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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Catching Pokemon

Tracey met Dawn and he showed her around the facility. Forrest was quite right about why they were absent. During the tour he was pumped full of cum and had a thick butt plug locking his ass. He had a sexy glow about him, that Dawn couldn’t put her finger on.

Ash got a call from Scott. “Hey Scott!”

“Hey Ash, how’s my new Frontier Brain doing?”

“Just landed in Sinnoh, bout to head out. Is something wrong.” Ash had a feeling from Scott’s tone.

“Well, not a problem per say. I got a call about a challenge. A very angry young man wanted to know if there was a Frontier Brain named Ash Ketchum. I said there was and he seemed to get angry.”

“Yeah, he challenged me to a three on three match as a trainer, I beat him and he seemed to get weird when he learned I was a Frontier Brain, he demanded a challenge but I turned him down and told him to go through the proper channels. He wasn’t too pleased, his attitude was...a problem.”

“Well I’m sure you had your reasons, I do leave it up to the Brain’s discretion for taking open challenges, but I hope you are ready to take challenges as they come.”

“I’m more than ready. If Paul wants to go through the proper channels I’ll take him on any time.” He had a feeling he knew how the match would end though.

“Good good!” Scott said, his tone more jovial. “I’ll be in touch.”

‘That Ash in Sinnoh for less than a day and already has found himself a rival.’ He trusted Ash’s judgment. Scott also got a bad vibe from Paul. ‘He may have potential, but potential can go down a bad route if one loses sight of themselves.’ He’d seen some trainers lose sight, clinging to their ideas of training to the point their Pokemon had gotten hurt or worse.


They stocked up on supplies and began to head off.

Dawn was so excited. “This is so cool!” Ash facility moved at a brisk pace, riding on the path typically used for cars and bikes. In some regions that had Ride Pokemon the roads were updated for them as well. These paths always existed in every region, Gary used these roads when he got driven around. It was no wonder he was already ahead of Ash on their journey, because he used the car road he was able to travel faster so he could double back or take his time in some areas to gain more Pokemon.

Best part was these roads had rest areas that connected to the main routes as to help travelers not get lost. The facility rode fast, making it to the rest stop. “Let’s see we’re in route 202!” Ash said. “I wonder what Pokemon we can find here.”

He checked the Pokedex.

Dexter: Sinnoh Route 202, known Pokemon Common: Starly, Bidoof, and Kricketot; Uncommon: Buneary and Burmy; Rare: Shinx

“Oh wow so the Pokedex even has that kind of information.” Dawn said.

Forrest looked at the Pokedex that Rowan gave him, hoping to use it to become a better trainer. “So Dawn, since this is your first big adventure, I bet you’re excited to catch your first Pokemon.” Ash said.

“Sure am, super excited. It’s my goal to become a skilled coordinator, so I’ll need to catch a lot of different Pokemon and figure out how to draw out their appeal.”

“Just like May,” Brock said with a chuckle.

“I’ve never seen a real coordinator before, but mom was always watching the events on tv.” Forrest said.

“Contests are amazing, it takes a lot of skill to be one.”

“Are you sure you got what it takes, you’re just starting off as a trainer after all.” Forrest said, in a teasing way. Dawn reminded him of his sisters so he couldn’t help himself. They often spoke of big dreams, expecting it to happen over night, not realizing there were steps to take along the way.

“I know that!” She huffed. “What’s your big dream then?”

“I’m gonna become a great gym leader. My family runs the Pewter City Gym, so I want to get stronger. So while I’m in Sinnoh I’ll be catching Pokemon, raising them, challenging the Sinnoh Gym circuit and learning everything I can to become the best Gym Leader in Kanto!” It wasn’t just a dream for Forrest, it was a goal, one he intended to complete!

Dawn was a bit stunned by his intensity. She looked to the other guys. Brock wanted to continue his path on being a Pokemon Breeder, and he currently was working as Ash’s med staff for the facility. Tracey wanted to study the Sinnoh Pokemon, and he was acting as facility staff as well. “Ash, you’re a Frontier Brain, are you here just for work?”

“Not at all, while I’ll do my Brain responsibilities, I’m also working to become a Pokemon Master.”

“But aren’t the Frontier Brains already big deals.” There were Frontier Brains in Sinnoh after all, so she’s heard of them.

“Being a pokemon Master means more than that, that’s why I’m also entering the Sinnoh Gym circuit, and I’ll also be entering contests as well.” Ash explained.

Dawn’s eyes sparkled. “Isn’t that a waste of your talent?” Forrest piped in. “You should focus on getting stronger as a Brain, and that means doing the gyms and winning the Sinnoh League.” Forrest saw Ash as his rival, so he didn’t want him “wasting time”.

“You got it wrong, Ash is already a Frontier Brain, so doing the gym challenges is a waste of time, he should focus on Contests!”





Brock chuckled, their fighting reminding him of how Forrest and their eldest sister got into it. Tracey looked to Ash. “Shouldn’t you stop them?”

Ketchum shrugged. “I already made my decision to do both.”

The two were bickering back and forth and it ran down into seeing who was right or wrong. “Well gyms or contests aside we’ll all need to be catching new Pokemon sooner or later.” Ash said trying to change the subject.

Dawn smirked. “How about we settle this with a different kind of contest?”

Forrest crossed his arms. “You talking a challenge. Fine let’s hear it.”

“Let’s race to see who can catch the most Pokemon!”

“Rules and parameters?”

“Let’s say until we reach Jubilife City, the one who has the most Pokemon wins.” She pointed at him in a challenging way.

Forrest smirked. “You sure about that, I technically have you beat already. I have two Pokemon.”

“Huh?” Forrest called out his Rhyhorn and his Piplup, the water type posing on his shoulder for effect. “No way!”

“If you two are gonna do this best make it fair, and keep it as a catching challenge.”

“Sounds good to me!” Dawn said, feeling her confidence come back.

“Fine by me!” He was sure he could handle this. “Contest ends when we reach Jubilife City!”

“To the winner I’ll give a special reward to.” Ash declared.

Both of them thought this was gonna be easy, but to be fair while Forrest had battle experience he didn’t have much experience catching pokemon.


Tracey was sketching as the trainers started doing their thing. Dawn found a Buneary and had Chimchar battle it. She wasn’t quite used to battling with Chimchar yet and the fire type rushed in and got a Dizzy Punch to the face.

Sadly by the time Dawn called for a move, Buneary had hopped off. “Aww man!”

Forrest couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s show her!”

He spotted a Bidoof. “Let’s see.”

Forrest’s Pokedex: Bidoof the Plump Mouse Pokemon, a Normal Type. With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. It is more agile and active than it appears. It constantly gnaws on logs and rocks to whittle down its front teeth. It nests alongside water.

‘This might make a fine Pokemon for my gym, normal types are very versatile.’

“Piplup use Bubblebeam!” The Water type unleashed his attack and pummeled the Normal Type. “Great Piplup now use Peck!”

Piplup charged in but to Forrest’s surprise the Bidoof dodged. “Peck again!”

“Pip!” He charged forth and landed a hit, causing a knock out.

“Haha, see that Dawn! That’s a gym leader’s experience for ya!” He shot her a victory sign.

Dawn glared at him. “Uh Forrest!” Tracey pointed.

While the boy was busy bragging on his “catch”. Bidoof had recovered and ran off. “But I…”

“You defeated it, but you still have to catch it in a Pokeball.” Brock explained.

“Right…” He blushed in embarrassment.

“Fufu, a gym leader and you don’t know that?” Dawn teased.

“At least I managed to beat mine.”

“Well just watch, Chimchar and I will win the next one! And Catch it!” Brock had finished treating Chimchar so he was ready to battle.

Meanwhile Ash was busy doing some training.

He had Pidgeot working with Starly, helping to train his fellow flier. They were bonding well.

Pikachu was working with Magnemite. Ash did take one tip from Paul and used his Pokedex to scan his Magnemite.

Magnemite had the Ability Sturdy, making him one tough little guy. He was also technically Ash’s first Steel Type, though it was the second typing. “So I’ll need to raise you differently then I raised Pikachu I can’t just focus on Electric Type moves for you.”

According to the Pokedex he had Thunder Shock, Supersonic, Thunder Wave, and Tackle. He believed the little guy had plenty of potential, so he had the magnet monster spar with Pikachu.

Pikachu couldn’t be paralyzed and took less damage from Electric Attacks, so they worked on charging power and accuracy.

Then there was Spoink and Aipom. Using his Pokedex he learned Spoink had the Thick Fat ability, which would weaken moves of Fire and Ice used on him. He also knew Psychic, Confuse Ray, Psybeam, Confusion.

Pretty powerful stuff, but he also knew that Aipom liked contests, she got really excited when Ash had a contest battle against May. So he had those two practicing for appeals letting Spoink hop and bounce around with Aipom copying it with her tail. It was going well until Aipom snatched Spoink’s hat/pearl. The two started chasing each other, but Aipom was quite fast and agile.

Spoink got angry enough and unleashed Psychic to catch Aipom and take his pearly back. “You really need to break that habit of yours, apologize.” She did. “We are all friends here, trying to get stronger.”

As for Alpha he was out of his ball but he was on alert. He heard from the pack Team Rocket had showed up and while they had chased the trio off, they tended to come back. So he was on guard.


Dawn found a Burmy. “A bug type, perfect for a fire type like Chimchar!”

She called for an Ember and the attack hit hard doing a lot of damage. The Burmy fell from the tree and his leaves got all scorched up.

Happy at the victory Dawn began to celebrate. “Chim Chim!” The fire type bounced, and made a motion of throwing a ball.

“Right!” She fumbled with it.

“It’s gonna get away.” Forrest teased.

It didn’t, it did recover from the attack, but since it was missing it’s leaves it went to a bush to collect some more. “Pokeball go!” Dawn threw it and it connected, sucking the bug type up. “I got it!”

“We’ll see!” Forrest folded his arms.



“No way!”

Dawn picked up the ball and struck a victory pose. “We caught a Burmy!”

“Chim char char!”

She shot Forrest a smirk of triumph as she was now leading in their little wager.

“You won’t be winning for long!” Forrest was done playing and had Rhyhorn act as his lead. Piplup was a bit shaken up, via his pride.

Rhyhorn was a tough Pokemon but wasn’t so good at stealth. When they found a Kricketot the heavy Rock type scared it away. ‘Crap!’ He didn’t want to lose to Dawn.

“Horn!” His Pokemon cried out.

“Rhyhorn are you okay?” He had a Bidoof on him, the little guy was chomping down on the spikes on Rhyhorn’s back. “Piplup help Rhyhorn!”

“Pip Pip!” Piplup attacked and got the Normal type off him. Forrest got a ball ready.

‘This time for sure!’ This Bidoof was a fighter, using his agility to dodge attacks and came back in with a solid Tackle.

Piplup fought back or lack there of with Bide, building up energy slowly before unleashing it. Bidoof got knocked out and Forrest unleashed his monster ball. It hit.


‘Come on…’


‘Come on!’


‘Come on! Come on! Come on!’


“Yes!” Forrest smirked. “I caught a Bidoof!”

He raced back to show Dawn, Tracey, and Brock. “Hey where is Dawn?”

“She went off looking for new Pokemon.” Tracey said.

“Did you catch one?” Forrest smirked triumphantly.

“Sure did, I got a Bidoof!” He smiled. ‘I can’t wait to show Ash my new Pokemon.’

“That’s great, you should definitely tell Ash when he comes back.”

Forrest blushed, instantly worried he was thinking out loud. “Why would I show him?” He took a tsundere prideful stance.

Brock chuckled. “Trust me, you’ll want to share the news, Ash has a special reward for his companions that catch Pokemon.” He remembered the bet. “This is different, I don’t know what Ash has planned for the wager, but this you’ll definitely want.”

Forrest couldn’t help but imagine, causing him to feel the bite of the cage. “Gah!”


“That was Dawn!” The boys raced towards the nice. Dawn was upset, the cry was because of her shocking loss.

“He...he beat me!”

A strum of the harp was heard as the guys turned to see her opponent the Pokemon Bard Nando. He had a Budew on one shoulder and a Kricketot on the other. “We had a very engaging battle.”

Forrest couldn’t believe it, Dawn had a fire type and a bug type, she should have been able to handle this guy, even for a beginner. “Shall we have a match as well?”

“Bring it on!”


Alpha was right to be on guard. Team Rocket had been at one of James’s family’s villas, he collected his Carnivine and his buddy Growlie. It seems his parents moved him out to this villa, because of Jessiebelle. They were about to make the villa their new home base when the butler revealed he contacted James’s parents and fiancee Jessiebelle.

This was worse than they knew as the red head, now had a lead on James and she wouldn’t be leaving Sinnoh till she found him and captured him.

They ran but decided to make an attack on Ash to try and claim his facility as their base. Alpha was able to beat Carnivine easily, but Growlie was tougher. The two sparked a heated rivalry that stirred something in James. His love of battle and his dreams of becoming a great Pokemon trainer.

Jessie and Meowth tried to interrupt the battle allowing Ash to send them blasting off. Spoink and Aipom teamed up with a Confusion Swift combo, turning the stars pink, and pummeling Team Rocket and sending them blasting off. “Looks like we have to go, lets call this a draw for today.” James returned his Growlithe.

“James...that was a really nice battle…” His heart skipped a beat, and his eyes began to water. He ran off before they could fall. “What do you think Alpha, do we have a rival?”

“Hound!” A solid maybe, but he was confident he’d win!

Ash returned to the group and Forrest’s fight was getting wrapped up and not in his favor. Budew swept both Rhyhorn and Piplup, and Kricketot was making work of Forrest’s Bidoof. He had walked into a trap as Kricketot used Bide, and soon got blasted again by the move, causing a knock out. “I lost…”

“Forrest!” Ash rushed over.

“Ash?” He looked down in shame. “This guy is tough.”

“Greetings, I am Nando the Pokemon Bard. Perchance are you the owner of that facility?”

“I am, I’m Ash a Frontier Brain.”

“Most impressive. I had heard the inn was full and by great fortune I came across not only these trainers but this facility as well, I’d like to stay.” He strummed his Mew harp.

“Um sure you can, we have plenty of room after all.” Nando smiled.

“Wonderful. As a Frontier Brain perhaps you can solve the burning puzzle I have in my heart.”

“Well...um...I can try…”

To be continued...Rewards and Bards

Forrest gets a special reward from Ash, but the cage is soon back on in do time. Nando ponders if he should do the league or contests, Dawn and Forrest have their sides of the argument but Ash helps Nando figure out the right path for him. Forrest is a bit embarrassed to find Nando on the Pleasure Deck in all his glory.


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