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A My Hero Parody: New Chap 4 and Exclusive PDF COPY


Dragoon Deku

Izuku Midoriya has a hero father, the Great Dragoon, he inherits his quirk sorta. His father is a full on dragoon, but while Izuku can produce wings and he had a tail, he could also cover his skin into dragon scales to a point, but he was nothing like his father, he did have one other special thing about him.  

Chap 1 Dragon Power

“The Great Dragoon, the fourth greatest hero busted a villain hideout, rescuing 10 hostages.” The news was reporting the recent hero activity. A young woman and her son was watching it. Both had green hair and freckles.  

“Dad is so cool!” Izuku Midoriya says. He had two action figures in his hands. One was like his father, light green scales he was a full on dragon he had a dragon face, his body covered in scales, he had wings and a tail, dragon feet, dragon claws. The other one was All Might, the number one hero, blonde hair big muscles.  

“Yeah he is sweetie.” she smiled.  

“Do you think when my quirk comes in, I'll be like dad?” young Midoriya had yet to gain his quirk. He was 4 years old, usually the quirks came in by the time they turned 5.  

Quirks were a unique power that started popping up all over the world. In the world they lived in Izuku's dad's appearance was not anything to surprising. Powers and appearances ranged from near and far.  

His dad was a 4th generation, he had the powers and the appearance of a dragon, he could breath fire, he had powerful scales, strong tail, could fly with his wings. With his power and skills becoming a pro hero was easy. He rose through the ranks and managed to be ranked number 4 under Best Jeanist.  

Though this was not always a good thing, most pro heroes did not have what you call a normal home life. The spot light may have been good for some but it also cast shadows. Villains who seek revenge or try to make a name for themselves try to go after a hero's family.  

For these reasons Izuku's father has rarely been home. In fact outside of news reports action figures posters and the like, Izuku had never seen his father.  

“Well maybe, your dad may be a top hero now, but he had troubles growing up. Just cause quirks were known didn't mean others couldn't be cruel.”  

“I'll be fine, maybe if I get my quirk dad can come home?” his mother gave a small smile.  

“Izuku, your father chose the path of a hero. It's not an easy road, but he will come home when he can.” Izuku looked up to her and smiled.  

“Okay,” he smiles. “Still it'd be cool to breath fire like dad, or even move objects like you mom.”  

The news shifted to talk about the other heroes. Izuku got really excited when All Might came on. He beat 4 up start villains, defused 3 hostage situations, stopped a bank heist and rescued a grand total of 25 people. He did it all with a brilliant and courageous smile.  

Izuku's eyes sparkled. “All Might is so cool, I can't wait to get my quirk, so I can rescue people like him, and dad!”  

His mother was worried in more ways than one. Hero work was dangerous, and what if he doesn't waken any quirk. She knew he'd be heart broken.  

That night…

Izuku was brushing his teeth before bed. He didn't mean to but when he spat out the tooth paste flames came from his mouth. “Huh ahh!” his face lifted. “Mom mom!” he ran off with his melted and burning tooth brush. “I breathed fire, I breathed fire!”  

“Oh Izuku!” she hugged her son. Over the next couple of days his quirk started to develop. He could manifest wings, and he grew a dragon tail. It seemed unlike his father who was a dragon all the time Izuku had to transform. He could cover his body in dragon scales and produce claws just like he could manifest his wings.  

The last change came as quite a surprise to the boy. He had two cocks. “Is this normal?” he asked his mother.  

She blushed. “Oh yes your father had two as well.” It was a tad embarrassing but he had to know.  

With any fears out of his mind Izuku focused on developing his quirk and training it so it could be pro level. He even made a catch phrase for when he transformed. “Dragon Up!”  

His tail was the only thing that seemed to stay out 100% of the time, it was quite handy. Quirk or no quirk Izuku was still Izuku. He loved to study heroes, and learn how their quirks worked, he hoped to apply their talents to his own skills and become a great hero.  

Izuku went to school like any other kid, his childhood friend was Katsuki Bakugo. Though as they grew up they became more like rivals. Bakugo's quirk was Explosion, where he could detonate the sweat in the palm of his hand like nitro. He thought he was superior to everyone else, he was smart, stronger, and even his quirk was amazing.  

Bakugo. believed Izuku was quirkless for so long but he was just a late bloomer. Once his quirk manifested he got a tad more popular but he was still the same kid he grew up with. Izuku still followed him, still cared about, still tried to protect him.  

Despite being so strong, Izuku looked at him with those eyes. He hated that look, from the quirk evaluations he knew how powerful Izuku was, and as much as Bakugo. hated to admit it he was stronger than him.  

A rift formed between them and Bakugo. put up the wall. He called him Deku, and Izuku called the blonde Kacchan.  

The teacher was ready to hand out future forms. “But who am I kidding. You all going into the hero course!” all the students manifested their quirks. “Yes yes, you all have wonderful quirks, but you aren't suppose to use them at school. Oh forget it.”  

Bakugo. laughed. “Hey teach, don't lump me in with the rest of these losers.” the students roared at him. “Ha shut up you side characters.” he stood up. “I'm going into Yuuei, I'm aiming to be the number one hero!”  

The crowd was silenced. “U.A. no way.”

“That's the elite school.”


“That's why it's the only school worthy of me, I'm not gonna end up some D-lister's side kick.”   

The teacher checked. “It seems Izuku Midoriya is also applying to Yuuei.” Bakugo. froze. Izuku hung his head low.  

'Oh no Kacchan's gonna get mad now.' Sure enough he blew up the boy's desk.  

“What are you up to Deku?”

“It's been my dream to join the pros. You know that, so I'm going to Yuuei.”

“You are gonna stand in the same ring as me?” explosions went off in his palm.  

“I'm not trying to compete against you Kacchan.”  

Bakugo. glared. 'Yes you are, you do it by existing…' he balled his hands into fists. “You damn nerd!”  

Izuku gasped. His wings manifested and he took to the air dodging his attack. “Izuku, Bakugo., no fighting go stand in the hall.” they both got hit in the head.  

Bakugo. had to hold two water buckets while Izuku held three, the third with his tail. “You always do this Kacchan, can't you see I don't want to fight you.”  

The male growled, smoke leaking from his palms. 'Cause you are so much stronger than me, you pity me. You damn nerd!'  

Izuku didn't get why Bakugo. was like this. They had fought before, off and on over the years. Though it became clear Bakugo's quirk could not hurt Izuku. His dragon scale armor could withstand any heat, explosions could not hurt him.  

He was strong, well balanced in both power and defense, breathing fire an extra bonus. When he dragon'd up at least. It was a big blow to Bakugo's pride, to make matters worse there was another part of it.

It was a few years ago, in the locker room. Izuku had been showering and Bakugo. thought he could show off his size. He strutted into the showers towel over his shoulder his fat 7 incher swinging proudly. “Hey Izuku...” the boy turned and Kacchan froze. 'Two dicks! They both are bigger than mine!'

“What is it Kacchan?” Bakugo. blushed. He felt his cock start to rise and he quickly hid it.  

“Nothing you damn nerd!” he stomped off, completely embarrassed. A blow to his ego for sure but it also was a blow to his lust as well.    

School ended without another incident. Izuku wanted to get home and update his hero data so he manifested his wings and flew off. 'Stupid Deku, damn it all!'  

Bakugo. went to blow off some steam.  

Izuku flew as far as he could but there were no fly areas in the city so he had to walk the rest of the way. Little did he know a liquid like villain was on the run from a hero. Not just any hero All Might himself.  

So he needed a meat suit and he ran across Izuku. “A villain?”

“Ahh a meat suit just what I need to get out of here.” he grabbed Izuku and tried to invade his mouth. “Just relax it'll only hurt for a second.”  

'For you!' he blasted flames from his mouth. The villain cried out in pain and released Izuku. The boy coughed.  

“You damn brat.” a man hole cover popped off the villain noticed and quickly fled back into the sewers. All Might showed up and saw Izuku.  

“You there, young man did you see a liquid villain?” Izuku went into fan boy mode for a moment.  

“Oh yes, he tried to grab me and invade my body, but I used my quirk.” he breathed a little fire to demonstrate.  

“Hehe good lad, where did he go?”  

“He ran for the sewers again.”  

“Damn, I'm new to the city, this cities sewer system is like a maze.”  

“Sorry is I was better I probably could have slowed him down or something.” he hung his head low. He pulled his notebook out, he knew better. All Might grabbed his notebook, and flipped through it.  

“You sure are a fan boy.” He signed Izuku's notebook. “Don't beat yourself up over it, you are still a kid after all.” he gave Izuku his notebook back. “But I can see you love heroes very much. Keep training and you can become a great hero.”  

Hearing that made Izuku's heart swell. “Thank you so much! I'll treasure it. You are my hero All Might you save people with a fearless smile. I want to save people like you do!”  

“Very good.” he gave him a thumbs up. “Now I must go, I have to track down that villain.”  

“Right, oh...” it hit him. “All Might do you know Great Dragoon?”  

“Hmm?” he stopped.  

“You see he's my dad, and because of his work I don't get to see him. Could you tell him while I'm not as powerful as he is tell him I'm trying and I'll work hard to be a great hero.”  

“You are Dragoon's son?” his eyes widened. He pulsed, and blood leaked from his mouth. “Shit!” he ran off at great speed. 'Dragoon's son, that explains a lot, but I'm out of time.'  


Bakugo. was walking with two of his followers. “Man Bakugo. what is it with you and Izuku, weren't you guys childhood friends?”

“Yeah, but now it's like you hate him or something.”

“Shut up!” he snapped and the two gasped. “I don't hate him.” he turns his head away and blushes.  

“I know what you need, let's sneak into the bar at the station and pick up some ladies, that'll help take your mind off things.”

“Idiot, if we get caught there's no way Yuuei will let me in.” he snapped.   

The villain came out of the sewers. “Well now I like a meat suit with some fire.” He grabbed hold of Bakugo.  

Things were about to go from bad to worse. All Might knows something about Izuku's father, Bakugo. is in danger, and all Might is out of time.  

To be continued


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