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My Hero Parody: 

Alpha Barrier

ABO verse: Izuku has a quirk, he can create barriers. He works to master his quirk and become a great hero. He works to protect his mates.

Chapter 1  

When humans were born, they were born with their primary sex, and a sub sex. This sub sex, helped set your status in life. Alphas often heading the top of the food chain, followed by betas and then omegas. Alpha's were at 30% Beta's were at 60% and Omegas were at 10%. Then things got thrown for a loop with the appearance of quirks. Now more than 90% of the world's populace had quirks and a mere 10% were quirkless.  

It came to be your quirk could help change your status even with what your sub sex was. While the sub sexes established a hierarchy quirks set forth new jobs. The government established ways to try and make new quirks and hybrids.  

Quirk Marriages: Allowed Alphas with special quirks to marry any beta or omega to create a hybrid with both of their quirks, or to evolve a new quirk. This was common between the Second and Third generations but fell out around the Fourth.  

The quirk marriages put a lot of strain on betas and omegas which caused fewer children to be made and even stunted ones heats. So the government established the Beta/Omega Protection.    

Beta/Omega Protection: Protects betas and omegas allowing them to choose their mates, ahead of time before their first heats, or even simply choosing Betas and Omegas could send letters to prominent alphas, to ask to become their mates. The alpha got their information and could contact them for mating.  


All Might was the Symbol of Peace, a hero among heroes. When he sprang onto the scene crime rates dropped. The next generation looked up to him seeking to become heroes.  

Two young boys Bakugou Katsuki and Izuku Midoriya, were big fans of his. “All Might is so cool. He's the coolest hero ever!” 5 Year old Izuku says. They were watching a news feed of All Might's latest hero activity.  

Bakugou smirks. “I'll be even cooler than him one day,” sparks go off in his hand, “With my quirk, I'll become the greatest hero ever!”  

Midoriya smiles. “Kacchan is awesome,” he says and shows off his quirk. He creates a small barrier around himself. “I'll become a hero to, I want to save people with a smile like that.” Izuku's quirk comes from his mother Inko.  

A rather useful quirk considering his father. He had a short temper, his quirk Fire Breathing didn’t get him far in the Hero Work, so he was stuck in a low paying job. Things only got worse when his quirk manifested.

Izuku's dad, had gotten pissed when Izuku inherited his mother's quirk. She was a beta and he was an alpha, but he ditched them and hasn't been heard from since. The blonde had invited Izuku over to cheer him up. “All Might's the kind of alpha he should have been.” the boy began to tear up. “It's my fault daddy left.”  

Bakugou put an arm around him. “No it's not, he's a dumbass. You are better off without him.” Izuku leaned against him. “When I present as an alpha, I'll mark you as mine and keep you safe.” Katsuki couldn't look him in the eye, but his blush said it all.  

Izuku's cheeks heated up, and he wiped away his tears. “Yeah, we'll both become great heroes, my barriers and your explosions.” the boy fell asleep. Katsuki wasn't stupid, Izuku would make a great support hero, his quirk was so versatile he could form a combo with anyone. It was a perfect match for the boy who wanted to protect people.  

“Damn nerd,” he closed his eyes and rested against the male. His mother found them like that, she put a blanket around them. ‘So cute!’

She ruffled Izuku's hair, careful not to disturb him. “Thank you for looking after Katsuki.”  

-x- Bakugou's Pov-x-

I was always the smartest guy in class, my quirk was the first one to develop. It was both flashy and powerful everyone praised it. I knew it, my skills, my power I was born to be great.  

Everyone in the neighborhood followed me, I was the leader, the top dog. It was obvious I should have been an alpha. It was funny how it works, get your quirk by the time your 5, awaken your sub sex at 10, go into your first heat at 15.  

My quirk and skills continued to grow over the years, as did Izuku. I called him Deku to playfully tease him, it was cute just like him. I just knew he'd be a beta maybe even an omega. Then he would become mine, I kinda hoped he'd be a beta so I wouldn't have to share.  

We learned in health class, that often an omega would require both an alpha and a beta to get through their heats, though some alphas have a powerful sex drive. Some omegas even share two alphas.   

Harems were common practice. Alphas could take as many betas and omegas as they wanted so long as they could satisfy them. Deku would definitely be my first, he's so cute and always so responsive. He'll make the perfect mate for me.  

When I turned 10…

“Congratulations, you are a healthy omega!” my jaw hit the floor, the color draining from my face.  

An omega? Me an omega! Dad is an omega, but I thought I took after mom, she's an alpha why not me!  

The doctor was explaining to my mom about my omega status. I was gonna go into heat once every 3 months like betas, but unlike betas I can get pregnant outside of my heat if I sleep with an alpha. My dick wasn't gonna get any bigger. So I was stuck at 5 inches for the rest of my life. My body won't produce body hair, I'll be smooth. When aroused or get sweaty my pheromones will leak out, fucking perfect. If I didn't mate till I was older I'd need an alpha to scent mark me, which basically meant jizz all over my face, it'd keep other alpha's off my back.

This was the worst thing for me, it was hard for omegas in the hero track. Ever since a few years ago when a villain assaulted an omega hero. I told Deku, he was the only one I trusted with this. “How am I gonna get into U.A. now?”  

“Kacchan, you are still strong, your quirk is powerful, and you are really smart. Who cares if you are an omega?” he says.  

“I do and they will, no hero agency will take the risk on an omega, unless some alpha takes me along...oh great I'm destined to be some alpha's cum dump!” I punched my wall and scorched it a little.  

“That's not true, maybe you'll find an alpha who cares about you, and supports you.” Izuku pats my back. “This might be challenging, but the Kacchan I know doesn't back down when a wall gets in his way. He smirks and takes it on!” I turn to him, and I honestly feel a little better.  

“Thanks Deku,” I hug him, and catch a whiff of his hair. 'Cinnamon?' he smells good, I never noticed before. He hugs me back.  

“Kacchan will still become an amazing hero!” his words made my heart flutter. “You don't need to be an alpha to be a hero.” I believed him, he was my friend after all.  

-x- A few days later-x-

Fate is a twisted bitch. Deku presented as an alpha, he was blushing when he told me. I felt my blood boil, Deku sweet innocent little Deku was an alpha. To add insult to injury, Izuku smelled good, yummy good. I could feel myself produce slick, and my cock harden. My leftover frustration about being an omega fueled with my pride mixed with the humiliation of the first time I get wet exploded and I acted badly.  

My hands balled into fists. “Kacchan?” he reaches out to me, and I slap his hand away.  

“Don't touch me!” he looks hurt. An arrow of guilt pierces my heart, but that only made me angrier. Not at Deku, at myself, and yet I still lashed out at him. “Don't need to be an alpha you said, you'd be a great hero you said!” I don’t know what I’m saying...but I couldn’t stop...

“Yes, I mean it Kacchan, just because I'm an alpha that doesn't change...” I pushed him away from me. I hated doing that...

“It changes everything, you were right about one thing I will become a great hero, the number 1. I'll do it, by myself, I don't need an alpha and I don't need you!” I glared at him. I’ve never been so cold to him. “Stay away from me Deku!” I didn’t mean it, I wasn’t thinking clearly, if I was in my right mind I’d realize how perfect things could be...

I've never said his nickname so coldly before, I stomped away, not daring to look back. I hated myself, I was confused,  and to proud to go apologize.  

Since we were kids I've had this dream of the future for us. Me the strong bad ass alpha, and Deku...my Deku...mated to me, my mate carrying my kids. I'm not good with kids, but Deku, kids love him, and I...He was supposed to be mine. That dream may have shattered, but a small part of me still believed we would still go to U.A. together. Now I've ruined that...   

I went home and mom had already heard the news. No doubt Inko (Deku's Mom) called and told her. “So did you have Izuku pop your cherry then?” I blushed.

“No shut up you old hag!” she smacked me upside the head.  

“What crawled up your butt, couldn't have been Izuku, you'd be in a much better mood.” My blush spread.   

“I had a fight with Izuku.”  

She didn't hesitate. “What did you do?” she knows me too damn well. “What did you do, you little shit!?”   

“I...I...messed up...” I went to my room, but I swear I heard my mom say. “You damn fool.” she was right. It wasn't Deku's fault, and it wasn't like we couldn't still be together.   

I swore tomorrow I would apologize, but the next day I found him by his shoe locker. A whole bunch of letters spilled out of his locker. I knew what they were, mating request letters. I saw them and my blood ran hot.

Izuku looked at me and smiled. “Kacchan!” he waved at me.  “I got nothing to say to you damn nerd!” I stomped off.  

It bothered me thinking about all those letters. The weak little sluts at the school trying to get into Izuku's bed. They couldn't handle him, 'I could handle him.' Izuku deserved better, not that I cared what he did, or who he did. I had no right to ask him after how I acted. In truth I’m a shitty omega who can’t even apologize to the guy/alpha he loves.  

I'm really bad at this, I can't even apologize. It was an easy thing to do, I'm sorry, there not hard. Two words, three without the contraction. It's not easy to admit when your wrong.  

Every day I failed to apologize, Mom would tell me the same thing. “Still haven’t apologized yet huh? Baka!” I know. I’ve heard mom’s story about how she went after dad, she was die hard determined to get what she wanted.

Izuku of course thought he did something so kept trying to make it right, which made me feel even more guilty. To make matters worse, the times he got close enough to touch me it was electrifying.   

His smell excited me, and I lashed out to keep him away. I didn't want him to know, how could I explain that. 'Hey Deku, I get wet when I catch your scent, and I want you to touch me till I cum.' No way, not gonna happen, to embarrassing.  

Things only got worse as my jealousy grew. All over school weak betas kept throwing themselves at Deku. I didn't handle it well, and Deku seemed to become the target of my venting. Even if I went after someone else he got in my way, Deku would step in and help them. “Why are you being so mean, what's wrong with you Kacchan!” I didn’t have an answer.  

As the years passed it only got worse, even if I threatened the weak betas to stay away from him, he barely had a moment's peace. It made sense people were getting close to their first heat, they needed an alpha.  

He wasn't the only one who was busy, shitty alphas who thought they could make me their bitch always popped up. I kicked their asses so hard they screamed. “He's not an omega he's a monster!” that made me feel better, but not really.  

I refused to take one. “Don't be stupid brat, just ask Izuku to be your alpha.” Mom had some letters for me, I scorched them. If they weren’t from Izuku, I didn’t care.  

“Shut up hag, I don't need an alpha!” I snarl.

“Sure, how do you explain that vibe under your bed?” If she found my stash she found my pictures to. Puberty treated alphas very well, and Deku trained hard. I saw him doing laps, he worked twice as hard as other alphas in gym. He had muscles, I just wanted to run my tongue over. I got a peek of Deku's endowments soft, and I pity the shit beta who thinks he can take that monster.  

Using my allowance I bought a vibe matching his size. When my need for Deku burned to bright inside me I satisfied my urges. It felt so damn good to be filled, and this was just a toy, a fake Deku. His dick would be warm and rub me in all the best places. A part of me felt I didn't deserve the real thing.  

In these moments I turned the vibe on, and cried out for the alpha I wanted most, but to fucking stupid and proud to accept. “Deku!” my room was filled with the lustful chants of Deku and Fuck!  


I got heat suppressants. I'll take those as long as possible, I got a scent blocker to. Keeping my eye on Izuku, it was weird despite the nerd having betas and a few omegas falling over themselves to get to him I never saw him with a mate.  

He was always filling out his notebooks, studying, looking up hero data, or training.  

It wasn't like I didn't think about it, being with Izuku as an omega. Just because we had sex didn't mean we would definitely be mates, we could be fuck buddies, and that soured my stomach a bit. Sometimes a beta or omega would seek out an alpha not for a mating, but just a rut to satisfy those primal needs. Even if Izuku forgave me, what if he didn't want me that way, or just wanted to be friends, or worse that if he did want to fuck me he only wanted me because his alpha instincts told him to. Damn it this sucked, it would have been easier if I was the alpha and he was the omega, I've wanted him for years.

Then it happened, I was 14 and I felt my first heat. Normally it was 15 but hey I've always been an early bloomer, lucky me. I started taking my pills, and they helped but I was still hot under the collar.  

I was on edge all day, and Deku was going on about an incident he saw. Mount Lady made her debut or some shit. I wasn't listening because Deku smelled so damn good. He was going into UA just like me, and when the teacher brought up the fact I was going to UA everyone laughed.  

They all...fucking...laughed! My hands erupted in an explosion. “Shut it you damn extras!”  

That caused an uproar. They teased me saying U.A. is the top school in the country they wouldn't except an omega even with my quirk. The acceptance rate was less that 0.2% like I didn't fucking know that.  

Suddenly there was a burst of alpha pheromones, it made me shiver, my cock jumped like someone said ten hut. Cinnamon! My body gave a shiver. “That's enough! Kacchan will make it into U.A. his quirk is strong, and no school can reject anyone based on their sub sex!” Stupid Deku and his speeches, doesn't make me happy, the jerk.  

The betas shut up quick, while the alphas glared at him, only to eventually back down. Damn right, Deku is a heavy weight alpha. Even alphas didn’t fuck with Deku, it wasn’t uncommon for alphas to butt heads in a dick measuring contest of sorts, but Izuku had many alphas’ respect.  

When class was over I felt warmth spread through me. “Kacchan...” a shiver races through my spine, my dick twitches. I look at him, damn it he's so cute, how can an alpha be so cute! “We need to talk.”  

To be continued...Chap 2 I want to be yours!


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