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My Hero Academia Parody: Patreon Reward: 


Chap 6 Slive vs Slime Part 1

“What do you mean you smell slime?” Izuku asks, looking to All Might in worry. He was being grapples by a naked pro, who was shamelessly humping against him.  

‘Why, you infront of Midoriya no less!’ he was having trouble, he couldn’t go full power or risk accidentally killing him. ‘This guy’s limiter has been supressed.’ he thinks as he tries to break out of his hold.  

All Might couldn’t think of a way out, this was quite a distracting situation. Having a thick cock rub between your ass, getting grappled by a naked man, not something he was prepared for. ‘Damn it!’  

Just as Brain Slime was about to make his move. ‘This is it, the symbol of peace, as my own personal toy!’ he drools, loving the images in his mind of all the things he was gonna make the man do.  

Death Arms grabs All Might’s pecs and gropes them making the blonde gasp. “Why you...” before he could snap, a part of his suit returned to slime, and it punched Death Arms in the jaw. The sudden shock made him lose his grip, and All Might flipped him over his shoulder.  

“What?!” Brain Slime gasps in shock. ‘That was slime, I know it, did a someone try to sabotage me?’ as his mind worked to solve the mystery of how slime could have been used to help All Might. From his position he wasn’t able to see where the slime came from, but just saw the slime connect with Death Arms’ face.  

All Might looked to Midoriya. “All Might, this way quickly!” he does his best to get across, without drawing too much attention to himself. ‘While I don’t want to put Midoriya in danger, he must have a plan.’ He races over to retrieve Izuku.  

‘Where is he going?’ Brain Slime growled. ‘Get up and go after them my puppet chase down All Might and bring him to me!’  

Death Arms rose up, and quickly gave chase, his hard cock bouncing as he ran. ‘How!?’ he chewed on his thumb, ‘How did another slime intervene, All Might isn’t a slime quirk holder. Should I call for back up? No! This is my game, I won’t lose!’  


All Might ran with Izuku, the boy shifting so he clung to his back. “Young Midoriya, you shouldn’t get involve in such a battle. It is my job to protect you.”  

“I know, I’m sorry, but Slime sensed something strange.” Slime appeared on his shoulder and nodded, “He says he smelled a slime, I think someone with a slime quirk is controlling Death Arms.”  

All Might’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?” Slime nods.  

“Slime can detect, other slimes he says. Being a parasite it can sense when a threat is near, and will defend the host.”

“Izuku didn’t like Death Arms touching you and had the slime defend.” Slime said, and Izuku blushed, his whole face going red as he hid his face in his shoulder. ‘Young man...’ All Might was touched.  

However, now was not the time. Death Arms was hot on their trail, tearing after them, smashing through trash bins and dumpsters. He was like a bull in a china shop, not a thing stood in his way without getting smashed by his massive arms.  

“Young man, how do we stop him?” All Might asked, he picked up speed, Izuku clinging on using his slime to not fall off.  

“We have to remove the slime source.” All Might looked back, staring at the naked man.  

“Where could it be? It’s not like he has anything on?”  

“It could be inside him, if you restrain him, I can use my quirk.”

“I don’t like this young Midoriya,” Izuku hugged him. “I know, but you can’t fight him all out, he’s under someone’s control.” It was true, his hands were tied, if his limiter is off he couldn’t knock him out either. “Alright, we will do your plan, but try not to get to close.”  

“I won’t, trust me.” All Might found a secluded spot.  

“Young Midoriya, in this instance I must rely on your quirk, I grant you permission to use it.” Izuku smiled, and nodded his head. “Right!”  

Death Arms, in all his naked glory found them, and barreled towards All Might. “Forgive me, but I’m going to have to take you down.” he slammed his fist into Death Arms’ gut, he sent the hero flying back, but he used his massive arms to brace himself.  

He tore back, rushing at All Might, the large blonde side swiped him, and used his force to topple him. He got him in a head lock. “Easy there big guy!” Death Arms thrashed. “Not so tough on the receiving end.”  

Izuku stepped out. “Hold him still!” he summoned the pink slime, it spread over him. “Easier said than done, young man!” It was true, Death Arms was bucking and thrashing wildly, his own muscled form flexing and trying to break free.

“Save your strength!” Izuku’s eyes glowed, and All Might’s hero costume returned to slime, snaking around Death Arms’ body, coiling and constricting, halting his movements. “Now then, let’s begin, Slime search him!”  

Pink slime like tentacles left Izuku’s body, stretching through the air towards the mind controlled man. Two tentacles latched onto his perky nipples. “Ohhh!” Death Arms tossed his head back, moaning as his nipples got sucked.  

“What are you doing to him?” All Might gasped.  

“I must check all the potential spots for a slime to hide inside him.” Death Arms moaned and bucked in pleasure, the non stop suction to his nipples making his body shudder and his cock bob.    

A slime tentacle latches onto his cock, coats every inch, swallowing it down to the root. All 10 inches was consumed, the thick girth hugged perfectly. It gave the man’s dick the same treatment as his nipples, nonstop suction! “Ahhhhh!” His pre was sucked away, absorbed into the slime.  

All Might blushed as Izuku’s slime pleasured the brain drained hero. A part of him was jealous, but another part of him was oddly aroused. His hips were raised exposing the man’s tight hole.  

A slime tentacle penetrated his ass. Death Arms was drooling, with his limiter broken he couldn’t take the pleasure that was being dished out. The slime tentacle sank deeper and deeper, it expanded opening his hole up.  

All Might was torn, listening to Death Arms pant and moan, getting pleasured by Izuku. He was both jealous and annoyed, it seemed Death Arms was really enjoying himself. His own cock was rock hard, painfully so, his balls itching to cum.  

It seemed Izuku knew, as slime began stimulating All Might’s body. He gasped as the slime shifted in his ass, stimulating his sweet spot. Slime coated his hard length, squeezing it and teasing his sensitive tip. ‘Young Midoriya!’ he thinks blushing.   

Izuku’s slime stuffed the pro hero, stimulating his insides. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ohhhhh!” Death Arms came, his dick twitching as he exploded into the pink goo. It was sucked away and absorbed. The slime inside his ass, stimulated his prostate again and again, milking his balls. The man’s sack was hot as he released more spurts from the prostate milking.  

All Might found his own orgasm, he grit his teeth trying to hold back his moans as he came. He shivered as his semen was sent right to his ass, filling himself with his own seed. His knees buckled, but he held onto Death Arms.  

“Young Midoriya, did you find the slime?” His cock was still hard, and he wanted this to be over. He wanted to be alone with Midoriya. ‘This date is ruined.’ The orgasm took the fight out of Death Arms atleast.   

“It’s not inside him?” he says, and looks to Slime who nods. “He definetly has a slime controlling him, but he isn’t a carrier like you.”  

“Where else could it be?” Izuku’s eyes roamed over Death Arms. Something wasn’t right, it was screaming in the back of his mind. He was naked, but he still had his headband.  

“Slimes have to keep constant contact with their host or they will die.” Izuku mutters, then his eyes widen. “There!” with a flick of the wrist, he sent a slime tentacle out and hits the headband.  

It reverts back into the brain slime and drops on the ground. Death Arms went limp, he was in a daze as All Might released him.  

The brain slime let out a screaching noise, before Slime dove down and swallowed it. Just a taste, but Slime began processing the data from the creature.  

“Hey, hey, hey, Death Arms?” he patted the man’s cheek. He barely responded, Izuku’s slime retreated.  

“All Might we have a problem.” the tall blonde looked back at him. “When slime ate the slug, I got some information. The brain slime doesn’t just control it literally drains the person’s brain the longer it’s on him.”  

“You mean...” he looked at the pro. “It drained his brain permanently.”  

“It fed on his brain, controlled him while eating his mind, it’s horrible.” Izuku started to tear up, he couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

“Can you help him?”  

Izuku looked to Slime, who nodded. “I would have to make him a slime carrier, but even if I do I couldn’t restore his memories.”  

Making him a carrier would make him Izuku’s mate. If Izuku wanted a harem, he would accept it but he hoped he would have the boy to himself a little longer. Izuku muttered, wighing the pros and cons of this action.  

He sighed, and gave him a smile. “Do it.” he said, and Izuku gasped. “If you can save him, do it. As a fellow slime carrier I can say I’d rather be in your care than someone elses.”  

Izuku approached the pro, cupping his firm cheeks. He captured Death Arms’ lips and kissed him deeply. All Might blushed, watching the pro swallow something. “The slime will work on repairing him, but he should be taken to the hospital.”  

“I’m on it.” All Might lifts him up, “Sorry about our date.”  

“It was great,” he leans up and kisses the man on the lips. “I’m dating a pro hero it comes with the territory.” All Might and Izuku left with Death Arms, before Brain Slime arrived.  

The male was panting and sweating. “What the fuck!?” he snapped. He had felt it when his brain slime had been knocked off, it’s scream had been painful. Then it all stopped, which meant one thing… ‘Someone absorbed my slime!’  

He was furious. “Someone took my toy!” he howled in rage.  

To be continued...Chap 7 Fall Out


Brain Slime is cruel, before trying to ruin Death Arms reputation he had his history erased. With no memory and no records he has to cope. All Might gives his report to atleast clear him of his recent charges.  

End Preview


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