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Overview of some of the things I've been working on since the last update:
- https://www.patreon.com/posts/preview-alive-ai-79649941
- https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-object-79236430

There's also a few fixes for some big bugs that have been hard for me to fix for a while: clothing presets now load the colors correctly the first time and there's no longer an upward drift for the head controller which was causing models that had Alive to start having weird head angles after a while.

This plugin is work in progress and it's not yet what I'd consider a stable release.


- NEW: added Person quick posing tab with autodetected objects with the Smartobjects plugin & posing states enabled; works on smartobject related posing logic  (WIP, only two basic poses now and two example furniture in the add objects panel)
- FIX: cleanup aevoices.assetbundle if loaded already from a different alive version
- FIX: switch to home app after enabling or disabling a Person atom to prevent overlapping apps bugs
- CHANGE: removed Run in background setting, having the ui freeze was causing too many issues
- FIX: fixed alive operations still going on when person atom is off
- NEW: Added new atom spawning system and a few test atoms: normal person atoms & person atoms with Alive
- CHANGE: removed F9, F10 debug shortcuts
- NEW: added scenes atoms hierarchy
- NEW: Added desktop UI dynamic width & setting under Settings > Display
- CHANGE: changed add new person menu location as a general option
- CHANGE: increased scrollbars width for easier vr scrolling
- NEW: added minimize UI button and logic to blur focus away from AEUI
- CHANGE: simplified bottom character menu selection
- FIX: fixed look-at commands disobeyed on spanks making model focusing back on player
- FIX: fixed look in front command to reset head position
- NEW: added help app articles logic - no content yet
- NEW: added person actions (star icon) Look-at commands
- FIX: fixed clothing changing logic to prevent colors/textures not loading properly the first time clicked
- CHANGE: prevent Aeternum.cslist from running on anything else but as a Session plugin and throw error when it's added to something else
- FIX: fixed UI remaining floating when loading the exact same scene again
- FIX: fixed UI plugin re-enabling itself when changing scene while the plugin is disabled
- FIX: fixed bug with head controller drifting up above the actual head causing weird hanging head position after a while
- NEW: when selecting a Person atom with Alive in VAM automatically select it also in the Aeternum UI
- NEW: added person move to center button
- CHANGE: updated logic when moving atoms to reduce collisions & physics explosions

- Adding atoms from the scene objects panel doesn't always work properly. In some tests the subscenes that contain them fail to load, I need to investigate more that flow
- When a person is selected the UI now is forced to reset to the home screen, doesn't work well with the scene objects panel where you have to click again on scene objects to do actions on a person atom


- Alive.cslist  - classic plugin. this is the plugin that you add to a Person atom
- Aeternum.cslist [optional] - you can add this as a session plugin and the new UI will appear appear and allow for more customization & options
- Plugins/SmartObjects.cslist - [optional] can be added to any atoms and allows enabling some attributes for those objects to add interaction with Alive (for models to look at object, sit on things, etc)

On desktop, F2 toggles the UI on and off. There's also a button for that in the normal vam UI of the plugin.
In VR you'll have to pick a hand the first time running it (from the vam plugin menu, you can click load preset left or preset right) and adjust the position of the wrist watch if you want. On the watch the top button shows/hides the UI, the bottom one snaps the UI back to the hand. You can drag the UI around to unsnap it.

FILES (for all supporters)
Vam Widgets v1 (dependency)



thomas d

Have you tried TryOnMaster 1.5 scene, the creator uses some of SPQR tools. I added Alive and Tickle so far with some impressive results. I also added Bill_Prime Flirt and expression plugin. Quite good!

thomas d

One thing I would like to see is soft body physics for the entire body. Probably not possible with this current version of VAM, or my PC would catch fire or blow up!


Hi, that's the goal and what I'm working towards. It's a difficult task though, it's not something you see even in games made by game studios, while I just started coding for Unity last year and do it as a hobby. It's a bit of an uphill battle But the work I'm doing is towards that. I just think that things like that need some logic to them and gameplay. If the model starts winking or turns around randomly for example, that might seem cool for a few people (for a while), but for many others it will ruin their immersion and whatever role-playing they're doing where the model winking at them or moving too much doesn't make sense. The more stuff like that I'd add, the more it will ruin things for even more people, and it would become virtually an idle animation. Then people will want 100 on/off buttons for each feature to customize it to their specific scenario. For me that's a dead end and it's something that can already be done anyway with existing plugins like Timeline by mixing animations

Omega Novaios

Hello, I love the Alive plugin but recently I have some issues to get the newer versions to work. I updated to and I do not use steam version but patreon version. I get this error when loading alive.cslist to person: !> Compile of SPQR.SPQRAlive.36:/Custom/Scripts/SPQR/Alive/Alive.cslist failed. Errors: !> [CS1061]: Type `MVRPluginManager' does not contain a definition for `ReloadPluginWithUID' and no extension method `ReloadPluginWithUID' of type `MVRPluginManager' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? in at [1, 255] I get this error when loading aeternum.cslist to session: !> Compile of SPQR.SPQRAlive.36:/Custom/Scripts/SPQR/Alive/Aeternum.cslist failed. Errors: !> [CS1061]: Type `SuperController' does not contain a definition for `LoadedSceneName' and no extension method `LoadedSceneName' of type `SuperController' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference? in at [1, 255]


Are you sure you're running the latest VAM version? In the vam menu above Play Mode/Edit Mode does the version appear as Those two errors appear on older VAM (1.20) because those two functions mentioned were added in VAM 1.21. If you go to \VaM_Data\Managed how big is your Assembly-CSharp.dll? 5.53Mb? Maybe the update failed to update some files for some reason. Also is your "VaM_Data" named exactly like that with upper & lower case?


also did you do this by any chance? https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/enable-ray-tracing-in-vam-only-for-nvidia-gpus-and-desktop-mode.14288/ if yes then I think when updating vam recreated vam.exe and vam_data and you'll have to remove the sottr ones and rename the vam ones again. Because if you run sottr.exe it will still run the old vam files that remained in the sottr_data folder


Is there any way to deal with the menu overlays sometimes getting stuck? I've had this problem for several versions where I'll open a dropdown menu in say pose and it'll stay open when I'm in Action or vice-versa. This and the None button not clearing all actions have been the biggest pain points with this plugin. Is it possible you could someday switch to a checkbox format in the plugin menu instead of dropdowns? I know it takes more real estate, but clicking Thrust to turn it on and then having to click it again to turn it off remains counterintuitive and I'm not sure why the dropdowns sometimes go away and sometimes don't.


That's how the plugin dropdowns work in vam, you're likely clicking outside of them expecting for them to automatically close like a cancel, similar to how it works in browsers. It doesn't work like that in vam/unity, you have to click on an option or again on the dropdown to cancel it. "None" was never meant to clear actions/commands. That's the default state of those menus which act as a way to send commands. It's not a normal select where you pick A/B/C, it's a way to send commands to the plugin, like a collection of buttons. That system is meant for triggers, not for user interaction. The new UI is meant for the actual user interaction with those options. You can see the 2nd gif here https://www.patreon.com/posts/preview-alive-ai-79649941, that's how the look-at commands for example work with the new UI


This is the only plugin where I have the dropdown issue. If I select from the pose menu, then go to the action menu, the pose menu often stays open. So are you saying if I select nothing on pose, I should always select none to close it? I don't understand how to call up the new UI. I'm a vr only user. How do I summon that sidebar menu?


I didn't make the dropdown, it's part of vam, it will remain open if you click outside of it and change focus, That's how it works with other plugins too, you're probably just not using dropdowns as often anywhere else. Just click on an option in the dropdown or on the dropdown itself to close it. Those dropdowns are not to select things. They are to send commands. Imagine there were 20 buttons like "Toggle Look at Me", "Toggle Look Away", "Toggle Look at objects". When you'd click one of those buttons it would toggle on/off that action. Those dropdowns are like a collection of those buttons to keep things more organized and to have less triggers. When you click on none, nothing happens. That value is there so that you can trigger next the same action again if you want to and not stay stuck on what you already clicked before. The new UI can be added as per the instructions: 1. add aeternum.cslist as a session plugin 2. in vr the first time when running it go to the plugin settings and hit a preset button (left hand or right hand) and you'll get a watch widget that has the UI


Thank you for this explanation. I've always gone directly to the Alive plugin and never actually enabled Aeternum. I'm going to send you a video of the dropdown issue because I think we're not exactly understanding one another. It doesn't happen all the time, but I was able to replicate it the other day. Will send via DM.

Jonathon Barton

Small bug report - Using the music player right after loading Aeternum, the Next Song and Previous Song buttons don't work (symptom, they both skipped back to the start of the selected track, whichever track I'd selected from the list). Had to reload the Aeternum UI once to get them to work properly. Feature Request: separate breathing *motion* from breathing *sound*. One of my big gripes about EVERY VaM breathing plugin is that the breath sounds are 100x too loud (*after* accounting for inverse-square law). If we're indoors, standing up, and it's daytime, and I can clearly hear you breathing from more than 8" away, I should be calling you a damn doctor. Also, all the breathing sounds via plugin I've tried interfere with/cancel the playing of HeadAudio.


Thanks for letting me know, I'll include a fix for it in the next version. Alive breathing should not interfere with headaudio, it has a different audioSource attached to the person head and the volume for it can be customized separately (AliveBreathingAudio-Person atom). I know what you mean, and I'm sure all other plugin makers were aware of stuff like that. Doing things in vam though is not as simple as people imagine, particularily sound. It's not like people pick this over realistic breathing. Also vam has no sounds playing so there's no reference point. Some scenes & plugins do sounds as 50%, some do it at 100%. The same sound might seem too loud or too low in different scenes or combined with different plugins. I had people complain about breathign both being too loud and too low so it's tricky


Quick question. The link says dependency Vam Widgets v2 (dependency) but on the hub when I go to download its page is V1 and the file is .1?


Bug report, also on breathing! Version: Alive v35 Reproduce: Turn off Breathing motion & sound (because it interferes with MacGruber Driver Breathing, which has synced breathing with VamMoan and Alive doesn't). Save scene. Reload scene. Expected Result: Breathing checkbox remains unchecked. Actual Result: Breathing checkbox checks itself again. Add'l Notes: I think I remember most of the checkboxes in that tab had the same bug, whereas the options in other tabs seem to properly remember their setting between loads. Could be wrong; I keep most of the options in that tab on, typically.


Fixed it, thank you! It was a mistake, I was probably thinking about the vam widgets demo var which I think is at v2 but that's not needed. Vam widgets has only v1