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This update is mostly meant for people that had problems with loading the new UI. I added a few fixes that hopefully will solve some of those issues. For people that still have problems loading it, check at the bottom of the post the Debug section.

There are a few more fixes, adjustments and small new features added. Popups & tooltips will help make the interaction easier and more intuitive:

I also included the voices that I showcased earlier. I didn't add any more dialogue lines since the demo and the sounds are only used by the Soundpad app so they're not very useful for now.



- NEW: new assetbundle for voices with a few test replies for 5 voices, 2 male and 3 female
- CHANGE: added error message if the detected vam version is older than 1.21
- FIX: delay creating Alive atoms if vam is loading other stuff


- FIX: tv remote app make buttons easier to click in VR
- FIX: fix UI atoms messed up sometimes when loading while VAM is loading other things already
- NEW: UI boot steps progress to identify causes of failed loading
- NEW: added F11 hotkey to open AEUI debug, F10 to write debug file to identify load issues
- FIX: fixed files path not identified correctly for people that renamed their VaM_Data folder or VaM.exe
- NEW: added Soundpad app to test voices and list available Alive voice sounds
- NEW: added UI popups feature and delete person confirmation
- FIX: music time alignment issues on playlist tab
- NEW: added refresh Aeternum UI button
- CHANGE: Removed some songs to keep file size down
- NEW: added buttons to select the vam person atom & to move the person close to the camera
- NEW: added labels feature and added labels to the bottom ui buttons

(if you see these, please let me know how or when they happen)

CAN'T REPLICATE: ride command automatically stops after a few seconds
CAN'T REPLICATE: person moving from the center of the scene when loaded, hitting atoms in between


The UI should normally load in a few seconds, maybe 10 seconds the first time and faster afterwards.

- If the new UI stays on the loading screen, let me know please which of the items remain red for you

If VAMDATA remains red:
- after you click somewhere in vam (so that the focus is not on the new UI), and you press F10 you should get a message saying that a file was created: Saves\PluginData\Aeternum\Ae\debug-vamdata.html

You can open that html file in a browser, right click on the page, click Inspect and go to the Console tab and refresh the page. If you see a red error there please copy paste it and let me know. Normally it should be like this:


https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/vam-widgets.28557/ (dependency)



credits for the resources used & songs can be found in the main post on the hub:



Terry Humphrey

Well that sucks. I bought vam on steam.


oh, vamx. i don't know about that. i'll look it up, i'd imagine you should be able to update vam somehow

Terry Humphrey

You can download the Vam_updater.exe for free from his patreon site. That will do it. I'm working on it now. i'll let you know how it turns out.


from the steam discussions board i found this from vamx, somebody was asking about that: "There are two separate things to update Virt-a-Mate and vamX. Virt-a-Mate is the base engine and updates improve things like Ram usage, and other fundamental features. vamX contains things like new voices, improved expressions, new toy integration, etc. To updated Virt-a-Mate you need the VaM_Updater.exe file in your VaMX folder. You can get it by updating first to VaMX 1.25 here: https://sxvr.com/steam You can then run VaM_Updater.exe, but you MUST copy your keys/1.20 folder to create a keys/1.21 folder to keep your registration of VaMX. " 1. so it looks like you first have to update to the latest vamx, if you don't already have it 2. run VaM_updater.exe in the vam folder where vam.exe also is (it should be in \steamapps\common\VaMX\ i think). If you don't have the updater you can get it from here https://cdn.virtamate.com/Release/VaM_Updater.zip 3. finally copy the /Keys/1.20 folder and rename the copy as /Keys/1.21 it should all be free from what I've seen here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2149830/discussions/0/5501743907523685474/

Terry Humphrey

I got it to work. It was pretty simple just like your post.


Still can't get the aeternum UI to work. VAMDATA never loads. Seems to just be stuck in an endless loop everytime.


have you tried the debug step at the bottom of the post? do you see any red error there?


I think you pressed F11, that's a different thing You have to press F10 and it will create a html file. You open that in a browser, right click, inspect, console and check there if there's an error. It's a static file, there's nothing to go in a loop there


So I do this, but there's no debug html file that appears, and I pressed F10 this time and last time. Same problem. It also doesn't give me a message a file has been created


i don't know bro, that's weird - if you're running an older vam than 1.21.x it won't work - if you get other errors when you load the plugin, let me know - if you do see the UI but it stays on loading, just press somewhere in vam so that the focus is not on the UI and then press F10. You're maybe pressing inside the UI and then hitting F10. That won't work, vam captures the keystrokes if the focus is on panel atoms or vam text inputs. Click somewhere in the scene,on the floor or something, then F10 and you should see a log message (vam blue log message) appearing saying that the file was created


I've updated VAM already, I don't see other errors I can tell (but I can't parse all the script stuff that comes up when I load it in so idk for sure), and I've been clicking outside the menu the whole time. It's supposed to be loaded as a session plugin right? That's the only step?


yes, session plugin. are you sure you're loading the v34 aeternum.cslist, and not v33? what do you mean by all the script stuff that comes up?


I'm loading from the alive 34 var so I should be, but I'll double check. I just mean the vam ui stuff at the bottom when you load anything in


if you're seeing VAM log messages when you load the plugin then those are errors, there shouldn't be any messages from either Alive or the UI. If you can just copy paste some of those messages and DM them to me and that might help


Even if in they're in the blue vam log and not the red vam log, they're still errors if they're coming from these plugins


Interesting, I didn't know those were errors either way. I'll see what I can do


Is there a way I can get that log not in game, like is it stored somewhere?


no. i assume you want that because you get lots of them and they're hard to read? you can remove or disable the plugin if so and they should stop. There's also a button on the VAM UI to show the messages in a bigger window. Where you have the buttons to save,open scenes etc. hit the one with the exclamation mark to see the errors (red log) or the button underneath it for the notifications (blue log)


Oh, I was asking to see if it was just a simple file I could dm. Since I don't know how to copy it in game


in the large window where the errors are, you can just click & drag the mouse over the text and press ctrl+c. just like you would select text in a browser for example

S a b e r

ui keeps loading with vamdata as red


Hello, sadly, same problem ui loading vamdata as red and AESettings. (tried VR i will try desktop)


made an update v34.2 here https://www.patreon.com/posts/79007954 that might help, if it doesn't let me know


Can anyone explain to me how i make two person kiss? This plugin have a guide? i don't find the autokiss slider bar


The kiss functionality is for the player and the model, not two models. In this version (v34) the autokiss settings are in the idle body movement tab at the bottom and apply only to that model in that scene. In the latest version (v35) it's a general setting that applies all the time once you change it and it's in Settings > Alive in the new Aeternum UI