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More cleanup & refactoring going on for Alive and I ended up moving the Status Triggers as well to make the next Alive plugin 100% free of triggers. I want the new Alive UI to go more towards Sims and less towards Unity and will try to keep the complicated DIY features as a separate thing. 

This version includes the first plugin to plugin direct interaction 🥳 and I think the only one I've seen in VAM in action so far. The AliveTriggers plugin detects if there's an Alive plugin on that person, and if there is it gets & uses the data from Alive (the 3 status bars). This opens up the window for more complex teamwork projects, APIs, etc, which is what I originally had in mind for Aeternum to be, a gaming framework, but it might be too late for that in vam1 unfortunately. We'll see.

- moved Alive Status Triggers to the new Alive Triggers plugins
- fixed touch triggers compatibility with Alive when it was loaded before this new plugin
- renamed Alive Extra Triggers to Alive Triggers to prevent confusion with the main Extra Triggers




I can beraly run VAM1. Upon installing VAM2 , prob, laptop would explode or smthn. The idea sounds great. Upon touch 2 actors could star gaze at each other etc.


vam2 should be better for performance from my understanding. it's one of the main reasons why it's a separate thing and not a continuation of vam1, so that it can use newer things that help performance considerably: https://www.patreon.com/posts/2-x-progress-73342513 vam1 can do well too but you have to adjust the settings & give up on some features, mainly the number of lights in settings & too many clothing or hair items with physics Also on laptop you should 100% run FrameLimiter from MacGruber's Essentials and set a frame limit if you don't already. By default vam will try to get as many frames as possible and that will push your gpu to the max