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Naruto Parody: Original Word Count: 6194 Upgraded Word: 9288 PDF Copy

Akatsuki Uzumaki

Nagato had formed the Akatsuki, and through their intelligence he learned the Uzumaki clan was still out there. He discovers that Kushina Uzumaki had died but she left behind twin boys. Nagato takes them and raises them in the Akatsuki.

Chap 1

Kushina was having twins, yes twin boys to be exact. Being the vessel of Kyuubi this was very dangerous, it was dangerous for any vessel of a bijuu to have children, but they came prepared. Her husband Minato was doing his best to keep the Kyuubi’s seal from breaking, while the aids were helping to deliver the babies.  “Push Lady Kushina, push!” this followed by a loud scream from the red haired woman.  

She could feel the Nine-Tailed Fox, resisting Minato’s efforts on the seal. Kyuubi was thrashing about in his cage, he believed this could be the moment he could be set free. ‘Let me out woman!’ he howled into her mind. He’d been trapped inside her body with the two growing infants, and they made him more nervous than anything.  

However the Kyuubi stopped as he felt a familiar dark presence. ‘No not him, I will not be a slave to Madara again!!’ He knew if he escaped now he would fall prey to those devilish eyes again, and be made into nothing more than a puppet. There was only one option, he had two vessels so very close to him. ‘Madara you will never have my power again.’ Kyuubi severed his soul in two, splitting the yin and yang. The split soul was able to pass through the weakened seal and jump into the nearest bodies, Kushina’s boys.

Their sons were named Naruto and Menma, Menma was born with red hair however his hair changed black, Naruto was born with blonde hair, and the two shared whisker like scars on their cheeks and seals appeared on their sons’ stomachs. Their names had already been chosen, by the god father, Jiraiya.  Kushina’s seal was beginning to fade. “The Kyuubi he sealed himself in our sons.” Kushina said, and Minato stared at her in shock. “Why would he do that?”  

“I don’t know, but he split his soul in two.” she held her sons.  

“I see then it’s the boys I need.” A dark and sinister voice made the couple turn to see a masked man and two dead guards. Minato took a fighting stance standing between the mystery man and his wife and sons.  

“Give me the boys and I’ll let you live.” he offered.  

“Not on your life.” Minato cursed. The masked man rushed them, and Minato caught his attack with a kunai of his own, the close strike Minato could see his kunai was unique, dipped in poison. “You bastard! Kushina run!” he tried to fight the masked man, but he was difficult when he got too close he passed right through his body, and the man’s poison weapon seemed to be aimed for his vitals.  Kushina summoned her strength and got up taking her kids and running for their lives. Her babies cried as she ran towards the village.  

“Hush little ones,” she tried to sooth.  

Minato was using his best jutsu but because of the masked man’s weird ability he escaped, he seemed to be able to phase through physical objects, even jutsu seemed to pass right through him. “Damn it!! Kushina!!” Minato raced to find Kushina.

Kushina was running as fast as she could, gently shushing her boys hoping the masked man didn’t have allies.  

“Hand them over woman you know you can’t protect them.” The masked man appeared blocking Kushina’s path to Konoha. “If not for the Uzumaki clan strength, you would have collapsed from exhaustion already. Not that you could fight me with two kids in your arms.” He drew his poisoned kunai.  

“How do you know of the Uzumaki clan strength?” the man didn’t respond. Kushina held her children and they cried. “Hand them over or die!” He rushed at the family, and the boys cried louder, their chakra leaked out with great force, knocking the poison kunai away.  

“Impossible!?” The chakra swirled around the boys, and a chakra tail whipped out and struck the masked man. Their chakra didn’t harm Kushina, but instead protected her.  

Kushina didn’t have time to question it as their chakra faded away. The boys tired themselves out and fell asleep in their mom’s arms. “Come on boys!” She ran towards the village, however the boys’ surprise attack didn’t put the masked man down for good. He got up, and collected his poison kunai.  

Just as Kushina was about to reach the gates the poison kunai was pierced into her back. “Gah!” She stumbled but quickly turned as she headed towards the ground. The kunai was knocked out of her body and she shielded her boys from the fall. Her heart was racing, having the poison began spread through her system faster.  

The masked man drew closer and closer. “No…” Kushina said weakly and she tried to move but the poison was disabling her. Naruto blinked awake and with blurry eyes saw the masked man descend upon his mother and brother. “Stay away from my sons!” He grabbed Naruto by his leg and lifted him up. “You are coming with me.” The seal on Naruto’s belly glowed, Kyuubi sending his power through the infant’s chakra system. Naruto cried and his wind chakra echoed in Naruto’s scream, the force from the attack felt like a second stage rasengan. ‘So strong!’ his clothing began to get ripped apart, he had only one choice, release Naruto or suffer a broken everything.

He dropped Naruto and Minato showed up catching his son in an instant. “Minato,” Kushina whispered weakly, a smile gracing her features. He performed several hand seals and let loose a powerful jutsu. “Flash Impact!” He threw a kunai, and the man was still stunned from Naruto’s sudden attack to counter. A barrage of explosions hit the masked man again and again and sent the man rocketing into the distance.

Minato took Kushina and his boys to the hospital. Konoha was put on high alert. He looked at his son, Naruto. “My little man, you tried to protect your mommy didn’t you? What a brave boy.” Naruto giggled and reached up at him, touching his father’s face and he set him into Kushina’s arms.  

Kushina was pale and she was sweating heavily. “My love, I think it’s too late for me.” The poison was taking everything from her but she couldn’t help but smile, she had two sons who would grow up to be great men. “Look after them for me.” The med nin were doing everything they could, but the poison was too deep in her system, and with after giving birth and losing Kyuubi it was to much. In her final moments she gives her sons a kiss on the forehead. “My sons!”  

The boys start to cry as the life fades from her. The medical nin take them, so they could be fed and Minato could mourn. The hokage dropped to his knees and cried hard, heart breaking over his own weakness. “I’ll protect them, I promise you!” he says.  

When he goes to collect his boys, he tries to put on a brave face, but as he picked Naruto and Menma up he was still crying his tears fell and landed on his sons’ heads. Naruto and Menma reached up and touched their father’s cheeks. “I’m sorry boys I couldn’t save her.” they cooed and wiped away his tears.

“My sweet boys.” Minato planned to raise the boys well, he took them home and placed them in a crib. He would mourn for Kushina more later, they had a threat on their hands. He called for the anbu to sweep the village and make sure the masked man was caught. Minato would miss Kushina and he would never love another woman again, but for now he had to make sure his sons were safe.  

They were his world now, he was going to give those boys everything help them grow strong. “Good night sons.” He placed a kiss on each of their foreheads, he gathered jounin to guard the estate. Contacting Sarutobi to assist him in dealing with this invader. Their location had been compromised somehow, so they needed to find out who betrayed their village.  


The masked man was not gonna give up. ‘I need the 9 tailed fox’s power.’ in order to escape he summoned a mass of giant beasts to attack Konoha, the chaos cost some lives, and made the perfect distraction. He escaped and slipped some info to the Akatsuki informants and they took it to Nagato. “I need orders.” he says. Nagato learned that his cousin Kushina had passed away in Konoha, and that she died after giving birth to two boys. “The Uzumaki Clan is spread thin already, Konoha will not benefit from Uzumaki blood any longer.” The masked man wanted support to move in. “No I will handle it myself.”   

In one month Nagato learned where the boys were and he planned to take them and raise them himself. ‘I will save the Uzumaki Bloodline.’ Nagato Uzumaki otherwise known as Pain was the founder of the Akatsuki, only a handful knew his true face, they mostly knew of Pain as Yahiko. He was Nagato’s friend who sacrificed himself and awakened Nagato’s Rinnegan. He was able to save his friend’s body and use it through the Rinnegan. Using five other bodies, he created the Six Paths of Pain, each one holding a power of the Rinnegan. Nagato had a strong love of the Uzumaki clan, they were spread out and yet were strong.   

Using the Six Paths of Pain he had them slip into Konoha, the Animal Path was a summoner, it slipped in and when it was close enough to Minato’s home it summoned the other paths. This sneak attack was quick and fierce, they broke in and stole the boys. Minato did his best to stop them, but the Yahiko Pain had the boys, and with his Almighty Push Minato couldn’t get near them. He was beaten and left for dead but Sarutobi found him and got him treatment. Minato cried and he didn’t care who saw, he had failed to protect his family again, lost his family, the only thing keeping his sanity was that his boys were alive out there somewhere. “I won’t rest until I find them!”  

He was so worked up he had to be sedated to receive treatment. “Naruto...Menma...” he cried. “Forgive me!”  


Nagato couldn’t believe it he had gotten some of his family back. He would raise them as proud Uzumaki clan nin. “Isn’t it great Konan?” he held the two infants, smiling. Konan would have said something about this but Nagato was so happy she held her tongue. ‘He hasn’t looked this happy since Yahiko was alive.’ He had done this plan without consulting her, which worried her. ‘If things get too far I’ll take them back.’ Time would tell if the boys would ever see their father again, but under the Akatsuki’s care the boys would grow up strong.

To be continued


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