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One Piece Parody: Updated Chap 1 Patreon Exclusive + New Chap 2

Original Chap 1 Word count 3834 New Word Count 5497 

Arachne Fruit

Luffy eats a rare mythical creature zoan devil fruit. He's an arachne, his unique abilities and form cause him a touch of trouble now and then.  

Chap 1 Itsy Bitsy Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy when he was just a young lad he met a band of pirates. He befriended them and their captain Shanks. In order to prove himself a man he stabbed his cheek with a dagger, the crew cheered at his bravery and even celebrated him.  

“Three cheers for Luffy!”

“To Luffy!” the men cheered.  

The raven haired boy smiled. “Thanks guys, it was nothing!” he had tears in his eyes.  

Shanks smacked him. “You little liar.”  

“So Shanks can I join your crew? I'm really brave you know!”

“Well I know you are certainly crazy, but you are just a kid.”

“I am not!” Shanks tricked him by giving him juice. The red head laughed at him. “You tricked me!”  

“Hehe, sorry kid, but we don't need a runt who can't swim on board.”  

“I can always learn, and I'm tons of strong I got a punch like a pistol.”  

“Yeah yeah,” Shanks laughed and Luffy huffed. He was still hungry and he saw a fruit inside a box. Luffy ate it without much thought, even though it tasted nasty he swallowed all of it.  

“Captain!” someone shouted, pointing at Luffy.  

Shanks turned and gasped. Luffy's body had changed, he had the look of an Arachne. Almost like a centaur but with a spider instead of a horse. His body was black, and it looked almost like armor. The shorts he wore morphed into a loin clothe. “Luffy!”  

The boy blinked in surprise. He looked down and screamed in surprise. After the initial shock Luffy soon found himself scaling the walls. “This is so cool.” he laughed running all around the room. He was getting used to his eight new legs, like he was born with them.  

Shanks face palmed. “Luffy you don't understand, you ate a devil fruit, you will never be able to swim again.” Luffy was shocked to hear this, but curiosity outweighed his fear. He smiled. “But Shanks, this is so cool. I couldn’t really swim before anyway.” again Shanks groaned. the crew explained the deal about devil fruits.  

Logia, Paramecia, and Zoan, Luffy's devil fruit was a rare mystical beast type devil fruit. Much like the phoenix, lamia, and centaur type fruits. Luffy could return to human form, but being a “centaur” was just so cool.  

They explained how logias were made of elements, their bodies becoming impossible to harm. Paramecia are more insane their powers are random and even the strangest ability can be deadly. Zoans have three forms.  

Luffy's three forms was the arachne form, his human form, and his third form was hybrid form, he had 6 arms, and his body gained spider like armor coating him, making his hands like claws. In his hybrid form he could spit webs even from his mouth.  

In his human form he still had powers, he could climb walls, and produce webs, and had a boost in strength and speed. His reflexes were sharper, and he was more agile.  

However one trait that existed only in his “centaur” form as Luffy called it. Luffy could spin silk, he could make clothes, and despite the clothes being light, if he spun his webbing into them he could make them stronger than steel.  

A confrontation with some bandits occurred shortly after. They showed up and started some trouble wanting booze but Shanks and his crew had finished it all. One of the pirates hid Luffy, but he could hear everything. After insulting Shanks and dumping the last bottle of booze over him, they laughed!  

Shanks did nothing finding their actions pointless, and even the rest of the crew just laughed. “Pirates are just the scum of the sea, washed up on our land.” Luffy peeked up from behind the counter, the leader saw him but paid him no mind.   

The bandits left mocking Shanks and the crew. The crew didn’t get mad, neither did Shanks. Luffy didn't understand why they just laughed. “What are you guys doing? How can you call yourselves pirates, how can you call yourselves men?!” he shouted. “They laughed at you insulted you, so why...” Luffy was upset, he looked up to Shanks to all of them.  

“Listen Luffy, some fights are not worth fighting. You just gotta laugh it off ya know?” Shanks smiled at him. “Sometimes the only way to win is to not fight.”  

“No I don't I don't get it at all.” Luffy dashed off in monster form. He gave a lot of people quite the shock. The village was informed later of Luffy's devil fruit form but boy was it a surprise. It was still Luffy, so people accepted it just fine. In some ways it made him more cute.  

In his new form he helped Makino out at the bar, running errands and making deliveries. He was given an allowance, and Luffy even started selling his thread. It couldn’t be used to make armor clothing, Luffy was the only one who could do that. His thread could be used to make durable clothes for sure, but Luffy had a special method for making his armor clothing.

Shanks however was worried. There were people out there who viewed this kind of fruit as the monster sub class. People with devil fruit powers were often seen as monsters, but this was deeper. Monster sub classes for zoan fruits didn't have long life spans, often living in fear of being hunted...or worse sold to celestial dragons.  

Luffy would be very useful, if he made clothing for the marines, or worse if one of the other yonko got him and used him to make armor for them it would be disastrous. The crew had tested out some of Luffy’s armor it was amazing stuff. Light as a feather yet solid to block attacks.  

Not to mention, while rare the slave trade did leave it’s prints here and there. Zoans fetched a high price, from normal zoans, to predator zoans, to ancient zoans, to mythical zoans. Shanks was torn on bringing Luffy along with him or taking him somewhere safe.   

This thought did not escape the bandits as they saw the boy in his monster form. “That kid, hey guys wanna stick it to those pirates and make a killing?” The leader asked with a smirk.  

“Hell yeah,” they grabbed Luffy and planned to sell him. Not that the boy went down without a fight. He was still pissed at them for insulting Shanks.  

Makino found Shanks and told him what happened. “Captain, Luffy didn’t come back from making deliveries I think he’s in trouble.” Her story was confirmed by the mayor. Now they were pissed.  

The bandits took turns beating on Luffy, but his body was tough. They had overwhelmed him with numbers, a tough feet considering Luffy was still a kid. “Boss how much you think we can get for this kid?”  

“Well humans are worth 500,000, and this brat is a devil fruit power holder and a monster at that. 500,000,000 at least.” the bandits drooling at the thought. ‘Gross!’ Luffy thought. “I thought you guys were jerks but you are just scum.” Luffy snapped, the bandits just laughed at him.  

“You stupid bandits you guys suck!” Luffy struggled, which resulted in more beatings. “When Shanks hears about this, you guys will be sorry!”  

“Heh, that lame ass pirate, I'm not scared of him.” Luffy summoned his stength launching forward and rammed the guy in the crotch. “Don't insult Shanks!”  

“You little shit!” he pulled out a knife. “Suppose we can accept a loss in price if you missing a leg or two.” he stomped on Luffy’s face and grabbed one of his legs. The knife didn’t last as it was shot out of the bandit’s hand. “Shanks!”

Shanks showed up, and the bandits tried to act cool, but they had no idea who they were dealing with. Benn took out most of them all on his own, in just a few short minutes the mountain bandits were wiped out. They really underestimated their opponents and it cost many of them their lives. “You wanna laugh at me, insult me, even spill booze on me I will just laugh that stuff off, but hurt my friends and I will crush you!” Shanks says.  

“Shanks...” the boy was in tears, but of joy.  

“Tch, you damn pirates!” he tossed a smoke bomb and escaped with Luffy.  

“Gah! Luffy's been taken!” Shanks screamed.  

“Captain calm down.” Benn couldn’t help but smirk. ‘What a guy...’


The bandit laughed. “Stupid pirates, bet they never expected a bandit to escape to sea.”  

Luffy growled. He broke free of his ropes. “You….” he stopped as he spotted the sea king. It went after them in seconds destroying the ship and swallowing the bandit whole.  

Oh yes the sea had it's own dangers. Luffy was thrown into the air and the sea king came up for another attack. “I won't be eaten by the likes of you.”   

He fired webs and sling shotted himself. He tied the beast's mouth shut and clung to the webs. The sea king tried to shake him off with Luffy wailing as he was tossed around. Suddenly it’s powerful jaws broke free of Luffy’s webbing, sending the boy spinning up into the air.   

Just as the creature was about to swallow Luffy whole, Shanks burst in catching Luffy with one arm, his other arm didn’t quite make it. “Oi,” the beast froze, looking like he was before the devil himself. “Get lost!” The creature fled and Luffy cried.  

Luffy was held and the two made it back to shore. The boy was so upset. Shanks had given up his arm for him. It hurt, and for a time Luffy couldn’t face him.  

When Shanks was leaving, he summoned his courage and met them at the docks. Shanks was torn, but he decided not to take Luffy with him. He felt the boy’s aura was wild, yet so warm and welcoming.  “Luffy it's not gonna be easy, but I want you to find a crew of your own and become a great pirate.”  

“I'll find a crew and it'll be greater than yours, I'll be king of the pirates one day.”  

“King of the pirates ey?” Shanks laughed and ruffled the boy's hair. “Sounds good, you can return this hat to me once you've become a great pirate.” he placed his treasured hat on the boy’s head. Luffy gasped, blushing. ‘This hat!’ It was Shanks’ treasure.  

Shanks knew it wouldn't be easy, there would be those that feared him at first glance, but Luffy would draw people to him it’s only natural. 'Still captain, I can't help but see a little bit of you in him.' Shanks thought, he chuckled. Him and his crew sailed away leaving Luffy to dream. Luffy clutched his precious straw hat and smiled.  


His grandfather was a hero to the marines, Monkey D. Garp. He battled Gol D. Roger the former King of the Pirates. On the day he was executed he left world with a message, a message of his legendary treasure the One Piece. He also left behind his child, taking his mother's name he was known as Portgas D. Ace.  

Garp took Ace in and hoped to raise him to be a fine marine. He planned to do the same with Luffy, but the boy wanted adventure and freedom, so a pirate was what he wished to be.  

“No no no, let me go old man!” He dragged the boy kicking and screaming. “Luffy you go and get yourself a devil fruit like that, how are you ever gonna be a marine?”

“I told you a million times I didn't want to be a marine!” he snapped. “Even if I didn’t have this fruit I wouldn’t want to be a marine.”  

“Don't you talk back to your grandpa.” he gave Luffy a love tap.  

“Oww!” he dragged Luffy to a bunch of bandits who owed him a favor.  

He claimed they would teach him to be a marine. The leader of the bandits Dadan out right stated it was weird for a marine to ask bandits to do this. Luffy of course hated bandits, and he quickly tied up a few with his webs. “You guys suck I hate mountain bandits, blehh!”

Now Luffy and Ace's meeting did not start off well. Ace firing a spit wad at Luffy. The monster in turn fired a shot of webbing and hit Ace in the face, it open and covered his mouth. The two glared at each other. “What’s your problem!?” Luffy snapped.  

“My problem is you!” Ace hissed. “What the hell even are you?!”  

Garp said they were brothers, and to play nice, before leaving to resume his duties as a marine. He hoped the two would get along and it would work itself out. Luffy kept following Ace around after that. The older boy doing everything in his power to try and ditch him. Luffy's monster form helped him travel through the most dangerous areas of the forests, but Ace still managed to give him the slip. ‘Damn it, he’s a pest, why can’t I lose him.’   

For a little while anyway, Ace thought he had ditched the boy and met up with his partner in crime Sabo. The two had stolen from pirates and others for a long time building up their secret treasure stash, they were quite infamous. “Our pirate treasure fund is coming along nicely.” The two nearly had a heart attack when Luffy suddenly came down hanging by his webbing. “Treasure?”  

The two gasped and quickly knocked Luffy down and tied him up. “Hey let me go hey!”  

“I thought you ditched him?” Sabo asked. “What is he?”   

“I did, well I thought I did, he's persistent!” Luffy laughed at that. “It's not a compliment you idiot.”  

“He ate some kind of devil fruit.” Ace claimed they had to kill him, which led to an argument on who had to do it. “You kill him it was your idea, I’ve never killed anyone.” Sabo didn't want to and Ace didn't want to either. “I’ve never killed anyone either!” Luffy started freaking out. Which drew the attention of some pirates that Ace had robbed. “Shit!”  

The boys went and hid but Luffy got captured. 'Shit, how did he get himself caught, oh man he's gonna squeal.' He was a horrible liar, but he refused to rat on Ace. “I don’t know...” he whistled, sweating. ‘What a horrible liar!?’ everyone thought.  

Sabo and Ace worked fast, figuring Luffy would tell after a few minutes, they moved their treasure to a new secret spot. ‘That kid,’ he thought of Luffy. ‘What am I worried about, he’ll talk and they’ll let him go.’  

Sabo would learn much later that Luffy didn't say a word, he had been tortured for hours and never said a word. The pirates were still searching for them. The blonde boy's eyes widened and he ran back to Ace. “Ahh all done, even Luffy doesn't know about this place.” The boy's smiling face crossed his mind and a feeling gripped at his heart.  

Sabo showed up. “What took you so long, so did they raid our old hide out?” the boy was out of breath.  

“No...they still looking for us...Luffy...he never talked...all this time...they have been torturing him...and he never said a thing!” Sabo was crying and Ace's eyes widened. ‘No way!’

With Luffy…

The boy was beaten to within an inch of his life. All of his legs were broken, his body was bloody and his face was swollen. He was so injured he couldn't even cry out for help.  

Even the other pirates found this sick to watch. Their semi leader was pissed, he knew Luffy wasn't gonna talk so he was useless. “You make me sick, if you wanna die for those other brats, GO AHEAD AMD DIE!” He raised his blade ready to kill him. Ace and Sabo burst in. “Don't touch him!”  

“Ace...Sabo...” the boy cried, this time happily. He was rescued, but Ace refused to back down from a fight. “Get Luffy out of here!” he shouts. Sabo joined the fray and they managed to beat up Porchemy and they escaped.  

They escaped any tails, and made it back to camp and recover. “That was really reckless of you.” he scolds the older brunette. “Shut up, I’m not gonna run away from a fight.” he says. ‘Not with you and Luffy behind me.’ he thinks, but Sabo wasn’t fooled. Ace and Sabo were bandaged up, Sabo was bandaging Luffy up, but was surprised his wounds were already healing.  

“Amazing, your body is repairing itself.” Sabo says, and Luffy cries.  

“Yeah, but it hurts a lot.” he whimpered. His body shifted, bones getting set back into place. Zoans had a strong heal factor, mythical zoans more so.  

“Shut up and be a man, men don't cry.” Luffy tried to stop, but the pain was really bad.  

“Shut up you try getting your legs broken and get beat with spiked gloves you'd cry to.” he accused and Ace huffed.

“Now now, the point is we are all safe.” Ace got up and poked Luffy in the forehead.  

“You idiot why didn't you just talk?” Luffy blinked in confusion. “Those guys are pirates, they kill old men, women, even children to get what they want.” there was a long silence.  

“If I talked...you wouldn't like me.” Ace blushed. ‘What?!’   

“Dummy for a reason like that.” he crossed his arms.  

“It's a good reason, I don't want you to hate me.” he says again. “I don't want to be alone.” he looks down at his hands. Ace was touched, he couldn’t believe it.

“So you are saying you want me around?” his blush would go away. Suddenly he found himself tied up and pulled into Luffy's embrace.  

“I love Ace, of course I do.” he smiled and Ace felt his heart skip a beat. “Ace is really strong, and really brave.”  

“Well you still pretty weak, but with some training you might be a pretty good pirate.” he says. Luffy beams and hugs him tighter. “Just you wait, I’ll get lots stronger!”  

It took a few days but Luffy was fully recovered and walking.  The three boys got Luffy up to speed on things, how to fight, how to hunt, the arachne was a natural. He took human form as it was easier to get around and through doors.  

He'd transform for quick escapes, they’d ride on his back and they’d be gone in seconds. Luffy loved his brothers, so used his thread for things they needed. Nets and wire for fishing, he patched clothes, made them new clothing, created hammocks for them to sleep in, and lot's more.  

Things were great and their treasure supplies grew bigger and greater. The trio grew stronger and even formed a powerful bond. They saw each other as brothers despite the lack of blood bond, they shared cups of sake together. Since Bluejam was still looking for them they moved in with the bandits, much to Dadan’s horror, as it turned out all her men sucked at lying like Luffy.  

Even Garp accepted Sabo, and trained all three boys. Despite them wanting to be pirates. In fact, he put them through hell because of it. Luffy was spirited and honest so tended to say too much when Garp was around.  

They had no choice but to run away and live in the woods. They built a base, separate from their treasure stash. They had so much fun, fighting large beasts, stealing from pirates, eating, sleeping, and sparring together. “Having brothers is the best.” Luffy says one night, they were camping out, looking up at the stars. Ace and Sabo smiled at his words.  

It wasn't to last, Sabo's past came back to haunt him and he abandoned his brothers in a way to protect them. Though even that was a lie, not his lie of course. His parents paid off some pirates to set fire to Gray Terminal, none of the rich people behind the wall cared that people were dying.  

Sabo ran around trying to find someone who would help, but none of the rich people cared, their views of those who lived beyond the wall were sick. So he escaped and tried to find his brothers. He couldn't find them...all he could do was pray they were alive.

Running round and round, till he collapsed from exhaustion. The sky was dark, the wind carried the smell of fire and trash. “Boy, are you alright?” a man in a dark green cloak showed up. “Old man...” he blinks. “The royalty and the nobles are behind the fire! Believe me...the people here are rotten.” Sabo was in tears. “I’m ashamed of being born a noble!” The man in the green cloak was shocked, but he believed him.


The Gray Terminal was set ablaze, and people were going crazy. Ace was trying to get Luffy out, even going as far as to give Porchemy the location of their treasure. However the flames have driven them mad.    

They did live thanks to Luffy. He webbed Ace up, encasing him in his most powerful protective webs. The older boy was strapped to Luffy's back and the arachne fled from the flames and pirates. He wrapped his own body in webs, to shield him from flames as well. ‘Luffy...’   

Luffy was using his body to shield Ace. He wasn't gonna let them die, he was a powerful monster despite being so young. “Luffy…” Ace felt bad he was the big brother, he should have been protecting Luffy but they had few options.  

They survived, but Sabo had enough, he was glad they were alive but couldn’t face them. He sent them a letter and tried to set sail on his own. Freedom, he craved it. He didn't want to leave his brothers, but he believed he would see them out at sea.  

Putting on the clothes Luffy made for him, taking what little treasure he had, he got a boat and began going out to sea. “I'm going to be a pirate!” he cheered.  

Sadly Sabo had bad luck as he set sail right as a celestial dragon ship was coming in. His parents were asked to cleanse  the gray terminal on behalf of the celestial dragons. Of course the pirates were betrayed and left to burn alive.  

The dragon saw him. “What is that pest?”

“Not sure sir, he is not raising any flag.”  

“No matter, any fool who crosses our path deserves death.”  

“Yes sir.” the cannons were aimed and boom!

Sabo's ship was set ablaze, he tried to put it out. The cannons aimed again and boom. His ship was taken out as was Sabo, or so it appeared.  

Thanks to the special clothes made from Luffy's thread Sabo was able to survive the blast. The clothing was ripped apart, but took the brunt of the damage. He didn't get away completely unscathed either as his memories were damaged.  

He was found by Luffy's father Monkey D. Dragon. Sabo begged him to take him with, he didn't want to return home. His memories of Ace and Luffy were gone, not completely but they were fractured and painful. He remembered the nobles and royals, and he felt sick.  

The news of Sabo's demise spread across the island. Luffy didn't want to believe it, he searched the island every day, hoping to find their brother.  

Ace knew he wouldn't find him, as much as he wished he would. Still he had a brokenhearted little brother. From morning till night, he searched and he returned to their base empty handed. “Ace...sniff...sniff...” he cried.  

“It's okay Luffy.” Luffy was so exhausted he reverted back to human form to conserve energy, he hugged the boy. “We are gonna get stronger, the both of us, for Sabo.”

“For Sabo!” he sniffled. Ace clung to him. ‘I’m gonna protect you, I promise!’

They weren't ready to be pirates so they made a deal, they would train till their 17th birthday and set sail. Both boys trained so hard, honing their skills. Luffy became quite versatile with his abilities the boy was creative with a capital C.  

The years passed and of course Ace being older than Luffy would set out first. On the day he set sail however, the raven found himself a bit tied up.  

“Ahh Luffy, come on this is ridiculous.” the raven haired teen was buck naked. His arms bound above his head, exposing his smooth pits. The freckle faced teen was turned on, his nipples were perky, and his chiseled body was on full display. His legs were forced apart, and tied by webs and he was left suspended in the air.  

Luffy marveled at his big brother's body, he was no slouch in the muscle department either. Ace was broad shouldered, had nice pecs and rock hard abs, strong arms and legs, big feet, and a nice big ass to boot. His penis was a fat 9 inch long uncut man meat, with a set of big balls and in his position his cute man hole was exposed.  

His own physique matched his brother's to a point. He was slim, but he was deceptively strong. In his human forms, his cock was a big 12 incher, with a nice girth, but in his monster form his body could support a much larger size. Ace practically drooled at his little brother's 16 incher. His hybrid his cock was even bigger, but that form was...intense...to say the least.   

Ace had been on the receiving end of that monster form dick, and had become quite addicted to it. He had no idea when their roles switched, but once Luffy had him in his clutches he couldn’t get enough. Not to mention bondage, Luffy rather enjoyed tying Ace up, and his big brother developed a kink for it to.  

Just being tied up has his penis throbbing, his hole twitching, and he was drooling a bit. He couldn’t blame Luffy either, as the boy looked so cute. Luffy even spent days using Ace as his own personal hammock, fuck it was amazing. Luffy would tie him up, revert to human form and sleep on top of Ace.  

Now was not the time, to be enjoying it. He flexed but couldn't escape Luffy's hold. “No,” he growled. Luffy spent the next hour playing with Ace's ass. “Ohhhh!” Ace moaned.

His fingers toyed with his inner walls, giving them a much needed scratch. Ace groaned, bucking his hips. One finger, became two and eventually three. Oh those digits were magic, twisting and curling and turning up his insides. “Luffy please!”  

Ace felt like he was gonna cum, Luffy was quick to bind the base of his shaft. “Ohh fuck!” Ace bucked and his eyes rolled up. Another one of Luffy's games, it was practically torture Luffy would keep him locked up. Unable to cum, building up his seed till his balls were itching. It made his orgasms when he was finally allowed to cum amazing, but not the point.  

To make matters worse, Luffy started sucking on his big balls, each lick and suck, made the male shudder. “Luffy!” He sucked on the left, then the right, then took both in his mouth, and let his tongue caress his sack. “Ohh fuck!”   

He had to admit, his brother was a master of edging, and knowing just how much to withhold release. The arachne milked him of some of the biggest orgasms.  

Luffy had given him his first hand job, first blow job, first nipple orgasm, and first anal orgasm. It happened before he could stop, his desire for his own brother. They were both perverts in their own right, and had each other to explore their latent desires. Luffy liked tying people up, and Luffy at first practiced on Ace. Things only got hotter as Ace enjoyed being dominated by his little brother.  

As much as he enjoyed, being tied up, dominated, how kinky it was, but the true key to this came with the after care. Luffy could take him far, farther than any edge of pleasure, and always make sure he came back in one piece. Luffy’s actions were all about love, and he loved his brother very, very, very much!  

The arachne rose up and revealed his massive 16 inch dick. It was human in shape, but no less huge. He removed his fingers and Ace whined at the loss. “Luffy!” the boy gave his hole a kiss, a promise of what was to come, his hole twitched in anticipation. ‘How long has it been since I’ve been filled?’ he finds himself thinking.  

His cock was lined up, and was already lubed. He began to push in and Ace's toes curled in pleasure. “Ohhhh!” his body spasmed and he shook in his restraints.   

“Ace!” Luffy purred, his hands came up to toy with his big bro's nipples. His eyes rolled up as Luffy rolled his nipples between his fingers, giving him a pinch here and a flick there.  

“Ahh ah ah ah ah no ahh ah ah fair!” the huge rod pushed inside him. The friction was so familiar, so great, he was gonna miss this. “Luffy I have to go.”  

“No, Ace is mine.” he began fucking the male's tight ass, his hefty balls slapping Ace's ass. “Ahhhhh!” Ace cried out.  

“Yes, I'm yours, but we agreed.” it was hard to say no to Luffy, especially with his big dick up his ass, even harder when he was fucking him so well. The sound of skin striking skin filled the room of their secret base. With Ace bound and suspended all he could do was hang their and take Luffy's powerful fucking.  

“I don't want Ace to go.” he rested his head on Ace's chest.  

Ace's eyes rolled up, and he drooled. 'Damn it, I don't want to go either.' he groaned and his hole clenched around his thrusting cock. His body rocked as he had a dry orgasm, his toes curling in the sensation. ‘Oh gawd Luffy!’

Luffy took a slight turn, and made sure to pound Ace's sweet spot, making a pass with each thrust. “Join my crew Ace, I'll fuck you lots, I promise.” he gave a hard pinch and rammed his sweet spot.  

Ace howled, his penis throbbing angrily. He needed to cum!   

“Lu I have to go, I have to seek my own freedom to after all. Please let me cum!” Luffy was not acting normal, he was upset. He hoped his brother would understand, this was hard for him to.  

 “I'll let you cum, if you join my crew.” Luffy let one hand fall to pump his bound penis. ‘This is playing dirty!’ Ace thinks, those fingers caressed his length.  

“Ahh Luffy!” his hole spasmed around his thrusting shaft. “Listen Luffy, ahh ah ah ah ah I promise when we are both pirates we can ah ah ah ah ah have a competition and ah ah ah ah ah ah the loser has to join the other's crew.” he says between moans. Their previous competition had ended in a draw, which is why they were in this mess.  

“No hard feelings?” he slows his thrusts.  

“No hard feelings.” he nods, Luffy pulls him in for a kiss and frees his cock.  

The thrusting resumes and Ace cums hard. His pent up seed shooting all over their hard bodies. 'Fuck I'm going to miss this.' he shivers as each spurt of cum erupts coating their muscled bodies.  

Luffy groans and gives a few more thrusts before reaching his own climax. His long dick expands and releases a huge burst of semen, no spurts just a powerful torrent of jizz. It flooded Ace's body and the male shivers.

“I'll let you go, but I'm gonna send you off with a bunch of jizz.” Luffy pulls out for only a moment, with a quick shift of his threads Ace found himself hog tied.  

“Ohh!” Ace loved this one. ‘He’s so good to me.’ Luffy held his hips and began fucking him again, Ace's hard cock slapping against his rock hard abs. “Yes Luffy yes!”  

6 Hours Later…

Ace was dressed, and had his half of their treasure on his boat, his belly was swollen with Luffy's seed. “I'll see you soon Lu, three years will go by fast.”  

“Okay, I love you Ace.”  

“Love you to.” the two share one final kiss, before Ace sets sail. Luffy cracked his knuckles, he planned to work extra hard so he can be a great pirate and a worthy captain for Ace.  

To be continued


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