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Danny Phantom parody : Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Eat or be Eaten!

Both rallies were packed, the jocks were on the meat side, even Danny’s dad was on the meat side. Maddie was off with Danny’s sister Jaz. Jack was losing his mind with joy as this proved his theory of aliens existing. His excitement was short lived as he was jumped by meat.

“Eat...must eat...eat must eat!” The monsters chanted.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Danny face palmed. He checked his gem archive on what to do here. ‘Let’s see the Foodons and the Gems have battled each other for many years.’ He couldn’t help but sense some of this info was redacted. No time to focus on that now.

Foodons can turn resources on a planet into warriors to eat the populace. Gems often clashed with them, using gem energy to combat their warriors. It often was a battle of numbers, but gems typically were more powerful given their unique bodies. Foodons needed to eat or they rot away, meanwhile gems didn’t need to eat to fight. ‘Wait and she mentioned I’m not quite a gem. I skipped meals but never got hungry, because my gem energy was keeping me stable, but I burned up energy to fast, so I just need to eat!!!’

In the combat footage gems never tried to eat the foodons, simply fighting them.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” He got snapped out of his musings, as the people let out cries of terror.

On the meat side there were new warriors, giant hot dog soldiers and they had guns red ketchup guns and yellow mustard guns. Hot Dog Shooters!

Pizza Spiders that had massive sausage legs. Along with the Killer Meatballs now giant sized, becoming full on meat golems, and even bigger Slamwiches.

On the Vegetarian side rose large Broccoli Monsters, they also had ray guns. To match the meatballs there were now Killer Tomatoes. There were Corn Monsters and they were wielding massive corn holders like they were swords. Last but not least Pumpkin Pounders, they were giant pumpkins with massive grass legs four in total, under it’s body was a massive cage, this was the catcher of the team.

Danny wanted to yell at his friends for being so stupid, but people’s lives were on the line.

The Hotdog Shooters were shooting people if they got hit with the ketchup gun, their clothing was disintegrated and if they got with the mustard guns they were stuck to the ground in yellow goo.

Those that got stripped and ran, were snatched up by the Pizza Spider, using it’s cheese webbing to snatch and drag people up, tying them up in gooey cheese. The Meat Golems and Slamwiches had circled the grounds trapping the meat protesters. Their focus seemed to be on capture and containment

“Fight my babies fight, we shall have a great feast.”

The veggies seemed more vicious so Danny started with them. He blasted the Killer Tomatoes who straight up just tried eating people, going to bite people. Some of the vegetarians thought they were cute and tried to coochie coo them and got their hands bit.

Broccoli Monsters were using their ray guns to strip the vegetarians and hippies in attendance, the hippies weren’t really effected being stripped naked they actually got together and began a circle of love. They were trying to stop the alien monsters with positive energy. “Are you high, move your asses!” Danny snapped.

“Your negative energy is really toxic man!” The whole love circle got eaten by the Pumpkin Tank, they were dropped into a grass cage. Danny face palmed.

Some of the veggie protesters were changing their signs and chanting. “People are not food!”

Danny swooped in and was trying to keep them from getting killed.

The Corn Monsters were standing guard to keep anyone from escaping.

Danny fired energy blasts to take out targets at a distance. The Broccoli Men started training their blasters on him. He manifested a bubble to block the attacks but after a few hits it broke down, thankfully he could fire back through his own barrier. He was struggling with just the veggie side and the meat side was ramping up.

‘If this keeps up I’ll burn through my energy!’

“You can’t defeat us little gem, all alone, you don’t have the power to beat us, you’re no diamond!” With a swing of the ladle the destroyed soldiers were replenished. “You can’t beat me...you can’t stop me...you just make me famished!”

Danny didn’t know what they were talking about, but he could certainly feel it, his energy was draining. He looked around seeing all the enemies and captured people. ‘I have to save them...I have to do...something…’

“I won’t be beaten by meat!” Jack screamed.

The meat Golem bit him, but couldn’t get through the jump suit. “Bite me will you!?” Chomp!

Jack took a bite out of him. “Mmm not bad!”

Danny blinked. “That’s it!” He wondered. ‘I hope this works!’

With a push of energy Danny expanded his barrier forming a domain around the school. “Gravity On!” Using his gem he messed with gravity causing everyone to float.

“You won’t flip me...you won’t grill me...you’ll just make me...ohhhh!”

Danny munched on one of the killer tomatoes. As he ate his new hybrid body broke down the food completely turning it into energy for his gem. ‘I can feel it...this can work!’

“Gem’s do not eat…” That’s right, he wasn’t a full gem. It was making sense now, Gems and Foodons fought each other in a battle of numbers only because Gems didn’t eat. “What are you?!”

Danny wasn’t one to shy away from his veggies, so he began to chomp and munch, chew and crunch. “Ugh, no matter, Meats, Veggies, destroy him!” Fenton clapped his hands together causing his gravity to stop making the food monsters fall. “Eat us if you dare, what can you do all alone?”

“Who says I’m alone!” Danny zipped around using his gem energy to cut down and free the humans. Many were quite embarrassed as they were still bare ass naked. “People there is still a way we can fight!” To show this he ate one of the hot dog gunners. “Meat eaters, vegetarians, grab your forms and lets fight for our lives!”

He got a rousing cheer from the meat side. “But wait, these guys are living things shouldn’t we respect their lives, we can’t eat something that’s full of life!” Even Sam had to facepalm.

‘Is this what I’m like…’ Given the choice of eat or be eaten, she’d want to live.

Tucker rallied the meat eaters and they began to fight back. Naked jocks jumped on the monsters and began to double team them, chomping them down. Shame be damned, this was a battle of survival.

Danny focused on helping them, while the Vegetarians, the Vegans, Pescatarians, Pollotarian, and others argued over if it was okay to eat living vegetables. Sam was getting a harsh lesson on opinions, as some of the people who didn’t want to eat the monsters were physically stopping those that you know, didn’t want to die, allowing both of them to be caught or nommed on. They didn’t believe the veggie monsters should be eaten so were forcing their beliefs on others/

Sam only got so many at her rally, because some were just willing to fight for a cause, any cause, which was clear as they quickly opposed the idea of eating the veggie monsters.

Most of who she rallied weren’t 100% against all forms of meat, but were here for the cause and to support. They also had enough sense to realize THEY WERE GONNA EAT THEM, so they stepped up to the plate. “Listen up!” Sam stepped up, and tried to get her rally to unite.

One of the difficult vegans tried to claim that it was wrong to eat the veggie monsters since they were alive, and that they were just misunderstood. Reality hit hard as one of the killer tomatoes bit off his arm. “AAAAHHHHHHH!”

These weren’t some animals that could be tamed with love and kindness, these were alien monsters created with the soul purpose of eating all life on this world. This was an invasive species that would devour everything in it’s path.

The carnivore side was able to cut down the enemies numbers...by eating them. Danny used this to, able to recharge his energy. ‘I’m a gem, but not, and because of that I have an edge.’

Jocks jumped the Pizza Spider and turned him into a pizza party. This plan had some issues, as the human stomach could only contain so much, some of the smaller eaters had to bow out by being full. “Tch...you thinking eating us will give you the victory...we will stuff you...we will crush you...you can eat us...but...we’ll just make you fatter!!” Cheftan licked their lips, the initial shock of them eating to fight back wore off.

The veggie side finally stepped up and began eating their enemies, seeing someone get their arm eaten off was a major motivator. The corn soldiers were munched on and their cob swords were taken up. Sam was leading them.

Tucker was making headway on the meat side.

Danny zipped around eating foodons, and blasting energy out for a double whammy. Since his body was breaking down the food and converting it into energy, he was a bottomless pit. “Looks like it’s time for dessert!” Cheftan went for their pan to unleash the foodons.

“I don’t think so!” Danny flew in and used his bubble skill to trap the contents in a bubble.

“No my confection!” Danny tapped the bubble and it got warped away. “You leave me no choice, I’ll cook you up!”

“I’m canceling your menu!” He charged his hands up with energy.

The two duke it out, but Danny was full of energy, able to overwhelm Cheftan. “Meats, Veggies, to me!” Cheftan gathered the remaining Foodons fusing them together to form armor. “We will smash you!”

Danny’s eyes glowed. “No...you won’t...you attacked my home, my friends, my town, my world!” His energy surged. “And you’ve made me mad!”

Cheftan swiped at Danny, only for the alien hybrid to dodge and shoot up into the air. ‘Build up speed and power!’ He charged down at high speed and boom!

The Foodon suit was ripped apart and Cheftan was slammed into the ground. “It’s over!” Bits of the food suit splattered all over.

“Cough!” Cheftan cursed. “So strong...a gem...but not gem...what are you...what are you...what are you…”

Danny looked away to make sure there weren’t any casualties. “I’m the one who beat you!”

“Hehehe, maybe, but this was just an appetizer!” Cheftan pulled out something from their apron.

“Hey wait!”

A button was pushed, their physical form shifted and suddenly they vanished. ‘What the heck was that?’

<Emergency temporal shift detected> Appeared across his visor. They had escaped using a teleport. Most of the ray guns were destroyed but Danny found one in the mess, it was still in tact, so he bubbled it and put it in storage.

Danny didn’t have time to rest, as he had to help the wounded. ‘What do I do?’ His gem pulsed. Using his Gem Energy he began healing the injured, even those that lost their arms or legs in the fight. This was another boon of being a hybrid.

He finished the seriously injured and moved onto the less injured. The gem was given quite the show as a parade of naked people come to him for healing. Dash had a few bumps and scratches from the battle. ‘Guess I gotta…’ He started healing the jock.

The gem tried not to star at Dash’s naked form.

“You saved us...again…” Dash blushed as the warm energy washed over him, his wounds healing. “Who are you?”

“I’m...Emerald D...that’s all I can really tell you…” He finished healing Dash, and moved back.

“Wait…” Dash caught his hand. “Umm thanks...for you know saving me...us...saving us!” His blush grew.

“Sure, no problem!” Danny smiled, before flying off. ‘I can’t believe it...Dash looked...cute…’

Jack groaned as he’d been too stuffed to move and missed his chance on talking to an alien. His belief in aliens was finally validated. Maddie and him got to work, collecting samples, and bits of tech, it may have been broken but that didn’t mean they couldn’t put it back together. They even found some of Cheftan’s sludge to study.

Dash rallied the jocks and other students, they hit the showers to clean up and get a change of clothes.

As for Tucker and Sam, because of the mess made, Lancer put the blame on them, the two were put into detention to clean up the mess. They had plenty of time to make up. “You two were both at fault, I’m not getting in the middle, you two can either work things out, and I’ll forgive you both, or you can keep fighting and I’ll be mad at both of you.”

Danny used their time in detention to think. Cheftan was powerful, and if there were other aliens like them, he’d need all the knowledge he could get. ‘I have to get stronger if I’m gonna protect anyone.’

To be continued...Gem Archive

While Danny has been studying the Gem Archive, he’s also been doing better in class, his grades are up, up, UP. Which makes him the prime target to tutor a student who’s struggling with his grades. Danny questions if Dash really believes that high school is his golden years.


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