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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 10

Chapter 11 Route 3 Rumbles

Ash was excited to explore the next Route. According to the Pokedex you can find Ekans, Mankey, and Sandshrew, with rare sightings of Nidoran and Jigglypuff. He was ready to add new types to his team. He made a pit stop at the local marketplace and picked up some Monster Balls, after the special gym match with Brock Ash’s Cash Card had plenty of money. He bought 20 monster balls, some potions, and plenty of Pokemon food. As a reward Ash received two Premier Balls, they were a special give away.

‘One more special match and I’ll be able to increase my carry limit.’ Brock’s special team was really strong, so it was a safe bet the Cerulean Gym’s special team would be even stronger if not as strong.

Bezai was eager to get going, they had allowed Ash’s new mons to show their skills and gain experience so now they were ready to kick ass and get stronger.

No luck!

Route 3 was crawling with trainers, making hard to find any new pokemon. Ash hadn’t even seen a Rattata, just Pidgey and Spearows. “Alright then…” It was time to battle it out!

“Eggs!” Bezai cheered.

There were Lasses that showed they had found some of said Pokemon Ash was looking for. Lot of these girls were cocky or rude, so Ketchum didn’t bother to remember their names.

Lass A, had two Pidgey and a Female Nidoran. She had insulted Bezai so the eggs helped sweep her team, any damage they got off was healed by Leech Seed and Mega Drain.

Lass B had Rattata and Male Nidoran. She had called Bezai creepy, so they were eager to sweep her team with a similar battle formula.

Lass C had Pikachu and Jigglypuff. Instead of insulting Bezai she had insulted Ash, calling him a pathetic little boy. In the end she was one crying as Bezai swept her team.

There were Big Catchers fresh from Viridian Forest with their bug types trying to train and get stronger. Ash faced a pair of twins Colton and Carlton.

Colton had Two Beedrill and a Metapod, while Carlton had Two Butterfree and a Kakuna. Seeing the Beedrill had Ash longing to train his Beedrill. Ash was able to defeat them with Bezai, putting them to sleep and chipping away at their energy.

Another catcher was named Greg Hiroyuki, he had four pokemon, Weedle, Kakuna, Caterpie, and Metapod. Ash let Kaido sweep his team using Bounce and Tackle.

A cocky bug catcher was talking a lot of smack, calling himself the greatest Bug Catcher in the world, and started insulting Ash and Brock calling them mere worms that his Pokemon will devour. He used Metapod, Kakuna, and Venomoth. “Who’s that Pokemon?”

Dexter: Venomoth, the Poison Moth Pokemon, and the evolved form of Venonat. The dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poisons it has. When it attacks it flaps its large wings violently to scatter its poisonous powder all around. Venomoth is nocturnal, and will prey on smaller insects. Caught Venomoth will sometimes gather around lamp posts attracted by the light in the darkness.

“So that’s a Venomoth huh?” He hadn’t run into either during his trip through Viridian Forest.

Bezai had swept his first two Pokemon, but ran into trouble with Venomoth, being poisoned and put on a timer. Ash had them return to rest and finished off Venomoth with Papillon. The catcher lost, and was a sore loser about it, calling Ash a cheater as he ran off.

Brock helped treat Bezai of their poisoning, granting a swift and full recovery.

Ash’s next opponents were tougher, but at least more respectful enough for Ash to remember their names.

A girl named Janice was rocking a Pidgeotto, a Pidgey, an Ekans, and a Nidoran Female. Bezai took out the Pidgey and Ekans, Bloom the Female Nidoran, and Gale had a Pidgeotto V Pidgeotto duel, coming out the victor.

Another girl named Sally was rocking Rattata, Both genders of Nidoran and a Jigglypuff. Kaido smacked down the Rattata, Bloom battled both Nidoran and won, and Bezai took on the Jigglypuff, able to put it to sleep before she could Sing.

This other girl Robin was seeking out an all female team, she had a female Rattata, Pidgey, Nidoran, Ekans, Jigglypuff, and Spearow. Her team proved quite troublesome for Ash, as while they were of decent level, each of them knew Attract! It was one of the hardest battles Ash ever fought. As it turned out Robin was a coordinator, and you can guess which move she specialized in.

Poor Tornado he was so sure of victory only to be bewitched by Attract and was immobilized by love and defeated. Her Jigglypuff was a true problem having mastered both Sing and Attract.

Robin thought she had Ash beat but the boy was a coordinator to, and he showed her his own mastered moves. It was quite the battle, but in the end it was Ash who won. “Man, you’re good, thanks for the awesome battle, here you can have this.” She handed over a TM for Attract! “It can be hard for certain Pokemon to learn certain moves but TM’s can make it easier to learn, but the fun is in learning how to master them!” She said with a wink.

She wasn’t the only coordinator around either. There was a Fire Breather named Burt, he had actually come the opposite way. “I’m on my way to the Pewter City Contest!” Ash had to break the news to him. “No!” He wailed, breathing fire as he did so.

“If you turn around now, you’ll be able to make the contest in Cerulean City.” Brock informed him.

Burt thanked him and had a match with Ash, he used Koffing and Magmar, both were really strong and Burt’s style of choice was Tough. Ash took him on with Bezai and Kaido.

Bezai was able to beat Koffing with their usual tactics but Magmar was something else. To make matters worse Bezai was afflicted with a burn after a Tough Style Flamethrower. Ash recalled them so they wouldn’t faint, but was a bit worried about Kaido, his attacks were physical and Magmar had the ability Flame Body.

“We can do this Kaido I choose you.” Burt was a little insulted Ash using a Magikarp of all things but got quite the surprise as when he called for a Tough Flamethrower, Ash countered with a Cool Bounce.

Kaido dodged the attack, flipping into the air, coming back down and hitting Magmar hard, they managed to avoid a Burn, as Kaido bounced off of Magmar and returned to the air. “Let’s see if you can dodge in the air!”

Magmar fired a Flamethrower, but Kaido got a wicked glint in his eye, as he gracefully spun in the air causing him to dodge out of the way. Cool Style Bounce, gave Kaido a double chance to dodge attacks. “Now Tough Style Bounce!”

Wham! Kaido went flying into the air, jumping so high he couldn’t even be seen. A twinkle in the sky was the only indicator as Kaido came crashing down with the force of a meteor and slammed Magmar so hard he cracked the ground.

Flame Body activated and left Kaido with a burn. ‘Is it over?’

Sadly no as Magmar got back up. A Tough Fire Spin was used next, and Kaido got caught up in flames, taking damage from the spin and the burn damage. “No Kaido!” The heat and the flames were intense, but the Water Type wasn’t giving up.

He began to ride the vortex of flames to the top. “Karp!” He began to glow.

“No way!” Kaido had been close to evolving after battles with other trainers. His desire to win and determination served as the final catalyst for him to evolve. A mighty Gyarados roared.

Ash scanned him quickly with his Pokedex. Kaido (Gyarados) Power Level 21 Moves: Bounce* (Cool/Tough), Whirlpool, Bite, Twister

“You evolved!” The battle was just getting started.

Kaido unleashed a Whirlpool, conjuring a massive vortex of water that hit Magmar with super effective damage. He got chipped by the pool, taking damage the longer he was in it.

Burt called for a Tough Fire Spin to counter the water vortex. It worked releasing a massive cloud of steam that covered the battlefield. Ash wiped sweat from his brow before calling for. “Twister!” Purple wind swirled around Gyarados’ tail, before it was unleashed and hit Magmar. He was still standing, truly Magmar was his ace pokemon.

The two called for their final attacks, a collision of Toughness! Tough Bounce vs Tough Flamethrower!

Burt thought he was gonna win, but Bounce now had a boost since Gyarados had the Flying type typing. The two collided and…

It was a double knock out...a draw!

Even though Ash technically still had Bezai, he was in no shape to battle and would have fainted if Ash hadn’t returned him. Besides, had this been a Contest Match the match would have been a draw as well. So the two coordinators shook hands. “I’m gonna continue my training and hone my skills even further, I’ll see you in Cerulean City!” Burt left.

Ash honestly would have taken the loss, he felt he won in other ways. Bezai did great, gaining plenty of experience and Kaido had evolved.

They took a break to rest and eat. Ash was racking up the wins and since they were all registered trainers he was making bank on his cash card.

Cash Card 10,500

Brock had been feeling a bit, to be frank horny! Watching Ash battle got him so turned on, but hadn’t had a chance to really tell him since the boy was on a roll.

Just as he was about to ask Ash for some sexy fun times, their picnic was interrupted. A couple Victor and Shiho approached them they were a camper/picnicker couple. They wanted to have a go at Ash and Brock.

The pair agreed, Brock itching to burn off some of this sexual frustration he was feeling. Viktor was using Nidoran Male and Fearow while Shiho was using Nidoran Female and Pidgeotto.

Round One was the Nidorans vs Bezai and Geodude, with round one going to Ash and Brock.

Round Two was the flying pair vs Tornado and Onix. Tornado was looking for redemption after his loss earlier so he showed his counterpart no mercy, as Brock’s Onix swiftly took out Pidgeotto with super effective Rock Type moves.

Victor was more broken up about it then Shiho, burying his face in her breasts and crying his heart out. “There, there, I’ll cheer you up sweetie.”

Ash’s Cash Card: 13,300

Brock couldn’t take it anymore. He needed Ash and now!

Takeshi pulled Ketchum to a secluded spot, before swiftly dropping to his knees. “Ash...I want to suck you off!”

The boy grinned. He’d been holding back, but those battles had gotten him all excited, especially the coordinator battles. He let Brock undo his pants and free his impressive dick.

The breeder had hearts in his eyes as he happily sucked down Ash’s cock, slurping and sucking it, having cock between his lips lighting a fire down in his loins.


“Where is that twerp!?” Jessie huffed. “We can’t lose him!”

James was being dragged along by Jessie. The man was tired. She had them up all night training, trying to master moves, with some success. “Does it really matter? We know where he’s going, he’s going to the Cerulean City for a gym battle and his contest.”

Meowth sighed. “Jessie wants to steal more of the boys secrets.”

“Cram it Meowth, it’s not stealing coordinators share tips is all.”

The feline shrugged. “I don’t care what you share so long as you stay on mission. James got himself a badge, but so far you don’t have anything to show to the boss. Keep it up and you might be replaced.”

Not that…

Jessie had been so happy when Giovanni selected them for this mission. They were to collect the badges and ribbons to enter the league and win, using the high positions both tournaments provided to make connections to benefit Team Rocket.

Giovanni wanted capable agents to work both in the light as well as the dark. It was unclear which teams he’d hold in higher regard, but failure would drop them in ranks and potentially end up as test subjects.

“We are making progress, I caught a Pokemon!” Jessie protested.

“And?” Meowth pointed at her. “You’ll need a full team sooner or later, the boss was even nice enough to adjust your limiters, instead of sending your extras back to the base.”

“Grrr, then do your job and find us some Pokemon!”

James sighed, these two often bickered and fought. Meowth was loyal to the Boss, and took missions very seriously to earn his favor. Their alter egos worked in the light, while Jessie and James worked in the dark, they couldn’t have their identities exposed and failure to get into the championships will result in punishment.

“Well anyway, at least when you find the twerp you can use your new mastered moves to take his Pokemon.” Jessie smacked him.

“You idiot a coordinator’s style moves are like a finger print, I won’t be able to use them against him or if I use them in a contest he’ll know it’s me…”

“But you said…” Meowth interrupted.

“But! The training will improve our Pokemon making them stronger for Team Rocket.”

The trio made their way through Route 3 and Meowth chatted with some Pokemon to find some rarer ones. A Nidoran Male and a Nidoran Female. The two were getting all lovey dovey, and were complete caught off guard as monster balls came swinging.

Thanks to Kojiro’s win at the gym they had enough funds to split to get some monster balls.

Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle Ping!

Jessie got the female and James got the male, not that it mattered as Jessie would use his pokemon in a pinch. If James wanted to use hers it was gonna cost him.

They reached Mt. Moon and decided to hatch a plan as Team Rocket Agents.


Brock had earned his milk, sucking Ash off to completion, and as cum poured down his throat, he came into his boxers. His thick seed flooding and soaking the garment, making it cling to his crotch.

Ash wasn’t done with him, going for round two in fucking his mouth. His balls smacked Brock’s chin with every hit, all the older male could do was breath through his nose, taking in Ash’s heavy musk. The dominance flipped a switch inside Brock, his body trembling as he came again, his cum spilling through his wet underwear and the rest running down his legs.

Ketchum finished down his throat, praising Brock for his fantastic blow job and tight throat.

Takeshi trembled at the praise. He had to change his pants, but instead of putting on a fresh pair of underwear he decided to freeball it for a bit. His cock and balls bulged out the crotch rather lewdly. If he got hard, he’d be pitching a serious tent.

Ash would continue battling trainers, helping his Pokemon level up and get stronger, every two trainers Brock was feeling cock hungry, so they snuck off to get it on, with Bezai standing guard. Without the underwear Brock could let his cock out easily and spill his load across the grass.

Their numbers were dwindling as they got closer to Mt. Moon. Ash was determined to find and catch a Pokemon. Brock did his best to help, the excitement for catching a Pokemon rubbing off on him.

Brock had found a Nidoran but it ran. “Hey wait!” Brock fumbled with a ball and the Nidoran slipped into some bushes. He threw the ball and it connected with something…

Ash was trying to find a Pokemon, but wasn’t having much luck, that is until he stumbled upon the nest of an Ekans, it lunged at him. Ketchum managed to dodge it. “Ekansssss!”

“Eggs!” Bezai rolled up, unleashing a powerful Confusion, it was Super Effective, and thanks to their ability Trance, Ekans was put to sleep.

“Well...he’s a feisty one, and my first main poison type!” Ash threw a ball. Jiggle...Ping! “Oh!”

The ball glowed and vanished, getting warped back to Oak’s lab. “Oh…” Ash sat down, feeling a little bummed.

“Eggs!” They nudged him.

“I’m okay, it’s just a little sad you know, but that’s why we gotta get stronger, to expand out team and beat the league so we can have even more friends with us.”

“Cute!” They agreed.

Brock showed up and as it turned out he also caught a Pokemon. “I was chasing a Nidoran...but…” He called out his newest catch.

“Ratta!” It was a Rattata.

“Aww he’s so cute!” Ash gushed.

“You think so?” Brock’s heart fluttered.

“Of course!” He faced Brock. “We both caught a Pokemon we should...celebrate!” Ash smirked at him.

Hearts fluttered as he was pulled away for some, sexy fun times that made Nidoran Male and Female jealous.

Results of Route 3

Bezai: PL 31 Moves: Hypnosis(Beauty/Clever), Reflect(Cute/Clever), Leech Seed* (Cute/Clever), Mega Drain, Confusion

Bloom PL: 26

Kaido (Gyarados) PL: 25 Moves: Whirlpool, Bounce*(Cool/Tough), Ice Fang, Tornado

Gale PL: 24 Moves: Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Gust*(Tough/Clever), Roost

Tornado: PL: 23

Papillon: PL: 22 Gust, Stun Spore, Psybeam, Bug Bite – Stored String Shot(Beauty/Clever), Harden(Clever/Tough)

Geodude PL: 18

Onix PL: 22

To be continued...


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