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Slime Marine

Luffy doesn't meet Shanks and ends up becoming a marine. Luffy eats a monster fruit, becoming a Slime Slime human. Monster fruits have traits of both zoans and paramecia except only have 2 forms the human form and monster form. Luffy does make a crew for himself, hunting down pirates and working for his own unique sense of justice. Tier 1 Special

Chapter 1 Slime Luffy

Devil Fruits were considered to be myth, passed down as mere legends. Logia, Paramecia, and Zoan; but there was a 4th kind of fruit the Mon Class. Mon Fruits were said to be the rarest of the rare, even those in the Grand Line didn't believe they existed. Said to have the traits of two fruits, the transformation power of zoans, and the random abilities of paramecia, some have said they even have powers similar to logias.    


In the East Blue, known as the weakest of the 4 seas. A small boy grew up in a small village. The village dealt with mountain bandits but otherwise no major troubles. This boy with raven hair and eyes of wonder. He wanted adventure, and the sea called to him. This boy is Monkey D. Luffy!

His grandfather was Monkey D. Garp. A hero, the marine's hero, supposedly he caught the former pirate king. Garp didn't talk about that much, but he did tell Luffy other stories of his adventures as a Marine.  

He trained Luffy hard, almost putting him in near death situations. It was for the best to build him into a strong marine. “If I get strong I can protect people like you Grandpa?” Garp smiled. “Yes Luffy, you can.” he ruffled his hair and Luffy pushed himself harder and harder.  

Luffy actually liked heroes, he liked the idea of beating up the bad guys and protecting the little guy. However he wasn't stupid, he learned at a young age, not all pirates were bad, and not all marines were good.  

“People are nothing without their beliefs, sometimes people's beliefs clash. No matter what you have to follow your own sense of justice, because it is you who has to bear the weight of your own actions.” Garp explained. “People can be corrupted, you'll have to strengthen yourself Luffy.”  

“Yes!” Garp passed on his knowledge from his years of travel. He told Luffy about the devil fruits, and how they worked. Eventually he reached the limits of the basic training. He learned survival skills, and gained some toughness, and deep seeded need to survive.  

He eventually was brought to his brother Ace, for the next phase of his training. Luffy didn't know it, but Ace was the son of the former King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger. All his life he was told a child of such a man shouldn't exist and that he should just die.  

He had teamed up with another boy named Sabo. They fought pirates and confiscated their treasure. Ace didn't want to be a pirate but he wasn't fully wanting to become a marine either. Really both he and Sabo just wanted to get off the island. They'd buy a ship and sail somewhere, maybe travel around the world.  

Sabo thought if they got stronger they could become bounty hunters or something.  

Needless to say Ace had his own issues he was going through. So when Garp brought Luffy to the island things hit a rough patch. Ace almost bullied Luffy, or just plain avoided him. He tried to ditch him at every turn but Luffy kept following him.  

Ace thought he ditched the kid, and went to go after some pirates. Rumors around the island they had gotten their hands on something that would make them rich. Ace managed to get his hands on it, a huge stash of treasure to be sure, but something else. “Oh no way!” he gasped.  

He brought the spoils of his adventure back to Sabo. The boy had his own score, a hefty bag of treasure. “Looks like I win again!” Ace kicked the treasure chest over to show of the haul.  

“Oh man no way!” he face palmed. “You beat me again.”  

“This is one for the record books.” he revealed a bag inside the chest. “No way...is that...” Ace had a devil fruit in his hand. “A devil fruit!”  

“We could sell this thing and be millionaires.”  

“Or one of us could eat it, we'd lose the ability to swim but we'd gain the power of a devil!” Ace had learned about devil fruits from Garp.  

“Well losing the ability to swim sucks, but what if you get stuck with a lame power for the rest of your life.”  

“Hey guys!” Ace jumps losing the fruit. The two whip their heads and see Luffy.  

“You!” Ace snapped. He'd told Sabo about his new “brother”. “I thought you ditched him.”  

“So did I!” the two were about to tie Luffy up when the Bluejam pirates found them. Ace was tough, but he handled adult enemies with surprise attacks. Porchemy was huge and intimidating.  

Sabo and Ace were grabbed, and while their treasure stash was well hidden Ace hadn't added his current haul to it. “Look boss, we got the treasure back.”  

“Good, wait where is the devil fruit!?” he glared at them. “Captain Blue Jam wanted that fruit, he'll have our heads.”  

Suddenly someone kicked him in the leg. “Hey!”  

“Put them down!” Luffy snapped. He attacked again.  

“Get lost kid!” he kicked Luffy and knocked him back. Ace couldn't believe what he's seeing. The boy got up and tried to help them, only to get kicked away. 'What is he doing?' he thought.  

“Let's take them back to the hideout.” Porchemy was giving the crazy eyes. “These little shits need to pay for what they did, and we'll beat the answers to where the devil fruit is.” They took the two away with Luffy trying to rescue them, only to be knocked away. “Follow us and die!” he says.  

Luffy found the devil fruit. If he was gonna save them he'd need the power. He ate the fruit, after the first bite the fruit tasted awful.  

Once the fruit settled knowledge of the fruit filled the boy's brain. 'I'm coming Ace!' he thought.  


Ace and Sabo were smacked around. They had no idea where the devil fruit was, and they weren't gonna talk. 'These bastards are gonna kill us.' he wasn't gonna cry. A small part of him believed it was for the best, but Sabo didn't deserve this fate.  

No one was coming for them. 'Luffy isn't gonna come for me, not after all the crap I've put him through.' the voices of his past taunted him, saying how the child of Roger deserved to die.  

“Let my brother's go!” the men turned and saw Luffy in the doorway.  

“You little brat!” Porchemy took his big ass sword and planned to kill Luffy. “I warned you!”  

“What are you doing here?! Get out of here!” Ace shouted.  

Luffy braced himself, and whoosh with one swing the boy's head went flying. Ace and Sabo stared in horror, as what seemed to be blood spilled everywhere.  

“You see that brats, tell us where the fruit is, or you'll end up just like your brother there.” Porchemy was the kind of man who had seen enough death, to the point even killing a kid didn't phase him.  

“You bastard!” Ace was pissed. He's pushed the boy away, but the boy's persistence did reach him. He didn't want the boy dead...Ace began freaking out, and it made the perfect distraction.  

None of the pirates checked Luffy's body, or focused on it because come on, who could survive losing their head. Luffy's head turned to slime, and began to slither about.  

It wasn't the only bits moving, his body turned to slime as well and began to move about readying to strike. The “blood” on Porchemy's blade was also moving.  

Just as he was about to kill Ace and Sabo, the slime acted. It latched onto his hand and managed to change the angle of the blade. The blade cut through the ropes holding them into the air.  

The head slime got a knife and zipped towards Ace and Sabo. As he cut the ropes, the other slimes worked on dispatching the other males, tripping them up and spraying there weapons with slime.  

It was so slick they couldn't hold them. The slimes joined together and Luffy smiled. “You guys are okay!” he hugged them.  

“What the hell?”  

“Luffy how did you...”  

“I ate the fruit, the funny looking one. It was a monster fruit I became a Slime Human!” his form was quite interesting, his hair was a darker shade of blue from the rest of him, his body was almost like blue jelly.  

“YOU ATE IT!” Porchemy tried to attack, but Ace and Sabo got some weapons and hit him hard. They were able to take back the treasure and got the hell out of there.

Luffy cried and wailed, so happy they were okay. “You idiot, you would have been killed.”  

“It didn't matter, even if I got some other devil fruit power I still would have gone to try and save you.”  

“Why?! After everything I did to you.”  

“Because you are my brother, and I didn't want to loose you.” Ace blushed. “You mean you are happy that I'm alive?” Luffy nodded. “Luffy!” he hugged the boy and the two smiled.  

Sabo smiled at them. He knew the truth about Ace, and his past. He needed Luffy, as much as the other needed him.  

Their training together began, Garp showed up and gave them strict schedules. He was shocked to find Luffy ate a devil fruit but it wasn't a big deal.  

He took their training to their next level. He began tackling their 6 powers training. They'd have a leg up against the others going through the basic training at headquarters. Ace agreed to become a marine, he wanted to keep an eye on Luffy. The boy could be rash and jump into danger without thinking. It wasn't because he was developing a brother complex, nope totally not.  

Ace just couldn't stand seeing his precious little brother hurt. Physically it was near impossible to injure him, since his body turned to slime. He wasn't invincible or anything, Slime's had a core and should that be damaged or broken Luffy could die. “Nah don't worry about it, I'm good.” He'd say.  

Physical injuries wasn't the only thing Ace was worried about. Luffy could also be rather playful. It could get him in a whole world of trouble. He'd lost count how many times Luffy had glomped him and well…it was too embarrassing to say.  

Sabo left us...it was too painful to talk about.  

Garp took Luffy and Ace to HQ from time to time, it was good for them to get away. Luffy loved watching others spar. Ace couldn't help but feel nervous, so he tried to hold Luffy's hand when there. It was comforting for him, even as the years passed.  

As Ace grew up, his feelings for Luffy changed, more than a brother. He hoped that once Luffy joined the marine ranks they could be together.  

Once Ace mastered the 6 Powers, and came of age he was sent to HQ for assessment. Garp had sparred with the boy, he had a feeling he would pass his assessments with flying colors with his skills with the 6 Powers he could become a Captain at least.

Luffy was just as skilled. Both males trained fiercely for years, and Garp never went easy on them. He even gave them a free shot, to measure their strength via te-awase.  

Ace's current level of strength without a devil fruit was amazing for his age, over 2000. Luffy followed close behind, though his doriki was hard to place as his 6 powers could be amplified through his devil fruit. If Luffy was one thing it was imaginative.  

The day came and Garp was so pleased. Luffy was brought to HQ for assessment. At this point, Ace had obtained his devil fruit and was growing stronger and stronger.  

Ace had been waiting for this day as well. As soon as Luffy joined the ranks, Ace planned to have Luffy transferred to his ship. “Monkey D. Luffy, you have performed well, your strength and skill with your devil fruit is admirable. You will be given the title of captain, and will command a ship of...”

“Nah, I'm good.” Garp's jaw dropped.  

“Uh what do you mean you are good.”  

“I know how things work, If I gain a title, I'll be given a ship and crew to command, but I want people I can trust on my ship.”

“You are aware if you do not accept this title, you'll be placed as a Private Investigator in the East Blue.” No one liked being a private investigator. You were stuck on escort missions and had the grueling task of investigating marine bases and islands for pirates.  

The rank was kinda up in the air, but people usually treated the investigators like a burden. “Please reconsider.”  

“Nah, it's perfect. I can look for good recruits while I work as an investigator.” Garp couldn't help but laugh.  

“Very well, but you will not be allowed entry into the grand without a proper ship and crew, you can hand pick 10 crew members but after that you will command a proper ship.”    

 “Yes sir!” he saluted.  

Garp had to smirk. Not many would turn down such a high rank. Luffy wanted to follow his path of justice. 'Well Luffy, I'll support the path you follow.' Ace was gonna be upset he was looking forward to sailing the sea with Luffy.  

Luffy was taken back to east blue, he had a job to do.  

To be continued


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