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My Hero parody: Tier 1 

Pheromone Omega

Izuku is the nephew of Midnight, he’s gotten a quirk similar to hers, he can manipulate pheromones. Using this he hides the fact he’s an omega. The truth comes to light, and now he must fend off alphas and betas alike. Harem  

Chap 1 Pheromone Quirk

The world is a unique one, everyone on earth was born with a secondary sex or sub sex. Things got even more unique with the discovery of quirks. Unique powers began to appear more and more over the years.  

There were many theories as to how quirks passed on. Some quirks were passed through the direct blood line, getting stronger through each generation. Some quirks evolved from generation to generation, others evolved by fusing with a compatible quirk partner creating either a hybrid or a more powerful quirk to be passed on to the next generation. There were even latent quirks that got passed to a generation by skipping a few.

As the symbol of peace All Might said, no matter where your quirk came from it was yours and it was up to you to decide how you will use it.  

With the reveal of quirks it changed the dynamic of the sub sexes. Omegas were highly sought after, as mating an omega formed a bond that increased an alphas or betas power. Not to mention the chance for evolution and passing on more powerful quirks to the next generation.  

Quirk Marriages was one aspect of one of these attempts. With the reveal of quirks so came the sides of heroes and villains. Alphas dominated the hero track, but betas did hold their own. Omegas were usually not accepted as heroes out of concern for them being assaulted either by villains or even fellow heroes.  

A new movement came from the government the Omega Protection and Registry program. It helped find omegas mates, as it helped them with their heats.


It was a nice day, but no one was looking at the clear skies. A beautiful woman was walking down the street, all eyes were on her and her...outfit. She walked up to the door of the Midoriya family. Knock knock...the door opened to reveal Inko Midoriya. “Hey sis!” the woman gives a wink and a salute.  

Inko face palms. “Why are you wearing that?!” she looks at her sisters skin tight body suit, her handcuffs, her belt with various items.

“I got a last minute job, I came here straight from work.” Inko rubbed her temples.  

“But this is my son's birthday party!”  

“It's why I'm here, to give my nephew a birthday present.”  

“Aunty Midnight!” a small green haired 5 year old came running out to hug her leg.  

“Hey there cinnamon roll,” she ruffled his hair. He smiled brightly at her. Midnight is an alpha, her sister is a beta. Midnight was married and kept her husband's name.  

They entered the house, a few kids were running around, the parents murmuring about Midnight's attire. She wasn't the R-Rated hero for nothing. The kids didn't seem to notice, to focused on the games and snacks.  

Finally it was time for cake. “So any sign of his quirk yet?” Midnight asked.  

“No...it's becoming worrisome, he's trying so hard, practicing every day, trying to breathe fire, or try to move objects.” Inko was setting the candles.   

“Hey now, he'll awaken his quirk.”  

“He wants to be a hero so bad, he idolizes All Might.”  

“Who doesn't, that man is the symbol of peace. Heck I'd give up my alpha status just for a chance to...” Inko elbowed her. “What? Have you seen him?” she gestured about his muscles.  

She lit the candles. Everyone began to sing Happy Birthday, for Izuku. The cake was brought out and placed before the boy. “Make a wish sweet heart.”  

He closed his eyes and blew out the candles. Inko frowned, she knew what her son wished for. He wished to have a quirk so he could become a pro hero. “Let's cut the cake.”  

“Yay!” Izuku cheered, and in his excitement released his quirk. He released a powerful fragrance, and his whole party was put to sleep.  

When everyone came to Izuku was crying. He didn't know what happened, and he didn't know what to do he was 5 and everyone around him suddenly passed out.  

“It's okay sweet heart, it's your quirk.”  

“Yeah, I inherited my power from our mom, and your mom inherited her power from our father.” Midnight explained. “It was always a possibility you could have inherited it.”  

“I have a quirk...I have a quirk!” he started crying he was so happy. Then Inko cried because she was also happy.  


Since that day Izuku had been practicing his quirk. It seemed his was more evolved than his aunt's he could created different fragrances by manipulating his pheromones. Midnight gave him weekly lessons, putting her teaching skills to good use.  

Both Alphas and Omegas were capable releasing their pheromones freely while betas only released them when in heat.  

Izuku hadn't awakened yet, but with his quirk he'd be able to practice at least. His curious and nerdy little mind was always turning, always trying to find new ways of using his quirk.  

Nap Time Fragrance: He creates a smell from his body that puts people to sleep.  

Super Relaxation Fragrance: Creates a fragrance that relaxes.  

Being the sweet boy that he was he developed another for his hard working mother.  

Peppermint Fragrance: One whiff kept one awake and energized for days. For a hard working beta like her this was a god send. She needed 10 hours of sleep after but it was a deep sleep.  


Izuku followed a blonde haired boy with red eyes named Bakugo Katsuki. Bakugo developed his quirk early, it was powerful and flashy, and everyone told him he'd be an amazing hero one day.  

He was the leader of the local kids, he led them around having adventures and exploring. They were traversing the back alleys of the neighborhood when…

Bark Bark Bark Bark

A large dog snarled and barked at them. He appeared to be a stray and a hungry one. The other kids ran off leaving Izuku and Bakugo behind. Izuku was scared, tearing up. “Stay behind me Deku!” he released some explosions trying to scare the dog. “Back off you bitch!”  

The dog growled at them and looked ready to attack. He was huge, no doubt cute as a puppy but grew too big for the family to keep so he got thrown out. “Kacchan wait,” he tugged on his shirt. “We shouldn't hurt him!”  

“Are you crazy?” the dog continued to snarl and bark. “Get out of here Deku!” he snapped, readying to fight if the dog lunged.  

“I'm not leaving you Kacchan!” he cried. The dog lunged and Izuku acted.  

“Super Relaxation!” he released the pheromones and hit the dog. It became calmer and more tame. It whimpered as it trudged over to them. “See poor thing must be hungry.” Izuku pet him and the dog licked his face. “Hehehe quit it!”  

Bakugo's pov

I watched him tame the dog, just like that. His quirk was interesting, but what was more interesting was how he stayed with me. Weak little Deku actually stood by my side till the very end. Which was amazing he's always been a scared little crybaby.  

We got the dog some food. “I wish I could keep him.” he says.  

“I'll ask my mom, she likes dogs I think.” he smiles at me and I feel my heart race.  

 “Thank you Kacchan!” he's too fucking cute. Fang came to live with me, and Deku came over a lot. I got the feeling that Fang liked Deku more than me, it was fine so long as he didn't get in my way.  

I call him Deku because he was the slowest at everything and didn't seem to be able to do anything. He's been growing, trying since he got his quirk, even a blind man could see how hard he worked.  

We both loved the symbol of peace All Might. We both had dreams of becoming heroes. Deku's quirk was great for capture and support, he'd make a good sidekick.  

A part of my brain added. 'He'd make a good mate.' Since having that thought I kept looking at Deku in a new light. Till one day just 3 years later I told him. “Deku I've decided once we've awakened I'm gonna take you as my mate!”  

He stared at me, with that adorable confused expression. I was worried I made a mistake confessing like that, but after a minute he smiled at me. “Yes,” he says and I felt my heart flutter again.  

I was sure I would awaken as an alpha, and Deku a beta. He would stand by my side and one day carry my children. His mother was a beta I figured he would be born one to.  

He stayed by my side, even if at times I overreacted and was a little mean to him. I still called him Deku, because it suited him, it was cute just like him.  

In health class we learned all about alpha beta and omega matings. Omegas were so rare, in a crowd of 100 people you'd be lucky to find one. Bonding with an omega is said to enhance both parties quirks, I didn't care my quirk was amazing as is.  

Betas could only get pregnant while in heat, which was good it meant I could take Deku as much as I wanted. Also Alpha and Beta matings were just that, the two sides able to satisfy the other. An Omegas sex drive was a bit higher and required more than one alpha to satisfy it, especially while in heat.   

Alphas and betas got a sweet deal, mated pairs got to go to any hero agency together. It sounds like a sweet deal, that way me and Deku won't be separated. It would be a few more years before we'd both present. Deku was getting stronger with each passing year, good I didn't need a weak mate.  

With Omegas there was a whole lot of red tape. I remember watching a news feed with Deku once, they were covering an omega hero who went into heat while on the job. Things did not go well, the villain was captured sure but it put a strain on omegas in the work place. “If Omegas are this much of hassle who needs them in the hero field.”  

Betas and Omegas could send letters to Alphas they'd like to mate and vice versa. Not really a problem for me and Deku. I'll claim the number 1 hero spot and he'll stay by my side, he'll get to be the hero that saves people and I'll be the strongest!

When I presented I smirked, I was an alpha I knew it. Now to wait for Deku, he arrived at school looking weird. He seemed not himself, well no matter I'll cheer him up soon enough.  

I approach him waiting to get a whiff of that beta smell and...nothing. I blink and pull him close. He smells like nothing, I mean he smells good and all but not like a beta does, or an alpha does, or even an omega does.  

In health class we were given samples to sniff so we could learn by smell what one person was over another. This made no sense. I tried to calm down and not freak out, maybe he was a late bloomer, he did get his quirk last in the whole class.  

I can wait…

End Pov

No matter how many years passed Izuku's scent did not change. He awakened, but by using his quirk he was able to mask the fact that he was an omega…

To be continued  


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