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My Hero Parody: Tier 1


Chap 6 Alpha Tail Action

Kirishima is a proud alpha, having successful mated an omega, nothing could silence the steady drum of his heart. He cleaned Izuku personally using his tongue to clean the muscular omega. Throwing in some muscle worship on his part, he couldn’t help it Midoriya was ripped and that only added to his appeal.  


“Bakugo, your actions with Midoriya, what did you do to upset him so?” Todoroki was having it out with Bakugo.  

“None of your fucking business half and half.” he looked about ready to stomp away but Todoroki was done messing around. He quickly froze the ground, the walls, and even the ceiling. “You looking for a fight?” Bakugo snarled.

“It is my business, Ojiro and you are the last two to mate Midoriya, your reaction to Izuku wanting to mate with you, him being on the suppressants for so long, not to mention how you’ve treated him both in and out of school.” he says, and flames build up on one side. “Did you have a hand in this?”  

“Hold on Todoroki!” Iida tried to stop him, or at least calm him down.  

“I fucking told you, it’s none of your business, what happened between me and Deku is between me and Deku!” Using his explosions he breaks free of the ice.  

“Stop it you two!” Ojiro snaps at them.  

“And I told you, as Izuku’s alpha it is my business, especially if you hurt my omega!” Flames and Ice ripped from Todoroki’s body. “Frankly it makes me sick to think someone who hurt him physically or emotionally gets to mate with him.” His intent was fueled by alpha instinct.  

He was the first, he saw Izuku at his weakest his most vulnerable. To see an omega in such a state had Todoroki’s blood boiling, and now that they were mated those feelings were even more intense.

“Stop, Todoroki in Izuku’s current state we need Bakugo to mate with him and mark him to cure his disease.” Iida tries once again to calm Todoroki down. It wasn’t working, the only ones capable of calming him down would be Izuku or Bakugo himself.   

“I KNOW!” he snapped, flames growing hotter. Iida had to take a step back. “I know, and it pisses me off. So say something damn it!” Only Izuku knew about him and his father, his father the alpha who hurt his mother, used her, in a way tormented her.  

“You wanna know why he picked me? I do to!” Bakugo says. “You think I don’t know I’m not good enough for him. All these years, I’ve pushed him away because I didn’t want to hurt him again!” Bakugo glared at Todoroki. “It may be my fault, he’s like this, I didn’t see him suffering because I didn’t want to get close to him. That’s all I’ll fucking say!”  

“Bakugo, right now we need you to save Midoriya, as alphas we must get along as part of a pack to protect our omega. In truth, I don’t trust you to keep Midoriya’s best interests. After the mating, as first mate I will challenge you to server any bond with Midoriya!” he stomped off to go calm down.  

“Todoroki!” Iida shouted.  


Though the words didn’t come through, Izuku and Kirishima could hear shouting. ‘What’s going on out there?’ Izuku shifted. ‘Shit!’ Kirishima mentally cursed.   

“They are fighting because of me, it’s all my fault.” the boy’s eyes became wet with tears.  

“Hey!” Kirishima hugged him tightly. “This isn’t your fault, we are young alphas and this is new, once we are all mated things will smooth out.”  

“You really think so?” he looked at the red head.  

“Count on it!” he grinned. “If things get heated I’ll knock some sense into them.” Izuku turned around and embraced Kirishima fully.  

The unease melted away, and Izuku nuzzled against the red head. “Thank you, Kirishima-kun.” he chuckles and nuzzles him back. He kept an eye on him for a bit, keeping tabs on his temp. Once it started to increase he knew he had to go and bring in Ojiro.

He wished Izuku had time to properly nest, but since this was a critical condition they had to hurry. Kirishima dressed and left, but not before giving Izuku one last kiss. The boy smiled, before the heat melted his rational thought.  

Kirishima put on a happy face for Izuku, but in truth he was ticked. What were they doing out there, why were they fighting had they lost their minds? He was gonna find out.  

He exited the room. “How is he?” Iida came over to him first.  

“He’s holding up, but he heard the noise out here what’s going on?”  

“Todoroki and Bakugo were having an argument.” Ojiro looked to the blonde, who humphed.  

“I see, Ojiro you better get in there, his temperature is rising, he’s gonna need you.” The tailed blonde nods and heads into the room.  

Kirishima looks to Bakugo. “We need to talk.” he grabs him and hauls him away. “Oi shitty hair, what the fuck!” he was pulled out of ear shot.  

“Listen up Bakugo, we’ve hung out a lot since U.A. started, you are an alpha I respect.” He crossed his arms. “Get to the point weird hair.” Bakugo glares.  

“My point is, you care about Midoriya.” the blonde glared. “You are always on his case, and when he trains alone, you are close by just in case he gets hurt. I always thought you were just close friends, but you knew, you’ve always known.”  he stands his ground not letting Bakugo’s glare stop him. “Midoriya wants to be with you, he sees you as a worthy alpha, does that mean nothing to you?”  

Bakugo looks down at his hands, balling them into fists.


The scent of vanilla hit the room, Izuku panted his body heating up as the other alpha entered the room. “Ojiro...”  

“Yes, I’m here Izuku.” He cupped the boy’s cheek, the omega leaning into his touch. “Hot?” the omega nodded. “No worries I’ll take care of you.” he kissed the boy’s forehead, then his cheek, then neck. Every kiss sent shivers through the omega’s body.  

“Ojiro!” his cock already hard and weeping.  

“So hard!” he palmed the boy’s length, fingers caressing his balls. “The others been taking good care of you?”  

“Mmm,” he nods.  

“That’s good, I’m gonna show you made a good choice picking me as well.” he pumped the boys weeping shaft, watching as he writhed in pleasure. He wagged his tail, creating a soothing breeze of pheromones. The breeze danced across his heated skin, his nipples pebbling.  

With his free hand he pinched the boy’s perky nip, earning a gasp, and a shuddering moan. Izuku’s tiny tool pulsed and he came erupting over his chiseled form and Ojiro’s caressing hand.  

Ojiro brought up his sticky hand and licked the omega milk off it. Izuku shivered at the sight, he didn’t think Ojiro was the type but it seemed he was fully prepared and ready to drive him wild. He started to strip and Ojiro was often considered the plainest alpha at UA, that nothing about him stood out.  

Well they didn’t see him naked. Ojiro was jacked, toned in all the right places, it was clear the boy trained daily. He had the body of a martial artist, lean and lethal. Strong shoulders, fine pecs, smooth abs, sexy back muscles, that flexed as he removed each article of clothing.  

Izuku watched almost hypnotized as the blonde got naked for him. The pants came off, to reveal Ojiro wearing a jock strap, that showed off his sexy plump ass. His pants dropped down the toned legs and were stepped out of.  

Ojiro could see that Izuku was watching him, so he stripped extra slow, and put on a show for him. The way he moved his body, every inch completely in his control and with purpose. Now in his underwear the show was almost over, but Izuku was on the edge of his seat.  

He hooked his thumbs into the band of his jock, and with one swift pull he yanked them down. He still had one trick up his sleeve, using his tail to hide his crotch from the horny omega. Izuku licked his lips, eyes roaming the massive tail in equal gratitude. ‘If he likes my quirk he’s gonna love this.’  

The tail shifted to the right, allowing his hard cock to spring up. “Oh wow!” Ojiro may not have had the longest cock of his alphas standing proud at 11 inches, but he was by far the THICKEST!  

His piece was so fat Izuku wondered if he could even fit it in his mouth. His hole, produced a little more slick as it twitched in want. “So big!” A touch of shyness appeared in Ojiro, a blush spreading across his cheeks.  

Alphas varied in size and shape, but Ojiro had a heavy girth that would put most heavy weight alphas to shame. “Is it to thick for you?” Izuku shook his head no. “We’ll see.” He climbed back into bed.  

He rubbed his heavy cock against Izuku’s smaller one, the weight pressed hard on his cock and balls. “Ah ahhh!” the omega’s toes curl, Ojiro rocked his hips rubbing against his cock and balls. “Ojiro!”

The friction against his cock and balls felt heavenly, and it didn’t stop there, Ojiro’s hands felt up Izuku’s chiseled form, seeking their final destination. “Ahhh ah ahh!” Izuku bucked and moaned, as Ojiro played with his nipples, pinching the perfect buds, teasing them and making him pant and moan for more.

He kissed the omega’s neck, pinning him perfectly to the bed. He nibbled along his splendid neck, making him arch in pleasure, increasing the friction between them. His scent started increasing, the more friction the more the manly aroma spread.  

“Ahh!” Izuku arched his back, the scent making his head spin in the best ways. It was all so good he couldn’t hold back, his balls twitching as he came spraying his seed all over Ojiro’s thick man meat. His alpha pulled back, bringing a hand down to coat his length in Izuku’s seed.  

“You ready for this?” he brings his cock down, letting the fat head kiss his hole. The sensitive tip, rubbed the glistening entrance, the boy’s slick running over his hard length. “Ojiro please!” he pushes back, seeking to be filled.  

“I’ll go slow, promise!” he pushes in, the head breaching the boy’s tight omega hole. Izuku’s eyes widen, as Ojiro’s cock was as thick as some alpha knots. “Nhhaahhnn!” his hole spasmed around the fat head.  

True to his word, Ojiro went slow, despite his alpha instincts demanding to fill his horny omega. The boy’s scent was calling to him. It was like with each breath, he was being told, “Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me!” it was intense, but he kept his cool.  

He helped ease the omega’s “suffering” by using the hair on the tip of his tail to tickle the omega’s erogenous zones. “Ah ahh Ojiro-kun hahaahhhh!” His pits, his chest, his poor nips, his stomach, even his cock and balls, the manly hair drove him wild. Ojiro wasn’t even half way in when the omega suddenly tightened around him and he came.  

His seed fired and splattered his face, neck and chest, the rest spilled out over his aching erection. “you look great covered in cum.”  

Izuku pouted, “It’s because you keep teasing me!” he moans, his hole tightening even more. Ojiro groans, “I’m sorry.” he gives the boy a kiss and starts pushing forward. His thick cock stretched Izuku wider and wider, his slick making the path easier. Ojiro helped pass the time, liking the omega’s essence off his face.  

For what felt like an eternity for the omega, Ojiro’s cock finally filled him to the brim. He came again, he’d not been stretched so wide so deep before, so you really couldn’t blame him. “Izuku, I love you!” he confesses, giving the boy another kiss before starting a heavy pace.  

Izuku’s moans were devoured by the tailed blonde, every thrust was so intense, coming and going. His thick manhood making his insides melt. His heavy balls smacking Izuku’s plump rear. “So good, so tight for me, my omega!”  

“Alpha!” Izuku moaned, his mind going fuzzy. The thick dick was causing him to bliss out, each thrust in making his toes curl.  

Ojiro’s mouth latched onto a perky nip, giving a good hard suck with each thrust in, and swirling his tongue around with each pull out. The other nipple wasn’t sparred attention as the tail came back to play.  

Izuku cried out in pleasure, another climax tearing through him. His heated pants and lustful moans, stroked the blonde alpha’s pride, his cock pulsing inside him. His alpha pre spilled inside the omega, coaxing shivers from the greenette.  

With a groan he came, spilling his own thick alpha seed inside Izuku. The omega cried out, body shaking as he came again.  

Ojiro wasn’t done far from it, once his cock stopped spilling his seed it was time for a change in positions. He spun Izuku around on his cock, making the boy see stars for a moment. Using his tail he lifted the boy up, and began thrusting anew. He got Izuku up off the bed fully supporting him on his cock and tail. “Ahh Mascchan!” he moaned, he wrapped his arms and legs around the blonde’s tail, burying his face in the hair/fur.  

Every thrust made his cock and balls slide along the huge flesh. Ojiro smirked, groping the boy’s plump ass with each thrust, he was enjoying the view of the omega’s sexy back side greatly. His knot swelling at the base, and true to form, a thick cock had an even thicker knot.  

The heavy ball of alpha flesh smacked Izuku’s hole again and again, making the entrance shudder with every hit. Ojiro smirked, his tail wasn’t much of an erogenous zone, no more so his arms or legs, but he loved how Izuku clung to him all the same.  

“You want my knot?” he asked, giving a little extra push. Izuku gasped bucking against his tail.  

“Yes, please alpha!” he pushed back.  

“I’m gonna breed you so good!” He pulls back till only the tip remained, and when he thrust in the knot didn’t just smack, it started to push inside. “AAAAHHH!” the omega cried out. His ass stretched wider than before, his heat rattled brain turning any pain that would be felt to pleasure.  

Izuku spilled his seed over Ojiro’s tail, not once,  not twice, but three times! A fourth coming as soon as the knot breached him fully. Ojiro left his mark on Izuku, his balls lurching as the omega body milked him of his cum. ‘I wish, I wish Izuku could carry my child!’ he thinks as he pumps him full of seed.  

The omega’s temperature drops, as he rides the waves of bliss, his cock softening once more, a steady stream of semen leaking out of him. Ojiro provided great after care, bringing Izuku down gently, gently caressing him to keep him calm and soothed. His tail coiled around them keeping Izuku safe.  

“Thank you for picking me.” he nuzzled the omega, who nuzzled back.  

“Warm!” he almost purred, surrounded by Ojiro’s tail made him feel so. He felt really full, Ojiro’s massive man meat had him stuffed to the max. He was warm inside and out, the good kind.  

To be continued...The Last Mark, Bakugo’s Reason!


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