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Digimon Parody: Tier 1: Vol 1 PDF


Chap 5 Beach Side

Of all the things Tai thought he’d experience at Summer Camp falling to his death certainly wasn’t one of them. He and his boys with their partners were currently hurtling towards the rushing river below. Patamon was trying to keep Takeru up, but his wings weren’t strong enough. “This can’t be it!”  

“Marching Fishes!” Gomamon calls out. A massive school of fish gather, breaking their fall.  

“Fish?!” Everyone gasped. The fish swim down the river, acting as a raft for them.  

“These are my followers!” Gomamon says happily. The fish raft take them safely down the river, Kuwagamon wasn’t so lucky falling into the rushing river below.  

“What a ride!” the fish carried them safely down the river, even when things got choppy. They escaped the crevice, and landed back to the some new woods.  

“I knew we’d be okay, I wasn’t worried.” Matt says. T.K. rushes over to him and hugs him. Tai knew he was putting on an act, and he wanted nothing more than to go over and hug his boyfriend, but he knew the rules. No funny stuff in front of Takeru.  

“You guys okay?” Tai asked, looking over their comrades. Izzy gave a thumbs up, and Joe tried to catch his breath. “That was so scary!” Joe says sitting up.  

“But it’s all okay now.” Gomamon says.  

“Right thank you...uhh I guess it’s not Bukamon anymore.” Joe fixes up his glasses.  

“It’s Gomamon now.” he says with a laugh, his tail wagging happily.  

“Allow us to introduce ourselves.” Agumon says and gives a bow. “Since we digivolved, I am Agumon!”  

“I’m Patamon!” Patamon says flying a bit in the air over to Takeru.  

“I’m Gabumon!” the dino with the fur says.  

“I’m Tentomon!” the bug like digimon says.  

“So digivolving is what happens when they advance to the next level, interesting.” Izzy says.  

“Well you guys got way bigger for sure.” Tai pet Agumon. “Are you guys different now?”

“We are stronger now, but at our core we are always digimon, but I needed your help, Tai.” Tai blinked.  

“Me? For what?”  

“You see, digivolving is a very difficult process.” he explains, “We were only able to do it because you shared your power with us.”  

“But how do we share this power?” Izzy asked.  

“Even we don’t know that.” Tentomon says giving a little shrug.  

“Thanks for the power.” Gabumon says to Matt.

“Yeah, sure no problem.”  

“So I helped you change that’s cool.” Takeru says happily, Patamon smiles. “Yep sure is.”

“This is weird.” Joe says.  

“I’m not weird, I’m your friend for life.” Gomamon says.  

“We need a plan, what are we gonna do?” Matt says.  

Tai pulls out his scope. “Well we can’t go back, that’s for sure.” he looks around.  

“I wonder if there is a pay phone nearby, we could call the police, or the fire department, or our parents.” Joe says.  

“But we don’t even know where we are, even if we could call our parents, we don’t know how to meet them or if they can get to us.” Tai pockets his spy glass. “But it’s okay, we have each other, we have supplies, so long as we have each other’s backs. Together we will find our way back home.” Tai didn’t know if he was saying this for their spirits or his own. “We came from that mountain.”  

“Going back is too dangerous, we should explore here.” Matt adds, and Tai nods.  

“I don’t wanna explore anywhere, we should camp here and wait for help.” Joe says, crossing his arms.

“But we don’t if anyone can find us like this.” Tai says.  

“Yeah, and what if that bug thing comes back?” Matt asked.  

“Joe, no matter what we need to stick together.”  

“Exploring won’t help if we don’t know where we are, we have no compass or map.” Izzy says.  

“Agumon, have you seen any humans before?” Tai asked.  

“Like you, never.” he shakes his head. Tai sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.  

“Those big monsters don’t scare me!” Takeru says. “Let’s go explore.”  

“We should explore until it gets dark, stopping to rest when needed, and we’ll need to forage for food to.” Tai says. “We won’t find anything just sitting around here.” he playfully smacks Joe’s ass to get the boy moving.  

“Maybe we should just find a cave or something and hide.” Joe suggests.  

“Let’s follow the river, maybe it will lead to an ocean.” Tai says, and leads the way.  

“Maybe we can make a boat or raft and sail home.” Matt says with a shrug.  

The group walks, Gomamon using the river to swim along. “These trees are strange, not even tropical trees have this coloring.”  

“This is weird, let’s go back.” Joe clutches his bag.  

“Hey, Joe if you wanna go back and be monster food, that’s up to you.” Gabumon chuckles, and Joe blushes. Tai stops and goes to him, gives the male a hug.  

“Joe, I know this is scary, but we can’t do nothing if we explore we can at least find food, before we get too hungry. We can keep one step ahead on any big digimon that want to turn us into snacks. If things get too stressful you can hold my hand.” He whispers, and Joe nods, hugging Tai back. He needed a hug big time. Tai rubbed his back soothingly. ‘Tai’s really a great guy.’ Joe joins Tai at the head of the pack and walks with him holding his hand.  

Izzy looks from the two to Matt, who seems a bit more frustrated then normal. They continue walking and talking. “Digital monsters, who came up with that name?”  

“Just call us Digimon, we like that.” Tentomon says.

“I only ask because you don’t seem very machine like.”  

“Oh no?” Tentomon’s wings buzz giving off sparks. “Aye, I get it.”  

Takeru was amazed that Patamon could fly, though it seems he was still getting used to his new wings. The river did lead to the ocean but the kids were met with another strange occurrence, ringing! Ring Ring Ring

“You guys here that?” Tai held a hand up to his ear. Ring Ring Ring  

“A phone!” Matt says.  

“Either that or we are all hearing things.” Joe says.  

They follow the ringing to a beach where random payphones were found. They raced along the beach to the phone booths only for the ringing to stop. “Huh?”  

“Why’d it stop Tai?” Agumon asked.

“No idea, wrong number?” he tried the phone but got nothing.  

“I think this is a trap, probably aliens left them here to trick us.”  

“Looks like we won’t be able to call home on these things.” They each tried a booth but got weird results. They used phone cards loose change, even calling collect but just got an operator speaking gibberish.  

Operator: The weather forecast calls for ice cream with a light drizzle of chocolate syrup.   

Operator 2: This number only exists in your imagination. Please hang up and don’t call back.  

“Why else would phone booths be on the beach?” Joe asks. “We need to call our parents.” The digimon were confused not knowing what parents are. Izzy tried to connect to the internet again no luck.  

“Any luck?” Tai asks. The others shook their head. “I got a strange feeling about this.”  

“Shame they don’t work, we could call and order some food, I’m getting hungry.” Matt says.

“Ugh don’t mention food.” Izzy groans and his stomach growled.  

“We digimon can forage for food.” Agumon volunteers.  

“Really, that’s so cool. Can I come?” Takeru asked.

“I don’t know T.K. maybe you should stay on the beach.” Matt says.  

“Aww please, I won’t be alone the digimon will be with me.” he gave his brother the puppy eyes.  

Matt sighed. “Go ahead.”  

“Yay!” the boy and the digimon, except Gomamon went off into the woods to find food. Matt groaned and Tai embraced him.  

“How you holding up?” Tai asked.  

“Better now,” Matt kissed him and the two made out. Izzy and Joe blushed at the powerful and loving make out. The kiss was hot! They could feel it just watching. When the kiss ended Matt leaned against Tai, nuzzling his neck.  

“I don’t get it, you guys are so into each other, why do you hide it?” Joe asked.  

Matt rubbed his arm. “Well, my parents are divorced, when they split I stayed with dad, and T.K. went with our mom. So we don’t exactly have the best bond, I don’t want him to think badly of his big brother.”  

“But if you are keeping it from him doesn’t that mean he doesn’t get to know the real you?” Izzy asked. “Keeping secrets will only cause trouble later, believe me I know.” Izzy’s words held meaning and it gave Matt pause, he has thought of telling T.K. but would the boy understand?  

“It’s Matt’s decision,” he kissed his cheek. “Know that I’ll support whatever you decide.” Tai never pushed him on this. He had a sister, it’s different but being a big brother was hard. Kari seemed to think he needed a girlfriend so she was constantly trying to hook him up.  

“I’m gonna look around some more, we’ll need to take stock of our supplies.” Tai says but Izzy stops him.  

“No Tai you should rest.” Tai gives him a smile.  

“I’m fine really.” he says but the boy was sweating. “I’m just a little tired but hey we are all tired right?”  

“No you are not.” Matt says and pulls him down.  

“Hey!” Matt pins him down.  

“You don’t think I don’t know when you are keeping something from me. You are more than just a little tired.” Tai blushes. In truth he’d been running on adrenaline for awhile now. Things were a lot calmer now so he was starting to feel his fatigue.  

“I can’t just do nothing.” he gives the bags to Tai.

“Lay down get a tan,” Tai pouted. “I’ll go search the rest of the beach see if there’s anything here.”  

“I’ll watch the bags, and take stock of our supplies.”   

“I’m gonna keep trying the phones.” Joe says. Not much else they can do, with no fishing poles or bait not like they could fish. Tai sighs and strips off his clothes, using them as a make shift bed to lay down in, he puts on his speedos on. Matt headed off to find anything.  

As Izzy checked the bags he came across the various sex toys. He blushed crimson and Tai gave a tired chuckle. “Yeah, Matt wanted to surprise me, only to get surprised by T.K. guess he was wanting a wild summer, careful what you wish for huh?” Izzy nods and looks at the variety of sexual objects. They varied in size and shape but none were as big as Tai, plugs, dildos, vibes, and more. Izzy felt himself get hard but quickly stored the sex toy bag away. ‘Who knew he was so kinky.’ Outside of Matt’s clothes there wasn’t much else in there.  

Izzy had brought his computer, a digital camera, and a small cellphone but nothing has worked since they got there. Tai’s bag was a bit more conventional, he had his mini telescope of course, but there was a compass, a knife spoon and fork, a flashlight, and a swiss army knife. “The compass doesn’t work I didn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up.” Tai grumbled.  

“Sleep,” Izzy insists. Tai sighs and tries to relax. “It’s sweet you want to take care of us, but if you get sick it would be bad.”  

“Right, right,” Tai yawned.  

Takeru was packing junk food galore, and Joe had the emergency kit, with medical supplies and emergency food. Plus they had remnants of their breakfast foraging. “Looks like we are good on supplies.” He looks and Tai had fallen asleep. Izzy smiles and sits beside him, eyes memorizing Tai’s sexy body. ‘How could something that big fit inside...’ he blushes.  


Matt finds a small shack, and similar to the mail boxes there’s stuff inside. “Towels canteens sunscreen...do digimon use this stuff or were there humans here?” he finds a note saying. “A gift for those chosen?” Matt uses a towel to collect some items and heads back to camp.  

“Good he’s asleep.” Matt says spotting Tai sleeping. “Wanna help?” he waves the suntan oil and Izzy nods. Oiling up they start to massage Tai’s body, Matt working the top while Izzy fondles the legs.  

“You never, never in my life did I think I’d be doing stuff like this?”  

“Hanging with monsters in a strange place?” Matt asked.

“Well that, but this to.” he feels up Tai’s legs, caressing the soccer player’s muscles.  

“Yeah I used to think like that with him to. Always thought he’d leave me for someone else.”

“Is that why you made that arrangement?”  

“It wasn’t the only reason, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say it crossed my mind. It’s simple guys are fine as long as they willing to share to, but no girls.” he finished coating Tai. “Tai has a big heart, I truly believe he can love us equally, but if he got with a girl and she got pregnant, we can’t compete with that.”  

“That is quite logical.” Izzy finished up to, rubbing Tai’s feet. “So um could you explain some of the uhh sex toys.” Izzy says blushing.  

Matt chuckles. “Sure thing.”  


A little later Takeru returned with the digimon with their haul. With the gang all here it was time for lunch, Tai waking up with a yawn. They have a nice little camp fire at the beach and begin to prepare the food. They dig in but the fun time doesn’t last long as their lunch attracts an enemy.  

Gomamon hears a roar from the sea. “Guys we got trouble!” Sure enough a giant shell comes from the sea and a pink monster like creature with green tentacles for hair comes out. This was Shellmon. He blasts the phone booths destroying them.  

The rookies try to fight but every time they attack, Shellmon retreats back into his shell. It blasts them with a powerful hose level blast from his head. Knocking the rookies and the kids back. “This guy is too strong.” Tai grabs his digivice. “Matt, I’ll distract him you get everyone to safety.”  

“Are you crazy?” Tai gives him a quick kiss.  

“I’m not, think about T.K. get him safe.” Tai grabs some metal from one of the damaged booths.  

“I’m with you Tai.” Agumon charges in with him, the two distracting the large digimon. Matt grits his teeth but obeys getting everyone up to try and escape.  

“Pepper Breath!” Agumon spat flames at Shellmon. “Pepper Flame!” he breaths fire and hits him in the face.  

“Take this and this!” Tai rams the long metal piece into Shellmon’s body, wiggling it. Shellmon roars, he pins Agumon down with his massive hand. He nabs Tai with one of his tentacles. “Gaaaahhhh!” It squeezes him.  

“Tai!” Agumon cries out.  

Matt could hear his boyfriend’s scream, and his heart ached. “We can’t leave him.” Matt hesitated, but now Shellmon was after them.  

“Leave them alone!” he thrashes in his hold. His digivice goes off, and Agumon is filled with the power.  

“Agumon...digivolve to...Greymon!” he topples Shellmon, and Tai goes flying which Greymon catches.  

“Oh wow!” Tai gasped.  

“I got this guy!” he puts Tai down, as Shellmon gets back up. He tries firing a stream of water at the kids, but Greymon counters it with a massive torrent of fire. They were evenly matched, but when Greymon tried to blast him with flames again, Shellmon his in his shell. It spins like a twister and charges at Greymon. “Don’t let that shellfish beat you go dinosaur crazy!” The giant dinosaur grabs the shell stopping it’s spin.  

Shellmon comes out and tries to grapple with Greymon. “Go get him Greymon!” Tai cheers. Using the horns on his mask he lifts Shellmon up and throws him up into the air. “Nova Blast!” he launched a giant fire ball to Shellmon’s underside and boom! Shellmon was now one steamed shellfish and sent flying into the ocean. “Alright!” Tai cheers.  

Greymon de-digivolves and returns to being Agumon. Tai rushes over and hugs him. “Agumon you did it.” the digimon smiles. “Hehehe, I went dinosaur crazy!”  

With Shellmon gone the group is able to relax, rushing over and giving a group hug on Tai.  

To be continued...Beach Side Fun Walk  


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