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One Piece Parody: Tier 1: PDF copy available at chap 5


Chap 2 Luffy Ace and Sabo

To say Luffy’s grandfather was pleased with Luffy’s goal in life, would be a total and absolute lie. Monkey D. Garp, the grandfather and care taker of Luffy was a marine. He wanted Luffy to become a marine more than anything. “I leave you alone for a few months and you wanna become a pirate, I won’t have it!” he shouted.  

He didn’t care about Luffy’s devil fruit power. There were plenty of marines with devil fruit powers. All his work all his training to toughen Luffy up into a man, so he could become a fine marine, all seemed to burn before his eyes as Luffy talked about becoming King of the Pirates. “Let me go old man, I wanna be a pirate!” he shouts, Luffy was struggling to escape his grandfather’s grasp.  

“No way, you are gonna become a fine marine, not some filthy pirate!” he says. “That damn red hair, putting these thoughts into your head.” he mutters.  

“Don’t bad mouth Shanks, he saved my life!” Garp gave him a “love tap” and knocked Luffy out. “That only goes so far.” It was the only reason he wasn’t hunting the red haired pirate down right now. Garp is a marine hero, a role model for aspiring marines. He had hoped he’d inspire Luffy to become a marine as well. At his core he was an honorable man, Shanks saving Luffy’s life meant a lot.  

Garp brought Luffy to some mountain bandits led by the bandit leader Dadan. “I want you to look after my grandson for me.” he says dropping Luffy at their door step.  

“Not another one!” Dadan shouted. “No way, we have our hands full with the other one.” Luffy blinked. ‘Other one?’  

“I don’t wanna stay here, I hate mountain bandits!” Luffy says, sticking his tongue out at them.  

“You little brat!” Dadan snaps.  

“Dadan!” the woman freezes, and turns to face Garp.  

“I trust you will raise him into a fine marine, if you don’t or refuse I’ll arrest you.” Dadan mentally cursed but verbally agreed. He had heard over a barrel, no one in the Goa Kingdom could match Garp’s strength. He is a monster! “Speaking of, where is Ace?”  

As if on cue, a spit wad came soaring and hit Luffy in the face. “Gah!”  

“Ace, come meet your little brother!” The boy Ace, was a freckle faced dark haired boy. “Luffy this is your older brother Ace, try to get along with each other.” He left, leaving the two in the care of bandits.   

Despite Garp’s words the two were not getting along. Ace liked to disappear everyday, and despite Luffy’s best efforts he struggled to follow him. The cupid human did his best but Ace traveled through the most dangerous routes to ditch him.  

Still as days passed Luffy refused to give up. ‘I think I lost him.’ Ace thinks and heads to his meeting spot with Sabo. “Oi Sabo!” Sabo is Ace’s partner in crime, he has blonde hair and was the same age as Ace.  

The two had become quite the terrors, stealing from local pirates and bandits, saving up so they could buy their own ship and sail away from this place. “Look what I got today.” Sabo showed him a bag of treasure.  

“Pretty good, but check out my haul.” Ace shows a huge box of treasure and money. “Whoa where did you get this?”  

“Stole it from the Bluejam Pirates, they didn’t even see me coming.” he says. They started adding it to their stash. “With this I think we are closer than ever to getting our pirate ship.”  

“Pirates?” the two freeze. “You guys wanna be pirates to?” they look and see Luffy.  

“How did he…?” he gasped.  

“That’s Luffy, I thought you ditched him?”  

“Ace talks about me?” Luffy says happily.  

“Yeah, I tell him how annoying and weak you are.” Ace snaps. Luffy ignores him and instead introduces himself to Sabo.  

“I’m Luffy, nice to meet you.” he gives a bow to Sabo.  

“Oh uh Sabo, nice to meet you.” he blushes.  

Ace has enough, and quickly ties Luffy up. “He knows where our stash is, he’ll talk we have to kill him.” Luffy cried out in shock. “No please don’t throw me in the water.”  

“See, he’s an idiot he has to die!” Ace hands Sabo a knife. “Kill him!”  

“What?!” Sabo gasps. “He’s your brother, you kill him!”  

“I’ve never killed anyone before.” he snaps.

“Well neither have I!” The two argue all while Luffy cries. The noise attracted pirates, who were searching for Ace who had stolen their treasure. Porchemy answered to Bluejam, and Bluejam was not one to show mercy, losing this treasure was a death sentence.  

Ace and Sabo, grabbed Luffy and pulled him away, hiding in some bushes as the pirates came looking. “We need to find that brat fast or Bluejam will have my head!”  

The two took their eyes off Luffy for a second, and he somehow got captured by the men. “Ace, Sabo, help me!” he cried out.  

“Oh so you know Ace huh? You wouldn’t happen to know where they hide their treasure would you?” Luffy proceeded to show the worst lying face in history. ‘What a terrible liar!?’ was the shared thought among the pirates. “Alright, if you won’t talk, we’ll beat the answers out of you.”  

They carry him off, Luffy crying out for Ace and Sabo to save him. “We have to move the treasure, he’ll talk I know he will.”  

“Are you sure?” Sabo asks, and Ace nods. The two move their treasure, to a new secret spot.  

“Not even Luffy knows about this place.” Ace says satisfied.  

“I’m gonna go see what the pirates are doing.” Sabo runs off, and is surprised to see their old spot untouched. He keeps looking and sees the pirates are still hunting for them. ‘No way, he couldn’t...’ he starts running back to their new secret spot.  

“Oh Sabo, are those pirates tearing apart our old spot?” he asks. “What’s wrong?” Sabo looked horrified.  

“No!” he shouts. “They are still looking for us...Ace!” he shouts. “All this time and he never talked, they have to be torturing him and he never told them a thing!” Ace’s eyes widened.  

When the two arrived on the scene, it was horrible, Luffy was strung up like a pinata, a pool of blood beneath him. His body was beaten and broken, and it was a shock he was still alive. The boy didn’t have the strength to even scream in pain anymore.  

Ace saw red, they attacked the pirates in full force. It wasn’t enough though as Ace faced Porchemy, he refused to run away. So Sabo had no choice but to stay and fight with him, they made it out alive but were banged up pretty hard.  

The freckled youth scolded Luffy for being so stupid, and demanded to know why he didn’t talk. “Because...if I talked you’d hate me.” Ace’s eyes widened. “I hate it here, I don’t like the bandits and I can’t go back to the village. You are all I have.” Ace blushed.  

“So...you want me around, and you’d be upset if I was gone.” Luffy nodded. Sabo smiled, he knew about Ace’s past, the raven confiding in him. He is Gol D. Roger’s son, and all he heard all his life was that the child of such a man would be a curse upon the world and needed to be destroyed, or should not have been born. Ace closed himself off, but it seems Luffy had broken through that tough shell.  

The trio had to move in with the bandits full time for protection against Bluejam and his pirates. As it turned out, the bandits were worse liars than Luffy. Their bond continued to grow, to the point they became sake brothers, stealing some booze from the bandits and taking the sacred ritual to bond them as brothers.  

Sabo was curious about Luffy’s powers but the boy said he didn’t fully understand his abilities either, but that Shanks said he’d grow into them. Ace laughed saying his powers were pretty pathetic.  

Garp returned, surprised to see another boy in his care. He cracked his knuckles. “So another kid who wants to become a pirate, I’ll have to teach you all a lesson!” the boys cried out as the “training” began, Garp’s training was scary.  

So the boys were in for another move, slipping out in the dead of night as Garp slept, they moved into the woods. For awhile it was great, they trained together, hunted together, slept together, bathed together, ate together and shared their dreams.  

Then Sabo’s past came back to haunt them. The blonde was from a wealthy family, who was trying to groom him for richer and better things. Sabo wanted none of this and ran away, seeking freedom. The boy only returned to that life, because Ace and Luffy’s lives were on the line.  

He should have realized his parents could not be trusted. His father paid Porchemy to set fire to Gray Terminal. As Sabo ran around seeking help, he was horrified to hear the wealthy people see everyone in Gray Terminal as nothing but trash, and simply hoped they died quickly so their screams wouldn’t ruin their tea time.  

In a twist of fate, Sabo came across Dragon, none other than Luffy’s father. The boy begged him for help, cursing his blood saying he didn’t want to be a noble! ‘So you’ve finally done it Goa Kingdom!’ it angered Dragon to no end, and he knew this land needed to be fixed.  

Luffy and Ace survived the fire, barely…

Porchemy had been betrayed and left to die in the flames. He went crazy and even when Ace offered up their treasure in exchange for their lives the man tried to kill them anyway. Luffy’s power awakened, and the two escaped in a balloon heart of Luffy’s making.  

Inside the heart Ace clung to Luffy, promising him it would all be okay. The heart shielded them from the flames long enough for Dadan to find them and get them to safety.  

From tragedy to tragedy, Sabo tried to leave the Goa Kingdom, leaving a letter for Ace and Luffy. He chose the worst time to go, you see the fire wasn’t a random act, the rich were trying to purge the trash and filth for the Celestial Dragons.  

The Celestial Dragons are the descendants of those who created and founded the world government. This nobility led them to believe they are so superior to humans so much so they wear helmets so they don’t breath the same air.  

All Sabo did was sail his ship next to there’s and they shot him out of the water. The news spread fast, Luffy cried, Ace couldn’t believe it. No body was found, but with the point blank blast they didn’t think there would be.  

He read Sabo’s letter. “Ace, I never meant to deceive you, I had hoped to leave my past behind me, and chase my own freedom. I want you to know, I’ll be leaving this place, I hope we can meet out on the sea some day.” tears spilled down his cheeks. “Take care of Luffy, I really think his devil fruit will be something amazing. He might be impulsive but he’s got a good heart, he’s got good instincts to, their raw but if he hones them he’ll be great! You need him as much as he needs you, tell him I’m sorry and that I wish we could have spent more time together, but you won’t be safe if I stay.” he clutched the letter in his hands. “I love you both, my brothers!”  

Losing Sabo changed a lot, Luffy suffering the pain of loss, and Ace grew more protective over Luffy. ‘I won’t let anything bad happen to you.’ he thinks hugging him. “Luffy, I’m never gonna leave you.” he promises. Luffy clings to him a little tighter.  

To be continued

Chap 3 Luffy’s Powers Awaken!


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