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- Made the character look at other characters in the scene if present
- New small plugin, SmartObjects, that helps make the character look at objects in the scene as well. This plugin is what in the past I referred to as "meta objects", renamed it to avoid confusion with the Meta multiplayer plugin going on. Properties on it have a 1-10 scale of importance/priority. The higher it is, the bigger the chance the character will pick it over other options
- More control over the eye squinting/eyes closed default position, I'll probably change this to a tired/energy mechanic
- More fixes, cleanup, performance improvements & work towards the new UI
- Triggers have been removed from this plugin and moved to ExtraTriggers v8 (AliveTriggers.cslist) to keep things simpler & easier for the new ui


- FIX: skip autocorrect controllers when moving controllers, animations playing or VirtualDoll is active
- UI: removed status triggers, now part of ExtraTriggers
- UI: moved notifications tab options to settings tab
- FIX: fix brow movement sometimes exaggerated
- FIX: fix morph detection logic,prevent reusing morphs from older alive vars causing double effects sometimes like squinting eyes too much
- FIX: reset pose morphs on load to prevent 'stuck' pose morphs after saving scenes with Alive
- UI: readded requested spanking sounds toggle on Sounds to allow custom touch sounds by other plugins
- FIX: fixed command look in front & duration too short problems on high FPS
- NEW: automatically look at other people in the scene from time to time & new command LookAtPeople to focus more on other models
- CHANGE: slightly increase eye-movement "macro-saccades", more eye movement looking around and less staring
- CHANGE: removed old gaze v1/v2 switch in the Gaze tab, keep v2 flow only
- NEW: added Gaze > Eye Squint Target slider to control eye squinting, reduced default value from 0.15 to 0.12
- NEW: added new SmartObjects plugin as a way to control atom related features & priorities, only Watch functional for now
- NEW: added LookAtObjects logic and incorporated it in idle gazing, models will look around at objects in the scene that have the SmartObjects plugin with Can Watch turned on; The bigger the priority level, the more likely the person will pick that object over the others
- FIX: prevent activating elbows too on plugin initialization of models that have knees on & elbows not
- CHANGE: removed VirtualDoll tab, turned that functionality in a new plugin that also works as standalone https://www.patreon.com/posts/plugin-v1-files-77630639


- Check demo scene
- Add Alive.cslist to a Person atom.
- [Optional] Add Plugins/SmartObjects.cslist to objects you want the model to sometimes look at and enable "Can Watch" in them
- You can give commands for the person to look just at objects or just at other people in the scene or objects from the Actions tab (Commands section). Selecting the same command again will turn it off
- You can also modify "% Base player focus" in the Gaze tab to influence where the person will look at: turning it down will make the person look away from the camera more often, turning it up will make the person look at the camera more

No dependencies needed. Available to all tiers:




Dude, you're a saint for this community and VAM as a whole! Please never stop giving! :) I'll gladly stay subscribed for months to come! :)


Alive slowly but surely becoming, more and more, alive. Without it, characters are but paralyzed corpses. P.s in other scenes, even if i competely lower the ,,Player base focus" for Gaze, down to zero, the Alive character still focus only on the player/camera and ignores the npc nearby. Any ideas about the reason ?


Give it about a year and activating Alive will give birth to Skynet. Love this.


thanks! i'll look more into it. there's a lot of automation with that slider, the model will choose things based on some other factors, like the shy trait or how close you are and iirc how high the arousal is. to make the model look away more you can use the commands in Actions, like LookAtPeople or LookAtObjects


Great, will try. Because in the demo v31 scene it's fine while in my older scenes, it had no effect. Also a notice on action comands like, ,,Ride", in some scenes girl would ride just for 10 secs and would stop. Then you would have to give the action order again.


Hi did VirtuaDoll get removed from the plug in. I can’t find it in the new update


totally forgot about that, thanks! yes, moved it as a separate plugin here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/plugin-v1-files-77630639 it works the same but I wanted to keep it outside the alive ui since it's more of a creative tool and some people want to use just that without the rest of alive


I don't know if it s possible for you to create a plugin or a function for solo fingering, it s a pain to set the hands and fingers in a proper position and when you grab a hand to change the location the fingers reset to the default pose. You think there is something possible to do ?