawing up some plans they headed home. Takeru wanted to join them for some fun, but Matt declined. “Tonight he’s all mine!”

“Ohh good luck then Tai!” he yells and waves.


No sooner had the door closed did Matt pull Tai in for a fierce kiss. Their kissing was loud and erotic, Matt tugging on Tai’s uniform. “You are all mine tonight!” he says and drags Tai into the bedroom.

‘I’m always yours.’ Tai thinks.

“Take off your clothes.” Tai smiles and obeys, stripping for Matt’s pleasure. He moves as he strips, making the act of taking off your clothes sexier than it ought to be. His blood rushed south and filled his growing arousal.

He wasn’t the only one aroused, once Tai was down to his boxers the restrictions of his pants allowed his cock to swell and tent his boxers. ‘Holy fuck!’ Tai hooked his boxers and pulled them down, the waistband tugs down Tai’s cock, more and more until they reach his knees and snap, the big dick snaps up and slaps Tai’s abs.

Matt couldn’t stop himself from palming his own arousal. ‘I’ll never get tired of seeing that thing!’ He’d swear Tai was a horse in another life when they were younger they were the same size, but after puberty, his dick had grown massive.

Tai breathed a sigh of relief, the soccer player was finally free and naked, stepping out of his boxers. “What next?” Matt blushed, as Tai fondled himself, letting the boys hang out. The manly musk hit his nose and he shuddered.

“Help me with my clothes.” Tai leads the blonde to the bed. Jacket and tie getting removed as Tai kisses his lover. The make out was slow as Tai moved him back to the bed. His undershirt was unbuttoned, the brunette leaving kisses after each one was opened.

Once the last button was opened, his shirt was parted and Tai licked his way back up to Matt’s chest. “You are beautiful,” Matt blushes.

“Keep going,” he shivers. Tai caresses his smooth skin, removing the shirt with ease. The brunette kissing his shoulder as they shifted to remove it. He moves all the way down by passing his shirt to Matt’s socks.

“Ahhh!” he rubbed his feet, his strong thumbs working the soles. The left sock was removed and Tai began worshiping Matt’s foot. Kisses and licks dance along the sole, from the heel to the pads, the soccer player going as far as to lick between his toes.

Matt shivered. As a soccer player, Tai had a strong appreciation for feet. His feet were so honed he gave amazing footjobs, the things he could do with his toes. “Mmm!” Speaking of toes, Tai started sucking the blonde’s, teasing each little one before moving onto the right foot. “Tai!”

The foot worship continued, the soccer player teasing the musician’s feet sending pleasure racing through his form. His cock pushed painfully against his confines, his manhood demanding freedom!

“Tai, hurry it...” he shivers and moans. Tai looks up at him sucking on his big toe, making him look too adorable for words.

“As you wish,” Tai massages up his legs till he was face to face with his pants. He undoes the belt and tosses it away, leaving kisses over Matt’s aching bulge. He undoes his pants and lowers them, pulling them off in one smooth movement.

Now with his legs exposed, Tai starts kissing along his exposed skin, sucking on spots he knows will excite him. Matt’s so hard in his briefs, cock straining and leaving a wet spot on the front. He uses his legs to bring Tai in closer to his crotch. “Eager are we?” Tai licks the wet spot and Matt blushes.

“Underwear...off...now!” Matt gives him a heated look, and the soccer player obeys. He removes the underwear allowing Matt’s hard cock to spring up. This was better, Tai nuzzled his pubes, his cheek rubbing against his length.

“You smell so sexy.” he kisses his balls and Matt moans.

‘God he loves to attack with words.’ Tai’s lips move and he starts licking Matt’s cock. “Suck my dick Tai, I wanna cum down your throat.” The brunette chuckles, his eyes glowing with excitement.

“As you wish!” With one go, he swallows him down to the root, the sudden wetness and warm surrounding his dick had Matt arching off his bed. His body shook from pleasure and toes curling in delight.

“Ohhh fuck!” Tai hummed around his length, letting his tongue caress the underside as his throat massaged the head. He swallowed the blonde’s pre, happily nuzzling his pubes and taking in his natural musk.

Just as Matt was about to get used to it Tai began to move, slurping and sucking his cock. ‘Damn him he’s so good!’ He fists the sheets, writhing in pleasure. This wasn’t sucking dick, Tai might as well be having a conversation with an old friend. The little traitor probably sided with Tai more than him.

No rhyme or reason, Tai would change up the flow, keeping Matt on his toes and drawing closer to the edge. He’d bob back and forth, only to suddenly stop and give his tip a tongue lashing, before diving back down and moaning, sending pleasing vibrations through his penis. Then he’d start moving again, only going halfway, sucking hard and teasing his manhood with his talented tongue.

“Tai...Tai...Tai! Tai!” his voice rose pitches higher, his cock pulsing more in the male’s mouth. Pre spilled from his dick like tears of joy. Tai doubled his efforts, fondling Matt’s balls. Matt’s cock pulsed in his mouth. “Tai I’m cumming!” he howls and bucks off the bed.

His cock swells as his balls lurch sending the cum through his dick, exploding down Tai’s throat. He took the first two spurts down his throat, giving one long suck to the tip, coaxing even more cum from his twitching dick. The hot seed spilled into his mouth and over his tongue. “Mmm,” Tai hums, rolling the cum in his mouth before swallowing it down.

He lets Matt catch his breath, gently fondling his balls to ease him down from his high. The blonde’s nipples had gotten nice and perky from his climax, his chest rising and falling as his breathing evens out.

“How else can I serve you?” Tai asked.

“I wanna suck your dick, as your prepare me.” Tai smiles and they move into a 69 position, Tai on the bottom, eyes firmly on Matt’s plump ass. The blonde face to face with Tai’s big dick, the heat and weight of his manhood were intense. He couldn’t stop himself from taking a whiff and a taste, leaning forward to lick at his large man meat.

“You really have an amazing ass,” Tai says cupping his cheek and spreading it exposing his tight hole. “There’s not an ass in this world as sweet as yours.” he leans forward and kisses his hole, licking at the entrance.

“Ahh, Tai you...ahhh...” he shivers. He pumps Tai’s cock and starts licking the head. ‘I won’t back down till you cum next!’ Tai moans into his ass, his tongue teasing his opening, slowly working it open.

Matt’s hole opened up for him, letting the wet muscle wiggle into his ass. At the same time, Matt wrapped his lips around the head, and slowly began to suck. He was no slouch in the oral skills either, he’s had Tai’s massive dick for practice after all.

His ass was better at taking it than his mouth, but that didn’t mean he didn’t try. He swallowed Tai’s cock down, relaxing his throat, inch after inch after inch, so much delicious man meat to suck. ‘He’s so fucking big I love it!’ he blushed, moaning in delight as he slurped and sucked.

Tai was perfectly content making out with Matt’s hole, the pleasure of, bringing his cock back to life. Soon Matt was throbbing against his chest. “Mmm,” he pushed deeper, darting back and forth.

Matt breathed through his nose, inhaling the male’s manly musk. His dick’s scent was so strong it made him shiver. He swallowed Tai down to the root and fondled his heavy balls. There was a strange pleasure when sucking dick, the taste, the smell, the way it fills your throat, even Tai’s size played a role in the pleasure Matt felt. A feeling of accomplishment when he swallowed every inch.

The blonde was enjoying the blow job as much as Tai was, his essence running down Tai’s pecs and stomach. He felt Tai twitching in his mouth, more pre rushing down the blonde’s throat, a sign of the main course coming. He doubled his efforts hollowing his cheeks and licking faster. ‘Cum for me!’ he thinks.

Tai’s moans and pants become shorter, and he knew the boy was on the edge. He gave one final suck from base to tip and pulled him over the edge. Tai’s release followed, thick cum rushing into Matt’s mouth. The blonde shivered in delight, he drank Tai’s man milk, hands coming to pump his big dick.

His actions were rewarded with a few extra spurts. He didn’t waste a drop, he had Tai’s flow down to a science, he could drink him in his sleep. Despite the powerful orgasm, Tai was still hard, the soccer player having stamina to burn. Not just stamina he had great recovery too. It was no wonder Tai was the captain of the soccer team.

After cleaning him with his tongue he wiggled his ass. “Tai, fuck me!”

“As you wish!” They shifted, so Matt was on his hands and knees and Tai was behind him, his big dick resting perfectly between his cheeks. Their needs slicked with saliva, it was time for the main course. Not much more prep was required, Matt was positive his ass had been molded to fit Tai’s dick, they fucked often enough, and sometimes they would even sleep connected.

Tai lined up his penis, the head caressing his wet entrance. The boy pushed in and the two moaned. “Yes!” Matt’s ass swallowed him up, the stretch wonderful, the fullness breathtaking. When Tai’s pelvis met his ass, they were complete.

The soccer player’s pre poured into his ass, lighting the way for his dick to travel. He ground his hips, letting Matt feel every inch, teasing the poor blonde’s prostate in the process. Tai’s cock was so thick Matt’s prostate was stimulated with every pass.

“Move!” Matt moans, clawing at his sheets. He obeys, pulling back only to thrust back in, their bodies connecting in a loud clap. His thrusts were slow and full, every inch was felt. The friction back and forth was heavenly, drawing moans from both boys.

The room felt hot, the scent of sex filling the air, the room was an orchestra of sounds. The moans, the heated pants, the sound of skin striking skin, all accompanied by the creak of Matt’s bed as Tai’s thrusts grew harder. “Ahh ah ah ahhh ah ah ah Mmnnhhaaa!”

Tai covered Matt’s body with his own as their release grew closer, he didn’t touch the blonde’s cock, letting the anal pleasure push him closer to the edge. To finish him off he instead reached around and fondled Matt’s nipples. “Tai!”

Like a set of dominoes expertly set, Tai pushed the first one over and it began. Matt arched his back beautifully, his insides tightening around his thrusting dick. His cock slapped his toned stomach and exploded spilling seed beneath him. Tai kissed his neck lovingly, as the tightening heat pulled him over the edge, and he exploded, cumming deep into Matt’s tight ass.

The waves of orgasm wash over them and they surrender to pleasure, Matt losing strength and crumbling. Tai quickly rolling them over as to not crush his lover. They lay there panting, Tai’s spent cock slipping from his well-fucked hole. Tai holds him lovingly as they come down from their respective highs.

Tai gives kisses to Matt’s neck and shoulder. “So you forgive me?”

“Yeah, just don’t do anything scary like that again, leave the hero stuff to actual heroes.” Tai smiled at that.

“You got it.” he was gonna make them dinner, but Matt wanted cuddles so dinner would have to wait. Agumon had heard and seen everything. ‘Tai really is best suited for my power I knew it, such a brave and courageous love.’ He chuckles.



Deviman was working his magic on creating a barrier around the city. “What are you doing wasting your time you should be hunting the guardian?” a figure from the shadows spoke.

“Etaman,” he chuckles. “I thought I smelled something.”

“Watch it or I will...” Deviman laughed.

“You will do nothing if you were sent to kill me you would have done so. Since you are a simple Ape I will explain, I know the guardian is here and he is weak. So I’m creating a barrier to make sure he does not escape. Then I can take my time drawing out his heroes and crushing them.”

“Watch out for that pride of yours it comes before a mighty big fall, know that I won’t hesitate to crush you once you’ve been deemed useless.”

“Fufufu, Jealousy is a dark emotion Etaman, it makes you look weak!”

“We all seek to serve our mistress, the question is who will be the one who stands with her in the end,” he says and vanishes.

‘It will be me!’ Deviman works on enacting his master plan.

To be continued...Hard Shell


Lord Zero 1606

TK is already asking for it, hopefully Tai will give it to him soon.