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Goofy Movie/Kingdom Hearts parody: SubStar Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Magic Lesson

Chad loved it when Max was horny, armor and clothing hit the floor, his long and heavy cock sprang into the air. He took up most of Max’s bed, the shielder/mage settling between his legs. ‘Fuck he smells so good!’ Chad’s manly musk was strong and made his mouth water.

He started licking the knight’s cock. “Mmm~!” Chad couldn’t help but relax, putting his hands behind his head and exposing his pits, the manly musk filled the air.

Max licked up and down Chad’s shaft, one hand caressing a powerful thigh for balance, while the other hand came up to cup and fondle his balls. “Ohh yeah baby!” He kissed and licked along the shaft, taking his time to enjoy it.

His cock twitched and pulsed underneath him. He loved cock so much, and Chad’s was positively amazing, 13 inches in length, four fingers thick which was impressive as when he was soft he was three fingers thick. His family jewels were big and heavy. Max knew from experience how thick and potent his loads were, he was lucky he wasn’t a girl or Chad would have knocked him up four times over.

Chad moaned as his boyfriend moved his hand up to his length, gripping the fat cock. His mouth focused on the tip, his tongue peeling the foreskin back. The taste was strong and manly, tickling Max’s taste buds.

Max licked and lapping, swirling his tongue around the exposed head. “You are so good to my cock babe!” Chad moaned, his pre-cum leaked out and Max eagerly lapped it away. He worked the shaft, polishing the knight’s “sword”.

Chad’s length was squeezed and pumped, Max creating a wonderful friction. His talented tongue doing wonders, his licks made the knight shudder in delight.

The mage was working some sinful magic, Chad could feel his libido surging, his climax building up. Max was drifting off, enjoying himself so much, his butt wiggled in the air. ‘So fucking cute!’ Chad thought with a smirk.

It wasn’t until Max started sucking on his tip did he make a move. He had wrapped his lips around the head and began sucking so sweetly too…

Chad brought his hand down and laced his fingers through Max’s mane. ‘So soft!’ He wove his digits through his locks, while lovingly caressing his scalp. Max looked up at him, his eyes sparkling with desire. ‘That’s it!’

It was time for a change in position. “Bring that sexy ass up here babe!” Max stopped playing with his big dick, just long enough to climb over his boyfriend’s body, moving into the 69 position and what a position it was.

Given Chad’s muscles and physique Max’s ass was lifted high into the air, his 9 inch dick pressed against his pecs, sliding between the valley of muscle. Chad had a great view, Max’s balls and sexy ass on full display. The slope helped slide Max into Chad’s crotch, he braced himself against Chad’s thighs and took his dick into his mouth. “Mmmm~!” His eyes fluttered.

Chad could feel him twitch against his pecs, his hips rolling against him. Max could likely get off humping his chest, but Chad wanted to pleasure his boyfriend.

He leaned forward and began to lap at Max’s balls. “Mpppfffhhhmmmm~!” His moans were muffled by cock.

Max’s balls were sensitive, he faced no short amount of teasing when Chad made him cum once from just licking his nuts. It was so fun! Also very cute in the knight’s humble opinion. Chad cupped his ass for leverage and began to tongue his nuts, even dragging his tongue up to tickle his taint.

The mage was melting, he took more of Chad’s dick into his mouth and down his throat. His eyes fluttered in delight, his cock twitching and leaking more, he was so close. It was a double whammy as he deepthroated Chad’s dick, his nose pushed into his heavy balls.

He breathed in and swallowed around the shaft. ‘Ohhhhh~!’ Goof came, cumming all over Chad’s pecs and abs. He couldn’t help it, Chad’s cock just reached so deep it set off fire works off in his brain, the musk filled his mind creating an aurora of lust providing a gorgeous back drop to the fireworks. Getting his balls licked was just the pleasurable icing on the cake. It was a party of pleasure, the sexy beefcake(Chad’s body and cock), the icing made from his erogenous zone, the candles that doubled as fireworks, and the aurora of lust being the streamers.

Chad felt him cumming, moaning and swallowing around his dick, even feeling Max sniff his balls in his orgasmic bliss. He was still hard and horny, so he didn’t lose any time as he moved up and began to eat Max out.

His tongue flicked his hole, pushing into the mage’s soft insides. ‘Oh god!’ Max shuddered.

If Max was a wizard at sucking dick, Chad was a master at eating ass. He pressed forward, making out with Max’s hole. His saliva pooled in, prepping him and showing him a wild time. Max whimpered and humped Chad’s pecs.

His length wasn’t able to get soft, caught in a semi-hard state, and Chad’s licking helped coax him back to full hardness.

The two went at each other, Chad tongue fucking him, pressing his handsome face deep into his plump ass. Max began to slurp and bob his head. ‘Mmm yeah babe!’

Chad’s release had been building up for awhile, with Max being so cute and sucking his cock with gusto. He moaned into Max’s ass, giving his ass a squeeze as his release hit.

The mage felt the rod twitch and throb, his balls tightened and his release washed out out. His thick seed filled his belly. Max stayed there, taking half his orgasm right down into his stomach before pulling back. Chad was still cumming, his thick seed pumping into Max’s mouth.

His cheeks got punched out as he enjoyed the man’s semen, he gulped it down, and was given more. Chad’s penis stood defiantly even after such an intense orgasm. He pulled his tongue free from Max’s ass with a wet pop. “You done babe?”

“Less talk, more fucking me!” Chad couldn’t help but chuckle. It had been awhile since they hooked up, but going by how soft Max’s insides were he had been missed.

A quick shift in position Max was face down ass up, Chad mounting his sexy ass. No condom, the mage was wanting to be bread tonight. His heavy cock pushed inside, stretching his ring open and making his stomach bulge as he stuffed him to the hilt. “Fuck you take me so good babe!”

“Your cock is so big, so good, so deep!” He fisted his sheets and his toes curled.

Max’s bed creaked and groaned as Chad made a brutal pace, his pelvis clapping against Max’s cheeks, making them jiggle from the impact. “Fuck...fuck...fuck...so good!” His thrusts were long and strong, bringing that good friction.



Moans and groans were accompanied by the sounds of skin striking skin. Chad’s thrusts increased as his orgasm drew near. Max’s hole tightened as his own release built up.

The knight laid over Max’s body, his thrusts becoming short and he drilled Max’s sweet spot. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh-hyuck!” He blushed as his tick came out as he came.

His clenching heat pulled Chad over the edge. “Ohh yeah babe!” He came hard and pumped all his seed into Max’s stomach, making his gut swell from his potent seed.

Chad rolled them onto their side, as to not crush Max with his beefy body. “You are so cute when you cum.”

“Stop!” Max hid his face, this wasn’t the first time he hyuck’d but it was a tad embarrassing for him. Chad just chuckled and peppered kisses along his blushing face.

Once Max had calmed down he kissed the stud. Going from fuck session to make out/cuddle session. “I’m gonna take some magic lessons.”

Chad smiled and kissed the top of his head. “You got this babe!”

“You think I can do this?” Chad rubbed his back.

“You are an amazing shielder, I think you’ll be an even more amazing mage!”


With Donald away on a mission the ones overseeing the magic lessons were Queen Minnie and Daisy. Donald may have been considered the strongest mage in the kingdom for his offensive magic, but when it came to defensive magic Minnie was queen, and Daisy was a master enchanter making some of the best magic armor in the multiverse.

Max couldn’t ask for better teachers. With his goal of combining shielder and mage arts, he needed to learn more than just basic magic formulas. He arrived at his lesson, a tad early, but he bumped into two other magic users. “Hey aren’t you the son of Goofy the Kingdom’s Shielder?”

“Oh um yeah, I’m Max!” He offered his hand but the tall lanky mage didn’t take it.

“I think you’re a bit lost, this class is for mages.”

“I’m aware, I want to study magic.”

“You hear that Tank, the little baby shielder thinks he can learn magic.” The large male let out a laugh.

“I know who you guys are, Tank’s family has been skilled magic users with Earth and Gravity magic, Tank’s been the first to bring it for combat.” His family could nullify one’s gravity, making one faster and more agile, or they could increase one’s gravity for training, and in combat they could increase one’s gravity to slow them down. They had various Earth support and offensive spells, but it was Tank who was able to take his family’s gravity magic to more offensive practices.

“And you’re Bradley Uppercrust the Third, you’re a talented mage you’ve even mastered third tier level spells.” The words stroked Bradley’s ego a bit.

“Well at least you are well informed.” He crossed his arms. “Can you even do magic?”

“I can, I’m pretty good with fire and healing magic.”

“Pretty basic, but I guess you’re lucky to learn magic at all.” Max was a bit annoyed, but he’d seen Bradley have this attitude with a few people. He only showed respect to the powerful or those with unique abilities.

Fire was typically the first element most mages learn unless they lacked affinity for fire. Healing magic alone wasn’t easily praised as healing depended on the ability of the user. Queen Minnie’s healing magic was compared to miracles.

Speaking of Queen Minnie arrived and the trio bowed to her. “Your Majesty!”

“Hello boys, it seems we have a new student today. Hello Max!” He nodded.

“We are a bit early, but why don’t we see where we are at in our magic.”

Minnie opened the door and conjured targets for them. “Gravity!” Tank unleashed the swell of gravity power, crushing the target.

With a wave of her wand Minnie was able to restore the target. “Watch and learn, baby shielder!” Bradley stepped up. “Firaga!” He conjured three powerful fireballs and unleashed them at once.

The target was reduced to ash, and the area was scorched. ‘Beat that!’ Max noticed Bradley was breathing, he could indeed use third tier magic, but his mana pool wasn’t that strong.

Minnie couldn’t help but sigh. She had warned him about using big spells before he was ready. Uppercrust felt he was too good for the basics, and that his third tier magic made him better. He also refused to use a proper tool to channel his magic properly so he was wasting mana.

“Max, go ahead.” She waved her wand and fixed up a new target for him.

‘Okay Max, you can do this, just breathe and do what your dad taught you...focus…’ He took a deep breath, but exhaled slowly.


Max was focusing his mana, without realizing it he was drawing in the natural mana from the air with his breathing. Minnie recognized it as a technique warriors used to channel their combat skills and focus their techniques. ‘Focus...focus...focus...focus...focus…’ He held his wrist and aimed an open palm at the target. It had been Chad’s suggestion to combine shielder and mage. Max was trying it out.

Flames and Heat began to gather into a single point. The ball seemed small but Minnie could feel a mix of Max’s mana and natural mana.



The fire ball hit the target and exploded, releasing all the condensed heat. The force of the blast had actually blown Max back off his feet. “Ooops?”

Minnie had erected barriers around herself and the other two. Bradley was annoyed. ‘Who does this little runt think he is?’

The Queen was impressed, Max used his shielder training to properly focus and build up the power, he burned quite a bit of mana, but considering he wasn’t channeling his mana through a wand, staff, or other tool it showed great mana control. His strong vessel showed he had a larger magic pool.

Max smiled, he was gonna do it, he was gonna become a mage. His ability was being seen as a threat to Bradley.

To be continued Offense and Defense

Queen Minnie gives Max special lessons to learn special spells of her own design believing he had the ability to learn them. Berry Barrier to counter/reflect Magic Attacks Mint Shield to counter Physical Attacks. He tells Queen Minnie of his plan to combine shielder and mage, and she suggests he talk to Daisy to get proper equipment to help make that goal a reality.


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