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Quite a few people were sad about the old Alive triggers and many voted for the new system in the poll too so I ended up adding to Alive v51 also the basics for the new trigger system.

Alive is not really meant as a creator/DIY plugin and the main focus for me is to reach gameplay and 0 work required for fun. To not rely at all on the vam UI if possible. The truth is that what most people today are playing as vam is the creator tool that was meant for modders to make things that are playable. Myself I want to see and do things that are playable, not extend vam with even more DIY and 'use your imagination, it's a sandbox' kind of stuff.  But I get it why some of you like that side of VAM where you connect things together and build your own thing, so I try to keep you covered too.

The new system will allow changing all the person specific things that were previously possible with the old system. But on top of that thanks to the new system it will be possible now to trigger everything the UI is capable of doing also. If there's something that can be done from the UI, it can be done from triggers too. A very cool thing about it is that this system is forward-compatible: future features in the UI will automatically work as triggers too. 

This system already opens a window to do things that were not possible in vam before with triggers, things like deleting, cloning or spawning objects, changing settings, changing hair color as a whole, or the music playlist, or AI stuff, triggering text to speech as narration, etc. And on top of that it's possible to interact with the UI itself too. In the video I changed the open app. But it's possible to use this system to do much more, eventually even allowing people to add or do their own things in the UI. Things like custom buttons and panels, notifications or character messages, etc. 


WIP: Alive triggers

WIP on new trigger system to connect VAM triggers to Alive functionality. SONG: Mud [FREE DOWNLOAD] By Professor Breakfast is licensed under a Creative Commons License. https://soundcloud.com/professorbreakfast/mud-free-download CREDITS: VAM Clothes: VAMDoll, Re-Visions_VAM, Jachu, CosmicFTW, Oeshii



Request - Add a confirmation box when you click the "Person Remove" button in the botom right of AE. It has happend MULTIPLE times now to me where I accidentaly pressed that button resulting into the atom getting straight up deleted, along with its settings. Alternative for me would be the ability to remove that specific button in the botom right, wheter that be with a toggle in the options or whatever.