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Bleach parody: Tier 6: 


Escaped Experiments  

Tier 6: Ichigo is called in to help find some of Mayuri’s escaped experiments. He finds them along with Toshiro Hitsugaya. Things go from bad to worse as the experiments get out of control and soon not even Mayuri can stop them.  

Renji 8 inches (Formerly) 13 Inches: Cock Tail

Yushiro 7 Inches (Formerly) 16 inches: Neko

Toshiro 6 inches/12 inches (Formerly) 20 inches: Two Cock Tails

Ichigo 9 Inches

Chap 3 Mayhem Spreads

Renji and Yushiro were worn out from the non stop fucking. To keep them safe Toshiro put up a kido barrier. “This should protect them as they sleep it off.” Ichigo was sitting off to the side.  

“Toshiro, just how many of these things are out there?” his insides were still tingling, his cock still hard.  

“Don’t know, I bet Mayuri does, we should find that idiot and get some answers.” Never had the urge to stab the scientist be so strong.  

“If these things are multiplying on their own, we could have wide spread damage, especially if these things escape and get to the human world or Las Noches.”  

“Not to worry, the head captain has issued an order, no gates are to be opened until the threat is reported solved.” The two get dressed, Toshiro needing some help with his new appendages. Ichigo was happy to help him get dressed. “This is embarrassing.” Toshiro says, Ichigo kneels for him.   

Ichigo chuckles and gives him a kiss. The cock tails coil around his stomach allowing the dressing to be done. Toshiro’s balls had become so large they completely dominated his underwear, so his cock was stuck sticking out and tucked into his pant leg.  

“If you get any bigger you might not be able to wear pants at all.” Ichigo says playfully, caressing the cock outline in his pants.  

“Don’t joke.” he blushed. “You should get dressed to.”  

“Right,” Ichigo tried to get dressed, though found it to be more difficult than Toshiro. The fabric caressing his skin felt sinful. He bit his lip as his nipples hardened just from putting on a top. Putting on his fundoshi gave him equal trouble, the fabric seemed to stimulate every inch it touched.  

He fought back a moan. “Ichigo?”  

“I’m fine.” He put on his clothes quick. ‘What did that thing do to my body?’ it was like every stitch and fiber was teasing him. His cock hardened, which made the matter worse as his erection pushed at the fabric. It sought freedom to stand free and naked, but as it pushed the more stimulus it received. ‘This is bad!’ Ichigo thought.  

“Let’s move out and try to find that crazy bastard.” Ichigo says, they leave but with each step Ichigo was losing his mind. The fabric of his clothes continued to tease him, it wasn’t long before he was leaking pre like crazy. Had Ichigo been in his right mind he would have remembered there was more than one way to get into Soul Society now.  

-x-In the human world-x-

A garganta opened up to reveal Grimmjow. He steps out and releases his spiritual pressure, scaring off the small fry hollows in the area. ‘That should get his attention.’  

Grimmjow waited and waited, but his target had yet to show up. “Where the hell is he!?” he snapped. He was not known for his patience. Grimmjow had an arrangement with a certain orange haired soul reaper. The bluenette agreed to take on the responsibility of being Las Noches’ representative but Ichigo had to agree to be his sparring partner.  

While he hated all the political bullshit it was all worth it, getting to fight with Ichigo as much as he wanted. The boy excited him, their fights were never boring. He’d show up release some pressure and Ichigo would come running, it was so common, even though Chad, Orihime, Uryu, and even Urahara felt his pressure they knew immediately it was Grimmjow. He used his pesquisa but was shocked to not find a trace of Ichigo.  

The boy had crap control over his power, his spirit was always like a wild fire, he could find it in his sleep. Despite this Grimmjow could not find it. “What the hell!?” he roared. He flew off wanting answers, he knew of one person who would know where his berry was.   

Urahara was not expecting Grimmjow to come bursting into his shop, but boy did he. “Where is he?” Grimmjow growled.  

“Ichigo? He’s on a mission in Soul Society.” Grimmjow growled. “I’m sure he’ll back soon.”  

“Soon my ass!” Grimmjow bellowed flipping the table.  

“Now, now.” Urahara chuckles nervously. “Don’t you have duties you can perform until he returns.”  

Grimmjow growled. “Wait a minute, he’s in Soul Society right?” he smirks. He pulls out a strange device and places it around his wrist.  

“Wait Grimmjow, that’s...”  

“I got this stupid thing when I became the rep of Las Noches, it allows me to open up a garganta that can take me to Soul Society.” though he never used it, since he hated dealing with Soul Reapers most of them were too stuffy. Soul Society usually just had Ichigo deliver paperwork and work for Grimmjow to do. “I’m going after him!”  

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, there is a state of emergency in Soul Society right now.”  

“Tch, I can handle myself,” he clasped the item on his wrist and tapped the sky opening a garganta. Normally a hollows garganta couldn’t take them to Soul Society, hence the device, it acted as a gate key allowing passage. “See ya!” he enters and the garganta closed behind him.  

“Grimmjow wait!” he yelled but it was too late. “Oh dear.”  

While the head captain ordered a seal order in Soul Society, and no one would dare defy him and open up a gate to let these creatures out, there was another way that was overlooked due to the current crisis.  

Grimmjow entered Soul Society, as it turns out not in the safest of places. “What the hell?” he raised a brow as he was surrounded by strange eggs. “Is this the crisis?” he examined one of the eggs.  

He cut one with his Zanpakuto causing it to explode and release a strange mist. “Doesn’t seem so dangerous.” Little did he know his clothing was starting to dissolve. He cut a few more eggs, quickening the dissolve process.  

The white fabric dissolved showing off Grimmjow’s naked form, the broad shoulders, the sexy back muscles, the plump ass, his powerful legs, his heavy balls, his soft 9 inch cock, his abs and pecs he always showed off. He soon noticed when he felt the sudden breeze between his knees. “The fuck is this!” he snapped, he wasn’t shy but suddenly being naked came as a shock. “Some weird shit going on here. Better find Kurosaki.”  

Before he could leave an egg opened up and a cock hugger sprang out at Grimmjow, seeking to latch onto his exposed man meat. Grimmjow quickly blasted it with a cero, it knocked it back but didn’t kill it as it sprang up and began scurrying back after him. “Tough little bugger aren’t you!” he stabbed it, killing it this time. “The hell is this thing?”  

He should have been more careful, after crushing the eggs and killing a hugger, something much bigger began to move. A massive tentacle tripped up Grimmjow’s legs. “Shit!” he didn’t even have a chance to correct his fall, before thick tentacles quickly snatched his ankles and wrists. His zanpakuto and the gate key item dropped from him.  

As much as Grimmjow struggled he couldn’t break free from the creature’s hold. He was pulled towards the creature’s body as smaller tentacles shot out and began to slither over Grimmjow’s naked form. “You perfected fu-!” a large open tentacle shot into his mouth silencing Grimmjow.  

The tentacle pumped a strange goo into his mouth, Grimmjow was quick to bite down, but it did nothing to the creature, creating more holes to release the goo, now he could taste it as it flooded his mouth and pumped down his throat. His pupils dilated, and the fight left him.  

Grimmjow felt his body heat up, his cock hardening, and his nipples perked up. As he was pulled in closer more tentacles joined the fun, slithering along Grimmjow’s muscles, tasting his sweat and manliness. Five tentacles with strange tongues attacked Grimmjow’s body.  

Two latched onto his nipples, the tiny tongues penetrating his nips, they sucked on the buds while stimulating them. Grimmjow’s moans were muffled but the fun was just beginning. The last three attacked his crotch, one swallowing his cock, the tongue slipping perfectly into his piss slit. The other two latched onto his balls, the tongues penetrated the orbs, stimulating them and making them grow.  

Grimmjow saw stars as the various stimuli assaulted his body. If the created would let him cum he would have. If he was in his right mind he would care, but the taste of the goo made him focus on chugging every drop, his tongue even licking the underside of the tentacle in his mouth. His mind seemed to blank out his current situation and in his mind he was sucking the cock of a certain orange haired Soul Reaper.  

The tentacles forced him into a submissive position spreading his legs wide and exposing his manhole. The creature had one more massive tentacle to give, it plunged into Grimmjow’s hole releasing the special goo as he went. It pumped the stuff deep into his body.  

His first change was a surprising one, as his hollow hole began to close up. He was pulled into the creature’s hold, tentacles stimulating his naked form as it prepared his transformation. No pain only pleasure, that was the gift the cock hugger granted as his body would forever be changed.  

The creature swallowed him up in a cocoon of flesh, setting down for Grimmjow’s transformation. ‘Kurosaki...’ was his last thought before falling completely into darkness.  


Ichigo paused for a moment. “What’s wrong Ichigo?”  

“I thought I felt something...” he shook his head. ‘No it couldn’t be, Grimmjow would never come to Soul Society.’  

Oh how wrong he was, as the massive cock hugger had Grimmjow safely held within it’s tentacles. The transformation nearly complete, his body pulsed inside the behemoth creature.  

Once the transformation was complete, Grimmjow ripped from the creature exposing his new form. His power flexing, alerting Ichigo. ‘I know that power anywhere.’ Ichigo was flushed and horny but knew he had to find Grimmjow before anything happened to him. “Toshiro this way!”

“But Ichigo the lab is this way.” the boy was rushing off. “What’s up?” the boy didn’t respond.  

Grimmjow stretched in his new form, he looked similar to his released form, sharing the same neko ears and wild hair. However his hollow hole was gone as was his hollow armor. Instead Grimmjow had fur; from his wrists to his elbows, and his ankles to his knees. His man bush spread forming a treasure path up to his navel.  

His 9 inch dick grew larger nearly doubling in size reaching 18 inches, his balls were huge, and his manhole was left open and hungry. He had a long furry panther-like tail. Being a hollow Grimmjow knew hunger, but now he faced a thirst and need like never before.  

He lays on his back and his big cock hung over his pecs, dripping pre onto his manly muscles. He licked his lips and with a purr and he leans forward and starts lapping at his own cock.   

Grimmjow swirled his tongue, and lapped at his piss slit. Pre poured freely into his mouth, much to the male’s pleasure. Using his flexibility he was able to swallow the first 6 inches of his dick. “Mmm,” he moans around his cock, sucking his thick length he purred, sending pleasing vibrations along his cock.  

Still no matter how much he sucked and licked his cock, he couldn’t get off, just getting the pre appetizer. His manhole throbbed, and that’s when his furry thick tail came into play. It curled and pointed at his entrance.  

His tail thrust in and Grimmjow moaned, eyes closing in bliss. His hole stretched like rubber to swallow his furry appendage, the fur tickling his insides. The tail thrashed, wiggling his insides and making Grimmjow buck and swallow another inch of cock.

“Grimmjow?” Ichigo was frozen at the scene before him, not of shock, but of arousal. This wasn’t even the weirdest thing he’d seen today. Plus he’d been stirred up from the clothing teasing his sensitive body. The bluenette looked so sexy sucking his dick, and fucking himself with his tail.  

With a moan Grimmjow came, drinking his own man milk. He doesn’t pull off till every spurt is swallowed. Ichigo watches as the big cock swells and pumps spurt after spurt from his mighty balls.  

He pulls off his cock and pulls his tail out of his ass. It seems he wasn’t satisfied with just that, as he crouches into an attack stance. “Uhh Grimmjow, easy it’s me Ichigo. You know me!”  

Grimmjow pounced, using his new claws and tail to strip Ichigo of his clothes. “Ahh ah ah hey ahhh!” he blushes as what wasn’t shredded was pulled off him, causing stimulus against his sensitive skin.  

His crotch was drenched with pre, but Grimmjow’s thick tail was able to dispose of them. The male started sniffing Ichigo purring in delight. ‘He’s he gonna fuck me?’ Ichigo blushes, feeling Grimmjow’s massive 18 incher rub against his sensitive crotch.

To his shock Grimmjow slid forward, rubbing his massive man meat against Ichigo’s abs and pecs. “Grimmjow?” the male rubbed his ass against Ichigo’s wet cock.  

“Ichigo!” Toshiro came running, passing through the mist from the eggs. His clothing dissolved in seconds, and soon his massive cock was bouncing and bobbing as he ran. There was an egg left, another one Grimmjow misses, it opened up and a cock hugger burst out.   

Toshiro was so focused on Ichigo and Grimmjow, he wasn’t paying attention. The cock hugger latched onto his cock. “Gah!” it held his cock tightly. “Oh no, not again!” he dropped to his knees and blacked out.  

When he came to, he got a nosebleed at the sight before him. Grimmjow was riding Ichigo, the blue haired male was happily bouncing up and down Ichigo’s fat cock, panting and mewling in delight. Ichigo had his hands on Grimmjow’s penis, pumping the massive man meat faster and faster. Grimmjow’s tail was put to good use fucking Ichigo’s tight hole. The furry appendage thrust and wiggled stimulating his soft insides. It seems Grimmjow was enjoying himself, tongue hanging from his mouth as he played with his own nipples.  

Toshiro gasped as his massive 24 incher throbbed, his balls had gotten even bigger. Using both hands he pumped himself watching the show unfold before him. “Toshiro!” Ichigo gasped. The male now had three massive and weeping cock tails.  

He couldn’t look away, something about watching Ichigo’s cock appear and disappear inside Grimmjow was sexy. He licked his lips and pumped himself faster. Grimmjow was the first to climax, howling as he cums hard.  

His dick erupting like a volcano, his seed shooting high before raining down onto Ichigo and himself. His insides clamp down onto Ichigo’s cock, making the boy moan, bucking up into him. “Grimmjow!” he cries out, the male’s soft insides massage his length and his climax hits hard.  

Ichigo’s balls lurch and he pumps his seed into Grimmjow. The bluenette shivers in delight, his face twisting in pleasure as he cums again. Just the feeling of Ichigo’s cum pelting inside him was enough to push him over the edge again. His hole spasmed, squeezing Ichigo’s cock trying to milk more cum out of him.  

Grimmjow slumped down, keeping Ichigo’s cock still buried deep inside him. He starts licking his cum off Ichigo’s face. “Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo!” Grimmjow chants his name, like it was the only word worthy to leave his lips. He shakes his ass, loving the feeling of being filled.  

“Looks like you had another secret admirer.” Toshiro stands. “A horny cat slut it seems.” Grimmjow ignores him, grinding his ass down into Ichigo’s cock, loving how his balls are tickled by Ichigo’s pubes. “He’s even more cock hungry than Yushiro.”  

He slaps his cock against Grimmjow’s ass making the bluenette moan. “Pull out and let me give him a taste of my cock.”

“No!” Grimmjow howled. “Ichigo stay!” he moans. Toshiro rubs his big dick against Grimmjow, pre running down his back muscles.  

“What you don’t want my cock?”  

“I do...want both!” he moaned. This surprised both males.  

“If you want,” he lines his cock up alongside Ichigo’s.  

Grimmjow starts licking and nibbling Ichigo’s neck. “Wait Toshi...” he is cut off as Grimmjow kisses him. The white haired boy slips in, and the trio moan. Grimmjow’s ass was heaven, soft and welcoming, both cocks were welcome inside. The friction against Ichigo’s dick was delicious.  

His massive man meat sank deep into Grimmjow, reaching deeper than Ichigo and making Grimmjow’s belly expand. The feline male tossed his head back to moan. “If you ever want to feel Ichigo’s cock again, you’ll be a good boy and suck my cock tail.” He brought the first to his face.  

Grimmjow was hesitant, despite the delicious smelling pre that was leaking from Toshiro’s dick. Ichigo cupped his cheek. “Do it for me, Grimmjow.” That did it. He swallowed Toshiro’s cock obediantly.  

“Ohh fuck!” Toshiro moans, the powerful sucks and teasing licks made him shiver.  

Ichigo sucked the second cock tail. The third tail swayed back and forth. ‘What to do, what to do? Oh yes!’ the third cock tail slithered into Ichigo’s stuffed ass. “Fuck the hell yes!”  

He started to move, pounding into Grimmjow, while driving his tail into Ichigo. His other two tails were slurped and sucked on by the two. The mouths and throats massaged his tails, tongues caressing the underside, the sensitive heads, and the wet slits.   

Grimmjow’s tail coils around his cock tail inside, adding extra stimulus to both Toshiro and Ichigo. The long appendage sinks deep into Ichigo’s belly making it bulge.  

The quadruple stimulus overwhelmed Toshiro and he came.  

He came into both their asses and mouths at once. He sighed in relief the weight in his balls easing. Grimmjow and Ichigo chugged his thick seed, tongues lapping at the tips coaxing more of his thick cream out.  

Grimmjow came next, spilling his seed all over Ichigo, his clenching inner walls pushed Ichigo over the edge and his seed joined the sea of cum in Grimmjow’s belly. The three cock tails pull out and cover the two in semen.  

He pulls out of Grimmjow and basks in the intense orgasm. Grimmjow doesn’t even wait, riding Ichigo’s cock some more. ‘Looks like we got another member to the family, this one seems like a problem child.’ Ichigo shivers and moans, Grimmjow’s rides made Toshiro’s cum gush out of both their holes. ‘Fuck that’s hot.’  

It took a few minutes but then sense hit Toshiro. “Wait a minute how did Grimmjow get here?!”  

A creature slipped away with the gate key.

To be continued



Hell fucking yes!! So hotttt 😍😍