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My Hero Parody: Patreon Reward

 Chap 9 https://www.patreon.com/posts/pheromone-omega-20404090

Chap 10 Second Quirk?! Challengers Make their Move!

With his heat finished he was back on training, working hard to shape his body into a proper vessel. He wanted to become a hero now more than ever. He had just finished running drills for All Might. “Midoriya I trust your heat went well.”  

“It did, it was a little intense and things were kinda fuzzy here and there, but everyone treated me well.” he blushed slightly.  

“They had better, we can’t have the attitudes of alpha’s slipping. I almost wish I could have helped you through your heat, hehehe but I’m too old for that.”  

“You aren’t too old All Might,” Izuku says, blushing at his words, even All Might blushed. Believe it or not All Might is a virgin in that regard, he spent most of his alpha youth training and fighting villains. After his master passed, who was an omega, All Might also worked hard trying to defend omega’s rights and being the symbol of peace.  

‘Outside of my hero form, what beta or omega would want me now.’ he thinks. He rubs the back of his head. “So have you lot decided when you are gonna nest?” Nesting is a common term where a pack moves into one area allowing the omega to nest.  

“We decided to wait till after the hero exam. Depending on the results we will need to figure things out.” Izuku smiles. “Kacchan and Eicchan wanted to move in with me until we figure things out.”  

‘It can be hard for alphas fresh after a mating, the need for contact with their omega can be strong.’ the boy hung his head low and sighed. “Something wrong Izuku?”  

“I’m a little worried about the hero exam at Yuuei. I know I’ve gotten physically stronger, but even if I get All Might’s quirk I don’t know if I’ll be able to use it properly.” he began to spin into a muttering mess, talking about how quirks are mastered over time, and their time was running out and he didn’t even have the quirk yet. All Might was able to calm him down.  

“Relax fanboy, listen your pheromone quirk is nothing to sneeze at. I can’t tell you what’s on the test, and I won’t be putting in any word for you either. I think you wouldn’t be satisfied with a victory like that.”  

Izuku nods. “I want to get in on my own efforts.”  

“There you have it, keep training and you will have formed your body to become the vessel of one for all!” he says.  

“Though shouldn’t you pass it on to another alpha?”  

“In truth that’s why I came here, my time runs short I needed to find a successor. However, it doesn’t matter what sub sex you are, it comes down to your hero spirit!” he put his hands on Izuku’s shoulders. “Young Midoriya you have the hero spirit worthy of becoming a successor.”

All Might could see it now, the reason they were waiting to nest was because Izuku was worried about getting into Yuuei. A pack going to different schools can be hard, but hardships like that won’t sway the school board. It’s apart of their world. ‘Yuuei uses faux villains in the exam, even with just his pheromone quirk it wouldn’t be impossible to pass because of that...’  

“Hey All Might?” the boy pulled him out of his thoughts. “Hm?”  

“I heard Kacchan talking to Kirishima about challenge letters.  The government wouldn’t force me to mate with someone I didn’t want right?”  

“Ah, that is quite the weight you are carrying Young Midoriya. In the past this was the case, once a challenge was made two alphas would fight, and to the victor go the spoils as they say.” It was a dark time, becoming more chaotic when quirks came to light. “I like to believe we have evolved beyond our primal natures, but it is in an alpha’s instincts to show their strength. In that deep nature this part can never be truly vanquished, however this nature is what led packs to be developed in the first place.”  

Izuku sat down and listened. “Alphas would band together to keep an omega safe, showing the intelligence of an alpha, knowing it was better to share their omega than risk losing them.” Izuku nods, pulling out a notebook and taking notes. “In the past if an alpha lost their omega, they would form a pack to take them back by force. Omegas in that time were treated mostly as breeders, alphas wanting strong young to carry on their family line. Thankfully times have changed, though there are some bull headed alphas that cling to the old ways, and have taught their children the same rights and practices.” he paused as Izuku quickly scribbled on his papers and smiled.  

“Now there are three types of alpha challenges, first are the written challenges regulated through the Omega Protection System, these follow the proper channels and paperwork. Even should Young Bakugo and Young Kirishima lose in such a challenge and you were to be taken by another alpha there is a 3 month trial period, where the omega lives with the victorious alpha where he tries to court the omega. Believe it or not some omegas choose the victorious alpha over their old one and live long happy lives, there are too many cases to explain but remember you chose young Bakugo and Young Kirishima to be your alphas for your first heat, some omegas didn’t have time to properly prepare and ended up mated to an alpha who could satisfy them regardless of their personality after their mating. The system isn’t perfect but it’s necessary to exist.” Izuku nods. “In the following time the losing alpha had time to prepare and file a challenge to get the omega back.”

Izuku noticed All Might moved on from what happened after the three month period is up. “Second challenge is personal challenge, where an alpha challenges another alpha personally without written consent. These are frowned upon by the government but there’s no way to properly regulate such actions, only the most impatient of alphas try this method.”  

All Might holds up three fingers. “Then there is the third challenge, this challenge demands the omega be present for the fight. The alpha uses this method to show off and present to the omega, not to take the omega but to join the pack.”

“I see,” he didn’t want to be taken from Bakugo or Kirishima. “I don’t think I could love anyone if they tried to take me from them.” Betas usually didn’t have to worry about being challenged especially if they were marked by both an alpha and the omega.

“Have faith in your alphas, I think you’ve chosen wisely.” he says, and Izuku nods.   

“All Might,” he put his notebook away. “One last question, I know Kacchan and Kirishima are strong, but I also know people have quirks that can be naturally stronger than someone else. Should someone overwhelm them, can I fight for my own hand?” All Might was stunned by the question, not that the boy had said it, but it reminded him so much o his old master.  


Meanwhile...In a vacant lot

The air was shaken by powerful explosions, and the thud of bodies hitting the hard ground. “You damn pests!” Bakugo growled. Several alphas both from Bakugo’s and Kirishima’s school had shown up to challenge for Izuku’s hand.  

“Hey Bakugo, if your tired we can switch I can take on some of these guys.” Kirishima offered.   

“Shut it weird hair, I got this!” Bakugo snapped at him.  

“Man he’s so stubborn.” In truth they had a feeling this might happen.  

“These little shits wanna take Deku from me they got another thing coming!” He punched his palm, making an explosion. “Who’s next!”  

A boy who could turn his arms and legs into springs launched at Bakugo, only to get a point blank explosion to the face. This was clearly not a pack attack, as none of the young alphas were working together. Bakugo had defeated 10 already. “You extras aren’t worthy of Deku!”  

One boy turned himself into balls only to get blasted away, another turned into a jacket and tried to bind Bakugo only for Bakugo to turn the explosions on himself and wrecked the poor alpha.  

Another boy turned himself to stone, thinking he could handle Bakugo’s explosions, but the blonde was more than just his quirk, he had plenty of skills and took the boy down with a bombardment.  

After taking down five more guys, Bakugo was starting to feel some wear. Quirks weren’t magic, they were apart of the body. He was reaching his limit, his hands were starting to tremble.  

It seems the alphas, the ones who hadn’t been blasted by Bakugo yet anyway, noticed this to. “Get him!” five alphas charged Bakugo at once.  

“Tch, you bastards!” He managed to blast one, taking the remaining alpha count down to four.  One of the boys could manipulate wax and he used it to bind Bakugo’s legs.  

“Now we got you, when my was hardens it’s nearly unbreakable!” he was ready to bind Bakugo’s hands next when a hard fist came flying and punched the dude’s lights out. He blocked the other three using his hard body.  

“I didn’t need your help weird hair.” Bakugo says.   

“Hehe, that’s a funny way of saying thanks. I’m also one of Izuku’s alphas, I can’t call myself a man if I sit back and do nothing.” using his leg he broke the wax bonds with a swift kick.  

“To bad for you I know your quirk Kirishima!” the red head gasped as his arm suddenly began to rust over.


“Dumb ass!” Bakugo blasted the rust quirk user, breaking the effect of his quirk. “If you are gonna fight, don’t get caught in stupid shit!”  

“Thanks for the save. Now to finish this.” Kirishima broke the rust off his arm and charged at the remaining alphas. He finished them off quickly left them beaten on the ground. “Should we tell Izuku about this?”  

“No, the nerd will just worry, this is an alpha’s job. As far as this is concerned we were training.” it wasn’t a total lie, fighting these extras did allow him to work on his quirk.  

“Whoo so manly, Bakugo I like guys like you.”  

“Don’t be creepy.” he says. “Did we get them all?”  

“I think so...” a tall figure stood behind them.  

“One more!” Bakugo snaps and they both take a fighting stance. “I don’t recognize this guy do you?”

“Not from my school.”  

“Excuse me, I’m not with them. I only came here to talk.”  

“Who the hell are you?”  

“I’m an alpha that would very much like to join your pack. I wanted to meet both of you and explain myself first.”  

“You tall ass bastard you think I’m gonna fall for that huh?!” The tall male sweat dropped. ‘Is he a thug?’  

“Now now, let’s hear him out.” he tries to hold Bakugo back.  

“Thank you, you see I don’t want many things, I have lived a simple life, but when I saw Midoriya I felt a strong pull. I wanted to write him a letter, but I didn’t...”

“That makes you a coward then.” Bakugo says with a smirk.  

“In truth I resigned myself to a celibate life, both in my lack of desire to mate and other reasons. Izuku has been the first person to ever excite me so. So I made my resolve, should I pass and get into Yuuei on my own skills I would write a letter to Midoriya. However I saw the registration, and wished to act accordingly. I would like the chance to court Midoriya and join your pack!” he gave a traditional bow, getting down onto his knees and lowing himself.  

“Wow, he’s old school, uhh what’s your name?”  

“My name is...”  


Bakugo and Kirishima made an agreement not to tell Izuku about the alpha they met. The male promised to send them a proper letter of challenge if he passed the exam. So the months passed. Izuku trained with All Might as Bakugo and Kirishima “trained” fighting against alphas with the balls to give a face to face challenge.  

Izuku worked with Kirishima and Ojiro for their written exam. Late night study sessions went long into the night thanks to Izuku’s pheromones, they were full of energy. Their omega seemed to know exactly when they needed to burn the midnight oil and when to sleep. As the days became weeks, and weeks to months, the boys spent more and more nights at Izuku’s house.  

The day of the exam drew near, and it was time to take on the mantel of symbol of peace. “Young Midoriya, you have completed your training, you pushed your body to it’s limit and just look at you.” he plucks a hair from his head. “Are you ready to take on my quirk?”


“Eat this!” he offers the hair.  

“Wait what?” All Might blushed.  

“To take my quirk you gotta swallow some of my DNA.”  

“There’s gotta be another way than this.”  

“Well there’s always that...”  

To be continued...Chapter 11 The Big Exam


Damion Andrew (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-07 00:38:52 YOU TEASE!!! Gosh this is amazing. >D
2018-08-30 06:39:03 YOU TEASE!!! Gosh this is amazing. >D

YOU TEASE!!! Gosh this is amazing. >D