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Fullmetal Alchemist Parody: Tier 1


War for the Stone

Dante and Father have joined forces  seeking the greatest power, Hoenhime has left two homunculi of his own in the world, to move and stop their plans.  


Chap 1 The Reason

Edward and Alphonse weren’t human, their mother Trisha couldn’t have children, so their father Hoenhime created them threw alchemy. They were homunculi, who could use alchemy. They stayed with their mother until she passed away, it had been so long, but she wasn’t like them.  

They would stay young and alive, live a human lifetime ten fold. “If we stay as we are we can’t get close to anyone, they will just grow old and die,” Edward whispered, even as the rain pelted them Alphonse could hear.  

“What are we gonna do brother?” he said and Ed put an arm around him.  

“We need to find a philosopher stone, using that we could become a full human.” He said and their powers sparked. “We’ll still have our alchemy, but we can live a normal life and not have to watch those we love waste away!”  

“I’m in!” the two boys packed up what they needed and left their home.  

They both had alchemy along with their unique homunculus abilities. They could both transmute by bringing their hands together, and they both had fierce combat skills.  

Ed called Alphonse’s power Armor Breaker! He could create a field that dissolved armor and weaponry, he could also dissolve buildings and walls. He could materialize clothes for himself at will, and his clothing was soft and loose like normal clothes but it was stronger than steel. Also his regenerative skills were faster, Ed’s was a bit slower.  

Alphonse called Ed’s power Soul Breaker! He could manipulate his bodies make up to create a pheromone that turned people on. He had a move called an Alchemic Kiss, one kiss and he could take over a man’s mind. Ed could manipulate his body turning his arm into a blade or any tool he needed, Alphonse was unable to do that.  

They knew one thing their powers didn’t work on fellow homunculi, cause it didn’t work on each other; though Ed didn’t need his pheromones to turn Alphonse on.  


On their journey they heard a rumor of a man wielding a philosopher stone in the deserted city Reole. Ed wore a red coat but without an undershirt, revealing his muscled pecs and abs. He wore tight black pants with no underwear, his thick heavy cock made a bulge in the front.  

Alphonse wore a similar coat, made by his brother. He wears a black t-shirt and pants, he wasn’t as muscled as his brother but he could hold his own.  

The made money fixing things with their alchemy, and even doing a little bounty hunting, using their combined powers they took down several big bounties. The man with the philosopher stone, or rumored to have one was a man called Father Cornello.  

Ed and Al could spot a fake stone, it was a good fake and it had power. He was using it to fake miracles and get the people to follow him. What got their attention were the fake bringing people back from the dead. Although the people were coming back, they weren’t acting like themselves, they kept people at a distance and they weren’t eating.  

He was using stones to implant false souls into dead bodies, but this would only end badly. “What are we gonna do Ed?”

“We need to stop him, cause anyway you look at it, these dead people boil down to one thing an army.” He said, he could feel the dead people walking about, and the people were so happy to have their loved ones back they refused to see what was happening right before their eyes.  

“This is the zombie alchemy, it was in dad’s notes, placing a false soul into a dead body, you can manipulate it, being a priest he has access to private information about the people around him. He can implant the right memories into the person and keep them under his control.”

“Although this kind of alchemy is considered taboo, not only because you aren’t really brining a person to life but the manipulation of corpses is disgusting and sick, it’s also banned because it’s energy wasting and the fake souls burn up the body after some time!” he said. “That must be why some of these people go on a “journey” after so much time.”

It had crossed their minds to try and bring their mom back, but they knew the truth you can’t bring someone back to life, you can’t take a soul from god. What Cornello was doing was playing puppeteer with dead bodies, and they were gonna put a stop to it!

They knew telling people was pointless, these people were sheep in the cult of Cornello. Ed rigged up the town’s radio and got his speech all broadcasted to the people. “You foolish boys, you should have let those fools keep believing, now they  have to die!” his ring glowed and a surge passed through the church, and into the city.  

Coffins burst open and the dead began to rise, those in the city began trying to kill those closest to them on the orders of Cornello. Cray got swarmed by the dead. “Father Cornello why, I’ve always been loyal and believed!” the muscle man cried out, as the dead tried to kill him. He fired his gun but you can’t kill what’s already dead.  

Ed and Alphonse clapped their hands together, and the dead were hauled up into the air by stone hands. Cray looked at his saviors. “You got two choices big guy follow us and live or go with the preacher?”

“I’m with you!” he followed after them.

“You can’t beat me with this ring I can control 1000 souls these dead soldiers will help build me an empire!” suddenly the ring began to crack and a backlash of energy caused the man’s arm to break. “What’s happening?”

“This is what happens when you abuse the power of a philosopher stone even a fake one, it overloaded and you paid the price!” Edward said and the dead collapsed.

“Curse you!” he ran off.


Cray got a room for Ed and Al, while the people were picking up the pieces of their mess. “You saved this whole city, on behalf of everyone thank you.” He bowed to the boys.  

“What will you do now?”

“I don’t know, for so long I’ve served Father Cornello, the church he built will no doubt be destroyed, and I doubt anyone will want me around now,” he said, no one was gonna believe he didn’t know about Cornello’s plan.  

“Why don’t you stay with us?” Alphonse said blushing. Edward noticed the bulge in his little bros pants. Ed stepped forward and lifted Cray’s chin.  

“Why would you want me?” he asked feeling his cheeks heat up. Edward smirked and kissed Cray, a spark met from his lips to Cray’s. His eyes widened before they glazed over. “You belong to us now Cray, more in fact you belong to Alphonse.” The man nodded. “You will obey him, and do anything he says.”

“Yes master,” he said, Ed’s pheromones were making him hard in his pants.  

“You will crave the taste of cum, but remember Al is the only one who gets to fuck you,” he nodded again. “When I snap my fingers you will awaken from your trance, you will follow my orders, understood?”

“Yes master!” he spoke and Edward snapped his fingers. Cray blinked and looked at the two brothers. “I can’t believe you’d want me Master Alphonse.”

“I do,” he purred and kicked off his shoes. “Come lick your master’s feet the dessert heat has made them all sweaty.” Cray obeyed and got all his hands and knees, he took a big whiff of Al’s feet and drooled a bit. He started licking and Alphonse laughed. “Hehe his beard tickles.” He said and moaned softly.  

“You two have fun I’m gonna go help with the clean up a bit.” Al nodded and looked down at Cray.  

“Let’s get you out of those clothes.” His hand sparked and with a simple touch the man’s clothes were disintegrated revealing his tan muscled body. His fat 5 inch cock sprang free from his hairy crotch. The man lapped at the younger brother’s feet loving the taste and moans of his master.  


Cornello found his accomplices, Lust Envy and Gluttony. “That stone was a fake look what it did to me!”  

“Enough of your talking, Gluttony dinner time!” the fat homunculus launched at Cornello swallowing the fake priest whole.  

“This was a bust, Father and Mother will not be pleased.” Envy said, and Lust chuckled.  

“On the contrary, we have some interesting news to report.”  

“News what news?” the palm tree haired male and Lust smirked.  

“I’ll confirm it shortly, you need to head back to central right Envy?” Envy sighed and transformed into, Gracia Hughes.

“I’m seriously getting bored with this form, I’m barely getting info from that weirdo.”  

“Just relax, things will be moving soon.” Lust walked off as Gluttony licked up the blood.

-x-In the city-x-

The blonde homunculus was busy helping people rebuild the city from the damage of the dead.  

Edward froze as Lust walked up to him. He sniffed the air and his eyes turned vicious. ‘I smell a philosopher stone!’  

He looked at Lust and she smirked at him. “Shall we have a talk?” he followed her to a more disserted area. “So it’s true you are a homunculus just like me.” She said and Edward glared at her.  

“You must be the ones who gave that fake priest the stone, but just who the hell are you?”  

“My aren’t you rude!” she shot her finger out at him and Edward dodged it. “Nice reflexes, I am Lust, just who are you?”  

“I’m Edward the Soul Breaker!” he snapped glaring at her.  

“Edward? So who made you Edward?” she got closer to him but suddenly the sand became like spikes aimed at her.  

“Not important cause I doubt you’d share the same,” he said his body sparking with alchemic power.

“So you can use alchemy and are a homunculus very interesting, it seems we are both after the same thing, the philosopher stone!” she smiled at him. “Best to back down little boy, you’re in way over your head!”  

“Same to you, we have no intention of losing the stone will be ours!”  

“A shame we could have been allies, but war it is then!” she launched at Edward but he turned the sand into long diamond shards and shot them into her body. She cursed as the shards nearly hit her core. She used her long nails to whip up a sand veil and got away.  

Edward licked his lips. “If we are to go to war I’ll need a few good soldiers!”  

To be continued


Ed returns to their apartment to find Alphonse pounding away at his new toy. He joins in and they make plans to go to Central.  

End preview  

Cray 5 Inches, fat   

Chap 2 Breaking in the Toy: Brother’s love

Edward returned to their room, giving off soft sighs and groans as he walked. ‘To think there were other humunculi, did dad know about this?’ he ran his fingers through his hair. ‘Man, I have to tell Al about this.’ he reaches the room and opens the door.  

“Ahhh! Master! Master! Master!” Cray was on his hands and knees, the bulky male was glistening with sweat, his nipples were hard from pleasure, his sexy back muscles flexing as he supported himself, his strong arms and thick muscular legs were trembling from the force of the thrusts, his plump muscular ass rippling from the power. He was panting and drooling, his saliva dripping from the beard. A puddle of cum beneath him, his hard 5 incher bouncing and bobbing as he was fucked by Alphonse, his cock slapping his abs with each thrust, and his balls bouncing.  


Alphonse slapped Cray’s muscular ass, moaning as his insides tightened around him. “You are such a horny boy!” Alphonse moaned, he drove into him hard. His long 11 inch dick driving into him hard and fast. The former virgin was having his ass pulverized by the young blonde’s cock. Each thrust in gave him fullness, completion, making them one; while each thrust out left a void, making him crave to be filled, and though only a few seconds passed of emptiness it made the thrust back in all the sweeter.  

With each orgasm his insides tightened around the thrusting cock and while it increased the glorious friction back and forth, all it earned was more pre to make his insides wet. Al’s pre made his insides tingle, every pass had his long length brush his sweet spot. “Ahhh ah ah ah ah ah ah!"  

Edward marveled at his brother’s handiwork. His blood rushed south, his manhood swelling in delight. He leaned against the door frame and just watched his brother have fun. Alphonse wasn’t completely out of it, and soon noticed his brother, and the prominent bulge in his pants. “Welcome back brother, things go well?” he didn’t stop his thrusts at all, and Cray didn’t even look away, to lost in the sea of pleasure.  

“You could say that, could work off some stress.” he palms himself and Alphonse chuckles.  

“We can talk later, try his mouth first.” he speeds up his thrusts. “You’ll be a good boy and suck my brother’s dick won’t you?”  

“Yes master!” Cray pants.  

Edward shuts the door and starts to strip off his clothes. Alphonse watches his brother strip, his cock pulsing at the sight. Edward was ripped, he may have been short but he was jacked. Alphonse knew the muscles well, he’s mapped each one with his lips and tongue. Once Ed’s dick snapped out Alphonse let out a noise of joy. “You are gonna love this.” He pet Cray and turned him towards and Cray’s jaw dropped.  

Ed’s 13 inch cock was free, standing proudly in the air, his heavy balls finally free with a sigh. Now in all his naked glory he walked to the two, his cock bobbing as he walked. Cray followed the heavy dick, once it was close enough Cray was hit with Ed’s manly musk mixed with pheromones. With a moan he came again adding to the growing pool of cum. “Ohh he likes your scent brother.” he pounds into his clenching heat.  

The elder blonde smirks, smacking the man’s face with his dick. “Aaahhh,” he moans, taking a nice big whiff of Ed’s crotch. Cray starts licking Ed’s cock, moving down to lap at his balls, before licking his way back up to the tip. Humunculi pre was quite delicious, he’d gotten a taste of Alphonse’s earlier, and it was sweeter than honey, thicker than syrup, but more delicious than mother’s milk.   

Ed’s was just as delicious, if not a little richer, like an older wine. He wraps his lips around the head, pre pouring into his mouth and washing over his tongue. Lapping at his head, swirling his tongue. “He’s a natural,” Ed moaned, placing his hand over Cray’s head, running fingers through his hair. “Suck it deeper.”  

Cray obeys taking Ed’s cock into his mouth, his tongue caressed the underside as he sucked every delicious inch. Having practiced on Alphonse he was able to deep throat Ed down 11 inches. He swallowed around his dick, his throat massaging his length. It took a few tries but he swallowed the last 2 inches, and buried his nose in Ed’s pubes. Having Ed’s full length in him along with Alphonse made him lose it again cumming all over the floor.  

His moans sent pleasing vibrations through Ed’s shaft. “Yes that’s it suck it.” Ed relaxed and let Cray work, the man seemed to be enjoying himself making sweet mouth love over Edward’s penis. Alphonse continued to pound into Cray’s ass.  

“His mouth is great brother, are you sure you don’t want to try his ass?” he playfully smacks it making Cray moan.  

“Nah, he’s your pet, I’ll find some of my own soon.” he pet his head. “His mouth is quite fine though.” Alphonse chuckles and grins.

“Very, he’s a good boy!” he fucks him faster making Cray moan. Ed’s climax slowly builds up, before he groans, releasing into the older man’s mouth. The thick semen floods his mouth and Cray gulps it down. The special cum filled Cray with such pleasure, he found himself cumming. As he cums Ed grabs Alphonse and pulls him into a kiss.  

Al moans into the kiss and cums into Cray, flooding his insides with his own special cum. Not having even a second to come down from the orgasm, Cray cums again from the feeling of being filled with jizz. His stomach swells with the thick cream. His arms and legs finally give out and he collapses into a puddle of his own cum.  

The blondes continue to cum, Edward’s seed blasting Cray’s muscular body, pelting him with thick long ropes. The man shuddered in bliss, licking his cum splattered lips, loving the taste. Alphonse shivers and shakes as his orgasm rides out.

Edward walks around and embraces Alphonse from behind, kissing his neck as he rubs his still hard cock. “He’s a little rough around the edges but he’s a good boy.” Ed makes a mark on Cray’s back.  

“We’ll break him in.” Alphonse leans against his brother, shivering against the strong muscles. “Brother please!” he moans softly, bucking back and rubbing his ass against his crotch.  

“Of course,” he plays with Alphonse’s nipples as he lines up his big dick and sinks in. Inch after glorious inch fills his well used hole, his hole was practically molded for Edward’s dick, on most nights they slept spooning Ed’s cock buried deep inside him. His cock was slicked with the mix of saliva and cum, slid right into, hugged perfectly by Alphonse’s soft inner walls. The two find themselves complete, connected as one.  


“Alphonse,” Edward pants, thrusting into his tight ass.  

“Ahh big brother!” Alphonse moans and pants, coming undone quickly. He was no match for his brother’s love. Ed knew his body inside and out, and could make him sing. “Ahhhh!” His climax hit and he came into Cray. His dick was still buried in his pet, his stuff hole plugged with his cock kept all his cum stored inside.  

Cray was soon being used as Alphonse’s cum dump, body shaking in orgasm as he took the younger blonde’s seed. Edward continued to fuck Al, slowly letting him feel every inch of the cock he loved so dearly. They fit perfectly together, and Alphonse could say the pleasure he got from Edward was beyond.  

He was already on his third orgasm and they only just begun. He couldn't help it, he felt so complete with Edward. Shivering at his brother’s touch, bowing to his need. In a perfect world they could spend their lives connected like this, just being in contact with Edward made him feel so special, so alive. Edward slowly picked up speed, increasing the friction between them, he nibbled his neck making Alphonse shake and moan.  

His nipples were so sensitive, but it was Edward who made them so, the wild teasing, the pleasurable sucking, they were a master piece. “Brother!” he moans and cums again. With a groan Edward succumbs to Alphonse’s tightness and cums deep inside him. “Brother!” Ed growls.  

Alphonse pulls his spent cock free from Cray’s hole. Clap! The two transmute a butt plug to keep his seed inside. The cum would be good for him. By morning the human body will change, becoming super human, his stomach will absorb his semen and evolve breaking down all food making his hole purely for anal sex. His body would be more durable.  

Edward lifts Al up and they shift so he could wrap his legs around his waist. His cock was buried deep inside and they lay in bed. Edward pet his brother who leaned into the touch. He filled his brother in on what happened. “So we are going to war huh?”  

“So it seems.” he hugs his brother. “They want the stone.”  

“If they are humunculi there’s gotta be someone pulling the strings.” Alphonse kisses his cheek. “We can’t do this on our own anymore, we have to call him.” Edward grimaced.  

“Do we have to...”  

“Ed call Mustang!”  

“But I don’t wanna join the military!” Edward groans.  

“Brother we are going to war, we need soldiers.” he rests his forehead against Ed’s. Roy Mustang, the man had come to their village upon hearing of two talented alchemists, he wanted to recruit them but they left on their own.  

“I hate that smug bastard.”  

“You wanna fuck him.”

“I hate him.”

“You want him.” 

“I wanna kick his ass.”  

“You wanna pound it.” Ed sighed in defeat, his cock twitching at the images his brother’s words invoked.  

“Fine, I’ll call him.”  

To be continued...Train Rides and Hughes



So freaking hot!!!