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I was playing around with the AETools v3 and ended up creating this scene that has something that I always wanted in VaM, a way to do poses faster and easier for photoshoots. There are lots of pose packs around, I referenced for this scene some of klphgz's and Alter3go's studio poses collection packs, probably about 500 poses or more. More can be added very quickly. 

I don't like the whole go through menus approach of VaM and until my DynamicTriggers and don't think it was feasible to change poses with buttons at a large scale. You would have to manually add each and I think everyone until now did it that way which is extremely tedious. With DynamicTriggers i could add a million poses just as easily as I add 1. I wanted to share it because I know many of you vam enthusiasts like me will find it useful as a demo, and for new users I think it's a nice scene to get some quick stuff together.


- a subscene with a widget created with AETools v3. You can add that to your scenes to get a quick way to randomly or sequentially change through any possible vam stuff.
- a Pose Picker scene where I added a few widgets for 7 packs of poses (you'll need to get them too if you don't already have them)
- Background picker using the same widget logic
- Music picker using the same widget logic


- Make sure to get the dependecies (pose packs) from the hub too!
- load scene, select Person, load your look and press buttons to change the poses
- feel free to remix it, reuse it, do whatever you like with it!


- I'll likely update the scene with better UI, more curated backgrounds & music. I'll try to make it a general-use photoshoot tool


- klphgz & Alter3go  - thanks for making and sharing awesome poses packs
- MacGrubber - thanks for making and sharing MacGrubber_Utils, couldn't have done it without it
- photos & music - All CC0 (pixabay.com, freesound.org)



thomas d

This is incredible!