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A quick preview on how the new UI works in VR. There's a watch that can be set to the left or the right hand and adjusted or rotated (I had it rotated in the video, by default it's like a normal watch). It has two buttons:
- top - toggle on/off the UI
- bottom - snap the UI to the watch

Normally the UI is snapped and floats above the watch as you move the hand. If you drag the UI, it will unsnap and you can place it around like VAM's UI. The settings are global and autosave, like vam's settings, so that you don't have to worry about plugin presets.

To make the buttons a bit more interesting & useful, I made the first one to show the time. The second one shows for how long VAM has been open and it changes the color from green to yellow or red after a few hours.

The next Alive update later this week should come with the first experimental release of the UI. The first release should have the music app and maybe a few smaller experimental apps to test the flow and that everything is working properly.


AEUI VR preview


thomas d

Looks interesting. I saw another guy with a plugin, that pulled up a screen of the hand as well. You would select something, and it would bring up the VAM's normal menu popup, to the specific selection like appearances, if you selected appearances in his hand menu. But what is the purpose of that. I am looking forward to see what you have. After I saw his, which was pretty worthless for use, but a good idea. I was thinking a plugin with a hand menu might be good to configure different personalities that map to matching folders. Then with the menu ask the person something, like " How are you doing" and depending on the selection of personality, a sound response could play. We could even put in our own sound files in the folder, and maybe change the questions in the menu. I know that is not what your are doing. Just wishful thinking on my part. I look forward to seeing your new UI, and how it advances VAM, like many of your other plugins have. I could not tell a lot from the above video. I did see a nice menu drop down, but could not quite read it. This could be the leap that VAM is waiting for. I like the idea of auto save and no presets, but again I have not seen it yet. I know with alive I have quite a few presets to use depending on the reactions I want. I know this is quite different. I am just rambling in anticipation. LOL


That sounds cool, like a quick way to change looks, no reason to diss it, even more so if it's a free plugin.. Regarding sounds, I think that might become repetitive very quickly for most people, if I understand you correctly and you want the model to say A when you say B. It already can be done quickly with VoiceControl, and you can even add states as folders using AETools. There's nothing stopping people from making stuff like that already. Me making a slightly different way to do it imo wouldn't make any difference

thomas d

I agree the other creators plugin, is not worthless. I need to do a deeper dive into it. But it has great potential. He had about 24 5 star reviews, even one from you. I did not leave a review but a message in the discussions. I said it was a nice concept and then suggested to him, what I suggested to you above about communicating to the person. I have not really seen anything like it yet. If I ask the model, from the hand menu, A, then the response would come back randomly from folder A, which would have about 50 different sound files I had put in it. And if I can create my own questions (or commands), B, C, D, etc with their own folders, I do not think it would be repetitive. I cannot use voicecontrol, I cannot be playing and yelling things like "Get on your knees Bitch" while my Family is in the next room. (not that I would be yelling things quite like that! LOL) I agree its not AI at all, still would be fun to play with. It is a little beyond my capabilities to create, but will look at your AETools. The word "State" still throws me, I need to read through the MacGruber guides this weekend. Anyway, thanks for your feedback. I know it is not quite that path you are going. Which is fine.


Ah ok, i thought you meant speech recognition. Interaction through the UI should happen soon, it's why I've been working on it for. I'll try to add to add what you're asking too. I'm yet to figure out how to group dialogue. Having a huge list of random dialogues ain't it imo

thomas d

I agree, Blushing and tears, does the folders and random selection from the touch triggers, I would have to open his CS to see how he does it. Maybe its not hard. I agree random dialogue is not the best answer, but a start at least, it would be tremendous fun, and no one else is doing it that I have scene.