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Pocket Monster Parody | Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Ash Ketchum (Hybrid/Satyr) 11 inches long/4 fingers thick
Ability: Nature’s Aura – Can change the form of Deerling, unlocking different typings.
Moves: Energy Ball, Sweet Scent, Grass Whistle

Badges Unova: 1; Trio Badge

Pokemon on Hand 4/9

Pikachu | Ability: Static | Size 6 inches | Moves: Thunderbolt (Counter Shield), Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Parabolic Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Oshawott | Ability: Shell Armor | Size 4 Inches | Moves: Tackle, Water Gun (Counter Shield), Razor Shell, Icy Wind

Summer (Deerling) Ability Serene Grace | Moves: Tackle, Double Kick, Leech Seed |

Tepig | Ability Thick Fat | Moves Tackle, Odor Slueth, Defense Curl, Flame Charge | Style Moves: Spin Dodge

Pokemon at Oak’s Lab: Bulbasaur, Kingler, Muk, Tauros x 30 Snorlax, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor
Pokemon In Training: Squirtle, Primeape, Charizard,

Chapter 7

Chapter 8 Snivy’s Dream

Ash had begun his journey with Cilan, Cress, and Chili, he was holding Tepig in his arms, Oshawott was riding on his shoulder and Pikachu on the other. Summer was walking beside them. It was practically perfect…

“Why are you following us?!” Ash snapped.

Iris ducked behind a tree. “I’m not, it just so happens I’m going to Nacrene City to.”

Ash rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to deal with this girl.

“The world doesn’t revolve around you, you’re such a kid!” Ash REALLY didn’t want to deal with her.

His stomach growled. “I know the ticket, let’s take a break for lunch.” Cilan said.

“Yes please!”

The brothers called out their monkey Pokemon. “You know what to do!” Chili said.

“Pan!” “Pour!” “Sage!” The monkey trio raced off, foraging for berries. They were a good team.

“I’ll get my own food!” Iris said, slipping off.

Panpour, Pansage, and Pansear came back with a whole bunch of fruits and berries. “Now allow us to present your lunch!”

Cress was juicing the berries, shaking and mixing like an expert bartender.

Chili was mixing and blending the berries, he seasoned them and molded them into balls.

Cilan chopped them up and began making some fine sandwiches, even fixing up a nice salad.

“Ohhh!” Ash’s eyes sparkled. They worked so good together, in a flash they had things fixed up, Ash had his food plated and was poured a Cress’ special berry juice. “Mmmm yummy!” The food was great and the juice wash down was even sweeter.

Chili prepared the Pokemon’s food setting the bowls out for them. “Mmm!” The mons enjoyed the grub, the food was so filling and had an explosion of flavor!

“It was a pleasure, please enjoy your meal.” The three said in unison, giving a host club bow.

The smell of the food, drew the attention of a nearby Pokemon.

“Since we have a nice clearing how about we do some coordinator training.” Cress suggested.

“That’ll be fun let’s do it!”

“Can you show that move you had Oshawott use?”

“That was the Counter Shield.” Ash told Cress the story of how the move was crafted as a means of battling Hypnosis. It was thinking of Fantina that gave Ash an idea of what move Summer could learn.

“So a move that both attacks and defends it suits you well.” Cilan pointed out.

“Can any move work with that?” Chili asked.

“Well…” Ash had Pikachu show off his Counter Shield, and Oshawott showed off his. Cress analyzed their movements. “Tepig doesn’t have the right move yet but my Chimchar had Flamethrower, and he was able to do it.”

Chili’s eyes sparkled. “You had a Chimchar!” He had heard about them.

“He’s fully evolved now, but yes!”

“How about we learn the Counter Shield thing to?” Chili asked Pansear, who shrugged, training was training after all.

“Should you be butting in on coordinator practice.” Cress asked raising a brow at him.

Chili blushed. He and Cress had butted heads in the past over contests and gyms before. “Well it’d be helpful for gym battles won’t it.”

“But that’s…” Cress groaned in frustration. He always said that to Chili, it’s why his battles were so interesting and diverse.

“We can all do some practice, Cilan if you don’t mind I could use yours and Pansage’s help with Summer, Oshawott can help Panpour, and Tepig can help with Pansear.”

They teamed up and spread out, making sure they had enough room to use moves. “What are they doing?” Iris groaned. “Whatever…” She saw them as being dumb kids goofing around not recognizing actual training.

The group had another spectator.

“I think we got it, Panpour let’s give it a try. Water Counter Shield!” Panpour used Water Gun and began to move, he had great agility so he was able to spin and move while unleashing the water. “Success!”

“That was great Cress, you and Panpour are in total sync!” The two smiled and struck a pose of victory.

“Why thank you!” Cress was playing it cool, but inside he was doing back flips at the praise.

“Okay let’s try it too, Pansear use Flame Counter Shield!” Pansear tried to do it, and while it started off well, he couldn’t handle the balancing of the move and the movement, getting dizzy and sending Flamethrowers in all directions. “Oh no!”

Everyone had to duck and cover, Chili getting a blast to the face. “Cough cough!” He fell over and Pansear fell back from dizziness.

“Well it was a good try.” Ash encouraged.

“Maybe contest moves, really aren’t my thing.” He pouted. ‘Great I looked like a total loser in front of him.’

Ash came over and patted his shoulder. “It’s okay, not every move will work, why don’t you try the Spin Dodge!”

Chili smiled. “Okay!”

Onto Summer’s training. Ash had a pretty good idea on what move Summer could learn that’d work for a Counter Shield. He ran the idea past Cilan who agreed. “Since it’s a Grass Type move it should be easier for him to learn.”

They worked together and Summer was excited. ‘This will stick it in the water type’s craw.’

Their training led to results and Summer learned Magical Leaf! Oshawott’s jaw dropped, that was a pretty powerful move. “Great job Summer!” Ash praised.

Fantina’s Mismagius could use Magical Leaf in really clever ways. Now that the move was learned they had to hone it and figure out how to use it.

Great job Summer!” Pikachu praised.

Summer noticed a glint from the bushes. “Look out!” The Deerling pushed Pikachu out of the way. A Vine Whip came out and hit the Grass and Normal type. “Gah!”

“What the heck?!” The training was interrupted.

Out from the bushes came a Snivy, spinning in the air before landing on a rock, striking an elegant pose. “Snivy!” They said.

“A Snivy!” Ash exclaimed happily. “There are wild Snivy?”

“Not around here, but they can be found in the wilds of Unova yes.” Cilan eyed Snivy, his movements weren’t that of a wild Pokemon.

“That movement is elegance personified, I wanna catch him!” Cress said, and had Panpour battle Snivy.

“Sni...vy!” They winked sending hearts flying at Panpour.


Panpour got effected by Attract. “Panpour no!”

“Vy!” Snivy used Vine Whip, smacking the Water Type around and knocking him out.

“Panpour return!”

“Heh, he’s tough, let’s get him Pansear!”

“Pan!” He unleashed a Flamethrower. Snivy used his Vine Whip to jump into the air and dodge the attack.

Once in the air he began to spin in the air. Pansear took a Leaf Storm a very powerful grass type move. “Sear…” He managed to stay on his feet.

“That move is tough but it drops the user’s special attack!”

‘So it’s like Overheat!’ Ash thought.

“Pansear use Flamethrower.”

Snivy smirked. Cilan saw it. “Chili dodge it.”

Leaf Storm!” He unleashed a vortex of leaves and this one was even more powerful. It smothered the flames and hit Pansear and he got knocked out.

“That’s one tough Snivy I wanna catch it!” Iris jumped at Snivy from a tree with a ball in hand. Snivy dodged it with an elegant spin, and Iris face planted. “I’m not giving up, I’ll catch you!”

“Sni!” Snivy unleashed a Giga Drain, it hit Iris and Axew, draining them both and causing them to collapse. “Vy vy!” He tsked waving a finger at them.

“Be careful Ash, that Snivy must be very high level, it’s very competent and has some powerful abilities.” Cilan analyzed Snivy. “I believe it’s ability is Contrary.”

“What’s that?”

“It reverses the effects of buff/debuff moves.”

“So instead of weakening from using Leaf Storm…”

“It got stronger!”

“That’s amazing, but does this Snivy belong to someone?”

Snivy smirked. “I ditched that jerk.”

“You ditched him?” He blinked.

You can understand me!?” Ash nodded. “Well then, that makes this easier. Yes I abandoned my trainer. He was a slave driver constantly pushing me to battle, getting mad when I didn’t evolve, even as I got stronger and stronger he kept getting angry with me. He didn’t even bother to consider my feelings or what I wanted.”

“Well what do you want?”

I want to take the stage, I wanted to do contest battles, I would sneak off and watch coordinators train and he’d get mad.” Snivy was truly upset. “So when he forced me to battle at the Nacrene gym, I refused to listen to him and he lost the gym match.”

It was hilarious Lenora’s Pokemon couldn’t touch him, but since he refused to battle his trainer lost. Lenora tried to give him advice but he wouldn’t have it. “He blamed his loss on the fact I hadn’t evolved and dragged me to the battle club and forced me to battle after battle for a rematch.”

Snivy had unleashed a fearsome Leaf Storm and his trainer got mad and tried to return it. So Snivy unleashed a powerful Vine Whip and smashed his ball. “He then tried to pull a whip on me, and that was the last straw, I showed him a real whip and left him.”

‘That reminds me of someone, but it couldn’t be…’

So I’m freelance now, I’ve been training and preparing to enter the contest myself!”

“Snivy, why don’t you join up with us?”

Excuse me?”

“I’m someone who’s aiming to be a Pokemon Master, I’m gonna be entering the Pokemon League and the Contest Circuit. You can lead the Contest Team, and I won’t push you to evolve.”

I don’t believe you!” Snivy hissed.

It’s true, Ash gave me the choice, he said I could evolve if and when I wanted to.” Pikachu explained.

Cress Chili and Cilan were a bit confused only hearing one side of the conversation.

You are one odd trainer, but I get to decide who my trainer is, if you want to be my master, you gotta defeat me in battle!”

Ash smirked and turned his hat around. “Sounds like a deal!”

Master, let me at him, I got a score to settle.” Summer stepped up.

No me first, I got this!” Oshawott stepped up confidently patting his scalchop.

No I got this!”

No me!” The two butted heads and began growling at each other.

“You guys!” Ash groaned.

They were so busy arguing they didn’t notice when Team Rocket showed up and tried to capture Snivy. “Leaf Storm!” The trio messed with the wrong Pokemon as they were sent blasting off by the tiny titan.

Snivy dusted himself off. “Now where were we!”

In the end Oshawott went up to battle first. Snivy tried his Attract and Vine Whip combo. “Wait is Snivy a boy or a girl?” Chili asked.

“It’s rare but it’s possible they are both.” Cilan explained. It was true as with many grass types the chance of them being hermaphrodites was higher than most pokemon. The breakdowns varied from species to species, for the Snivy line 60% Chance of male, 25 % chance of being Female, and 15 % chance of being both. “Fun fact many male Snivy actually have two dicks!”

“Then that means Snivy’s Attract works on both genders?” Snivy winked in response.

“Indeed it does!”

Oshawott got charmed, and was about to get a smack down like Panpour. “Oshawott!” Ash called, and thanks to the bond they have, his call helped him snap out of the love spell.

Acting fast Oshawott blocked the Vine Whip with his scalchop. “No way!” The water type struck poses in victory. “Alright then, try this!” Snivy unleashed Giga Drain and it was so powerful poor Oshawott got knocked out.

“Oshawott return!” Ash called him back. “You were great, it was a bad match up for you but you did great.” Ash praised, surprising Snivy.

Next!” He said with a smirk.

Tepig was ready to battle, and he was able to dodge Snivy’s Vine Whips and land some good hits with Flame Charge. It evened out as Snivy dished out a Giga Drain, sapping Tepig of energy. ‘It’s over…’ He thought and turned his back, only to have to dodge at the last second as Tepig hung on by a thread long enough to launch a Flame Charge.

The fire type fainted after but it was a good try. “Great job Tepig you were great!” Ash praised.

Next up was Pikachu which Snivy had quite a bit of trouble with. His attract had no effect, because their bond was so strong he was able to snap right out of it. Even when he could resist Electric Type moves, Pikachu had Iron Tail.

They traded blows back and forth, Giga Drain was met with a Parabolic Charge allowing Pikachu to regain energy.

Snivy tried to finish this off with a Leaf Storm, but Pikachu pulled off a Thunder Counter Shield, it helped reduced the damage, but the bad news was Snivy got the power boost.

Pikachu got hit with a Giga Drain, but showing his devotion to Ash he powered through and landed a critical hit Iron Tail. Ash scoped him up after he collapsed. “You were great Pikachu get some rest.” He kissed the top of his head.

Snivy’s eyes widened.

It was all down to Summer. The two clashed, Summer trying to land a Double Kick but Snivy kept dodging, and once again his Leech Seed wasn’t viable here.

Snivy thought this was his win, despite taking a good chunk of damage he was over confident in his chances of victory. Especially since Summer couldn’t hit him. “Hehe, for a grass type your accuracy sucks.”

I’ll admit you’re fast, and small making it hard to hit you, but I have a move perfect for this!”

“Magical Leaf!” Ash called.

Summer conjured some leaves, and they swirled and launched out. Snivy tried to dodge them only to realize too late this move was special. Summer could control them and made them chase Snivy and pow!

I’m not done yet!” He jumped in the air and did his spin. “Leaf Storm!”

Magical Leaf!” The two attacks collided, but the Magical Leaf pierced through and both attacks hit their mark.

Snivy was struggling to stand up, while Summer was hanging on by a thread. “Monster Ball Go!” Ash called and the ball hit Snivy.

Yeah...this is fine...you win…” He got sucked up and after a single Jiggle the ball pinged closed.

Ugh!” Summer collapsed. “That was rough!”

“You were great Summer!” It was a team effort but they all did well.

Ash used his Nature’s Aura to aide in treatment. He even helped treat Panpour and Pansear.

To be continued...Burning Passions


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