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One Piece Parody: Tier 1: 


Gem Island

The Gems are fierce warriors, capable of many things. They have islands spread across the vast sea, but their power and unique bodies catch the eye of many. Luffy the product of a human and gem decides to one day be a pirate. By his side his his trusty swordsman and fellow gem Zoro. Luffy must battle other pirates as well as face his own kind as an elite gem seeks to conquer the seas and wipe out all other life.


Luffy: Gem Hybrid: Amethyst: Chest: Gem Weapon: Whip

Ace: Gem Hybrid: Ruby: Chest: Gem Weapon:  Shield

Zoro: Gem: Emerald: Navel: Gem Weapon: Sword

Leo: Gem Beast – Purple -  



Ben: Size 8 Inches (Thick)

Lucky Roo


Luzo – (Luffy/Zoro) Tall with two arms, black hair with green stripes. Wears a black haramaki dark blue pants and a black vest with a green trim. Weapon: Sword

Sace – (Sabo/Ace) Tall with two arms, black hair with a braid, blonde streak coiled with the black. Has freckles and was well built. Shirtless but has a blue sleeveless jacket, black pants and was barefoot. He was wearing Sabo's hat. Weapon: Shield and Staff.

Lace – (Luffy/Ace) Tall with four arms, a wild black mane of hair, freckles. Gems places in the palms of his new arms. (Unstable?)  

Other Gems

Kuina: Green Pearl: Forehead: Gem Weapon: Spear

Lady Amber:???

Amber Guards  

Lord Emerald aka Koshiro: Gem Weapon: Sword

Shanks: Red Diamond: Gem Weapon:??? Size 9 inches

Gem Island

Chap 7 Visions

Ace was still feeling terrible. They were brothers but he still knew very little about Luffy and the hardships he went through. It was an honest relief to know Sabo was alive, and yes perhaps that was enough. “Luffy...” he looked at the two from across the small fire that they built.

Zoro and Luffy looked at their brother. The night had been filled with silence, outside of the crackling fire. “I'm sorry, I had no idea what you went through. You've used your power for us and...”

Luffy held up a hand. “It's okay, future vision was my mother's power, it was passed onto me. It's apart of her and apart of me. It can be a gift, a curse, a weapon and more.”

“So the path of fate can never be changed?”

“It can, in a way, the flow of fate is not always set in stone, it's like a river, a river flowing until it reaches pools and lakes, and some even dipping into vast oceans that spread off in other directions. A change in fate is like dropping a canon ball into that river or lake. While it can disrupt the course of fate it can also negatively change things, and it's no guarantee the change will be permanent or if the flow of fate will not correct itself. Also the visions are not perfect sometimes what I see can change because of events outside my vision.”

Ace's head was spinning, trying to comprehend it all. “Much like when I looked into the future if me and Zoro should join Shanks' crew, but I was blinded by his radiance, his own fate would over lap with our own. Because everyone has their own river, and sometimes they cross join and even separate.”

Ace sighed. “Future vision, very cool but frightening.”

“Hehe, it's not all bad. If I peer only a few seconds ahead like I did with that strong guy, I was able to protect everyone. A few seconds is like tossing a rock into the water, the ripples are much smaller and don't cause any vast changes.” he smiles and his gem glows. “I also get random visions, some too strong to be ignored. My best range is 12 hours, the safest range I feel.”  

“Lady Amber didn't care about that, she wanted visions on anything and everything, and if she didn't like what she she would change the fate not caring what damage she caused.”  the emerald was pissed.

“Plus there's always that.” Zoro says.

Luffy grins. “Yeah that, peering at different worlds.” that peeked Ace's interest.

“Different world's?” Luffy nodded.

“You could say my future vision is like a ship sailing on the ocean, and I can navigate it with my vision by looking out at the vast sea, but instead of looking at the sea I look up towards the sky, seeing a different flow all together. Similar to our own, but different.” Zoro chuckled.

“I love these stories.” Ace was definitely curious.

“Ok I wanna hear this.” Luffy grinned and revealed his gem.   It glowed and as did his eyes.

“In a different world I served a diamond. I was visiting a place to use my power. In this world my vision power was absolute my whole life was laid out before my eyes. I was accompanied by 3 emerald guards.” Zoro smiled, as Luffy told the story the flames before them changed and Ace and Zoro could actually see what Luffy saw.

-x- Vision -x-

The emeralds all looked like Zoro. The trio of emeralds were fooling around when the one who had the same placement as their Zoro was knocked back and bumped into Luffy. “Sorry, I didn't mean to...”

“It's okay, it was meant to happen.” Luffy smiled. “I have to perform my duties.”  

“Right!” the trio stood up and saluted. However one of the Zoro's turned his head to look at Luffy. As the day went on he was visited by other gems seeking their fortunes. Only for them to part as the Diamond they served showed up.

“I believe there is a threat upon my life, tell me will he be captured.” the vision Luffy smiled.

“He will attack soon, knowing you would come to visit me, he will attack and cut down 3 of your personal guards and 2 of my emerald guards before he cuts me down, once I am poofed he will be captured.”

“Thank you, I am relieved thank you Luffy.” Luffy saw his fate, his death and it did not bother him.

Luffy returned to his guards. “Excellent work today.”

“Thank you Zoro, I'm exhausted it'd be nice to take a walk and relax.” he says.

“I can take you, it would be my honor.” he bowed.

“That is kind of you, I would have loved to see more of this land.”

Zoro laughed. “There's plenty of time.”

Luffy for a moment had a sad look on his face. “For you maybe.”

Zoro didn't get time to question it as the assassin made his move. He cut down the three quartz guards. The three emeralds fused into one. They were huge but despite they were defeated. Zoro saw the attacker get near Luffy.

“You did well, thank you Zoro.” Zoro grit his teeth.

He realized now, Luffy had seen this would happen, he knew, he knew he would fail. He accepted it, but Zoro could not accept it. He rushed in and with all his might he grabbed Luffy. The two fused and became one being, with their new might they took down the intruder.

All good right? Nope their leader was furious that they fused, Luffy was to be punished and Zoro broken for his actions. Without thinking Luffy grabbed him and they fled.

-x-The vision began to fade-x-

“So Luffy and Zoro went on the run, mastering their fusion they lived as the embodiment of their love.”

“Huh so guess even in parallel worlds fusion is seen as taboo.” Ace says. “So is there any ones with us?”

“Hmm,” Luffy's gem glowed again and a new vision appeared.


They were on a ship together 5 in all. All of them were rubies. Luffy had his gem in his chest, Ace in his navel, Zoro had one in his eyes for some reason, the other was Sabo who had it in his arm, there was another blonde but none that any of them could recognize, his gem was in his leg.

The group of five traveled from place to place. It looked like loads of fun. “Ace!” the ruby Luffy jumped into his lap. “Let's go there, we haven't studied that place yet!”

“Oi Luffy,” Ace blushed, the boy's rear was pressed right against his butt. “Well we have a mission to complete, but I'm sure I can be convinced.” His hands came to Luffy's chest and caressing his perky nipples. Zoro joined in and began to palm Luffy's bulge. Sabo came over to and kissed Luffy hungrily. The mystery blonde went over and began licking Luffy's foot.


Ace Zoro and Luffy blushed as things got erotic and fast. The vision ended as they passed out from a nosebleed.  

When they woke they needed to decide what to do about Lady Amber. “So how strong is this Lady Amber?” Ace asks Zoro, while Luffy is off hunting.

“Phyisically she’s as strong as any other gem, her abilities are what make her a threat. She’s an expert terraformer.” Zoro explains. “On a head to head fight she’s not strong, but her abilities make her more than make up for it. That power will benefit us, her pods aren’t strong enough to transport her.”

“So she’ll have to come by ship.” Zoro nods.

“We have time, if we can count on anything its her arrogance and pride. She won’t make a move until she’s fully prepared.”  

“Can we take her?” he looks to Zoro, he is serious, willing to fight and possibly die for Luffy’s sake. Ace felt the same, honestly, Luffy is like the little brother he never wanted but was so happy to have.  

“Not as we are, we must get stronger.” his hands tighten on his sword. “I hate to admit it, but Lace gave her a frieght, we have time to plan atleast.”  

“Even if we make another ship,” Ace says, “We are too young to survive on our own, we have to wait.” it was a blow to his pride to say the least. He punched his palm. ‘Damn it all!’ even if Lace could take on Lady Amber, without control it wouldn’t help.

“We will need to set off on our journey eventually. When should we try and leave.” Ace thinks about it, he was the eldest.

“Seventeen, once we reach that age we should go.”  

“I don’t plan on leaving Luffy behind. He’s my captain.”

Ace chuckles, “I figured you’d say that. I have to find my own way, what Luffy told me about the paths of fate, it spoke to me.”

“I’m sure Luffy will understand.”

One conversation later…

“Nooooo!” Luffy clung to Ace’s leg. “I want Ace to join my crew!” he cried.

“Then again I could be wrong.” Zoro sweat dropped.

“Luffy come on, it’s not goodbye or anything, besides we got many years to spend together.” The boy pouted. He looked to Zoro for help, but the swordsman shrugged. Ace sighed, “Tell you what, after you set up on your journey and get your first bounty as a pirate I’ll come find you, and we’ll have a match, you win I’ll join your crew, I win you join mine, if we draw nothing changes.”

“Fine,” he releases Ace. He takes out his whip. “Let’s start training!”

Ace beat him. One of the benefits of being older, he may not know a ton about fusion but he could fight! Even Zoro had a hard time against Ace. The only way they won is if they fused. “Hey no fusion!” Ace hissed.

Luzo smirked, and stuck his tongue out at him. “Sore loser!” he laughs.


Luffy realized they couldn’t train properly if they were always on edge about a sneak attack from Lady Amber, it would be distracting. So he kept his future vision focused on Lady Amber, if she made her move he would know. Though the plan was to leave at 17 they had a ship ready in case Lady Amber attacked.

As the years passed, Luffy was curious. ‘Why hasn’t she made a move, she knows where we are why hasn’t she attacked?’ Luffy sighed, so long as she wasn’t attacking he’d focus on training, and bonding with his Zoro and Ace.

The trio ate together, slept together, bathed togethed, hunted together, and trained together. He shared his visions of other worlds, sort of like be time stories.

He saw one where he was a sapphire, it was sorta like there world, except instead of islands they visited planets. They sailed across the stars, and had adventures in space.

Another one, he was a red diamond, and Ace was a gold diamond. Zoro was his pearl, and Sabo was Ace’s pearl. It was interesting, they were on the same cruel, rulling it together.

One Luffy found fascinating was one where he was a pearl. In this world everyone had a gem, no matter what race they were. Yet it seemed pearls were looked down on more than other gems. He watched his pearl self fight the odds and prove how great he is!

“These other worlds sound wild.” Ace told him.

“They are, so many possibilities exist, but our world is full of them to.” he says chuckling.

To be continued...Chap 8 Separation

(This chapter was a lot of fun to work on, Luffy’s visions are based on the different gem luffy fics I wanted to tackle, and may tackle in the future.)


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