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VAM 1.22

For those that missed it, a new update to VAM was released a couple of days ago with a bunch of cool new features like lipsync, new atoms and many fixes. I recommend to update to the latest version. I only have time to work and test on the latest version of VAM, so some of my plugins might not work on older versions once or if I update them.

For the new Alive UI, you'll need to have browsers and Allow Plugins Network Access enabled for it to work. Read more below in the Plugins & privacy section.


The latest update I made for Alive (v34.2) fixed the loading problem that some people experienced with the new UI, there's only one report as of now of someone still having problems with it and I'm waiting for more info about that.

If other people are still having problems, just let me know. But please also read my posts and try following the instructions there and send the details I asked. I can't do anything with "it doesn't work".  For some people it might never work because of their setup or conflicting plugins. I can try to make it work for everyone but I'll need info about it.


Vam 1.22 brings also more privacy & security settings. It now disables by default plugins from using some libraries that might be used to communicate to the internet in an attempt to protect the noobs that download everything, especially from shady places.

Alive's Aeternum UI & VAM Widgets plugins will only work with the Allow Plugins Network Access enabled. These plugins alter the web browser Atom and need some of those libraries to work starting with vam 1.22. The Aeternum UI doesn't really need network access, everything is local, but the vam widget plugin is built to allow network stuff too for internet-based widgets or to include libraries like jquery.

This update was made following my report last year https://www.patreon.com/posts/68979495 and my post on the vam forum and I'm happy to see it addressed, especially since some leakers thought I was bluffing. Myself personally I don't really care about these options and I'd rather see all vam restrictions lifted and allow it to interact with the OS fully, it would allow creating a lot of crazy stuff very easily. But noobs have to be protected too, which brings me to the next point:


There have been many leakers dear to me. They all shared the same flaw. Brain cells. They all figured out quickly that:
- more free plugins is better than no free plugins
- bigger updates are better than less updates
- new features are better than meme videos
- no excuses for creator to be lazy are better than giving excuses

Once they figured that out, they stopped leaking my work and I had to work hard again. Not Kyra though. This 🦊 is now the MVP all Aeternum leakers.

For all the up-and-coming leakers, here are his achievements in his short but productive barbarian career:
- no more free alive for everybody: caused Alive to stop going free for all people after a couple of weeks delay
- no more free plugins for everybody: made one of the most productive free plugin makers to stop making and updating free plugins
- no more leaks for everybody: convinced a plugin maker that's proven to solve difficult problems to work on anti piracy software for all creators (surprised_pikachu.gif when it wasn't a bluff and it gets done)
- no more likes for actual modders: started leaking even free plugins - I haven't seen anyone yet so desperate lol
- no more decency: snitched on himself as being the leaker

He took all that from everybody and made me earn more money by doing less work. So I wanted to take a moment to say thanks to Kyra for all his hard work and wish him well in his adventure to find forum friends through my work!



Personally I instantly subbed to your patreon my 1st day of having VAM. And haven't regretted that decision one bit. Keep up the good work m8 and I'll keep my sub active. I'm excited to see what you cook up in 2x. 🖤🖤🖤...