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Happy Friday!

Alive 14 brings a few much needed sounds adjustments. I figured out how to incorporate the vanilla vam sounds in the Alive flow and the breathing and moaning is a bit better and less annoying now, and less loading needed. The mouth sounds are still kinda loud and low quality, I'll try to figure those out next and match them to the breathing & moaning. Both of these have a lot more variety now.  Moaning in now tied to the arousal system and the sound effects grow in volume and intensity based on the arousal level.

I added a new command RideGentle and implemented an autoride system similar to autoblow that uses the logic of that command to create a procedural animation that changes every few seconds to keep things fresh. Squishy sounds should be a bit better now than in previous versions. They're still not great and consistent enough, I still have some stuff to figure out regarding triggers, but getting closer.

There's a new head angle slider in the Gaze section that alters the average angle at which the model tends to hold the head towards the player.


- added logic to trigger vam vanilla sounds from code
- changed breathing & moaning sounds with vam pixie sounds: better quality, less loud, more variety, intensity change
- performance fix for collision triggers stacking up on plugin reload
- added RideGentle command
- added AutoRide functionality with procedural changes every few seconds to keep things less repetitive
- added head angle slider in Gaze settings
- turned off tickling by default because the audio is annoying, need to look for better & more subtle sounds

- autoblow & autoride are effected by thy command force & speed sliders too and that might be confusing. I'll separate them and add different sliders for them in a future version

- MODEL: not included! will release her soon
- TIP: when editing morphs for a model with Alive turned on, you can hit Freeze Animation in the vam UI to make the model stand still

Same as before, Ashauryn's 3 morphs packs




finally friday :D thanks for the steady updates! <3


Do you have a discord channel? Could really use some advice on setting this plugin up. Out of the box it doesn't work well.


no discord, sorry. if i go on discord i'd waste time arguing with people all day long and wouldn't get anything done here, i'd sooner quit than go that way. but you can dm me here on patreon anytime, i tend to answer fairly quick and i'm happy to help if i'm able to i'm sorry to hear that you don't like it, please feel free to hit the refund request and i'll accept it, it's no trouble

thomas d

I gave this a quick try. Sound volume is better. Couple question maybe not directly relate to this update. How exactly does the personalities affect the person (sound, expressions, movements)? Also, I cannot get the caress touch to show up in the log. I put the tease and discomfort off, and arouse all the way up and for the detection threshold real low for arouse and high for the others and still no caress in the logs. I am not doing something right. How do I get caress? Auto ride feature is excellent! ky1001 put out a preset loader plugin this morning that works excellent with the Alive plugin


sensitivity influences how much & fast all state attributes change, stability influences how long the changes last/how fast the state attributes go back towards 0, mood influences both of the above, masochism influences how the arousal changes on spanks, horny influences how the arousal changes on tease (on high tease when horny the arousal will also increase). I'll try to add a fix for caress, thanks for letting me know

thomas d

This morning the Auto Ride was working great. Then a few hours later I tried it and it was strange it was getting stuck on it. Then I tried a different scene and I could not get it to work even though it was checked. I even tried rebooting my pc. Its a great feature, Ill need to try again later.

thomas d

I worked with this again some, and it appears it may be a conflict with another plugin. Ill have to work it out later. I am now thinking it is not on your end.


yeah, the trigger detection i have for that is not very good, it's not consistent enough. some morphs look good on the outside but mess up the triggers inside and end up either getting triggered randomly when the model just moves around a bit or don't get trigger at all despite actual contact. I have some ideas to work around it and make it better but i don't want to put most of my time just on that one thing, i'd end up doing monthly updates at that rate


Amazing. I was just about to test 13 and now 14 is out! Brilliant idea with the head angle btw! Is there a way to make it so that the head reacts normally when you grab it? I can't seem to find a setting for that?


thanks! what do you mean? to stop automatic head movement while the head controller is being held?


All I know is with the last version I tested, when I grab the head it always looks at me rather than normal behavior. Sometimes the arms move as well. I unticked the head movement box and it still seemed to happen. Will test on 14 and get back to you.

thomas d

Yep, I notice many times I would need to insert the entire hand before I got a motion response. I agree, I can wait for you update, thanks.