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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Chapter 1 

Rimuru Tempest : WereRabbit | 13 Inches
Unique Skills: Lucky, Great Sage, Lustful, Predator
Resistances: Chop, Thermal Fluctuation, Pain Nullification, Storm Resistance,
Monster (Kickmaster Rabbit/Wererabbit): Air Dance, Air Stage, Air Kick, Steel Legs, Bunny Blast, Rabbit Twister, Shock Absorbtion, Mana Manipulation,
Common: High Stamina, High Endurance, Mighty Libido, High Hearing, High Speed Regeneration, Love Detector, Humanification,  
Offensive: Tornado Breath, Cyclone Burst, Devour
Defensive: Acceleration of Form, Healing Touch, Magic Sense,

Chapter 2 Hungry Rabbit

Veldora’s cave was full of life, but rarely did adventurers come to it, despite the vast amount of high quality herbs and precious magic ore. Magical Beasts made their home in his cave, hoping to absorb his leaking magicules, to grow stronger or even evolve.

Magicules filled all things, even regular humans and animals, but only some humans became mages, adventurers, clerics etc. So just as an animal could get an over charge of magicules and become a magic beast, a magic beast could become a monster, and from there monsters simply traveled their evolution trees.

Even a plant absorbing too much magicules could become a man eating plant, and despite it’s name it was recognized as a magical beast, just a plant type. Humans often even referred to Magic Beasts as Monsters, because they saw Monsters themselves as inferior beasts, not acknowledging their soul.

The beasts mostly just lied in wait, too scared to go near Veldora, now that he was gone it was gonna become a battle to determine who became master of the cave.

This cave had absorbed so much of Veldora’s magicules it had become a dungeon in it’s own right. Slayed monsters would turn to magicules, said magicules would draw in other magicules and eventually the creature would respawn.

In this world it was eat or be eaten…


Rimuru ventured through the cave, eating the herbs he’d found as a veggie snack, they wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t have that bitter medicine taste. He found a lake and got a drink.

Great Sage: Would you like to use Predator on the Water?

“I can do that? Sure let’s do it!” He drank the lake mostly dry, the water was full of magicules to, Great Sage assured him that give it a day the lake would be full of clean water in no time.

Notice: Water Manipulation Skill Acquired. Water Magic, Lightning Magic, and Wind Magic abilities are available, combined you are now able to use Storm Magic.

Thanks to Mana Manipulation gaining Water Manipulation cause a domino effect that led to this result. Veldora’s blessing had already gifted him the Storm affinity.

The gamer inside Rimuru couldn’t help but get excited. He had skills he hadn’t tested out yet. “Let’s go and give it a try yay!” Since he could gain skills from eating things with Predator, he wondered what kind of skills he could get. ‘Who knows what might come in handy.’

Plus if he fought monsters he could learn and understand his skills as a monster.

Veldora’s Cave housed three types of Magic Beasts, Insectoid, Reptilian, and Fauna.

One of these creatures became Rimuru’s first encounter. Armorsaurus a Shell Lizard, a creature that eats rocks and metal to strengthen it’s shell, slowly evolving based on the materials it eats. “Raaaaarrrr!” Though it eats rocks it’ll often attack adventurers and other creatures, going off instincts.

It attacked Rimuru, swiping at him with his claws. ‘Let’s try some skills.’ He used Air Dance to dodge out of the way, before taking to the air. With Air Stage, he managed to make a platform in the air and be out of the beast’s grasp. ‘Alright then…’ He activated his Steel Legs. ‘Bunny...Battleaxe!’

Adding a jump, he increased the speed and power as he dropped and hit the lizard in the head with a steel kick. Poor thing didn’t know what hit him until it was too late. “Devour!” Using his technique he devoured the beast whole.

Acquired: Rock Eater Skill, Body Armor, Iron Fluff

Rimuru activated Iron Fluff and it allowed his arms to change into large paws. “So cool!” He punched the air a bit.

His stomach growled, and he spotted some of the magic ore. “Hmm…” He picked it up and used his Rock Eater skill, it allowed his teeth to cut through stone like it was food. “Mmmm~!” His eyes sparkled. “It’s sweet like candy!”

Chomp and Munch, Chew and Crunch!

He gobbled up the magical ore and stored it away. It was a nice treat compared to the herbs.

The next encounter was a dark serpent, it’s Poison Breath forced Rimuru to keep his distance. ‘Let’s try some magic…’

He decided on Lightning, with Great Sage’s help, magic was actually very simple, one just needed the right visualization. Lightning began to spark and gather between Rimuru’s bunny ears. “Super Shocker!”

The attack burst from the space, surging through the air and striking the snake. He didn’t know his own strength, as he fried the snake to dust...there wasn’t anything left to use predator on. “Oops…I guess I don’t know my own strength yet.” Rimuru had some more magic ore to sweeten his sour mood.

His next encounter was an Evil Centipede, it had Paralysis Breath. “Bunny...Blast!” Using mana manipulation he charged up an attack in his mouth, firing a green orb of energy. It blew away the mist and ripped the centipede apart. “Devour!”

Acquired: Paralysis Breath, Paralysis Resistance, Stun Paw

Little did Rimuru know, there was something powerful lurking in this floor, something that has been waiting and absorbing plenty of of magicules. It was a Long Arm Bear, which had evolved into a Claw Bear. “Grrrr….”

His fur tensed up. ‘What is this?’

The Long Arm Bear was actually responsible for the low number of creatures in this area. It would slaughter everything it found, eat, then go into hibernation to wait for them to respawn only for them to do it again. For it was this creature that had murdered all the Kickmaster Rabbits, but they didn’t respawn, the world gathered their magicules and gave Satoru’s soul to it and created his form in this world.

Claw Bear was even more powerful, it towered over Rimuru at least three sizes. It had an Armorsaurus half eaten in it’s massive claws. The beast glared at Rimuru. ‘Looks like I found a boss monster.’

As if acting without thought, the Claw Bear chucked the half eaten Armorsaurus at Rimuru. The wererabbit jumped out of the way, and in that moment the beast was on him, moving at incredible speed. ‘Was that Air Dance?’

A massive claw came swinging. Rimuru was caught in the air and would have been slashed apart...except… ‘Acceleration of Form!’ It caused his body to be able to move in the air, gracefully dodging the claw. A gymnast would be impressed as his form curved and arched clearing the arm like one would a beam.

Rimuru corrected himself and back flipped away, getting some distance. “Let’s try to slow this guy down, Paralysis Breath!” He inhaled and exhaled, unleashing a mist of paralysis toxins.

This didn’t slow the Claw Bear down as he readied his Gale Claw! “Ehhh?!” With a swipe of his claws he unleashed a long range attack of slashing winds. “Air Kick!”

He kicked out with a wind slashing kick, but Gale Claw was stronger. It overpowered Rimuru’s attack and hit the wererabbit hard. Cuts and slashes appearing on his body, surprisingly not deep.

Rimuru was shocked he felt no pain at first but remembered his Pain Nullification Skill. It was also his Chop Resistance that gave him a buff against slashing attacks, without it Rimuru would have been missing arms or legs, maybe even have been cut in half. “Congratulations you are the first one to damage me.” He said, with a bit of an edge-lord tone, as his wounds smoked and began to heal. “Allow me to repay you in kind!” His hands shifted into massive bunny fists.

Thanks to the Claw Bear he knew how to use Air Dance offensively. In a flash he was in front of the bear. “Bunny Pummel!” He began to punch the heck out of the bear, using air dance to boost his speed. Bunny Pummel indeed as he hit hard repeatedly.

He pushed the Claw Bear back and into a wall, beating him into it, making the wall crumble and crack. Despite the heavy blows the bear was still able to fight. ‘He’s tough!’ Rimuru couldn’t help but smirk enjoying the challenge this beast provided.

Claw Bear tried to charge his attack, it wasn’t a Bunny Blast it was a Bear Blast, it was red, but one thing it was lacking was Mana Manipulation, it took long to charge than Rimuru. “Bunny Blast!” A green blast of energy came from the wererabbit’s mouth and blasted a hole in the bear.

The fight was over. He unknowingly got revenge for all the Kickmaster Rabbits that came before him.

Now funny thing about eat or be eaten in this world, when magical beasts feast on each other, they gain a chance of gaining their prey’s skills, a chance that doubles with multiple eatings. Predator, however, grants a buff to the chance of gaining skills. “Devour!”

Notice: Poison Resistance Acquired, Paralysis Nullification Acquired, Bludgeon Resistance Acquired!

The Claw Bear’s food supply had been the Dark Serpents, Amorsaurus, Evil Centipedes, and Kickmaster Rabbits. Without the Bludgeon Resistance he’d have been pasted by Rimuru’s Bunny Pummel. Such a mighty beast Rimuru had and he’d reap the rewards from it.

Weaponize Skill Acquired, Gale Claw Acquired, Tornado Fist Unlocked, Sense Heat Source Acquired, Threatening Roar, Deadly Throw, Rock Smash, and Long Reach. Air Kick has evolved into Tempest Kick, Air Dance has evolved into Sky Waltz.

Wererabbit Skill Spring Hopper unlocked.

Rimuru brought his paws together and clapped. “Thank you for the skills and the great fight!”

To get to the next area he had to ascend, with his strong legs this was no problem, yes he could have just moved up with Air Stage, but this was more fun. He jumped from wall to wall, moving up to the next area.

This place was more insect heavy, with creatures that could fly and scale on walls. Cave Spiders attacked Rimuru trying to capture him in their webs. “Rabbit Twister!” He spun around working up a mighty wind and charged, spinning like a top.

The webs were ripped apart and the spiders cut down. “Devour!”

Notice: Wall Climb Skill Acquired, Sticky Thread and Steel Thread Acquired. Danger Sense Acquired.

His next encounter was a whole hive and Deadly Needles, they were essentially giant wasp monsters, very dangerous especially in numbers and can fly. But...

Tornado Breath!”He blasted the Hunters, the Soldiers, and the Queen all in one go. The whole hive was blasted away, wind skills and magic were super effective on them.

As their parts rained down Rimuru used Devour to gobble everything up.

Notice: Hair Needle Skill Unlocked, Deadly Poison Skill Acquired. Poison Nullification.

“Deadly poison?” That sounded bad.

Answer: Deadly Poison is an Offensive Skill that boosts the effect of Status Effecting Skills, those with Resistances will have none and those with Nullification will have only Resistance. Outside of Unique Skills and Ultimate Skills that can grant immunity.

Great Sage informed Rimuru he could unlock an evolution tree with the skills he had, so he did. Venom Rabbit, it would be set as a battle form. He put all the poison, toxic, and acidic skills in that form. Keeping it as his battle form allowed him to save the skills and shelve them in case he needed them. He kept the Deadly Poison, as it’d make his paralysis skills still be viable.

His next opponent was a Giant Bat, it was rather loud, hitting Rimuru with a sound attack. “Sticky Thread!” He caught the Bat and swiftly devoured him.

Notice: Ultrasonic Waves Skill Unlocked, Drain Skill has been absorbed by Predator. Sound Resistance, Hush,

New Evolution Tree Unlocked: Bunnicula; Wing Materialization, Blood Manipulation, Vampire’s Feast, Draining Touch, Blood Shot, Charm Wink, Magic Drain, Crimson Whip, Crimson Lightning, Vampire’s Breath, Blades of Blood.

Unlocking evolution trees was a rare and lesser known way of gaining more skills. It’s considered a Slide Evolution or some call it Battle Mode, said abilities are locked outside of the form.

Rimuru decided to test this form. “Slide Evolution: Bunnicula!” His white bunny fur and hair turned black, his skin became a touch paler, his yellow eyes turned a crimson red. He manifested bat wings.

“Hahahaha!” The Bunnicula Wererabbit flew around the room, this area was so open he had plenty of room to fly.

He was enjoying flying too much missing a creature clinging to a wall. In his Bunnicula Form he didn’t have Danger Sense.


Rimuru was so Lucky, just as he was about to be hit by an attack, he did a barrel roll. His unique skills carried over.

His wing suddenly got petrified. “Gah!” He fell from the sky.

It was a Basilisk, the pale white lizard with huge yellow eyes was clinging to the wall. Rimuru transformed back into his base form, this helped his petrification as his wing was a magical construct of his form, it dispersed with the stone.

He landed, shock absorption negating the fall damage. The Basilisk didn’t know that, thinking Rimuru had broken a leg, it moved down the wall to go for the kill.“Tempest Kick!” With a swift kick, he launched a concentrated blade of wind that sliced through the Basilisk. “Devour!”

Notice: Petrification Resistance Acquired, Blind Resistance, Petra Stare Acquired, Dark-vision Acquired, Far Sight Acquired, Wererabbit Skill Bunny Glare Unlocked, Perfume Femur Unlocked, Unique Skill Evil Eye has been made.

Evil Eyes: Petra Stare, Bunny Glare, Drowning Eye, Charm Eyes, Toxic Look, Harm Sight

“Man flying was pretty cool, can I do it only in that form?”

Answer: You have wind Magic so you can cast Flight and be able to fly through the air on wind magic.

He’d keep that in mind.

The last area was very beast heavy, Giant Rats, Twin Tailed Wolf, and Rockmount.

Giant Rats were not super strong, just a pain in great numbers. Rimuru used Cyclone Burst, doing it in a way that made his inner child happy, performing it like the KameHameHa! Boom!

Wind burst and blasted the rats. “Devour!”

Notice: Hyper Breeder Skill Acquired, Rollout,

The Twin Tailed Wolves were something that could evolve into the monster Dire Wolves. They were dangerous because they used lightning, but for Rimuru he was resistant. They were tough but Rimuru had Petra Glare, turning it to stone, and with Rock Eater he was able to devour him with ease.

Notice: Electric Field, Lightning Claw Evolution Tree Unlocked Lightning Rabbit; Lightning Movement, Electro, Thunder Ball, Thunder Clap, Lightning Body, Lightning Breath, Lightning Hammer, Cloud Surfer, Lightning Absorbtion, Electro Field, Thunder Paw, Magnet Rise, Chain Lightning, Radio Receiver,

His final opponent’s were the Rockmount a large ape-like beast, that could camouflage themselves on the rock faces of the cave. Rimuru struggled with them as their species ability made them mostly resistant to physical attack, plus they had a species skill Indomitable Stone, they turned into a rock and spells just washed over them.

‘Man what’s with these guys, how do you kill them?’

Answer: Use Weaponize, to make your arms weapons.

He did, his arms shifted into his rabbit paws. “Weaponize!” His paws turned into battleaxes! Rimuru’s eyes sparkled. “Ohhhh this is so cool!” He smirked. “Bunny Blades!” He slashed and hacked cutting down the Rockmounts.

Weaponize!” He used it on his ears and feet. “Rabbit Rando!” Using six blades he danced through the monsters and cut them down.

The last remaining tried to hide by turning to stone. “Rock Smash!” Pow! That did it. His arm spun like a drill and hit the stone and pulverized it. “Devour!”

Notice: Camouflage Skill Acquired, Dig Skill Acquired, Dig Skill has been absorbed by the WereRabbit skill Bunny Burrow! Cannonball Skill Unlocked. Indomitable Spirit.

Stone Hare Tree Unlocked: Rock Fist, Stone Twister, Sandstorm, Tunneler, Drill Ears, Indomitable Stone, Mud Shot, Earth Magic, Bunny Stomp/Quake, Disassemble, Rock Polish, Pulverizing Pinball,

Rimuru had a fantastic feast from Veldora’s cave, and he was now ready to leave. He found a giant door but didn’t know how to open it. ‘It seems man made, did humans put this here to seal the cave?’ Spot on!

To his surprise the door began to move. ‘Crap!’ He went over and touched the wall. ‘Camouflage!’ His body gained the texture of the wall he was touched and he vanished against it.

Three humans entered. ‘They must be adventurers. Thanks for opening the door!’ He slipped away, using his great speed to leave the three behind. They had no idea.

Rimuru was now in the Great Forest of Jura. “Mmm!” He bathed in the sunshine, taking in the warmth and fresh air.

“Now what to do next!”

To be continued


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