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Some might think this patreon is doing fantastic and it's no big deal to leak my work. They're wrong

Most people understand how time works but if you're a just a πŸ€ blessed with a shorter attention-span you might misunderstand the amount of work that's required to code stuff like this. While you might think that I'm earning nice money out of it and everything is peachy, I'm actually losing significant money by not doing normal develeper things that get paid by the hour the same as 12-15 monthly subscribers would get me here.  Not to mention the time wasted, the energy wasted and charging myself with the negativity some weirdos throw my way.

I could close this patreon, do fun small creative scenes, plugins or models every now and then, and win more on all fronts: save time, more emojis, lose less money overall, less drama. Instead I try to work on something bigger and more difficult at my own loss and I get people leaking it immediately after I post my work. πŸ€πŸ€ jump on riding this project every time it rises up a bit. So sad!

I do feel bad for them though.. I mean if you want clout you do content. If you want interaction you do social. If you want to be a pirate you target commercial ships (not a lonely fisherman in a boat barely floating..). You want to hurt a creator, you give him bad reviews.  But what motivates a πŸ€ to be a πŸ€?

I know some of you are worried about my passion to finding the πŸ€πŸ€ and looking into them. I promise you it's all in good spirit and no πŸ€ has been mistreated in the making of this project. Aeternum Barb Police did nothing wrong! If anything I actually try to be extra careful because I assume they must be extremely socially awkward..  But besides being a fun satisfying puzzle finding them, a ratgeoguessr, I'm genuinely intrigued by what in the world motivates them to be like that..

Based on those results I'm letting πŸ€ πŸ€ know that I forgive them and I hope sharing my work brought them a bit of happiness and love in their lives!


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