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This version is a big update for the vision system. it's still work in progress though and there are things to fix or make better. There are a few big bugs that I'm aware but I didn't get to fix them yet. There's a bug that's been present for a few version, changing the character does not refresh the bottom bar avatar and it requires pressing on the "no person" button for the new character avatar to appear. 


This version has a few more updates to the vision system. This part is the most complicated part in Alive for me, and it has been so since the beginning. The current system is the 5th different gaze module that I built. They were all terrible, and this one isn't great either but I've been trying to make it better. The models will have more range of motion in this version, be able to rotate much more around. There a few things I don't like or I couldn't fix or make better here but this is the best I could do for now.


The biggest update in this version is body bending. This allows for the models to bend their head and torso, depending on what they're looking at:

There is also a setting in Settings > Models to control how much the character can bend.


I fixed a few problems that messed up some of my math for a long time. A side-effect of that is that the timing slightly changed on many of things. For expressions, I'll have to review it more and try to adjust things or just make expressions better in general. In this version some of the facial micromovement will be slightly quicker than in v70.


I'll try to update this post with more info on this subject later, or try to build a wiki like some suggested, because it's messy stuff. But, very quickly, the commands from the previous videos should work in v71, and you can also make your own. If you type this "echo musica vae" the character should say "musica vae" and the music app should play (the Default playlist). Those example commands I made are in Saves\PluginData\Aeternum\Ae\Html\brain\onArtificialMessage\alive.rive.js. You can put your own rules, following the same format, in Saves\Alive AI\Brain\customArtificial.rive.js. This file stays locally for you the same. The first file gets changed when you load different versions of Alive so I don't recommend putting command directly in the first because you might lose them. For AI to be able to use commands you have to explain the commands to the AI, either in the character description, or in your description, or in the custom description in the settings AI tab, formatted in a style like in my first image in my post here . Commands won't work with all keyboard characters, many characters are reserved, either for AI stuff like *, or by the rivescript rules system. Using just letters like I did is probably the best bet. I haven't explored much and I have no clue what the best approach would be to format the commands. Using a suffix is not necessary in theory. In practice, it might be necessary as to give the AI a pattern to work with. I haven't tried it, but I imagine that if the commands are very generic, words like "open door = opens the doors to the bedroom", many AI models will struggle to use them as commands. But I'm not sure yet. Any of you guys that you play with it, you're the first to do it really


Alive v70 has been updated as a public release, available for everyone. 


CREDITS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61736572




ALIVE should work without these vars too but they're recommended for the best experience and more morphs & animations. They're all free VAM addons.


PREVIEW: Alive v71

Preview of Alive v71 for Virt-A-Mate, more info on https://www.patreon.com/SPQR_aeternum CREDITS: MacGruber - PostMagic effects VL_13 - lashes ddaamm - hair Roac - hair maru01 - dress Oeshii - neckband, gloves, iris reflection AshAuryn - morphs ascorad - morphs Jackaroo - morphs kemenate - morphs SONG: Angela He - love u 2 https://soundcloud.com/zephyo/love-u-2 love u 2 By angela he is licensed under a Creative Commons License.



Amazing work!


69 and 70 were amazing for realism. This vision update looks superb!!!!! Thank you.

Mr Me

Having the AI trigger actions by itself adds a lot to the immersion. Thank you! Is it possible to control the atom plugins via Rivescript, for example to trigger a timeline animation?


hello , the body bending dosent seem to work for me only eyes follow


I didn't test it but this should work https://jsfiddle.net/5Lgbk79e/1/ and be the quickest way to do it basically you create a button in the scene named "ButtonAbracadabra". With that command, if the AI ever says "abracadabra" it should trigger that button, and you can link that to anything in vam. The button can be hidden in the scene iirc, like turned off, after making it to keep things tidy if it gets in the way. You can test it by typing "echo abracadabra" to force the AI to say it, or just through chat, ask it to say the word. After changing those commands files, Alive needs to be reloaded for them to take effect


is it a futa or a male character by any chance? by default for them Alive is set to expressions only, only for female models it's by default on. You can disable "Settings > Models > Males expressions only" and futa & males will have full body movement too

Mr Me

Nice. That only works for a specific scene with a number of buttons setup and the character saved with it, i suppose. i was hoping for a general way to trigger atom-plugins, because i use presets for more than one scene.


my DynamicTriggers plugin (in aeternum tools pack or in the spqr collection pack) should allow to work around vam's logic of destroying triggers operating on atoms that change. Basically to create triggers that will work on atoms that are not even in the scene yet. The idea is that you set those triggers inside the plugin and do them on an atom that's constant in the scene, some DummyCube, and set the wildcard as "DummyCube". The plugin is always put on a UIText atom. When you trigger the plugin, it will apply its trigger but it will replace "DummyCube" with whatever text is in the UIText (it replaces it in the entire vam trigger internal json format,makes it as if wherever you used DummyCube in that trigger, it's now the new atom id). Like a variable. So you can trigger it on a new atom: 1. set TextAtom text= "MyCustomSubsceneAtom" 2. trigger TextAtom > DynamicTriggers > trigger and it will do those operations you set in the plugin but on the new MyCustomSubsceneAtom atom (if it exists) That way you can have the buttons + DummyCube in a subscene for example. And just load the subscene across different scenes (that have atoms named the same, Scene1/Cube1 Scene2/Cube1, and the ButtonsSubscene you can set "Cube1" in the UiText, and DynamicTrigger will work with both Scene1 or Scene2) I know it's a bit convoluted, not a pretty process. I'll think about the issue more but I don't think there's a different way to do it now. Plugins can have no triggers, or 1 trigger, or multiple triggers. And you probably mean to change checkboxes, sliders too in other plugins, not just triggers (buttons), sort of like setting your trigger directly in Alive. It's doable to implement something like that but I'm very wary of doing a trigger system in Alive that mirrors vam's, which would be I think the only alternative. I'm traumatized with vam triggers

Mr Me

i can understand why you are traumatized with vam triggers. this is why a plugin like yours, which automates so much, is the most essential as of today. i will try the DynamicTriggers alternative.

thomas d

Hello, another great update to try, I am at 68 now LOL. Hey two things I would to see when you have time, if you had not already incorporated in to alive already. I really like the Body actions and auto modeling. However, the auto modeling needs some work, maybe some how not allow the atoms not to get to close? IDK, just so the poses are more realistic and not weird. The other is the body actions, which are nice, I would love to see a breast selection moving right to left like the hips, and a way to save multiple setups. Changing the character, pose, skin, etc all reset all the settings. It would even better if I can have 5 saved configurations, that I can choose or have run automatically, switching my saved settings, at various intervals. Just suggestion, all do it great of course. Thank You.

thomas d

I am sure your aware of this maybe not all your oculus users Turn Off Asynchronous Spacewarp For Oculus using the Oculus Debug tool. Macgruber first brought this up. I found this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRu-EWklfq4 doubled my FPS.


Thanks! I had it enabled, I disabled it now. Didn't check yet in VR. I had occasional screen tearing, I hope it make things better. I've read about this settings in the past, but i don't remember why I didn't test it. Or maybe Meta reset it with all their updates. The performance patch by turtlebackgoofy released earlier this year should also help considerably with the FPS


68 is buggy, I was a bit distracted at the time and messed up some stuff, 69-71 should be much better auto modeling - i know but i didn't have much time to work on it, lots of things need work, I only get to pick on what to work and I mostly go for what most people seem interested in, these days realism is AI. But I'll try to take a look at this system too body action - i'll try to add more actions, i have some ideas to redesign that section a bit. Idk about configurations, i'll think about it, i'm not a big fan of adding presets in alive, it's something i've been trying to avoid

thomas d

Thanks Ill check that out. Th ASW goes back to enabled if the headset resets. I think you have to have vam running first then set it.

thomas d

I tried turtles an it works real good. I am using both fixes at the same time. Thanks for the tip!


That's crazy lol. Meta... And there isn't even some registry thing to do from what I can tell, it just resets. Too much trouble for me to set it everytime, too lazy... I'll take the frame loss and headaches

thomas d

SPQR, I was thinking if it is too much work to have the user save configurations for the body actions, Maybe have a set of 5-10 pre made ones. that would give some quick good idles and maybe add a random feature to select if we want, so every 10-30 seconds it would switch up the idle. I think small movements would be best. Example, I made: Assuming setting are 1-10 Thrust 2 1 hip slide 1 3 Head bop 1 4 Vibe 1 2 vibe head 2 2 vibe chest 2 3 Breasts 2 2 Booty 1 1 I am sure you could probably do better then I. Just some interesting Idle movement. No crazy fast or weird movement, just pretty idles. Maybe there is a way to incorporate AI, certain touches or words maybe trigger a different idle or random time interval. Just so much great stuff!

Aum Tulgear

I apologize if this seems a bit... Newbish, but how do i find a decent ai model for alive? i know hugging face has them all, but im worried about RAM since my laptop only has like 7 gb of ram.


Hello, it's going to be a bit tricky running local AI LLMs since VAM alone takes considerable ram too. But what I would try would be smaller models, like the ones I recommended here at the end https://www.patreon.com/posts/83540105 . There's also MiniChat that falls in that category https://huggingface.co/afrideva/MiniChat-1.5-3B-GGUF/tree/main . You likely want their file size to be as small as possible, under 2gb. When downloading models with the tag GGUF you have to pick one of their variants. the ones marked with q4 are the best balanced ones performance-quality wise. You can try to go with those marked with q3 for more performance over quality. For the example above, you'd put in the download field these :"afrideva/MiniChat-1.5-3B-GGUF" and "minichat-1.5-3b.q4_k_m.gguf" . But you might also want to try the 1.5gb file above it marked with q3. The quality of the models will considerably decrease at q3 though. And in general, small models will sometimes get derailed or stuck in some loop, 'forget' who they are, and so on, so it becomes a bit of gameplay keeping them on track. Some of the small models like my examples are very good, orders of magnitude better than chatbots we used to have until a couple of years ago, but they get 'confused' very quickly and it's up to you through character description and dialogue to keep them on track


I got worried when I couldn't find you on the hub!


Under Alive Extras it references v2 of SPQR.AliveExtrasOptional2.var. All I can find is v1. Have I overlooked something?


Hello, AliveExtrasOptional2 is a typo on my part, I only released v1 and it should work with that. Thanks for letting me know, I'll try to fix that in the next update, it's been like that for a while Regarding the hub site, there's a lot to say about it but I won't say much because I honestly don't care about it anymore and it's not worth the drama