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A new update for Alive should be coming in the next couple of days.  Some of the new things included in the new version:


This includes a hierarchy of the atoms in the scene, quick actions for them and the ability to add new atoms. The plan for this system is to allow bulk-operations on atoms and to have a library of objects to add to the scene: all the vanilla vam atom plus assetbundles like toys, furnitures, etc.


I started working on the interaction side of things and added options for the look-at commands. The plan is to have panels where you can see all the active commands grouped together and have more options for them like individual speeds for the body movement commands (thrust, ride, vibe, etc)


Added the logic to allow changing the UI size for desktop. I plan to do that for VR too soon. I also started preparing the help section where there will be articles/guides about how the plugin works.


I posted about this earlier too, it's the new menu allowing to do commands like Sit on chair in V36. This should be included as well but it will likely be an experimental feature. There are physics explosions I get sometimes and I've been working on fixing that but I haven't been able to figure it out so far.


I noticed many people liked my recent AI chatbot post so I'll work more on that and I'm planning to release the first version this month. There's more that can be done with that than I previously thought and I think there are going to be a few very cool features to link the dialogue to the model and what's happening in VAM -  which I often said it's too difficult and nobody will do it in vam anytime soon when people brought it up. I was wrong and understimated how smart some of this AI stuff will get. Mea culpa!




If I have the UI plugin in my session plugins and disable it, it re-enables it's self everytime a new scene is loaded

Jonathon Barton

Thought you might appreciate this... Making progress! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7s66Ddl5io

Jonathon Barton

That's what a Session Plugin is supposed to do, as far as I understand. If you don't want it in the Session, Save Current As User Defaults with it active, and it will be active whenever you start the software. Then you can safely *remove* it (not *deactivate* it) from Session Plugins and it won't reload until you restart the app (So long as you don't Save Current as User Defaults again...) A Session is literally Open to Close - All scenes, all variations, all the time.


Whoa, that's awesome, fantastic work! Yeah, It's hard not be speechless after some of the answers. Even when you know how smart the AI is, it constantly suprises with depth or perspective. Anthropomorphization has of course a lot to do it with it and I think systems aimed at triggering that specifically will be what pushes this kind of AI to the next level. Sort of like when it broke the question-answer pattern and said "I'm thinking of the next thing to ask". I think small things like that but made to intentionally throw you off work like misdirection in magic and help sell the illusion that it's sentient.


I think he means that he unchecks Enabled and expects it to stay off but it just re-enables itself. Like to have it easily accessible but not always on. I'll try to add a fix for that


exactly what I mean. It takes a long time to load a plugin when you have lots of VARs, so loading them as session plugins and enabling/disabling as needed makes things much easier

Jonathon Barton

Thanks! I've been working with LLMs since the GPT-3 playground was first available, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve to help with 'stability' like that. Glad to see you caught that, and that it was a notable moment. :)

Jonathon Barton

Interesting. I think I solved the same issue with an approach of creating a fairly large number of Plugin Presets at the Person, Scene, and Session levels. F'rinstance, I have a preset that's got all the SPQR plugs for desktop in one preset, and the VR-oriented ones in another preset. I think I landed on that because when I started running into that issue, so many wanted to be loaded up on Person...It's been a while. I'll have to try the Session route.


Having to query it reminds a bit of the diagnostics scenes in Westworld, who knew those would come in handy some day

thomas d

OK, I have to agree the Foo Fighters are better than the Goo Goo Dolls and Agnus is better than Slash. LOL Smart guy as he is correct. This would be great in VAM, even without NSFW.


But is the A. I getting smarter or are we getting dumb?