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In VAM (ideally the latest VAM version) go to the Session plugins screen: 

And load the main Alive cslist file from the Alive version you're using:


Everything should work by itself and by default all VAM characters should have automatic behavior (change expressions) when Alive loads. You can toggle ON/OFF automatic behavior on each character by pressing the play/pause button for that character

For advanced users that want to set specific rules to when Automatic behavior loads and not for specific scenes, there are a couple of extra scripts in the var in the Plugins folder: "AliveAlwaysOff (person plugin).cslist" and "AliveAlwaysOn (person plugin).cslist". You can add these to person atoms in specific scenes to have control over the Alive auto behaviours taking over. So you can have Alive auto behaviours turned off by default and then just add AliveAlwaysOn to specific characters and have it work like the old Alive person plugin.


After adding this plugin, the UI should appear as a sidebar. You can toggle it on/off with F2 on desktop. For more advanced users you can also switch the desktop UI from Alive > Settings > UI to Floating Sidebar. That works better for bigger monitors and it allows setting any width/height to the desktop UI, as well as change the position from the Desktop UI tab of the vam plugin interface.  I kept those sliders outside the Alive UI to make aligning it easier in case you accidently move it outside of view and can't move it back in view:

The default sidebar mode is the recommended way of using it on desktop and what I test most. This mode also has a very useful maximize functionality. If you click on the top right maximize icon, the UI will turn full screen, making it easier and giving more space to interact with some of the Alive apps.


in VR the UI should appear next to or above VAM's UI and work like VAM's UI panels. You can customize the size from the Settings app in the VR UI section.

DESKTOP + VRUI (desktop mode in VR vam)

The Alive UI work in either VR or Desktop mode for now. If you run VAM in VR mode but play it on desktop, the UI will not appear both in VR and in desktop, just in VR mode or things might get mixed up. You can use Vam's 'Vam (Desktop Mode).bat' to run VAM in desktop mode.  And 'Vam.exe' or 'Vam (OpenVR).bat' are for running VAM in VR mode.


Alive adds a few extra controls to VAM like copying atoms, deleting them, quickly moving the person to the camera and more. You can find the full list inside the Help app in the Alive UI.


You don't have to worry about presets, saving settings, etc. To make it as simple and intuitive to use as possible, when you change Alive settings, they automatically apply and save as global settings. 


Performance decreases in vam the more lights you have in the scene  (especially if they have shadows enabled) and how high you set Pixel Light Count in vam's settings. Alive has a feature that adds Head Lights - persistent lights that follow the camera -  so that you don't have to manually add lights:

When using this feature you might get performance issues if your scene already has lights. Because lights stack up, you might end up having 5 or 6 lights in your scene and that requires lots of resources. To help with that you can:

A. quickly disable other lights in the scene with the Turn Off button, or
B. enable "Headlights only" and use only Alive's lights when Alive is running

It's also recommended to turn on Desktop Vsync in vam's Performance settings, to prevent vam from trying to render as many frames as possible.


To have Alive always automatically load in the session plugins when you run VAM you can add it as a default plugin:


Check my guide here. Make sure to enable it in the Settings app in the Services tab.


Check my guide here. Make sure to enable it in the Settings app in the Services tab.


You'll need my free TextAudioTool. More info here. Make sure to enable it in the Settings app in the Services tab.


There's one error that gets reported a lot:

If you see that error with "LoadedSceneName" in it and Alive fails to load, it is because of one of two things:

1. You're running an older VAM version.
Solution: Update VaM

2. You used Reshade in the past, renamed vam core files and later updated vam which caused problems with those renamed files.
Solution: Either start vam through it's default exe and shortcuts (not the ones you created for reshade), or redo the reshade tutorial steps again if you want to continue using Reshade


If you have any problems, questions, bugs, just let me know!



Such a clear and concise presentation. Always such a pro!


This is really helpful!

Wade Watts

I dont know what I'm doing wrong. I updated to the latest VAM. Enabled all boxes for internet access on the security tab. Downloaded the Alive50 plugin Dropped it in the AddonPackages folder. Tried adding Aeternum.cslist under the Session Plug tab, but it's not there! I've combed over the instructions many times. I'm completely dumbfounded


What do you mean by "it's not there"? If you mean you can't find aeternum.cslist: - Maybe you have "Only Favorites" checked in vam's file browser. It's a setting that vam remembers when you browse files, maybe you used it to load something else previously and it stayed like that. - Otherwise the script is directly in the var: you select SPQR.SPQRAlive.50 in the left side, and then you should see a bunch of folders (Plugins,Scripts,AEMusic,Html) and Aeternum.cslist. You only need to click on Aeternum.cslist, you can ignore the folders. If you mean the UI doesn't appear: - Maybe you're loading vam in VR mode and trying to load the desktop UI. As per the post, that won't work. In VR vam mode, the UI will be only VR. Desktop UI appears only if you load the desktop vam version (desktop .bat shortcut). If that doesn't help, please provide more info on what exactly doesn't work.

Wade Watts

OMG, you nailed it! It was my settings that kept it from showing up. But also my lack of experience with VAM's UI, so that's my fault. Thank for the response, it truly helped.

thomas d

I finally got a chance to try the chat trigger click by side of headset for talk. It works great! I like that the menu can be turned off and it still works. I also like the head movements for different answers in chat like yes and no, I have not really seen too many others, how many are there? It might be nice to have the a few random ones as well, not specifically triggered by a word. Like maybe turn their head to the side a little slightly sometimes. I think I may have seen the person think about an answer. Maybe sometimes a head tilt and smile during a reply, maybe 20 or more different random head movements and expressions, that don't always happen, just sometimes randomly and some word triggered. Maybe a shrugging shoulders right before replying, I don't know. You may have quite a few I have not seen yet. There is still a lot, I have not even tried yet in the Alive plugin. Just more suggestions! You have made VAM better that is for sure.


I love what you're doing here. Alive was already an auto-include, and this makes it actually-convenient to do actions and poses on-the-fly. I have some suggestions, as your plugin has lit my mind afire with possibilities. User Story: As a user who likes variation in character, I want the ability to alter the moods and tendencies of individual persons, so that the expressions and responsiveness of the person can be tailored to the scene and context. (I miss is the ability to specify personality. It wasn't super-clear what some of them did ("Dancer", "Diva", and all the sliders were especially ambiguous), but I got a lot of mileage out of just Happy/Sad/Angry.) User Story: As a user who customizes mood/tendency, I want to permanently associate or dissociate expression morphs with certain moods or tendencies, so that Alive will use a wider library of expressions to generate its character movements. User Story: As a user who likes variation in character, I want Alive's sound triggers to optionally trigger voice sounds from VamMoan, so that Alive uses the voice & pitch I've chosen rather than the single voice/tone that comes with it. User Story: As a user who ties a character's voice to VamMoan through Alive, I want to have the option for Alive to preferentially use VamMoan's soundboard for character's screams/moans/orgasms but use its own soundboard for interaction noises (slaps, etc.), so that I can take advantage of the superior event handling of Alive with the voice diversity of VamMoan. User Story: As a user who ties a character's voice to VamMoan, I want Alive's pain/tease/excitement bars to escalate VamMoan's Intensity track, so that the character's audio cues scale with the slider interactions. User Story: As a user who likes variation in character, I want Alive to have custom slider scales for the Pain/Tease/Excitement bars (perhaps governed by Tendencies), so that different Persons take less or more interactions to fill the bars.


Suggestion: Let the user configure the URL of oobabooga server. For instance, I run it in another machine. This way, performance is much better.


I'm not sure why ( as I've never used Reshade & have VAM up to date, but after updating to V64 I add the plugin to the Vanilla built in scene with the blond and no error message ( appart from the missing depedencies from other scenes ) + the plugin gets added by I can check the box at the left allowing to " activate " the plugin. It just refuses to do so. Any idea why? Did that earlier on a previous version but re installing VAM fixed it.


Well, after verify & repairing core files to VAM it's working, no idea what caused it in the first place. Cheers


Hi, I'm not sure, I've never seen any plugin do that if I understand it correctly, that the plugin was stuck as disabled in the session plugins lists. But I do get weird stuff in vam from time to time due to cache. I think it gets corrupted at some point or another and it might cause vam to act weird. Clearing the cache every now and then solves and prevents that. If you get that again, let me know and I'll look more into it, try to figure something out maybe to debug it


I'm getting an error in the cmd when generating a prompt: UserWarning: `num_beams` is set to 1. However, `length_penalty` is set to `1.05` -- this flag is only used in beam-based generation modes. You should set `num_beams>1` or unset `length_penalty`.


Is there a parameter I need to change in Oobabooga or Alive? Can't see any "num_beams" or length_penalty"


length penalty is controlled by LLM Length Penalty. I'll remove that in the next update, it's not really needed for this. You can ignore that message for now, it's just a warning message saying that the values of those parameters will not be used


Oh thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately I'm getting an error saying ALIVE: Error received connecting to the AI. Make sure text AI is enabled in the Services app and that it appears as connected. Even though it's running, api and listen is enabled. Works in browser, just not VAM. What could I be doing wrong?


I even tried the TextAudioTool but when running in the VAM folder it just flashes the cmd and immediately closes.


in the oobabooga text gen webui, in their browser UI, if you go to Session > Boolean command-line flags, is api enabled? You don't need the listen thing, I think that's if you want to connect from the internet to your local instance of oobabooga, I wouldn't recommend using that as it might be insecure. Also I'm not sure if that might get in the way, I never tried it, it might not work with Alive. Are you running the latest oobabooga version? Did you install or hit the update_windows.bat anytime in the last few months or are you running an old install? Regarding the TextAudioTool, do you have any spaces in the path to that (like "C:\Some Folder\VAM")? If so, you might want to try running it from a folder without white spaces in it, there's a limitation in some of the libraries using this that might cause problems because of that. You don't need to reinstall vam, just renaming the folder should work. Are you using my version of the TextAudioTool (https://github.com/5PQR/TextAudioTool) or some other edited by other dudes? To see exactly why that script crashes you can open command prompt and type 'C:' or 'D:' (without the ') or whatever drive you have the script on and press enter. Then type 'chdir D:\Downloads\vam\' or whatever folder you have vam in and press enter. Then type '"SPQR.TextAudioTool - (standalone).bat"' (without the ', but with the "). That will run the TextAudioTool but will keep the window open if it gets an error. You can let me know here or in DM what the error is (where it stops). If possible, if you can make a screenshot (you can upload quickly on imgur.com, patreon doesn't support sending images), it might help figure out what the issue is


In case oobabooga Text Gen Webui is running for a while, the issue with the connection might get fixed if you restart oobabooga. I think there's a bug that the API stops responding after a while, especially if it encounters some error. Can you confirm that chat works for you in the browser? That you're getting AI responses I mean in the Chat tab