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My Hero Parody: Patreon Reward


Bakugo 8 Inches/2 Inches: Quirk: Explosion  

Izuku 13 Inches Pearl Implant: Quirk: Controller/One for All

All Might: Civilian mode 11 inches Hero mode 13: Quirk One for All Remnants

Ojiro: 9 inches Quirk: Tail

Shoji: 12 inches Quirk: Dupli Arms

Kirishima: 11 Inches: Quirk Hardening

Iida: ? Inches: Quirk Engine

Chap 5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/20749208

Chap 6 Decisions and Desires

With the weight off expulsion off their shoulders the students return to their respective locker rooms to get changed and return to class. Izuku strips off his clothes, as does Bakugo. The class was actually in full swing talking about the events of the tests and the skills shown. “Oh man Midoriya, you were so awesome out there.”  

“You were great to Kirishima.” the greenette blushed. Kirishima was standing stark naked once more, yet his body language wasn’t that he was flaunting it.  

“Maybe, but my quirk doesn’t really show off.” he uses it to harden his arm.  

“I don’t think so I think your quirk is amazing.” Izuku steps forward to him, and touches his hardened arm. “I think with this quirk you’ll be a fine hero.” he smiles and Kirishima blushed.  

“Oh yeah?” he smiles, his excitement becomes clear as his cock hardens in delight. “Oh uh sorry.” he chuckles.  

“It’s cool,” Izuku says, and Kirishima’s blush deepens.

“Oi Deku,” Bakugo comes up to them. “Nice hard on weird hair.”  

Kirishima sweat drops. “My hair isn’t that different from yours.”  

“Kirishima, this is my boyfriend Bakugo Katsuki. Kacchan this is Kirishima.”  

“Aww man, of course a guy like you would already be taken.”  he looks at Bakugo and sighs. “You are one lucky dude.” he offers his hand, to which Bakugo actually takes and shakes.  

“I know.” Izuku chuckles and slips in close to Kirishima to whisper into his ear. Ojiro sees this and guesses he’s getting the same info Izuku told him.  

‘What are you doing Ojiro, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.’ he could see how special Izuku was. The boy was a hero nerd, clearly fascinated with quirks, he was smart, good looking, strong, and had a strong hero’s will.  

Kirishima seems to think the same as the red head hugs Izuku and then Bakugo, again not an ounce of shame even as he presses his hard on into his fellow naked classmates. Bakugo did get pissed a little bit and began pushing Kirishima away from him. “Get off my weird hair!”  

“Hehe, hey your nipple piercings are really cool.”  

“Shut it!” Bakugo growls. It seems Kirishima was able to read Bakugo pretty well. Despite his prickly exterior, he was a good guy.   

“Oi Midoriya,” Izuku turned to see a boy named Mineta. “Your quirk is interesting.”  

“Umm thanks.” he looks to Bakugo and Kirishima, who give him the same confused look.  

“I heard rumors that there was someone with a mind control quirk at the exam, but your quirk can do more than that. You can also manipulate one’s body as well.” Mineta had a weird look on his face, it made Izuku a tad nervous.  

“Uhh yeah.” the boy began to sweat.  

“Heh heh heh, that’s a pretty villainous quirk you got there, you can do all kinds of stuff with that power.” he pointed at Izuku. “I thought you were a bit of a freaky pervert with that cock piercing of yours.”

“Freaky...” Izuku teared up looking down at himself. Now Bakugo was pissed.  

“You are dead pipsqueak!” Bakugo snapped explosions going off in his hand. Mineta just looks at Bakugo, sees the collar and his pierced nipples.  

“You sure can bark, Midoriya called you his boyfriend but really your just his pet, does he make you wear that collar?” Bakugo grabbed him and pinned him against one of the lockers.  

“Listen here shit stain, I chose to wear this collar and be his because that’s what I wanted!” smoke went off in his hand, he was ready to blast him.  

“Midoriya call off your dog!” Mineta screamed.  

“YOU ARE SO DEAD!” Bakugo was about to blast him.  

“Kacchan...he’s not worth it.” Izuku says. Mineta smirks, but Bakugo punches him anyway. Iida comes over and everyone was expecting him to scold Bakugo, but instead he scolds Mineta.  

“Mineta-kun, it is not right to judge others on their quirks, it is how one uses their power.” he says, making powerful hand movements. Iida had a towel around his waist, which Mineta used to get up, which of course caused the towel to fall. Iida gasped as his soft 3 inch cock was exposed. “Gah!” he blushed and quickly covered himself.

Mineta saw and snorts. He was about to make a comment about his small cock, when someone...cough Izuku cough...tazered the little odd ball. Iida blushed and using his quirk he ran off. ‘They saw!’ he buried his face in his hands.  

Everyone finished getting dressed, but Iida was still hiding inside one of the bathroom stalls. Izuku noticed. “I’ll catch up, I’m gonna check on Iida.”  

“Don’t be long Deku.” Bakugo says and leaves without him. Kirishima and Ojiro follow at their own pace giving Izuku a wave.  

He finds the male in the stall. “Iida, you are going to be late for class.”  

“I can’t go out there, everyone saw, everyone will make fun of me.”  

“No they won’t.” though Izuku was sure Mineta probably would. “They did at my old school.” Iida confesses. “I was hoping to get a fresh start here, but everyone saw.”  

“Iida...why does having a big cock matter to you?” he asked.  

Iida sighed. “Have you heard of the hero Ingenium?”  

“Yes he’s quite the popular hero, I hear he has at least 20 sidekicks working under him.”

“He’s my big brother.” Iida says. “My family has been heroes for generations, I love my brother and respect him. I look up to him in a lot of ways. My brother is amazing, he isn’t as awkward around people as I am, he’s handsome, smart, cool.”  

Izuku continued to listen. “My brother is also quite popular with both men and women as well, he is very endowed 10 inches in length. His partners say his size is perfect, not to big and not to thick, the perfect size to pleasure and not wreck.” he looks down at his 3 incher. “I had hoped being his brother and sharing the same genes I’d at least be able to be like him in that department. In the end I’m really inferior to him.”  

“You are not!” Izuku snaps shocking Iida. “You may not be like your brother, but if you hadn’t noticed you’re good looking to, you are smart, have a sexy body, you can be a little awkward, but I think it’s cute.”  

“You think I’m cute?” Iida blushes.  

“Yes I do,” Iida opens the door. “Listen Iida, I think you are perfect just as you are, but if you want to match your brother here.” he cups Iida’s crotch, making the boy moan. “I can help with that.”  

“You can?” he shivers, cock hardening against Izuku’s palm.  

“Believe it or not, my quirk can modify the body in different ways. Sometimes I shrink Kacchan’s dick to be even smaller than you are now.”  

“Really? Why would he do that, he’s quite big.”  

“It makes him more sensitive, and being smaller allows him to go for more rounds, he’s able to last longer and recover quicker.” Iida blushes as Izuku rubs him faster.  

“Ahh I see ohh.” he’s leaking pre coating Izuku’s hand.   

“He likes it so much it’s a saved setting on my controller.” he wags it with his free hand. “If you like I can modify your body to.”  

“Won’t Bakugo be angry, isn’t this something special you do with a lover.” Izuku chuckled and whispered something into his ear, Iida shivered trembling and he came all over Izuku’s hand. The male slumps to the cold floor, or maybe it felt cold because he felt so hot. “Think it over Iida-kun, please know that whatever you decide I will help you with your desire.”  

Iida looks up at him and his whole face goes red as Izuku licks up his semen off his hand. “I...I will keep it in mind.” Izuku helps him up, and he gets dressed. They make it to class just in time.  

The first day’s schedule was a simple one, as were most classes. Outside of the Hero Course Classes, most classes consisted of the general studies you’d find in most schools. Below Class B, they had training and quirk management courses. Class B received 1 Hero Class, and Class A receives 2 a day. Hero classes were different each day, a roster set up to offer variety lessons.  

Hero Classes were broken down into Combat Training, Rescue Training, Quirk Training, and Support Training. Each of these four training courses are divided into sub systems assigned to different teachers, to handle the courses specific needs.  

As it was just the first day the students had general studies, lunch, and got to meet the various teachers available for the Hero Courses. All Might was currently doing his hero thing. Thanks to Izuku’s modifications his hero time was boosted even with the remnants he had.  

Through the day Ojiro met up with Bakugo. “Bakugo, I wanted to talk to you.”  

“You again,” he sighs. “What is it Tail Ass?” he asked, and Ojiro sweat dropped.  

“Listen, Midoriya told me about your relationship. Is it really true.”  

“Deku is a shit liar, if he was lying you could tell.” he says and tries to continue walking but Ojiro cut him off.  

“I’m serious, since he’s told me, I can’t stop thinking about it. I just don’t want to cause problems between you two.” At this  Bakugo laughed.  

“Well it’s good you are thinking hard on it, maybe to hard but whatever. Take it from someone who’s been in your shoes. I couldn’t see the good thing right in front of me, and I wasted a lot of time overthinking and not trusting Deku.” he touches his collar. “My only regret is not becoming his sooner.”  

“Huh,” Ojiro was surprised by the blonde’s words.  

“Follow your heart, your gut, or your dick, I don’t give a fuck, but know we don’t need any pussies in our family. If you end up hurting Deku know I’ll kill you myself.”  

“Got it, thanks Bakugo, I think I see why Izuku likes you...kinda...” he lets him pass and walks away.  

“What’s that supposed to mean, I’m awesome!” he shouts.    

The first day came to an end and everyone got to go home, the flames of desire sparking in the hearts of young men.  


The tailed blonde goes home and after dinner and homework does what Izuku asked, he thought about the boy and being in his harem. He felt his manhood stir to life. Feeling he got permission, he strips off his clothes and begins to play with himself. “Izuku!” Ojiro moans, one hand plays with his chest, the other moves down to stroke his aching cock.

His strokes are slow at first, as his free hand coaxes his nipple to hardness. He teases the perky bid, increasing his pleasure. As his dick starts to leak pre, he pumps faster, spreading the slick essence over his shaft.  

A blush burns on his cheeks, as he imagines Izuku watching him as he plays with himself. “Izuku Ah ahh!” his toes curl, and he pumps faster. His balls bouncing as his strokes become more intense. He switches nipples and teases it for a bit until both his nips were hard.  

His tail thrashes in his pleasure. He stops his teasing and changes position, tail raised high as if offering himself to Izuku. The hand he was using to pump himself, was slicked in pre and he moves it back to explore his ass. He smears his own essence over his hole as he pumps his cock with his free hand.  

Ojiro finds his climax, his tail curling with excitement. “Ahhh Izuku!” he howls. He lays in his bed panting. He desired Izuku, his feelings were clear.  


Kirishima finishes his homework and dinner and goes to his room, no sooner did the door shut did the red head strip. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” Kirishima’s dick sprang up. “This is so cool, so epic, those two are just...ohhh!” He fondles his balls and starts pumping his dick.  

He was no stranger to this. “If I’m gonna submit to a guy, he has to be a manly guy.” he thinks. Izuku was fit, strong and kind, plus if he was honest with himself he was a bit of a size queen. He couldn’t help it, the size, the girth, it was so manly and mouth watering. The pearls were an exotic touch, it never crossed his mind but now it wouldn’t leave.  

Stroking his cock faster, and fondling his balls harder Kirishima writhes in his bed. His nipples were hard and perky, his body trembling in excitement. He breaths in deeply through his nose, the manly musk radiating from his crotch with each pump. Kirishima was a simple guy, he wasn’t one for overthinking things so he knew his decision early on.  

With a moan, he cums hard, his seed splattering over his body. His cum hits his face, neck, a few spurts splattering his chest, a few more pelting his abs. The rest of his orgasm peters out coating his crotch. He lay back, grinning, basking in his orgasm. “A harem huh? I think I’ve found a place to really belong.”  

Back in his early school days, as much as he wanted to be a hero he had doubts. People mocked his quirk, and as much as he trained he feared they were right. That his quirk wasn’t gonna be enough. Izuku was the first person, outside of family who said his quirk was fitting of a hero.  

It was more than that, but it was a nice touch. He didn’t have many friends in school, heck some guys even messed with him for having a big dick. He was mocked saying the best job for him was a stripper than a hero. Kirishima liked his body, liked the body of men, things like shyness weren’t really something he thought about.  

He smeared his cum over his chiseled body, loving the feeling of being marked in cum. “I wonder if Izuku and Bakugo would be willing to add theirs to the mix.” he chuckled and his cock twitched happily.  


Iida finished his homework, had dinner, trained, and cleaned up for bed. He looked at the small probe Izuku had given him after school was out. ‘If you don’t wanna join my harem, simply slip this into your ass, I’ll be able to modify you and you can carry on as normal once I’m done.’ he had said.  

He wasn’t sure what to do.  

To be continued...Combat Training


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