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ALV-0800; CHANGE; UI; Updated Help app controls info about 3rd person camera (`) & removed old vr trigger keys no longer used

ALV-0801; CHANGE; LANGUAGE; added more translations to UI elements

ALV-0802; FIX; BUG; fix for pose staying locked after turning off Follow mode until a person controller was moved

ALV-0803; FIX; BUG; desktop prevent person clicks not working due to intersection with some other colliders in the scene

ALV-0805; CHANGE; realism; increase cooldown for procedural reactions head movement

ALV-0806; CHANGE; realism; added new head movement reactions and expressions for the caress and tease types of touches

ALV-0807; CHANGE; performance; removed old morph changer logic trying to prevent morph overlap, not working properly and doing lots of operations, added new system to handle morphs

ALV-0808; NEW; performance; skip and prevent calculations on very tiny morph changes driven by procedural animations

ALV-0809; FIX; realism; prevent eye blink when eye semi-closed due to other system, prevent multi-blinking bug

ALV-0810; FIX; performance; prevent body action values randomization event causing UI broadcast & sliders redraw, causing a performance hit and unresponsive or weird UI sliders bugs

ALV-0811; FIX; UI; multisliders prevent UI redraw and broadcast already updated value causing performance hit and slower ui

ALV-0812; CHANGE; UX; remove EyesClosed effect autostarting on BJ motion, procedural animation to be handled directly, not through effects system

ALV-0813; NEW; UI; added button to Reset All body motion action

ALV-0814; FIX; realism; fix overlapping morphs on reactions, causing abrupt changes and robotic glitchy mouth movement

ALV-0815; FIX; realism; fix hip turning speed too fast causing turning to look robotic, updated angles limits and offsets thresholds for more natural positions

ALV-0816; CHANGE; realism; vision system update hands logic to better follow chest movement, prevent moving vertically in unnatural ways

ALV-0817; CHANGE; realism; added new logic for object detection. Characters detect objects in the scene

ALV-0818; NEW; realism; added new feature for moving objects to catch the characters attention

ALV-0819; NEW; realism; added attention span logic for characters to lose interest after a while in moving objects

ALV-0820; CHANGE; realism; increase eye saccade triangle effect (look down towards the player mouth rather than focusing on player eyes consistenly)

ALV-0821; FIX; bug; fixed animation player issues when playing animation on rotated person

ALV-0822; NEW; UX; added animation player support for bvh animations without root movement, and added UI setting

ALV-0823; CHANGE; UX; animation player updated keep on ground logic to reduce floating animations

ALV-0824; NEW; UX; animation player added offset horizontal and vertical options

ALV-0825; NEW; UI; added Frozen effect to indicate when Alive automatically freezes automatic behaviour features to give priority to other plugins or vam doing classic animation

ALV-0826; FIX; VR; retry vr hand detection for haptics setup when initially failed due to hands object not loaded yet

ALV-0827; FIX; realism; fixed eye thinking effect not working properly anymore when talking

ALV-0828; NEW; realism; added thinking effect when idle, making models look up and down more, and even more with the shy trait active

ALV-0829; CHANGE; UI; hid LOD morphs & force stop Alive on out of view settings. LOD morphs logic replaced. Force stop Alive option was causing bugs for basic 1 character cases too

ALV-0830; CHANGE; realism; increased dynamic range eye saccade rate weights for more movement

ALV-0831; CHANGE; UX; removed tongue physics settings. auto-tongue physics causing weird mouth movement and performance difference is not significant enough to keep

ALV-0832; CHANGE; performance; replaced some morphs that had bone changes in them and were causing performance issues

ALV-0833; CHANGE; dev; code cleanup remove old morph logic overlapping newer morph algorithms

ALV-0834; CHANGE; realism; reduced exaggerated eye & eyebrow movement while talking

ALV-0835; CHANGE; realism; fixed brow morphs causing glitchy robotic transitions

ALV-0836; CHANGE; realism; fixed macrosaccades that were too fast, causing unnatural eye movement

ALV-0837; FIX; bug; fixed body parts sensors position wrong for looks that are not the default 1 scale

ALV-0838; NEW; realism; added new top eyelid procedural animation based on iris position mixed with dynamic states for idle eyelid positions

ALV-0839; NEW; realism; added new mouth procedural animations, removed some of the old ones

ALV-0840; NEW; realism; added new eye squint tic happening from time to time

ALV-0841; NEW; realism; added asymetrical mouth position based on head angle

ALV-0842; CHANGE; realism; adjusted idle body side sway speed and forces to keep swaying more subtle and less robotic

ALV-0843; NEW; realism; added new tic to puff out cheeks once in a while

ALV-0844; NEW; realism; added new eye twitch tic happening occasionally to add more life to the characters

ALV-0845; FIX; bug; fix logic for automatically reloading Alive UI when crashed on initialization not updating properly the local path, showing page Not Found error


ALV-0753; FIX; bug; fix error showing when changing character skin

ALV-0756; CHANGE; UI; removed quick person menu buttons for quick move, reset pose and dismiss, to be reorganized in different panels

ALV-0757; CHANGE; UI; added reset pose button directly in quick pose panel

ALV-0758; NEW; UI; added new quick-panel for movement, added there buttons to quickly move the person

ALV-0759; NEW; dev; added support to UI toggles for quick commands to be sent to vam allowing quicker UI toggle functionality to be built outside of settings app, and at person related

ALV-0760; FIX; bug; fixed unfrozen game event getting triggered on other occasions due to vam temporary physics freeze on person movement

ALV-0761; FIX; bug; fixed bug causing characters heads to twitch when moving a person atom around

ALV-0762; FIX; bug; fixed bug, bvh animations not working properly when multiple person atoms are in the scene, causing weird behaviour on the atoms that should be idle like head banging

ALV-0763; NEW; performance; added multithread logic to reading bvh animations to prevent VAM freezing while loading large files

ALV-0764; FIX; performance; fix bvh animation logic checking bvh file existence multiple times, causing performance issues

ALV-0765; FIX; bug; bvh animation system fix bug animation not playing when starting animations for the first time

ALV-0766; CHANGE; UX; changed bvh animation skeleton calculation logic to prevent the initial movement of the model & the vam physics reset that was causing performance issue, made animation smoother

ALV-0767; CHANGE; UX; fix animations speed to be by default their intended speed from the bvh files, they were playing at about 80% speed before this change

ALV-0768; FIX; bug; fix error showing sometimes on gaze body bending logic

ALV-0769; CHANGE; UX; reset male-expression-only setting, set it as false by default same as female since there's posession logic that disables alive now, to try to keep the experience more fluid and intuitive

ALV-0770; NEW; realism; added weighted offsets to idle head position, allow for more head movement angle changes

ALV-0771; NEW; realism; added dynamic saccade rate for less exaggerated eye movement. Gives more moments of stillness to characters

ALV-0772; CHANGE; UI; changed animations list to fit more animation items in a single row to make bvh animation navigation easier

ALV-0773; NEW; realism; vision system added throttle/ease-in logic for body part angle speed variation, making animation look more natural by starting smoother rather going instantly to max speed

ALV-0774; NEW; realism; vision system aded dynamic head movement speed based on angle to the target, slowing down when getting closer to get an ease-out effect for more natural animations and prevent stopping abruptly

ALV-0775; CHANGE; realism; changed vision system eye movement to try to make iris movement more realistic when turning quickly, rather than bouncy

ALV-0776; CHANGE; realism; increased vision system head movement dynamic range to allow more variation to the speeds the characters turn their head around. Increased the maximum time allowed before changing the speed, to hold speeds longer

ALV-0777; CHANGE; realism; reduced eye twitch occurance to keep the effect more subtle

ALV-0778; CHANGE; realism; increased head up-down and left-right offset angle hold-time to prevent often & unnatural abrupt head pose switches

ALV-0779; CHANGE; realism; reduced mouths open animation to make it less exaggerated, increase hold time interval for longer states and more natural looking mouth animations

ALV-0780; CHANGE; UI; removed Body > Position tab to simplify posing app, moved some of the buttons to the new quick-posing screen on the person menu

ALV-0781; CHANGE; UI; reorganized layout for body actions app

ALV-0782; NEW; dev; added person specific just-in-time flags support from the UI without need of specified backend code for them, added logic for auto updates in app to reflect flags status

ALV-0783; NEW; UI; added support to UI to multirange sliders to be able to set an interval as an input. Added support to quickly send multislider values from the UI to the backend

ALV-0784; FIX; UI; fixed issue with motion effects showing as enabled in manual body actions app even when they were activated automatically by the character

ALV-0785; NEW; UX; added randomization support to motions. Refactored body motion logic to allow randomization.

ALV-0786; NEW; UX; added body motions support for saving and loading presets

ALV-0787; NEW; dev; added logic to detect when vam native animation is actually playing

ALV-0788; NEW; UX; automatically unfreeze vam character when trying to drag a controller and vam freezes them due to animation played in the past even though it's not playing anymore

ALV-0789; NEW; dev; added functionality to allow models to follow a specific target

ALV-0790; FIX; realism; fixed eyes closed due to abrupt movement affecting animations like walking

ALV-0791; FIX; UI; fixed morphs LOD setting not working properly, was linked to a different setting

ALV-0792; CHANGE; UX; reset alive auto-hide person when out of view setting to False, set it as default for everyone, to allow characters to walk towards the player even when out of view

ALV-0793; CHANGE; UX; changed 3rd person camera to tilde/backquote `, to allow Tab to always be first person mode for quicker access

ALV-0794; FIX; UX; monitor alive freeze/unfreeze (automation) transitions (like when giving priority to vam native animation) and reset alive morphs to preven models with stuck morphs like closed eyes

ALV-0795; NEW; UX; follow me command added as alive effect. Added dynamic speed so that models move faster when further away

ALV-0796; FIX; bug; fixed self touching still happening during animations, causing spank sounds or moaning on fast dances or movement

ALV-0797; FIX; UX; fixed floor detection in first person mode to reduce falling through floors especially when sprinting

ALV-0798; NEW; UX; added floor detection to characters when in Following player mode

ALV-0799; NEW; UX; 3rd person camera added support to floor detection and jump functionality


ALV-0727; FIX; bug; fixed bug with person avatar missing in list in some cases when replacing generic vam models with alive character

ALV-0728; CHANGE; UI; redesign body actions UI for more accessible commands

ALV-0729; NEW; UX; added new chest grind body action for horizontal chest movement

ALV-0730; CHANGE; realism; changed squint procedural animation with new morph to allow more eyes wide open moments

ALV-0731; FIX; dev; added try-catch to vam callbacks functions, prevent issues in alive callbacks propagating to the vam functions

ALV-0732; NEW; dev; added logic to track some objects (atoms containing smartobjects plugin with watchable enabled) and make characters react on their proximity like squinting when close to the eye area

ALV-0733; CHANGE; UX; reduced distance to trigger auto tongue out effect

ALV-0734; FIX; VR; detect when vr hand collision option changes or when hand model option changes, reset haptics detection to prevent getting stuck without haptics in some fringe cases involving changing those settings

ALV-0735; NEW; VR; added vr hands to tracked objects logic to allow more VR interaction based on hands position

ALV-0736; CHANGE; VR; increased controller deadzone threshold for scrolling from 20% to 40% to help some people that have controllers that drift and cause continuous scrolling

ALV-0737; NEW; realism; added new head procedural animation on eye proximity trigger. Characters will move and rotate the head more in such cases

ALV-0738; NEW; realism; added echo effect to forces system to allow animations that flow more naturally rather than stop abruptly

ALV-0739; CHANGE; dev; removed old cycle-forces used as reactions on body parts

ALV-0740; FIX; performance; skip trigger collisions from old alive touch detection system causing overflow of operations on actions like bj triggering the liptrigger continuously, resulting on exaggerated or jittery animations

ALV-0741; NEW; realism; added blinking occurance when the character is rotating the head a lot very quickly to reduce robotic lock on target effect

ALV-0742; NEW; realism; added new touch reactions body movement system. Body parts are more responsive to what was touched, like fingers 

ALV-0743; FIX; realism; fix eyes crossed issues when target very close

ALV-0744; CHANGE; realism; prevent macrosaccades and reduce eye saccades when target is very close to the eyes to allow the character to focus on the target

ALV-0745; FIX; bug; fixed focus on object mode losing focus sometimes to reset to center view which was intended for random focus mode

ALV-0746; NEW; realism; added cute reaction sometimes on nose touch 

ALV-0747; CHANGE; realism; change focus when target is very close to the eyes

ALV-0748; FIX; performance; fixed long standing issues of alive collisions getting triggered by static objects too causing unwanted sounds and reactions, and some performance issues. Now alive focuses on touches from objects being moved or in physics link, on contacts with other Person atoms and with VR hands.

ALV-0749; CHANGE; realism; added alive collisions for feet too, to allow reactions. previously blocked by ALV-0748 issue

ALV-0750; CHANGE; realism; increased side step procedural movement to make body look less rigid when idle

ALV-0751; FIX; bug; fixed spasm caused due to side step logic when alive gets frozen and unfrozen (cases when Alive idle body movement stops like moving the main controller or animation playing)

ALV-0752; FIX; UI; fixed aliveextras dependency marked as v2 instead of v1


ALV-0706; CHANGE; performance; changed logic to detect old Alive plugins to happen on scene loading and when loading Alive, rather than every few seconds, to improve performance

ALV-0707; CHANGE; dev; improved Life support, added very improvised logic to try to detect when vam is in the default scene

ALV-0708; CHANGE; realism; increase chin into shoulder head joint effect when rotating head to the sides

ALV-0709; FIX; dev; fixed eye target logic bad delta time causing incorrect speed in movement

ALV-0710; FIX; dev; fixed bad delta time for interval functions causing poorly synchronised operations, not animating as intended sometimes

ALV-0711; CHANGE; realism; changed logic when looking behind, prevent instantly resetting forward, keep position for a while

ALV-0712; CHANGE; realism; increase range of motion for head vision, decrease range of mition for chest based on vision

ALV-0713; FIX; realism; fixed vision body movement speed attenuation using X axis rotation instead of Y axis as intended

ALV-0714; NEW; dev; added logic to better monitor body part movement in vision system

ALV-0715; CHANGE; realism; macrosaccades cancel when moving head at a certain speed

ALV-0716; CHANGE; realism; prevent changing focus while rotating the head which was causing abrupt head movement

ALV-0717; CHANGE; realism; changed vision logic to detect angle changes, force forward facing rotations, and try to keep a smoother animation when moving target from side to side behind the model

ALV-0718; CHANGE; realism; adjusted head joint angle based on head position to make the head & chin go less towards the chest when looking down

ALV-0719; FIX; realism;  fixed eye macrosaccades to be in sync with the head angle, prevent having head turned to one side while the iris are towards the opposite direction

ALV-0720; NEW; realism; added body bend based on head angle up or down

ALV-0721; CHANGE; realism; increased mouth open idle state to allow more mouth open animations, reduced bottom lip down effect causing showing too much the bottom teeth

ALV-0722; CHANGE; realism; redit Away focus logic to fix issues when body is rotated causing eye target to go in unintented direction and weird head angles

ALV-0723; CHANGE; UI; changed Hairstyle app main color change logic to stop resetting hair tip color

ALV-0724; FIX; realism; fixed issue when target is under the model, causing quick unnatural head movement

ALV-0725; NEW; realism; added high chance to try to focus on player when entering character's personal space 

ALV-0726; CHANGE; realism; changed mouth morphs to reduce some exaggerated lips movement


ALV-0703; CHANGE; AI; fix warning due to num_beams when generating responses on some AI models

ALV-0704; CHANGE; AI; filter out elevenlabs models that don't support TTS from the UI list

ALV-0705; CHANGE; AI; changed elevenlabs logic to make api calls through TextAudioTool to fix ssl certificate issues due to old unity version


ALV-0642; CHANGE; realism; adjusted lips mouth open morph, exaggerated upper lip sometimes

ALV-0643; CHANGE; realism; adjusted eyes morphs, reduce eyes shocked look sometimes

ALV-0644; FIX; realism; make head turning smoother

ALV-0645; CHANGE; realism; simplified spank touches reactions, character was doing too many expressions at the same time 

ALV-0646; CHANGE; realism; added blink chance to spank touches

ALV-0647; CHANGE; realism; changed idle animation head position parameters to allow character to hold it more downward focused rather than neutral and same offsets up and down

ALV-0648; CHANGE; realism; adjusted head angle side to side limits, added dynamic rotation downwards based on side to side rotation

ALV-0649; NEW; realism; added sway body logic to make characters move around more and make them look less stiff

ALV-0650; FIX; bug; fixed eye movement not doing saccades sometimes

ALV-0651; CHANGE; realism; lips adjustments, reduce some exaggerated mouth states

ALV-0652; CHANGE; realism; reduced abrupt shoulder movement

ALV-0653; CHANGE; realism; reduced lip bite morph causing weird mouth stacking up

ALV-0654; FIX; realism; increased minimum focus time for empty gaze, sometimes was causing the model to turn to the side and back very abruptly

ALV-0655; NEW; realism; added new base state expressions logic. Characters keep longer term states for more expressive faces and more variety as they get mixed with the short term expressions

ALV-0656; FIX; realism; adjusted vision body parts rotation to be less abrupt

ALV-0657; FIX; realism; adjusted head & chest side to side rotation values to be balanced more towards neutral rather than evenly distributed causing hanging to the sides often

ALV-0658; NEW; realism; added head-neck angle change based on head up down rotation for more realistic posture when looking up and down 

ALV-0659; CHANGE; realism; reduced occurance of very quick unnatural macrosaccades, stop them when turning towards target, prevent abrupt reset of saccade on saccade cancel

ALV-0670; NEW; realism; added eye iris height changed based of angle of the head, iris more upward when looking up and same for down

ALV-0671; FIX; UI; quick fix for aesthetics app auto apply sometimes not applying, added slight delay to reduce number of cases, might still happen

ALV-0672; NEW; realism; added neck rotation based on head horizontal angle to make posture when turning around look more natural and reduce chest movement

ALV-0673; CHANGE; realism; changed head, chest & eye target rotatation speeds to keep them more connected and reduce very abrupt rotates. Also updated rotation to be smoother

ALV-0674; FIX; UI; fixed aesthetics apps undo-redo states not saving custom layer id, causing selection problems, layers unselecting, after hitting undo and redo

ALV-0675; CHANGE; realism; changed macrosaccade logic to reduce cases when the character has the turned towards a side and the macrosaccade goes in the opposite side causing an unnatural pose

ALV-0676; FIX; UX; added fallback logic for cases when the UI failed to load, after 30s the browser tries again the loading process

ALV-0677; FIX; bug; fixed issue with pose being lost after changing character, the original person was removed and the character loaded in T-pose rather than keep the state of the original

ALV-0678; NEW; UX; added new quick poses system, 9 base poses that can be set from the person menu

ALV-0679; CHANGE; realism; changed smile command morphs

ALV-0680; FIX; UI; fixed ui redirecting to Aeternum Home locations when unselecting character while on a character screen like the expressions panel

ALV-0681; CHANGE; UX; remade vision system logic to allow better head animation across different types of poses and to fix bugs with head getting stuck at weird angles 

ALV-0682; CHANGE; realism; reduced idle puckered lips effect causing fish mouth effect 

ALV-0683; FIX; dev; fixed logic do detect if objects are outside of body frontal area

ALV-0684; FIX; ux; fixed head glitch on head focus set on player caused at certain angles where the character would try to recenter the focus

ALV-0685; NEW; realism; added logic to make the character focus on the player when player enters the view 

ALV-0686; CHANGE; UI; set interactive posing by default to disabled, needs more work to be usable for general purposes


ALV-0610; NEW; realism; added nose flare procedural animation

ALV-0611; NEW; realism; added new eyes micromovement and procedural states

ALV-0612; NEW; realism; added new mouth micromovement and procedural states

ALV-0613; CHANGE; realism; adjusted eye animation for less squint 

ALV-0614; CHANGE; dev; disabled grunt sounds, to be replaced with different system

ALV-0615; CHANGE; UX; changed emotion smile state to use teeth smile morph

ALV-0616; CHANGE; realism; reduced sadness vibe on neutral state, tried to make animations more neutral

ALV-0617; NEW; realism; added jaw micro movement

ALV-0618; NEW; realism; added eyes and lips twitches to make faces feel more alive

ALV-0619; NEW; realism; added legs thighs procedural states for idle movement

ALV-0620; NEW; realism; added abdomen joint procedural states for more idle movement

ALV-0621; FIX; realism; fixed jittery head movement, made it more smooth

ALV-0622; CHANGE; UI; removed vibration/jitters setting, micromovement now is part of the idle movement system directly

ALV-0623; CHANGE; performance; small change to sensors logic to try to improve performance

ALV-0624; CHANGE; UI; added new setting for the auto-drop hands feature. By default it's off because it affects a lot vam poses, more suitable for specific play styles not as a general always-on feature

ALV-0625; FIX; performance; fix performance issue caused by redundant collider operations to identify if they're part of an atom

ALV-0626; CHANGE; performance; added performance tweaks for morphs routines to reduce number of operations

ALV-0627; CHANGE; realism; added head side to side rotation based on head angle. Head is more inclined to the side when head stretched to a side

ALV-0628; CHANGE; realism; eyelid morphs based head angle rotation changed to use also head control local rotation for quicker eyelid changes when target lags behind

ALV-0629; CHANGE; realism; reduced head Z angle idle rotation to allow dynamic rotation based on head Y axis angle

ALV-0630; NEW; UX; 3rd person camera added floor detection to allow models to climb on platforms 

ALV-0631; NEW; UX; added head bop animation on body actions

ALV-0632; FIX; performance; fixed old eye code doing redundant operations

ALV-0633; CHANGE; realism; changed macrosaccade logic to reduce turning head towards player with macrosaccade mode, as if there are two targets, drop macrosaccade in that case and look at the main target (player)

ALV-0634; FIX; performance; fixed cycleforces logic starting all forces with non-zero values causing lots of redundant operations

ALV-0635; CHANGE; performance; refactored old code to reduce frame based operations causing lots of redundant operations at high frame rates

ALV-0636; CHANGE; UX; composite posing disable main controller forced align, keep logic only on head controller to simplify things and reduce number of vam uses cases affected like some custom poses

ALV-0637; CHANGE; UX; composite posing prevent dropping legs when not in composite posing mode (moving the head) to reduce poses breaking due to no leg support

ALV-0638; CHANGE; UI; set vision hand movement feature as off by default, keeping it as a an advanced option, make the default experience more vanilla vam friendly

ALV-0639; CHANGE; UX; prevent automatic behavior from happening while the person atom has head in posession mode or the person atom has the Embody plugin

ALV-0640; CHANGE; UX; lowered breathing animation default values, keep default chest animation more subtle 

ALV-0641; NEW; UI; added reset settings to default button directly in Alive UI


ALV-0596; FIX; bug; fixed offline Text-to-Speech not working with special characters, letters in some languages other than English

ALV-0597; NEW; UX; added more makeup options

ALV-0598; NEW; UI; added classes to allow female/male UI based on the selected characters. Added male texture background to Aesthetics app

ALV-0599; CHANGE; UI; updated Aesthetics app to refresh on character selection change to prevent mixed textures

ALV-0600; FIX; UX; remove notifications on couple poses

ALV-0601; CHANGE; UX; changed auto-drop feet feature to track knee bend. Prevent dropping feet in poses like kneeling

ALV-0602; CHANGE; UX; removed couple controller cube atom, switched with invisible GrabPoint. Changed parenting to prevent overwriting vam person atoms parent selection

ALV-0603; FIX; bug; prevent vision movement when in Alive frozen movement mode

ALV-0604; CHANGE; UI; Aesthetics app update selected layer when adding new image 

ALV-0605; CHANGE; UI; Aesthetics apps added auto apply logic and settings, allows editing textures and automatically see them in VAM when enabled

ALV-0606; CHANGE; UI; Aesthetics app added brush cursor based on drawing or eraser width settings

ALV-0607; FIX; bug; Aesthetics app fixed draw brush width resetting when changing mode 

ALV-0608; NEW; UI; Aesthetics app added Undo-Redo functionality

ALV-0609; CHANGE; UI; Aesthetics app updated template layout to scroll horizontally, allow more categories with less vertical scroll


ALV-0527; CHANGE; realism; reduced double blinking occurance

ALV-0529; CHANGE; realism; increase head freedom of idle rotation to the side (z axis) & decreased hold angle interval for less stiffness in the head position

ALV-0530; FIX; realism; fixed idle offset resetting sometimes after very short or instant intervals, causing unnatural movement, added 1s minimum delay

ALV-0531; NEW; dev; added panel system to person main buttons to allow quicker commands without having to go through different app screens

ALV-0532; NEW; UX; added new interactive posing system. An alternative way to move & pose models in vam that allows moving connected body parts as a whole. Click Freeze Animation to use VAM's posing system. Can also be disabled in settings

ALV-0533; CHANGE; UX; retired shake controllers to toggle on/off functionality, replaced with automatic on/off controls based on context

ALV-0534; CHANGE; UX; retired keep feet above the floor, replaced with interactive posing system that snaps feet to the floor when enabled

ALV-0535; FIX; bug; fix front focus drifting to player focus instantly when model chooses front focus on its own

ALV-0536; FIX; realism; fix model trying to look at target behind body sometimes, causing crossed eye & weird position

ALV-0537; CHANGE; UX; removed lock on main controller axis on reset pose, replacing with new context aware rotation lock as part of the composite posing system

ALV-0538; NEW; AI; added vam clothing knowledge to AI and setting to turn it off

ALV-0539; FIX; bug; fixed eye stuck problem when person has a pose that's rotated compared to main control or during animations 

ALV-0540; FIX; bug; fixed Diffusion Camera error loop when setting it to VAM mode instead of AI mode

ALV-0543; CHANGE; AI; added more detection for AI breaking character and writing as the player or as a 3rd party, reduce junk AI responses when Alive cleanup is enabled

ALV-0544; FIX; UI; in cam app, prevent A1111 call to get controlnet model on settings tabs load if imageai is disabled

ALV-0545; NEW; UI; Cam app added realtime samplers list from AUTOMATIC1111 to allow other installed samplers to be used, like LCM 

ALV-0547; NEW; UX;  added context aware drop hands, models dropping their hands if they're not touching anything or are in a downward (hand below elbow) position

ALV-0552; NEW; UI; added credits generator for the current scene in the Credits app 

ALV-0553; NEW; UX; added autosave support, autosaves App

ALV-0554; FIX; bug; disabled collision flag on Alive audio atoms, prevent causing physics collision error loop when physics go haywire

ALV-0555; FIX; dev; prevent Automatic1111 7860 vs 7861 port autodetection on Alive load when image AI is disabled

ALV-0556; NEW; dev; added support to save files from Alive UI

ALV-0557; NEW; UI; Added Save functionality to Aesthetics app to save the textures you make

ALV-0558; CHANGE; UI; Aesthetics app added layer controls to resize and rotate directly in the editor

ALV-0559; CHANGE; UI; Aesthetics app added empty layer, mostly for debugging purposes but some might find it useful. Adds an empty rectangle layer to the editor

ALV-0560; CHANGE; UI; removed Aestetics apps subtab, using app tabs instead, reorganized layout

ALV-0561; FIX; UI; fixed UI range fields preview boxes not initializing with the default value sometimes, appeared as empty

ALV-0562; NEW; UI; Aesthetics app added drawing on textures functionality. Added canvas interaction mode to allow other tools to interact with the textures. 

ALV-0563; NEW; UI; Aesthetics app updated js library to support erasing, added eraser mode for textures 

ALV-0564; FIX; UI; fixed Aesthetics app flashing layer after moving it

ALV-0565; NEW; UX; desktop controls updated person main controller Shift rotation to lock X&Z axis, to allow to quickly rotate person atoms only side to side instead of 3d, similar to old alive flag

ALV-0566; NEW; UX; added Alive compatibility with VAM vanilla animations from many mocap creators. Until now Alive would cause jitters and weird body movement when those kind of animations were playing 

ALV-0567; CHANGE; UX; retired old alive person flag, replaced with new person controller system, declutter scene, code & improve performance and load speed

ALV-0569; NEW; UX; added new controller snap-to-surface feature for person atoms on desktop

ALV-0570; FIX; bug; fix error on some scenes caused by joints component not found when scene starts vam vanilla animation playback, causing notice messages and some Alive features to not work properly in that session

ALV-0571; NEW; UX; added floor level sensor, magnetic feet functionality to feet, part of composite posing system

ALV-0572; CHANGE; UX; sex poses fixed controller to freeze alive idle movement while being dragged to prevent messing up the pose

ALV-0573; CHANGE; UI; changed default setting for Headlight Shadows to Off, for better default performance 

ALV-0574; FIX; UX; prevent gaze vision while certain controllers are being held to prevent conflict over controller movement

ALV-0575; FIX; bug; fixed head twitches when behind the characters due to target focus quickly changing from player to forward facing

ALV-0576; CHANGE; realism; added more procedural animation to the shoulders to make them less stiff/frozen in place

ALV-0577; FIX; realism; fixed stillness system not working properly, causing continuous animation in systems designed to have moments of stillness

ALV-0578; CHANGE; realism; added more micro movement to head position, hold certain angles

ALV-0579; CHANGE; UX; added feet sensors. Added drop legs functionality when both legs have no support

ALV-0580; CHANGE; UX; removed head oscilation on x axis, to be replaced with position aware system 

ALV-0581; CHANGE; dev; removed old Alive AudioSources, got rid of 5 extra atoms, rebuilt logic directly in Unity, adjusted volume and min & max distance for sound sources

ALV-0582; CHANGE; dev; removed one extra atom from Alive UI that used as a move handler

ALV-0583; FIX; bug; fixed color picker not working properly for dark shades due to bad color conversion

ALV-0584; NEW; UI; added all hair color settings from vam UI to the hair app to allow fully customizing multiple hair pieces at once

ALV-0585; FIX; bug; fixed camera bug when shaky cam is active, sometimes causing the camera to drift upwards considerably

ALV-0586; CHANGE;  language; added more translations for new elements added in alive 66

ALV-0587; CHANGE; VR; changed head audio position, moved to front for better music, less headphone-like effect and to prevent glitches due to spatialization making music sound glitchy

ALV-0588; CHANGE; VR; changed scrolling logic to prevent scrolling while navigation is enabled,only on ui focus, to prevent scrolling & moving at the same time

ALV-0589; CHANGE; VR; removed roomscale UI mode, getting rid of combo shortcuts, using a different vr logic for the UI

ALV-0590; CHANGE; VR; anchored Alive UI directly in VAM's UI to make things more intuitive and easy to manage. Alive UI should appear now above the VAM UI 

ALV-0591; CHANGE; UX; reshow UI after taking alive screenshot, for easier VR photos and avoid having to constantly reopen it manually after each photo

ALV-0592; CHANGE; realism; updated mouth open procedural animation to allow more mouth partially open states

ALV-0593; CHANGE; UI; updated Aesthetics app editor to be responsive, allow easier editing with controls floating next to the texture editor when in fullscreen or large window

ALV-0594; NEW; UI; added support to Aesthetics apps for custom templates for face,body,limbs. Added generic templates, like tattoos, that can be used on all body parts 

ALV-0595; CHANGE; UX; added logic to Aesthetics apps to load the existing decal texture if present when switching tabs. Allows editing existing vam decals on models


ALV-0447; FIX; bug; added skin change detection to update alive male/female logic, instead of staying stuck to the original skin sex of the model

ALV-0449; FIX; bug; fixed problems with some morphs & collision not working properly after vanilla vam look change

ALV-0450; NEW; UI; Aesthetics app added support for torso & limbs textures along with face textures

ALV-0451; CHANGE; UI; hide layers options when no layer is selected in the Aesthetics app 

ALV-0452; NEW; realism; added hand position aware palm animation, keep fingers in a more natural position when hands down

ALV-0453; CHANGE; dev; changed collision detection logic to allow model keep track of recently touched objects and body parts

ALV-0454; FIX; bug; fixed person on person collision not detecting properly in some cases

ALV-0455; CHANGE; realism; updated female autoride logic to require less depth of penetration to start

ALV-0456; NEW; UX; added male auto thrust based on touch detection

ALV-0457; CHANGE; UX; added new logic to prevent gaze movement depending on context, bj, riding, thrusting, to allow the models to keep the action pose better

ALV-0458; CHANGE; UX; reduce vision related hands movement when hand touch detected

ALV-0459; NEW; UX; added male hip auto rotate towards female hip & mouth when close 

ALV-0460; NEW; realism; changed tongue out state with new morphs and variation

ALV-0461; NEW; UX; added auto tongue out based on male hip proximity 

ALV-0462; CHANGE; UX; changed alive reset pose function to reset person controller x & z axis rotations 

ALV-0463; FIX; AI; fixed chat issues with characters in some languages like russian not working properly from AI responses

ALV-0464; FIX; bug; fix error appearing sometimes on plugin refresh, object reference not set at SPQR.Morphworks.MorphRiverCheckExpired

ALV-0465; FIX; bug; fixed body poses elbows & knees not setting up correctly. A few poses still won't look good though due to minimization 

ALV-0466; CHANGE; UX; removed sticky hand (hand sticking to head & hip), replacing with more advance context-aware automatic hand movement

ALV-0467; CHANGE; UI; removed finger movement setting, not working properly, finger auto movement to be replaced by new hand logic

ALV-0469; CHANGE; UX; removed old breasts glutes & tongue physics settings, replaced with new ones that don't override vam's logic.  When disabled, vam works as default, allowing manual settings

ALV-0470; CHANGE; realism; updated logic for auto tongue physics to be more responsive, make it less noticeable when tongue goes from no physics to physics, less clipping through the lip

ALV-0472; NEW; realism; added logic for context aware hand poses. Added procedural animations for more micromovement during automated hand poses

ALV-0474; NEW; UX; added auto chest movement functionality & setting to turn it off

ALV-0475; FIX; bug; fix hand rotation from vision system happening while moving person atom causing pose loss and weird contortions

ALV-0476; CHANGE; realism; reduced eyes closed frequency during auto bj

ALV-0477; CHANGE; UX; lock person atom controller rotation on X and Z axis when resetting to Alive default pose, for easier posing

ALV-0478; CHANGE; AI; increased character personality text limit to 4096 characters, about 1k tokens

ALV-0479; CHANGE; UI;  added force reload character button in profile > advanced

ALV-0480; CHANGE; UI; added quick save button for character profile which skips having to take the profile screenshot when saving

ALV-0481; NEW; dev; added logic to read png cards metadata from characterAI, tavernAI, janitorai etc 

ALV-0482; NEW; AI;  added first message field to the characters profile 

ALV-0484; CHANGE; UI; moved settings from vision & vam+ tabs to main alive settings tab, make space for more specialized tabs

ALV-0485; CHANGE; UI; moved clean all atoms button to top main menu panel, removed it and the Other tab from the Alive settings app

ALV-0486; FIX; bug; fixed UI bugs, missing tags, typos causing malformed code structure

ALV-0487; CHANGE; UI; unified Settings & Alive Settings app to have a single settings app, removed old Alive Settings app

ALV-0488; NEW; dev; added support to access frontend translations from backend to allow translating things directly in VAM too (like AI actions), not just in the UI

ALV-0489; FIX; AI; replace variables in forced AI messages like first message when clearing the conversation

ALV-0450; CHANGE; AI; added more cleanup detection for small AI models that often reply with narration or junk text instead of just replies

ALV-0451; FIX; UX; added logic to prevent misclicks & accidental selection of the teleport flag causing unwanted movement. Flag activates now by dragging it

ALV-0452; NEW; UX; added third person camera functionality for the selected character.  Desktop mode only. If no character is selected, TAB toggles first person camera mode only

ALV-0488; CHANGE; performance; added a new person sensors system and refactored old code to be part of the new system to allow adding more sensor based behavior more easily and optimize performance

ALV-0489; NEW; UX; added auto hand rub logic based on new sensors system

ALV-0490; NEW; UI; added setting for 3rd person camera to alive settings app

ALV-0492; CHANGE; UI; retired AETV remote, it cluttered & confused a lot of people. People that liked it can use the scene buttons app to make better custom remote controls & buttons (check yt video)

ALV-0493; CHANGE; UI; added confirmation popup to add character to scene, updated buttons & added icons to make them more intuitive

ALV-0494; NEW; AI; added genders, pronouns to characters & player info 

ALV-0495; NEW; AI; added modular knowledge system to AI settings. Added preview  of the intro the AI receives. Added knowledge blocks such as time & player info.

ALV-0497; CHANGE; UI; removed services app, moved services settings under Settings app. Moved settings app at the top bar, cleaned up clutter in apps list

ALV-0498; CHANGE; AI; prevent AI touch detection messages when certain effects are active, like BJ or mouth open

ALV-0500; FIX; bug; fix camera issues caused sometimes due to cinematics shake, causing vam camera drift and weird ui behavior

ALV-0503; CHANGE; language; added more UI translations, AI knowledge translations. Also translations for alive assistant triggers like sight & trigger vam button

ALV-0506; FIX; bug; fixed AI sight not working properly since december updates, remade to use new api logic, added carry token to api calls to keep track of affected object on async responses

ALV-0507; FIX; bug; fixed AI sight in chat app causing an extra unnecessary call for camera app to generate also an ai version of the vam sight preview

ALV-0508; FIX; bug; fixed kiss action not working with other languages correctly

ALV-0514; FIX; bug; fixed chat commands turn around and come here not translating

ALV-0515; CHANGE; AI; cleanup AI messages if they're made out entirely out of punctuation because they're causing weird sounds when trying to convert them to speech with elevenlabs

ALV-0516; FIX; UX; updated character loading to prevent characters stuck on loading due to naming problems, removed alive character names on atoms when dismissed to prevent vam reusing them

ALV-0521; FIX; dev; fixed UI debug elements showing in releases too

ALV-0522; CHANGE; UX; prevent hand movement with upper body in vision system when that hand has slap, hj, or rub effects active, to keep it in original position


ALV-0391; CHANGE; language; added more missing translations

ALV-0392; CHANGE; realism; reduced talking effect delay for auto cancelling, less talk animation after the person has stopped talking

ALV-0393; CHANGE; realism; reduced robotic head movement effect when stopping talking

ALV-0394; CHANGE; realism; updated face expressions when talking to heave less exaggerated eyebrow movements

ALV-0395; CHANGE; AI; increased default message limit to 250

ALV-0396; FIX; AI; fixed bad morph name on negative emotion reaction to AI's self chat

ALV-0397; CHANGE; AI; increased personality description characters limit from 512 to 2048

ALV-0398; FIX; AI; fixed token limit causing very short and cut off responses

ALV-0399; FIX; UI; fixed UI staying stuck on loading if the custom music folders don't have the required folder structure like the Demo folder

ALV-0400; FIX; AI; fixed three dots spacing

ALV-0401; CHANGE; AI; added removal of script tags to cleanup for better tiny AI models replies

ALV-0402; CHANGE; AI; clean up tab spaces /t from AI models, happening sometimes on tiny AI models

ALV-0403; CHANGE; AI; clean up extra []{} parenthesis, replace with() when possible to get actions like [looks around], clean up unpaired double quote "

ALV-0404; CHANGE; AI; changed new line formatting and processing to get more out of AI responses. Format UI messages to respect AI newlines

ALV-0405; FIX; AI; fix for messages sometimes starting with first letter cut off due to stacked messages in response triggering old trim logic

ALV-0406; FIX; AI; fix for messages sometimes cut at the end due to ". . ." & sentence repetition in same message protection

ALV-0407; FIX; dev; removed F7 key binding meant for development only

ALV-0408; NEW; AI; added reaction system to chat, quick player reactions without typing

ALV-0409; NEW; UX; added slide up and slide down effects to Cinematic camera

ALV-0410; NEW; AI; added dynamic AI temperature feature for more variation to AI behavior, configurable form Alive Settings > Chat > Dynamic Temperature

ALV-0411; NEW; AI; added AI lecture detection for sfw models, try to slightly reduce some of those messages that make the AI stuck in the lecture loop

ALV-0412; FIX; AI; fixed nodding no longer working on AI messages, addd nodding buttons to body > position

ALV-0413; NEW; UX; created a texture editor inside the Alive UI, added new app Aesthetics with face decal texture system

ALV-0414; NEW; AI; added in chat panels system, moved there reactions and old actions like continue and sight reaction request

ALV-0415; NEW; UX; added shaky cam effect to Cinematics app and option to keep it as permanently on for a nicer feel on desktop

ALV-0416; NEW; UX; added female/male expressions only toggle in Alive Settings which reduces automatic behavior. Male atoms by default now have only face expressions enabled

ALV-0417; NEW; UI; added skin type male/female indicator to UI person list avatar

ALV-0418; NEW; UX; added multiple pose system and autodetect logic. New app for couple poses. Added couple move system to Poses app

ALV-0419; NEW; UX; added look generator feature as improved version of my old Factory plugin. Adde new app Look Generator to create random looks

ALV-0420; CHANGE; VR; changed vr keyboard to accept text and close keyboard when pressing enter instead of adding a new line 

ALV-0421; CHANGE; VR; changed chat vr keyboard to automatically submit chat message when submitting in keyboard, instead of having to press send again

ALV-0422; NEW; AI; added quick commands and quick answers to chat message panels

ALV-0423; NEW; UX; created 5 particle effects for visual style: rain, snow, leafs, confetti & fireflies

ALV-0424; NEW; UI; added new app VFX to UI that allows automatically loading the particles effects

ALV-0425; NEW; UX; added new ambience system, allowing to toggle multiple ambiental loop sounds for background noise

ALV-0426; NEW; dev; added home list app icon render event to allow custom logic in each app code, moved ambience sound effect indicator, add music app indicator

ALV-0427; NEW; UI; added effect playing indicator for apps, added it to the VFX app. Indicates when there's a scene effect playing

ALV-0428; NEW; UX; added shapeshifter visual effect on Look Generator app morph changes 

ALV-0429; CHANGE; realism; reduced asymmetric eyes effect when looking to the side

ALV-0430; NEW; realism; added new procedural states for lips idle positions. Models will open the lips up more from time to time for more realistic mouth animations

ALV-0431; NEW; UI; added reset pose button directly in animation app next to pause button

ALV-0432; NEW; UI; animation app updated pause button to continue playing the animation if it's already paused

ALV-0433; CHANGE; UX; reduced jumping around effect when teleporting, playing animation the first time & resetting pose. Effect is still visible but less noticeable now.

ALV-0434; NEW; UX; animation system added logic to make elbows & knees more fluid by drifting back towards their natural position from time to time

ALV-0435; NEW; UX; animation system: added better transitions between animation clips for closer to seamless transitions

ALV-0436; CHANGE; realism; updated eyelid & eye position procedural movement to be less noticeable on abrupt movements

ALV-0437; CHANGE; realism; removed unnoticeable eyelid morphs causing extra operations per frame, updated 

ALV-0438; CHANGE; realism; added more mouth procedural animation logic to make the model keep lips in drawn

ALV-0439; NEW; realism; added a new layer of procedural states for eye position based 

ALV-0440; CHANGE; realism; changed eye tracking logic when focusing on player, added damping to prevent instant jumps in eye position

ALV-0441; CHANGE; UI; added person effect icon for animation in person effects bar

ALV-0442; NEW; UX; added new Morphology feature to Look Generator app. It allows updating all the active morphs at the same time to control the current look stylization level

ALV-0443; CHANGE; UI; changed chat player messages color to use the selected UI color instead of being forced to blue, changed trim & clear buttons color to secondary

ALV-0444; NEW; UI; added Alive credits app


ALV-0334 FIX; bug; fixed a few bugs caused by vision system hand movement when posing, it was forcing the hands to snap back to a different position

ALV-0335; CHANGE; performance; massively optimized all poses, reduced their file size to 5% of their previous sizes, some won't look to good and will be removed, keeping just the best ones

ALV-0336; CHANGE; ux; changed pose changing to use a different approach with smooth transition, prevent causing issues to Naturalis users 

ALV-0337; CHANGE; performance; removed from var unnecessary vam hair item leftover from very old scene

ALV-0338; CHANGE; performance; removed old atom images, music effect gifs, alive gif no longer used making the var bigger

ALV-0339; CHANGE; ux; removed music app UI animation for performance, removed settings tab as it held only that setting for the animation

ALV-0340; CHANGE; performance; optimized pose images to be smaller. They'll look a bit more blurry but i'd rather have smaller file size

ALV-0341; CHANGE; performance; removed old watch logic still causing unnecessary operations, cleaned up var subscenes

ALV-0342; CHANGE; performance; removed interiorpack assetbundle no longer used in the UI, asset is available already as a separate var SPQR.AeternumAssets.2.var

ALV-0343; CHANGE; dev; dropped 3rd party morphs, using dependencies instead to prevent redundancies & performance problems due to lots of morphs

ALV-0345; CHANGE; ux; added more BJ eye and lips animations, updated BJ movement with more variation and complexity of the head movement, less rotation

ALV-0346; CHANGE; dev; refactored morph changing logic to fix missing morph due to vam naming (uid vs displayName vs name in ui). Changed to work with external packs if present

ALV-0347; CHANGE; realism; added more closed eyelids logic based on angle of target, when looking down make the eyelids close more

ALV-0348; CHANGE; realism; updated Angry expression, made it more angry, less neutral

ALV-0349; CHANGE; realism; updated Annoyed, Satified & other expressions to work with new morphs from packs

ALV-0350; CHANGE; ux; changed Mouth Smile command with new morph, variation of intensity when the command is given

ALV-0351; CHANGE; ux; changed Mouth Pucker command with new morph, removed eye squint effect, keep it just for the lips

ALV-0352; NEW; ux; added main person ui buttons for move to camera and reset pose feature similar to vam's reset pose button but keeping original position of the model 

ALV-0353; CHANGE; ux; prevent idle body movement forces when alive frozen animation state detected, to give right of way for different plugins doing animation on the model

ALV-0354; NEW; ux; added animation system based on YAPP & BVH Player, changed logic to work more abstractly at session level, no person plugins neecessary

ALV-0355; NEW; ui; added dependencies app, listing and showing status on packages that help make Alive better 

ALV-0356; NEW; ui; added animation app with about 1000 animations from my bvh Animations Pack

ALV-0357; FIX; bug; fixed eyelid delayed closing when moving head quickly, like when dancing, causing weird eye wide open effect

ALV-0220; NEW; ui; added custom ui color, customizable from settings

ALV-0358; FIX; ui; removed desktop UI mode setting description info about Floating mode which was removed a while ago, kept only Sidebar & Floating Sidebar info

ALV-0325; NEW; AI; added support for elevenlabs voices stability, similarity & style controls, can be changed in the services app 

ALV-0359; NEW; UI; added arousal level speed slider, allows slowing it down or making it increase faster

ALV-0360; FIX; bug; fixed pose error showing on some poses 

ALV-0361; CHANGE; UI; seperated Vision body movement in Upper & Lower options, to allow hip custom positioning while also keeping some extra body movement

ALV-0276; CHANGE; VR; added 'click catcher' logic to VR UI to prevent accidental clicks when trying to move or hide the UI, hitting trigger now blocks clicks in the UI

ALV-0362; FIX; dev; fixed controller trigger up/down event detection logic not working across modules, event lost after the first module to use it

ALV-0363; CHANGE; VR; prevent navigation when focused on Alive UI and trying to scroll when in default VAM vr navigation mode

ALV-0364; CHANGE; VR; stop VAM's keyboard from showing up in VR when clicking around in the Alive UI

ALV-0365; NEW; VR; added roomscale mode for UI to stick in place and not move around with player

ALV-0275; FIX; UI; fixed vr mode not identified properly and desktop UI buttons still showing up like maximize

ALV-0277; FIX; VR; added logic to detect hand model change to fix vibration requiring plugin reload to work when the hand models are not set initially or get switched

ALV-0367; CHANGE; AI; added slider in Alive Settings > Chat to control AI touches sent to chat, turned it down to 15% as default

ALV-0368; CHANGE; UI; moved back headlight performance settings to Light panel to keep all light related settings in a single place

ALV-0162; CHANGE; AI; moved chat as a separate app, made chat linked only to models in the scene for less confusion, no more chatting with away models

ALV-0369; CHANGE; UI; removed character popup, keep profile as a single place to do character operations

ALV-0375; CHANGE; UI; changed character creation logic, creating characters require having a model selected in the scene and the character copies its look

ALV-0372; FIX; bug; fixed error when trying to add a character when ALIVE loaded on a scene with no person atoms already in it or sometimes when alive auto is disabled 

ALV-0373; NEW; ux; added feature to prevent person atom overlap when new atom is added, added setting in general settings, by default it's enabled

ALV-0374; CHANGE; ux; reset pose morphs, clear expression on reset pose UI action

ALV-0376; CHANGE; ui; added confirmation popup when replacing model in scene

ALV-0377; FIX; bug; fixed error thrown by path to settings.json missing when first running alive or if deleting plugindata/aeternum folder

ALV-0378; FIX; realism; fix for random eye IPD offset meant to simulate random focus distance staying stuck and causing bad iris position on specific targets

ALV-0379; NEW; realism; added head movement monitor, make characters look down & around more when moving the head, rather than staring 

ALV-0380; CHANGE; realism; reduced default Eyelids auto-adjustment strength to 0.8, effect on 1 was too strong, causing some models to close their eyes too much 

ALV-0381; CHANGE; ux; fix to enforce Alive lipsync settings, vam resetting lipsync settings causing models to continue with lipsync off despite having lipsync enabled in Alive

ALV-0382; CHANGE; ux; changed lipsync setting to be enforced only when enabled, if disabled let VAM handle lipsync as before instead of enforcing disabled lipsync. fix lipsync volume

ALV-0383; NEW; realism; added procedural system for eyes to sim thinking, added system when talking, reduced random macrosaccades, more look up in the corners or down while speaking

ALV-0384; FIX; bug; reset all altered morphs on unfrozen to fix issues with morphs stuck in the state they were in when frozen & Alive skipping them due to having static values 

ALV-0385; CHANGE; realism; changed eyelid morphs when looking up/down and left/right to make eye movement look a bit more natural

ALV-0386; CHANGE; performance; optimized all sounds files, dropped sound assetbundle down to under 1mb from 18mb previously

ALV-0387; CHANGE; realism; adjusted macrosaccades when look is in Auto & focusing on player to reduce looking away, keep more eye contact

ALV-0388; CHANGE; realism; mouth animations adjustments, less exaggerated side to side movement, more lip biting

ALV-0389; FIX; UI; fixed Alive LOD morphs setting not working properly, it was always on even when disabled

ALV-0390; CHANGE; realism; increased LOD morphs quality when close to reduce robotic transition on some morphs. Might still be noticeable on a few morphs, more work needed


ALV-0288; FIX; bug; fixed shake controllers not working anymore, shaking model arms to toggle them on/off (fixed in space or free)

ALV-0295; CHANGE; UI; hide characters popup buttons based on context when not needed (replace character when no model is selected)

ALV-0296; CHANGE; UI; character popup reorder actions and added images to scene buttons for more intuitive actions

ALV-0297; FIX; bug; fixed robotic head movement caused by audio effect toggling on/off quickly like with the chewing gum action

ALV-0298; CHANGE; realism; updated extra head movement when making sounds, talking, to be smoother, less robotic

ALV-0299; CHANGE; realism; updated happy state, new logic for base morphs, added a base continual smile, adjusted expressions

ALV-0300; CHANGE; realism; updated sad state, added constant base state, reduce unintended smiling

ALV-0301; CHANGE; realism; updated neutral state to have less smiling to avoid effecting the other states

ALV-0302; CHANGE; realism; disabled vams automatic eyelid morph system that  was making eyes look deformed when looking down

ALV-0303; NEW; realism; added new eyes system for more realistic eye & eyelid movement when looking up and down, left and right

ALV-0304; CHANGE; ux; reduce large eye saccades & target changes  when focus is set to player, for longer eye contact

ALV-0305; NEW; UI; added new Alive Settings sliders for eyelid auto-adjustments (strength and offset)

ALV-0307; NEW; realism; more noticeable pupillary distance (eyes pupil position) changing based on target distance. added new setting in UI.

ALV-0308; NEW; realism; added lips slightly parting effect when looking up for more face movement based on target position

ALV-0309; CHANGE; ux; changed error message on text AI connection problems with more indications

ALV-0310; FIX; bug; reset eyes closed morph getting stuck after saving scenes and catching models while blinking, causing eyes always closed on load

ALV-0311; CHANGE; realism; updated seductive, angry, expressive states animations, added more variation, less exaggerated morphs

ALV-0312; CHANGE; realism; updated cute expressive state to have more mouth open movement, reduce exaggerated eyes movement

ALV-0313; CHANGE; realism; updated annoyed, satisfied expressive states, added base morphs, more constant expressions

ALV-0314; CHANGE; language; added more translations to the UI


ALV-0290; FIX; AI; fixed error when no person available for AI vision (chatting with an away model, has no scene presence to see things)

ALV-0291; FIX; AI; cleaned up new line characters for better responses when Alive introduction is disabled, less "\n" in answers

ALV-0292; NEW; AI; added AI chat support for new oobabooga webui api, support for old one also kept as an option (legacy mode in services app)

ALV-0293; CHANGE; AI; added touch limitation to prevent spam of same body part


ALV-0210; CHANGE; language; added translations to UI labels for Alive Settings, Services 

ALV-0208; FIX; bug; fixed Cute expression morphs overlapping causing some weird face expression transitions 

ALV-0209; NEW; UI; added blink value slider to allow setting a lower value blink that looks better for models with lots of eye morphs already added

ALV-0210; NEW; UI; added blink speed min and max sliders in Alive Settings for more blinking customization

ALV-0090; NEW; dev; added character location scene/away logic to UI to be able to add custom UI based on the character current status

ALV-0216; CHANGE; UI; changed profile & popup links & buttons to show based on character location (away/present) to make them a little less confusing

ALV-0217; CHANGE; UI; characters panel removed stats (to be moved in profile), added quick location info label to identify loaded characters quicker

ALV-0072; NEW; UI; added Touch expressions toggle to UI. When disabled prevent touch effects from happening.

ALV-0101; NEW; AI; added new chat feature & setting in Alive Settings to show the character chat responses in a speech bubble inside the scene

ALV-0226; FIX; dev; fix vam log error writes due to linerender warning

ALV-0221; NEW; dev; added logic to better identify specific body parts on collisions to be able to add more touches features

ALV-0228; CHANGE; AI; chat body part actions, added massage and normal touches next to spanks (RMB, SHIFT+RMB, CTRL+RMB on desktop), fix VR

ALV-0229; CHANGE; AI; chat body touches added specific body part info, letting AI know what was touched, related to ALV-0221

ALV-0230; CHANGE; performance; removed heavy colliders parent atom detection logic and redid it to be a bit more optimized

ALV-0231; CHANGE; performance; added cooldown on touch detection to prevent heavy touch operations getting triggered every frame

ALV-0232; FIX; BUG; fixed some issues with self-triggering collisions

ALV-0233; NEW; performance; added new setting & feature for automatic behavior to turn off when the person is out of view, to reduce resources usage

ALV-0234; FIX; bug; fixed issue with person's Eye Target controller auto rotating caused by vision system

ALV-0235; CHANGE; UX; made model reset target & look forward to a more natural position when the target is stuck behind, instead of remaining with head stuck 

ALV-0236; CHANGE; performance; changed eye twinkle effect when camera is close enough to see it and eyes open, reduce morph calls when unnecessary

ALV-0237; CHANGE; performance; do toes morphs only when close to the feet to reduce unnecessary morphs calls

ALV-0238; CHANGE; performance; optimize morph updates to greatly reduce the number of morph changes per frame to improve performance

ALV-0239; NEW; performance; LOD morphs, added distance based morph changes to reduce unnoticeable morph calls as distance from model face increases

ALV-0241; CHANGE; realism; redid idle body movement to be more subtle for now, less weird twists, added new Idle Extra toggle for body extra movement

ALV-0242; CHANGE; realism; adjusted mouth animation, reduced narrow mouth effect messing up models with (bad!) mouth morphs forced on their neutral state

ALV-0249; CHANGE; performance; remove alive collision logic on some colliders that are not needed 

ALV-0250; CHANGE; performance; optimized code related to Alive UI positioning

ALV-0251; CHANGE; performance; optimized alive automatic expression logic for checking for unregistered characters 

ALV-0252; CHANGE; performance; optimized procedural forces logic to reduce unnecessary & repetitive calculations when forces are in idle mode 

ALV-0253; CHANGE; performance; optimized automatic behavior eyeworks logic, reduce unnecessary frame calculations

ALV-0254; CHANGE; performance; optimized UI scene data calls, removed redundant calls

ALV-0255; FIX; performance; fixed performance issues caused by process looking for old Alive plugins on person atom to prevent overlap with older versions

ALV-0256; CHANGE; performance; optimized morph value expiration logic to do less operations 

ALV-0257; FIX; realism; fixed labia trigger expressions triggering all the time

ALV-0260; CHANGE; realism; adjusted Look in Front behaviour to target slightly higher, closer to character's eye level rather than always look down

ALV-0261; CHANGE; realism; adjusted idle body movement, reduced y axis movement, less bouncing up and down

ALV-0262; CHANGE; realism; added more asymmetrical procedural facial movement for nose, cheeks & mouth

ALV-0263; CHANGE; realism; added moments of stillness to body vibration jitters for more variations to idle movement

ALV-0264; CHANGE; realism; added new logic for eyes shape based on the angle to the target position and based on the position relative to the head

ALV-0265; CHANGE; realism; reduced forced blinking on quick eye movement for more looking around without blinking

ALV-0266; CHANGE; realism; updated happy state with more procedural mouth movement - still needs more work

ALV-0269; NEW; realism; added new procedural idle movement for head, shoulders & arms

ALV-0271; NEW; realism; added glutes collision procedural animations for more lively butts

ALV-0273; FIX; UI; fixed bugs with clothing & hair apps, sometimes not showing hair color picker, hair & clothes options

ALV-0278; CHANGE; UX; disabled VR hands focus, causing too many weird body switches breaking immersion. i'll try to do the feature in a different way

ALV-0279; CHANGE; UX; added new setting for tongue kissing, by default that feature is disabled now because tongue causes problems in vam & looks bad

ALV-0280; CHANGE; UX; lowered the auto kiss distance default value 

ALV-0281; CHANGE; realism; changed logic for vision system head movement to look further up and down at targets

ALV-0286; FIX; UI; fixed bug with clothing & hair items stacking up in UI when changing tabs in the same app


ALV-0112; CHANGE; dev; Replaced Aeternum.cslist with Alive (Session Plugin).cslist. Aeternum was temporary to prevent confusion with the old Alive.cslist

ALV-0188; FIX; bug; Alive failing to start and freezing vam if settings file got corrupted or ended up empty 

ALV-0189; CHANGE; language; added translations for all Settings app labels,  for Lights app, for Camera app, Buttons app

ALV-0191; NEW; help; made helper videos for camera app (stablediffusion) and buttons app, added videos info to their respective help sections

ALV-0190; FIX; UI; fixed icons in Character Actions tab & profile messed up due to translation related code changes from earlier versions

ALV-0192; FIX; performance; fix character mass reload of settings files on individual changes

ALV-0170; FIX; AI; fixed characters custom voice settings not being used until reloading the character or reloading the plugin

ALV-0187; CHANGE; bug; changed distance at which VR UI gets loaded, attempt to fix bug I can't replicate of VR UI frozen cursor, reported by two people

ALV-0195; NEW; UX; added 4 new light presets

ALV-0196; CHANGE; performance; optimized all light presets images to reduce size & ui load

ALV-0197; CHANGE; performance; small change to optimize touch detection logic that was doing redundant operations

ALV-0155; CHANGE; dev; fix all visualstudio code warnings, about 100 items

ALV-0156; CHANGE; UX; reset keep feet above floor setting and set it as disabled by default. was causing problems with scenes built lower than 0 on y axis

ALV-0200; CHANGE; UI; make help icons more visible, fixed all help icons position

ALV-0201; FIX; UI; character > body > modelling fixed UI problems and fixed buttons in Position tab

ALV-0202; CHANGE; UX; automatically drop hands on Reset Pose buttons from Alive UI (to get rid of T-pose if tpose autocorrect is enabled)

ALV-0187; CHANGE; bug; more hail mary changes for VR UI bug, added a few ms of delay more on UI load, changed material render queue to lower

ALV-0203; CHANGE; UI; moved Chewing Gum to Face actions panel, removed actions tab

ALV-0174; FIX; AI; prevent multiple AI responses getting triggered after virtual assistant responses (interfered with assistant commands)

ALV-0204; FIX; UX; reset pose morphs on alive person enable and person disable, to prevent frozen morphs that make models look weird

ALV-0205; FIX; AI; fixed chat stuck loading when text AI is disabled


FIX: UX; fix for advanced trigger system for events related to alive characters like emotions (AliveEvents plugin)

CHANGE: AI; readded OobaBooga text-generation-webui url for people that want to run chat AI on a different machine

CHANGE: UX; update general settings & alive settings help labels to fix or add missing defaults

NEW: UX; added new feature for settings help labels to allow resetting individual settings to their default value

NEW: language; added persistent UI language setting to the General Settings app, started adding first test translations

CHANGE: UX; removed Effects app with persistent time & world scale overlapping with vam's settings, causing problems to a few people and there's no practical use for those settings

CHANGE: UI; removed Locations app from top menu, keeping only Locations app for now

CHANGE: UI; added Alive Home specific UI, Home apps show only when Alive Home is loaded : VR Golf & Home Settings

CHANGE: UI; removed top menu flag marker UI logic from old scene objects features to get rid of extra atoms created in scene and not very helpful

CHANGE: UX; added drop down hands after new character load to get rid of initial t-pose

CHANGE: UX; make character stare at player more when look at me command active, macro-saccades rate reduced

CHANGE: realism; adjusted body idle movement range of motion to reduce exaggerated body spasms

CHANGE: realism; made happy emotion more happy, slight ajdustments to others

CHANGE: UX; emotions remade to work with new effects system to make them easier to manage & cancel

CHANGE: UI; emotions removed tab, moved to head tab

CHANGE: UX; added examples for effects triggers toggle/start/stop in the triggers app; people that used triggers for the emotions might need to change them to the new unified effects system

NEW: AI; added new slider to control AI messages character limit, lower helps with performance

NEW: AI; added new logic to force shorter AI messages occasionally to increase AI response diversity, prevent it from going on rambling non-stop or getting stuck repeating the same long phrases; added setting in alive settings > chat to control the change for shorter messages to be enforced

NEW: realism; added procedural eye movement during talking, more expressive eyes

NEW: realism; reduced brow movement limit while talking

CHANGE: AI; added parenthesis text as user and AI action same as with **, like *blushes* and (blushes)

CHANGE: UI; Locations app changed as Alive Home dependent, showing only when alive home is loaded, hidden otherwise

NEW: AI; added new feature & slider setting to control the chance for the AI to continue with another reply after already replying

CHANGE: UX; Created new var AliveExtrasOptions, moved Alive Home and Construct scenes in new var

NEW: AI; added loading animation while AI is writing messages

FIX: UX; fixed kissing sound not working anymore

CHANGE: realism; lowered macrosaccades frequency while speaking, increased chance for character to change target towards player when starting to speak

CHANGE: AI; added throttle to text AI calls to reduce case when it gets spammed

NEW: AI; send kissing and spanking as actions when chat is opened


NEW: realism; added toes procedural animation, setting in Alive Settings

FIX: UX; reset expressions when disabling Lively Facial States instead of having them stay stuck for the remaining of the session after turning them off

NEW: dev; added tics system, new layer for procedural emotions that support both micro/flash expressions & long term states

NEW: realism; added left brow & right brow tics, more independent movement for brows

NEW: realism: changed eyes saccades system to move in a more realistic fashion, to simulate scanning faces; triangle shaped movement, scan player mouth & jaw

CHANGE: UI; removed alive settings effects tab; settings moved to general tab

CHANGE: realism; reworked eyes morphs based on vertical angle of target to take in account eye saccades position too, making eyes more realistic and lively when looking around by forcing more eyelid movement

CHANGE: realism; increased default blink rate to match average real life average rates

CHANGE: realism; added more variety & change duration of blinks to match real life average rates (350ms)

CHANGE: UI; added search functionality for alive settings main tab

NEW: realism; added brows cute tic, character moves the inner brows up more often

NEW: realism; added submissive trait, character adopts more often submissive/innocent facial expressions

NEW: realism; added sexy trait, character adopts more often sexy facial expressions with slightly more eye squint & parted/puckers lips

NEW: realism; added lip bite trait, character bites lips from time to time

NEW: realism; added alert trait; character from time to time opens up the eyes more

FIX: UX; fixed error message appearing sometimes due to shaking detection

CHANGE: UX; disable macrosaccades on target & object focus; enabled it on person focus to simulate gaze avoidance

CHANGE: realism; reduced lips apart states max morphs allowed

FIX: realism; reduced mouth narrow state morphs limits to avoid impact on the vam models with narrower chin/mouth

CHANGE: realism; removed mouth dimples as facial states, added instead tics for smirk left/right

CHANGE: UX; removed hip & hands occasional focus on people target focus which caused unnatural head positions

FIX: realism; fixed eye target on people target focus to be closer towards the eyes of the person instead of the head controller (inside the center of the head)

FIX: AI; virtual assistant rivescript logic fixed UTF8 characters not going through and preventing it to work with other languages like japanese, russian, etc; added demo utf8 japanese command "demo こんにちは" to demo brain brain/rives/examples.rive.js

NEW: AI; changed voice sounds to work on a queue basis to allow for delayed replies; might have to remake this, currently there might be cases where delayed messages get skipped

NEW: AI; added logic for AI-responses based Virtual Assistant processing & rules

FIX: UX; changed body vibration logic to compensate movement  (rewind it), to prevent body offset stacking up and causing body poses drifting away after a while


CHANGE: UX; set default background color back to pure black for better compatibility with upcoming Mixed Reality out of the box

NEW: realism; added very basic forehead wrinkles when talking - barely visible, nothing crazy

NEW: realism; added eyes wrinkles procedural animation, part of Lively Eyes mechanic

FIX: realism; fixed eye squints not triggering

CHANGE: realism; eyes procedural squint adjusted to be less exaggerated, longer state holds possible

CHANGE: realism; added procedural states for mouth open/close, person will hold mouth slightly open or slughtly more close for long durations

CHANGE: realism; reduced brow squeeze event morph values and occurance

CHANGE: realism; cheeks flex & eyes squint adjusted dampening, make changes happen slower, less abruptly

CHANGE: realism; slightly reduce brows movement while talking to make it less exaggerated

FIX: realism; fixed old lower lip smile micro-expression causing abrupt & robotic changes of the lower lip breaking immersion

FIX: realism; fixed abrupt eyes & brows morphs for expressions set to trigger sometimes when the character decides to change the target it's focusing on

FIX: dev; remade logic for random states morphs in a simpler & easier to extend way (for longer held micro expressions, like cheeks slightly flexed for a period of time, mouth slightly open, etc)

NEW: realism; added mouth narrow state for general facial expressions

CHANGE: realism; removed old pucker lips logic affecting model morphs, changed to new states logic and replaced with pose morph, made it slightly less exaggerated

FIX: dev; removed old eyes-closed morph fluctuation interfering with newer systems, not working properly

NEW: realism; added new eye-closed state procedural animations for more natural eyes

NEW: realism; added new jaw in-out state procedural animations for more jaw movement

NEW: realism; added new lip in out state procedural animation for more lips position variety

NEW: realism; added lips parting state procedural animations to much more lively lips, less glued together

NEW: realism; added minor assymmetry to lips general procedural animation

NEW: realism: added face assymmetry procedural animation & states

CHANGE: realism; updated seductive trait to have more expressions and work the same as new traits

CHANGE: dev; cleanup some of the very messy old UI code no longer used

CHANGE: UX; removed player naughty parts focus, not working as intended and causing unnatural random head movement

FIX: realism; fixed overlapping morphs in Expressive trait causing jittery animations

FIX: realism; fixed jittery mouth animation happening sometimes when automatically changing target focus

CHANGE: realism; adjusted default inhale & exhale procedural animations to be more subtle

CHANGE: realism; adjusted head position to be less slouched

NEW: realism; added head micro jitters for more realism

CHANGE: realism; adjusted lips parted state to be more subtle

CHANGE: realism; remade macrosaccade-driven head twitches to the left and right to be more subtle and less robotic

CHANGE: realism; removed old cycle forces altering head rotation looking bad due to instant back-forth; replaced with new logic based on eye position, tied in to the vision system head offsets; also added more variety to movements

CHANGE: realism; changed vision head offset logic, made it more smooth, prevent immediate large head rotation changes, prevent too much side to side rotation making characters look like dogs giphy.com/gifs/reaction-mood-1irfi6MmcGGc751W16

NEW:realism; added offset compensation logic; when changing to look towards the right the head gets a slight offset to the right to simulate a more natural/efficient turn to face objects - of less movement

FIX: UX; fix eye squint logic to be handled by lively eyes, nose morphs by lively facial states, allowing them to be turned on/off

FIX: realism; fix bottom lip morph conflict with a smile morph causing jittery lips animations sometimes

FIX: UX; prevent interfering with models controls when they're selected, not just when they're being dragged (prevent adding idle movement making the controllers move when trying to work with them)

NEW: realism; added jitters/body vibration/shaking for chest, hip & hands too

NEW: UI; Added body vibration settings to turn on/off jitters/body shaking

CHANGE: realism; made neutral state more neutral to let the personality traits take over specific emotional states


FIX: UI, fix character bottom menu chat select, showed profile as selected even when in chat screen

CHANGE: UI, removed change look app for vanilla looks to improve performance; focus is on character management now

CHANGE: UI, replaced objects app with just lights apps in top bar; discontinuing scene atom management in Alive; I had big plans for it but I don't have time & support to work on in anytime soon and as it is now it's redundant, it has the same features as vam, so I'd rather give on this than other stuff

CHANGE: characters, added 30 characters limit for performance

CHANGE: UI, removed preload of haircuts & clothings, redid whole logic for faster UI loading; increase file limit showed in ui from 300 to 500

CHANGE: realism, new logic to detect angle of focus target and adjust eye morphs to make them more realistic, better eye position when looking up and down

FIX: UX, fixed eye target moving around even when focus is on Target Mode and should be static

FIX: realism, added blink flood protection, prevent systems triggering blinks causing too many blinks

NEW: realism, procedural expressions when talking, more facial animation

FIX: UI, fixed face look at effects buttons (player, target, objects,etc) remaining selected in UI even after cancelling effect from bottom bar

NEW: realism, added nostrils micromovement for more face realism

CHANGE: realism, changed lively brows procedural animation to prevent very quick movement very quick looking unnatural

CHANGE: realism, added more logic for macrosaccades during talking, make characters look around more and quicker

CHANGE: realism, reduced default idle movement settings, lower by default for more realism

FIX: performance; optimized some repetitive costly operations when looking for person componenets

FIX: UI; fixed character bottom bar still indicating the old selected person after Character > Replace In Scene

FIX: UX; rename person atom before Character > Remove From Scene because vam caches person atoms and reuses them, causing a character to be loaded when doing vanilla add new person; it will still happen if the character is removed via vanilla remove, works for Alive UI character remove only

NEW: dev; ui frontend added basic register to events functionality for apps for easier & more complex functionalitly

FIX: UI; fixed Services > Speech elevenlabs dynamic info (remaining words, models) requiring tab change to take effect when enabling elevenlabs

CHANGE: realism, changed Tongue Physics to be by default off and Auto-Tongue on; this helps with performance and prevents tongue messing up some models faces or making their chins vibrate when moving,  tongue physics get automatically turned on when the tongue is out (tongue length morph or tongue out command) so only when really needed

FIX: realism, adjust penetratrion morphs, adjust for less exaggerated expressions that don't work well with some models 

CHANGE: AI, virtual assistant added loremipsum command for a quick debugging text paragraph good for testing audio, talking expressions

NEW: dev, added logic to handle custom listeners/actions when clicking on Virtamate buttons

CHANGE: UX, remade & readded Tpose autocorrect toggle in Alive Settings; added Tpose drop hands functionality when actually hitting VAM's reset pose button in UI

CHANGE: UX, added on vam's UI reset pose button a resetting of Alive driven settings that were getting turned off by VAM, like lipsync, forcing people to have to enable them manually; eyes and jaw settings same

CHANGE: realism, updated lively brows procedural animations to be more subtle and less robotic 


FIX: characters, fixed error on loading character into the body of the same character

NEW: AI, added available word count for elevenlabs, requires changing tab if just enabling/disabling elevenlabs for now

NEW: AI, added support to get available elevenlabs AI models, option to pick which one to use; support for multilingual elevenlabs

FIX: UI removed posing long names, keep just numbers to better fit

FIX: UI fixed person atom still appearing sometimes in bottom bar even after turned off

NEW: UI, added option to start Alive with the UI not loaded in Plugin > Tools > Enable Alive UI for people that want just automatic behavior, UI can then be enabled when needed to setup some settings; You can also disable Alive Settings > Automatically Start to disable Alive auto-behaviour on al person atoms, that way you can just manually add plugins/AliveAlwaysOn.cslist on person atoms that you want to have Alive enabled in that scene, similar to the old person plugin (reload session plugin to see the effects on automatic behavior)

CHANGE: characters, added avatar photo change on save look similar to vam save look screenshot

NEW: characters, on load body load also the physical settings of that look (plugins, vam person settings), allows saving custom jaw settings, breasts & glutes physics, audio settings for each character; works with Bring to scene feature

NEW: effects, added person talking detection as effect; removing the talking effect will make the person stop saying whatever the model is saying

CHANGE: realism, turn off speech bubble notifications by default, redundant now with effects system

NEW: characters, added character load body + personality over the selected person atom feature

CHANGE: characters, changed character options popup to make it easier to use

CHANGE: UI, simplified voices test & list UI on services settings and character settings

FIX: UI, small fixes for UI alignment


FIX: error message for Alive touches callbacks after Alive plugin is disabled

FIX: fixed cleanup AliveMoveMarker atom remaining in scene after Alive gets disabled

FIX: fixed head expressions personalities not working

NEW: characters added load into person button; loads selected character into the selected body

FIX: fixed alive not initializing on sometimes fully on character bring to scene, move marker missing


CHANGE: adjusted minimum time for eye macrosaccades to be dependent of macrosaccade strength, reduce extremely fast eye movement 

CHANGE: added better AI introduction to help it make more nsfw friendly and more role-play, reduce some AI models like llama2 drifting in assistant mode

CHANGE: added logic to keep track of eyes closed, mouth open & tongue out morphs to limit other automatic morphs adding to that and causing exaggerated morphs

CHANGE: change Alive UI loading screen, debug info still available on click

CHANGE: changed characters actions and settings to work independent of what character is selected

CHANGE: changed person vam menu auto-open to better reflect alive ui selected character: if vam person UI is visible and character is changed, the vam ui changes to the selected alive ui character

CHANGE: character system added custom characters photos from UI logic

CHANGE: character system added edit existing character screen

CHANGE: character system renamed androids to characters, removed buy/sell logic, added new create character panel

CHANGE: characters connected to vam looks, bottom bar shows avatars only for characters; load characters into scene; characters persistent id even on look change to keep link between look and character in various scenarios (scene reload, alive reload, etc)

CHANGE: Chat changed AI forced initial text, made shorter and more generic, rely more on character description field

CHANGE: Chat prevent sending empty messages to AI, causing it to derail and taking up context space

CHANGE: effects system added support for AI triggered effects with detection to stop/reset the effects

CHANGE: effects system added support for effect parameters to group together similar effects or mutually exclusive ones; updated UI logic to reflect active person effects; refactored eye target look at logic to work under effects system; old alive triggers changing look at target will need to be updated to work with newer alive versions

CHANGE: increased chat personality description & chat example fields length

CHANGE: mouth open command made animation procedural; redid mouth open logic to work with the effects system; changed trigger detection a swipe from the jaw to the lips will make the model open the mouth when auto mouth open is enabled (by default)

CHANGE: redid kiss & autokiss functionality to be handled by effects system

CHANGE: refactored body motions logic (vibe,twerk, etc) to use effects system

CHANGE: refactored Mouth & Face actions, cleaned up old code & prepared actions to work with automated effects; added Kiss as a face action

CHANGE: removed old automatic BJ & Ride logic, moved to new AI driven effects system; removed auto-ride & auto-bj power sliders from settings, auto ride & bj are now the ride & bj body motions and can be configured from that screen

CHANGE: removed old photo expressions option from face settings, face expressions to be handled all by personality options

CHANGE: reorganized person bottom menu, character selection, character actions

FIX:  Chat added end detection on '",' for llama2 malformed answers containing multiple replies

FIX: chat fixed error happening sometimes on repetition detection

FIX: Chat prevent empty messages from showing in the chat feed

FIX: chat removed day separator when cleaning up messages

FIX: fix can't play sound error when loading the var after having loaded a previous recent alive version

FIX: fixed alive trying to load even on person atoms that are off in the scene

FIX: fixed body motion for right hand & right feet rub animations not being as smooth as left counterparts

FIX: fixed elevenlabs calls stuck in error mode until refresh if one call returns an error

FIX: fixed eye focus getting reset when set to follow the Eye Target and when collisions happen

FIX: fixed eyes open animation after turning off eyes closed too abrupt, made it smoother

FIX: fixed mouth open command morphs exaggerated causing deformations on some models

FIX: fixed person atom in bottom bar not changing correctly if the atom is on/off, bottom bar now shows person atoms that are on

FIX: fixed person atom not showing in bottom bar on initial load until interaction

FIX: fixed tongue physics on tongue out command & on tongue out morphs when tongue physics are disabled; toggle as on to prevent tongue sticking out through the face

FIX: fixed VR keyboard layout not fitting on UI with small width size

NEW: added characters voice settings; changed TTS speech & test speech to work with multiple characters with different voices

NEW: added eye focus as effects; focusing on targets can be cancelled now from the bottom menu

NEW: added new character actions popup on profile info & on click on bottom menu avatar; options to save the look of that character, bring it or remove it from scene and to delete the character

NEW: added new Chat settings tab in Alive settings, added setting to turn off Alive AI introduction to help with AI models in other languages and more custom role-play AI

NEW: added option to turn off Alive indicators (purple line animation on character/object select) from Alive settings > vam+ > Show Alive indicators

NEW: AI cam changed logic so that it generates in the background and keeps track of last generated image so that you can change tabs in the UI and come back later to see the generated image, no longer have to stay stuck in the cam app; no visual or sound notification yet

NEW: Alive chat added actions support (like *looks around*), log in chat and format in UI; include code driven actions like on reaction to sight

NEW: bottom menu added person active effects system with icons & popup to cancel active effects or all effects

NEW: character system added delete functionality

NEW: chat added chat character info to distinguish who the chat is with; you can chat with any character, even those that are not in the scene, not just with the selected character

NEW: chat added Continue button to make the AI continue the idea

NEW: chat added custom camera capture logic to allow capturing images from different angles other than player view

NEW: chat added image interrogation support, character vision capture and integration with AI chat to force the AI to describe what it sees based on input image

NEW: chat added Messages cleanup toggle to turn off AI messages processing done by Alive to try to clean up junk answers from the AI

NEW: chat added react button (needs A1111 images AI enabled), moved old buttons for trim & clear chat

NEW: chat added support to include temporary images from AI inside chat

NEW: image AI added logic to update A1111 image interrogation settings for faster image processing when using CLIP (high quality mode) than A1111's defaults

NEW: UI character added logic for consistent character bar in apps with link to character profile


FIX: fixed issue with UI not loading for some people, stuck on loading screen

CHANGE: optimized loading screen to be faster

FIX: added logic to detect scale change and add gaze cooldown

FIX: fixed Vision Hands follow chest setting not disabling feature correctly

FIX: fixed Vision hand movement causing physics problems with models that have a different Scale than 1

NEW: added minor versions support for cache system to allow updating UI for the same version without needing to clear cache manually or swithching major versions

NEW: added more debugging info on loading screen for people that have problems with loading the plugin

FIX: fixed bug causing loop reload of the ALIVE UI for some people due to vam path with white spaces triggering a mismatch, related to "added failed loading check and reload for other fringe cases where the UI might fail to load"


FIX: fixed error message appearing sometimes on Alive initialization on male person atoms

NEW: added unity lines helper for UX tools and debugging objects positions and orientations

NEW: added sticky head/hip parent mode and set as default - hands have less resistance when glued to head/hip than with phyiscs link. More info and toggle to set it to old mode in People Settings > VAM+

CHANGE: Alive vanilla plugin UI added reload plugin after clearing cache

CHANGE: Alive vanilla plugin UI added welcome instructions with the basics for people new to the plugin and notes on some common problems

FIX: fixed UI unnecessary repetitive event uiConfirmPersonAdded triggered after all person events

CHANGE: moved & grouped person features to make things more intuitive: body app - body related actions, head app - head related actions, actions app - person status & interaction

FIX: fixed UI minimize/maximize button appearing in VR

FIX: improved UI loading speed, light changing speed

FIX: fixed problems and error messages when removing Person atoms

CHANGE: cleaned up old api url references from Services description, now urls automated

FIX: fixed UI problem sometimes when loading a different scene that was saved with the UI open, causing "Load error" message to appear; added failed loading check and reload for other fringe cases where the UI might fail to load

CHANGE: changed cloning atoms to clone also the position & rotation of the parent atom; disabled object cloning for person atoms to prevent physics explosion bug

NEW: added shortcut Insert to clone selected atom, Delete to remove selected atom

NEW: added new Effects app for visual & game world effect

NEW: added new persistent timescale setting Effects app, similar to vam's native Time Scale feature but with more range

FIX: fixed mainmenu on/off during screenshots delay

NEW: added new persistent world scale setting in Effects app

NEW: added new Triggers app, log of recent Alive UI Events and copy functionality, custom triggers tab, help section

CHANGE: added double click on person avatar in bottom bar functionality to open vam person settings, removed old bottom bar button for settings

CHANGE: hide vam UI when selecting no person from the bottom bar if vam person settings are active

CHANGE: fixed and readded Run in background option in Performance settings, making vam freeze when the window is not focused

CHANGE: removed person remove button from bottom UI, person dismiss to be set as a separate action

CHANGE: added logic to disable Life Gaze in vam default scene when detected as active & Alive is active to prevent conflicts & user actions needed in the most basic use case & plugin test scenario (add plugin + test default vam scene)

FIX: fixed pose change duration slider forcing 3s intervals

NEW: Person > Body > Modelling added body part toggles for the auto modelling functionality

NEW: Person > Body > Modelling added min & max duration sliders

NEW: Person > Body > Modelling added chance percent settings for body parts to change pose to add more variety to auto poses

FIX: fixed AI Cam app help tab not working

FIX: fixed AI Cam screenshots filenames so that ai, vam & controlnet files have the same timestamp in the filename and start the same

FIX: remove console log events notification messages for the UI when not in debugmode to reduce number of writes and flooding vam's debug log file

NEW: added VR 1st person mode player height offset slider (general settings > VR)

NEW: added Person > Head > Personality toggles for custom expressions behavior based on personality traits, toggles are similar to old alive checkboxes for happy,sad etc

NEW: added body actions: feet job, lfoot rub, rfoot rub

FIX: toned down spank morphs some were too exaggerated

CHANGE: set auto tongue physics as Enabled by default to improve performance & prevent tongue physics causing problems to expressions

FIX: performance fix replaced settings components in person atoms with singular settings system running for the UI side of the plugin

NEW: added new settings to force on/off glutes physics and breasts physics in General Settings > Performance

NEW: added UI pretty tables support

CHANGE: androids list changed to new table format

NEW: added Alive Settings > Vision tab for gaze settings, added toggle to turn on/off vision (gaze) on characters

NEW: added new Vision system to replace old automatic gaze functionality, characters now move upper body too towards the target

NEW: added logic for hands to follow chest position and rotation on idle movement instead of staying fixed, option added to Alive setings > Vision

CHANGE: changed body idle hand movement to get disabled when vision hand movement is active to prevent overlapping; cooldown to prevent vam 'elastic' controller rotation from affecting hands

CHANGE: Reorganized top menu icons, added characters tab; reorganized bottom menu

NEW: added settings toggle for vision chest & hip to follow target

NEW: Cam added button for quick capture, useful for capturing frames for AI gifs/videos

FIX: Cam fixed vam preview screenshots to be the same width/height as the AI images

NEW: Cam added new mode to take just plain VAM photos too with custom width height, new mode set as default, renamed from AI Cam to Cam app

CHANGE: Updated Text Audio Tool to have a config file where language, STT model used and local voice speech rate can be changed

CHANGE: Chat added time to messages and date separator

NEW: added person effects system to keep track and inform the UI about person temporary effects & states to outline in one place what's going on with the character; just gum chewing for now for testing & no interaction directly from the bar to stop it yet

NEW: added buttons app that loads buttons that have the AliveButtons.cslist plugin from the scene in the UI

CHANGE: adjusted mouth breathing morph to make it less exaggerated

NEW: added 4 new personality traits: Cute, Annoyed, Scared and Satisfied

NEW: added new Lively Eyes, Mouth, Brows features for more expressive micro expressions

NEW: new settings in alive settings for lively expressions to turn on/off new system and customize it

NEW: added new blinking system & blinking frequency setting in UI (alive settings)

NEW: added performance tongue physics toggle - permanently toggle tongue phyiscs on/off on vam models

CHANGE: removed Tpose autocorrect to avoid bugs with new hand auto movement; hands can be dropped in any pose from body > position > drop hands

FIX: fixed audio not working properly on multiple person atoms

FIX: fixed AI Cam loop notification error when services images AI gets turned off

FIX: fixed active personality toggles not updating on revisited app (TY!)


CHANGE: added selectable text for chat messages to allow copy-paste

FIX: VR UI menu button fixed unloading the UI when dragging clicks from inside the UI and releasing them outside the UI (UI auto hiding when clicking on UI elements close to the margins)

CHANGE: Removed aeternum.cslist vam plugin VR UI tab, removed VR Floating mode

NEW: added new logic to VR UI to work similar to VAM's UI, sticked to the person view and draggable by pressing down controller buttons: Trigger+X or Trigger+A

NEW: added custom separated settings for VR UI width,height & resolution; previously they were shared with desktop floating modes 

CHANGE: removed & cleaned up desktop & VR UI floating mode, keeping just vam-like menu in VR and Sidebar + floating box on Desktop

CHANGE: updated help app with how to set as default plugin info

NEW: added \Plugins\AliveAlwaysOff.cslist and Plugins\AliveAlwaysOn.cslist that can be added to a person atom for people that want to micromanage which models autostart with alive and which not for specific scenes.

FIX: removed AliveMan & AliveWoman atoms from scene objects screen

NEW: added screenshot camera flash setting (Settings > camera flash) to turn off vam's default flashing effect when taking photos

FIX: fixed log message appearing when loading plugin while person atoms in the scene as disabled

FIX: fixed objects panel atom list bug causing atom list to refresh constantly causing performance issues 

CHANGE: added on/off indicators on objects panel atom list for atoms (when off, atom entry is greyed out)

FIX: AI Cam fixed LowVRAM toggle not working properly, was interfering with better faces toggle

NEW: added new logic for settings to reset groups of specific settings 

NEW: AI Cam added button to reset just the AI settings (AI Cam > Settings > Reset defaults)

CHANGE: moved sentiment analysis lexicon to reduce core file size 

NEW: added connection check to OobaBooga, Automatic1111 and TextAudioTool to indicate and recheck if the connection is working

FIX: fixed person logic not initializing completely, was skipping setting things to default (skin gloss,morphs) after the switch to session plugin, not setting lip sync to On, auto blink to Off

NEW: lipsync set default volume multiplier to 1 for more realistic lip sync on TTS; added new audio settings for lipsync default state and volume

FIX: fix chat AI nodding & expressions not triggering in v49 after switch to session plugin

FIX: fixed selected person audio source not clearing correctly, tts still coming out of previously selected person that was unselected

NEW: added headlights spotlight angle setting, allows making headlights wider to look better in vr and prevent flashlight effect, and more variety for headlight lighting

NEW: added better logic to detect when Timeline animations are playing on a person atom and stop Alive idle procedural movement to prevent interference with static animations

NEW: added AI cam sound when taking photo

NEW: added Voice Chat VR push to talk button and settings; when pressing trigger close to the headset voice chat microphone command will be enabled and a sound played; distance can be configured from settings > VR


CHANGE: refactored all Alive plugin & person modules code to make person logic work as part of the main session plugin

FIX: fixed H key shortcut to call over models,it was triggering also VAM's toggle to show hidden atoms

FIX: AI Cam fixed controlnet photos to work with latest controlnet extension version (needs to be updated from A1111's extension tab if you're running an older version of controlnet, won't work work with older extensions anymore, just with the more recent)

NEW: added Unity based indicator system, added new person indicator on UI person select

NEW: added drop hands & drop legs buttons to new UI in person > poses > position

CHANGE: added controls info in Help app, removed old multiple plugins help info no longer acurate

NEW: added new interaction app, added to person  bottom menu and added live sliders for arousal,tease,discomfort, breathing rate, heart rate and effort/tired

NEW: AI Cam added ControlNet low & high tresholds, preprocessor resolution settings

NEW: AI Cam save in screenshots folder ControlNet processed image too, allowing taking Vam to OpenPose images, and all other controlnet preprocessors

FIX: fixed AI Cam controlnet large dropdowns problems due to unity browser, autoclosing on scrolling down, added new format for dropdowns

FIX: fixed disabling desktop 1st person movement mode (Tab) still causing some conflicts with vam's default Tab mode keys

NEW: added backend logic to make get/post API calls easier and quicker

NEW: added AI Cam controlnet models refresh options button, get available controlnet models from Automatic1111

CHANGE: Removed AI Cam controlnet custom model input text, no longer needed

CHANGE: Removed AI Cam controlnet guess mode, obsolete already; added controlnet mode dropdown instead

CHANGE: Readded requested auto-kiss sounds toggle

NEW: Alive settings added Alive auto-on or auto-off on person atoms

NEW: Alive automatically remove old Alive.cslist found on Person atoms to prevent interference when loading scenes or looks saved with old Alive plugin on them

CHANGE: changed atoms list in scene objects to work with object instance ids instead of vam uid

NEW: added position indicator animation when selecting an atom from the scene objects screen

CHANGE: added reset to t-pose button to pose tabs too

CHANGE: changed Alive C# code builder logic to work for a single plugin (unifies source code that's like 100 files in 1 .cs file)

NEW: added Alive html code builder to compile css & js in custom files to improve UI load and prevent hundreds of load calls to smaller css & js files

FIX: added logic to prevent adding atoms while loading detected, to try to prevent persistent loading icon bug (red hourglass)

FIX: fixed AliveConstruct atom being removed due to Alive atoms cleanup

FIX: fixed steamvr UI toggle not working properly sometimes due to old extralibraries file


CHANGE: removed old Alive triggers - don't want to keep 2 plugins and the one I have to keep is the session one so triggers will have to be done differently

CHANGE: removed old Alive vam style variables & presets - setting to be only either global settings or character settings, no more plugin-instance/scene-instance settings

CHANGE: remove old touch reactions tabs 

CHANGE: improved dynamic touch reactions to tease, caress & spank touches, more variation as the levels for those types of touches increase

CHANGE: added better tease, arousal & discomfort states general morphs

CHANGE: removed nodding as an Aeternum UI option, head gestures handled by gaze system 

CHANGE: added touch treshold sliders for tease,caress & spank to new UI

CHANGE: removed old alive Touch Expressions tab, sliders now in new UI and morphs logic handled automatically

FIX: fixed procedural nodding actions morphs, too exaggerated before

NEW: Chat AI added nodding when speaking replies that start in an affirmative or negative way

NEW: added modelling tab in Poses screen in new UI, replaced old plugin UI buttons from procedural body parts poses

CHANGE: removed poses tab from old UI 

CHANGE: moved help button to remove all Alive atoms to Alive app in main Alive UI, removed help tab from old plugin UI

NEW: added new system for scene customization from new UI, added Alive Home number of cars option in home settings app


NEW: AI Cam added ControlNet Guess Mode toggle; set to off by default; don't ask me what guess mode is, i don't understand it, but it generates images differently reddit discussion

NEW: Added UI close Virt-A-Mate button

CHANGE: AI Cam moved image type to Settings from Prompt

CHANGE: AI Cam added save vam previews toggle and changed file names so that the AI result and the vam preview images are next to eachother

CHANGE: Removed old Alive plugin expressions tab, expressions to be automated through the android emotional states system and be more optimized

CHANGE: emotion system added cooldown logic to prevent overlapping emotions

CHANGE: added new more realistic emotions to tease & spank touches.

NEW: detect when person with alive plugin is talking and add more expressive eyes morphs

CHANGE: chat assistant fixed problems with - + characters substitutions causing bad text

FIX: fix chat assistant echo command to repeat exactly what was sent, ignoring Rivescript formatting

CHANGE: Alive Home removed rigidbodies on moveable pillows, chair, toy, basket for better performance

CHANGE: Alive Home balcony door now controls outside city sounds, when door is closed sounds are off; added balcony door as autosave feature, alive home will remember last setting

FIX: removed some leftover log messages


CHANGE: AI Cam changed screenshot logic to be more similar to vam's screenshot taking process; removed old preview logic that was bad for performance 

CHANGE: AI Cam added custom width & height logic 

CHANGE: AI Cam added ControlNet support and two controlnet modes (txt2img & img2img), image type settings

CHANGE: Added error message on A1111 errors and blank image result instead of remaining in infinite loading 

FIX: sanitized AI Cam prompts to prevent A1111 errors on some characters (like new line)

CHANGE: changed AeternumUI button (A/X) to toggle the UI on long-press (1 second), not on any press, to prevent interference with vam UI buttons and selecting things in scenes

NEW: added support to rotate VAM screenshots on desktop with Q and E, works with AI cam as well


FIX: fixed construct room ambient light script loading incorrectly with aeternum ui, overriding vam ambient lighting levels

CHANGE: cleaned up code to reduce size, alive+aeternum variables, rounded text sentiment lexicon weights, removed old hardcoded morphs list used in old aeternum UI character generation

CHANGE: removed sample songs to keep file size down, added a small example mp3 instead

CHANGE: removed pose presets preview images to skip 1k files and reduce file size. People that want to use the poses outside of Alive and want previews in the vam ui for them can use them from the AEstudio var instead which is also has them

CHANGE: changed aeternum ui menu button detection on down press, not on release, to prevent misclicks inside the ui and releasing the click outside of it causing the ui to toggle off

CHANGE: removed custom music playback location (speaker) on Alive Home to keep the music app experience the same everywhere

FIX: fixed vr lasers to work on all scenes not just alive home, fixed on/off toggle instant effect, changed to purple laser line when active

FIX: fixed Steam VR laser & AE Home click detection to match the orientation of the steam vr controllers and VaM's native laser pointers

FIX: fixed VR 1st person locomotion moving wrong vam object causing wierd jumps sometimes or player drifting away,

NEW: added VR locomotion snap-turn angle and movement speed settings, new VR tab in settings app for vr options

FIX: fixed VR locomotion snap-turn overriding vam height detection value and teleporting player back on ground floor

FIX: fixed person switch/add bottom menu buttons sometimes both on

CHANGE: hid old interaction chat button, it was meant to be hidden in v44 but missed it on; old chat doesn't work anymore due to vam looks not having metadata, personality, chat history; chat was rebuild around those and for now is accessible through the androids system (chat tab)

CHANGE: Removed old voice sound assetbundle no longer used

FIX: fixed bottom menu person avatar not showing after adding Alive plugin to a new person or in various scenarios when turning on/off Alive, switching character, etc

FIX: fix performance issue with switching vam person atoms when 2 or more are in the scene due to duplicated calls to send person data to the ui

NEW: added head & chest speed & power sliders for the vibe command

NEW: added hip side to side action command

FIX: fixed scrolling for recent apps screen


NEW: added a new head lights setting to help with performance: one headlight only. When enabled, it will enable only one of the headlights, not 2 or 3 as it is by default, reducing the performance hit.

NEW: added help info to the headlights settings

NEW: added logic to connect to Automatic1111 for stable diffusion AI images; created new app Diffusion camera that can capture a vam screenshot and use AI to enhance it; added sampler & seed settings; added preview cam for better positioning; added image ratio options; started logic for Vr but more work needed there

NEW: added logic to save data/states based on Unity scene interaction

NEW: added new Construct scene, alternative to VaM's empty scene: simple white room with 1m x 1m grid on the floor, room tone noise (low volume static to make ambience more normal and less like floating in void), no lights but custom rendering light settings for better default visibility even without lights

NEW: added UI apps quick switch functionality to top menu to quickly switch between last 2 apps - double clicking on recent apps will swith to the previous app

NEW: added UI logic to add location links for easier text notifications that include a link to go to a specific place, added this as a link to the dome room in the vr golf app

NEW: Alive Home added support for modular multi-level game system

NEW: Alive Home added new VR mini golf game to Alive Home dome room , added 10 mini golf courses

NEW: Alive Home added persistent states, things load like they were left: kitchen AC, hallway fan, ambient lights, balcony tarp, elevator doors

NEW: Chat added logic to send character specific chat example and character description to AI

NEW: Chat added persistent messages & delete messages functionalities

NEW: connected UI apps to Alive home mini games allowing UI action & settings; added VR Golf app

NEW: created new Alive Settings app and moved alive settings there in grouped tabs

NEW: created new Services Settings app, reorganized services settings and added speech-to-text setting

NEW: extended Alive backend functionality to work with character based configs, allow storing more meta data that is character based

NEW: new apps & functionality for androids, buy & sell, customization, business money & debt system

NEW: SPQR ExtraLibraries dll added events for steam VR buttons down/up to be forwarded to vam and be accessible to normal plugins; added steam vr hotkey for mainmenu

NEW: Text AI moved as android tab to allow meta data specific to that character to be saved and sent to the AI

NEW: VR added toggle UI on/off on pressing A or X (and not focused on VaM UI), move UI to left/right hand based on what button was pressed

CHANGE: added 90 framerate to ui framerate limit dropdown

CHANGE: added notification (quick 1s thought bubble) on person selection to easier identify the selected person

CHANGE: added UI to VaM app change event with old & new app for smarter apps

CHANGE: change text to speech functionality to work with general audio as fallback (no person), changed settings test to play as general text-audio instead of forcing a person to be in the scene and selected

CHANGE: Chat added logic to clean up repeating characters and punctuation sign floods by chicken brain ai models

CHANGE: Chat added logic to prevent chicken brain AI models getting stuck in starting all their messages the same way once they get in a loop

CHANGE: cleaned up some not used UI files

CHANGE: created poses thumbs sprite images to improve UI performance & get rid of 1k+ files & UI calls

CHANGE: fixed and readded old Recent Apps screen, added to top menu to work with the quick switch app logic

CHANGE: posing removed All category, too many poses making it not very useful

CHANGE: removed old voice snippets & dialogue messages, soundpad app, voice & dialogue to be handled in a single place through the chat screen

CHANGE: removed ripple visual effect animation on clicks to reduce performance cost

CHANGE: removed setting for alive voice feedback, voice stuff to be controlled differently

CHANGE: removed settings app from permanent top menu, added to apps and dropdown top menu

CHANGE: renamed & made first tabs on apps bigger to serve as the titles of the apps to make it easier to understand in which screen you're currently in

CHANGE: reworked actions system (vibe,twerk,etc) for better performance and to prevent constant calls between the UI and vam with redundant data

CHANGE: reworked person select flow to improve performance

CHANGE: UI added fullscreen top button for desktop sidebar mode (easier & quicker maximize of the UI), removed right menu popup fullscreen button

CHANGE: UI darker overlay background for popups and autohide popups on app change

CHANGE: UI forms updates for style & range preview from settings to be usable globally in other apps too

CHANGE: UI moved debug app to hidden top menu button

CHANGE: UI removed app logic of unselecting app/button & person when clicking on one that's already selected

CHANGE: UI removed Enable Dialogue setting, no longer used

CHANGE: UI simplified unselect person process, removed background click unselecting person, added unselect button next to people buttons

FIX: fixed character switch button appearing when no person is selected

FIX: fixed scrolling in VR, when scrolling with right VR hand x and y axis were reversed

FIX: fixed setting for background color not updating in vr in realtime

FIX: fixed VR version turning off default vam navigation even when alive vr locomotion mode is not enabled

FIX: UI fixed help app layout

FIX: UI fixed person bottom buttons tooltips


FIX: fixed speech to text being forwarded directly to AI, bypassing virtual assistant

FIX: cleaned up unnecessary male morphs leftovers

NEW: chat added new commands move up/forward/away, move down/closer, move left, move right ,and optionally number of meters, like "move away 5 meters". Doesn't work with float numbers like 0.5 meters, just round numbers

NEW: chat added new commands: move to center/go to center/recenter, move to me/come to me/come here, move to flag/go to center

FIX: fixed not changing correctly some morphs from newer morph packs for better expressions made by AshAauryn

FIX: replaced chat smile & frown expressions for more variety and less exaggeration when talking

NEW: chat added new command "echo *" to make the character repeat *, mostly for debugging purposes to force a specific response & emotion

NEW: added custom brain file for assistant that can be customized in Saves\Alive AI\Brain\custom.rivescript.js. People that want to play with it can start by copy pasting the example file in Saves\PluginData\Aeternum\Ae\Html\brain\rives, more info there

NEW: chat added change pose commands: change pose (standing|sitting|lying|crouching). "change pose standing" will do a random standing pose, "change pose standing 69" will load standing pose 69

NEW: chat add trigger any vam UIButton command. "trigger some name"  will look to trigger a button with the id "somename", alpha numeric only and case insensitive, so the atom id SomeName will work too, space is ignored too


NEW: added elevenlabs AI text-to-speech voices support

NEW: added general character rotation and movement in Pose section

FIX: fixed character selection button delay in the UI when adding new characters or removing them, making it look for a few seconds like there are more characters in the scene

FIX: fixed issue with adding default Person atoms with Alive not initializing all features, teleport flag missing

CHANGE: removed forced hand poses on hj,rub, slap animations

NEW: added new hand poses, 16 for each hands

NEW: added Alive Home city cars driving in the background

CHANGE: cleaned up some old unused morphs to decrease performance impact

FIX: fixed Aeternum UI cleanup, atoms not being removed when disabling the plugin

FIX: fixed idle movement default value label, 0.4 is the default not 1

CHANGE: changed pose switch logic to prevent jumping to 0,0,0 and back to the original position

CHANGE: removed Actions > actions tab and moved buttons to more appropriate places: pose actions are in the poses tab, person settings & removed added directly to bottom bar when person with Alive is selected

FIX: fixed some UI inputs missing VR keyboard in settings & interaction chat;

NEW: added Alive Home city street lamps

CHANGE: added variety to night light turning on/off so that they don't all go at the same exact time

CHANGE: added logic for better collision parent items detection to allow more specific triggers from code, and maybe as some new triggers like hip, chest, head,etc. collision

CHANGE: changed haptics to prevent vibration feedback on player left hand & right hand collisions between themselves

NEW: AI messages added logic to keep only completed sentences when possible; logic to break extra phrases & reduce AI hallucinated player responses appended in the response; identify repeating phrases and try to get rid of them.

FIX: added more layout changes when keyboard is active for easier scrolling to the bottom of the panel

CHANGE: removed some of the speech bubbles dialogue, moving towards having all dialogue in a single place in the interaction chat instead

FIX: Fixed Alive.cslist problems with most features not working anymore when turning person off and back on

FIX: fixed alive home initial move flag position, it was inside the scene causing new atoms added through the UI have collision problems if not changing first the move flag position

FIX: lots of small UI layout fixes, removed titles to make more space for VR horizontal UI

NEW: Interaction chat added local TTS voices support (requires my Text Audio Tool)

NEW: Interaction chat added speech recognition as input (requires my Text Audio Tool)

NEW: Local assistant brain logic added with support for rivescript bot commands (similar to AIML) and UI callbacks

NEW: Added a few test local assistant commands like "Turn around", "turn left", "turn right", "reset pose", "calculate *"

NEW: Alive Home added camshow bedroom, bdsm room and small fixes to make the scene a bit better


FIX: fixed ooba booga chat responses SentimentAnalysis error

FIX: fixed pose labels in UI going over the pose images on some resolution

CHANGE: added UI limit to how many presets get loaded at most (300) to prevent plugin never loading for people that have lots of local looks, clothes or hair presets

CHANGE: optimized all pose images to be smaller and lower quality for faster loading

CHANGE: changed presets lookup to prioritize folders to allow control over which presets appear in the UI, looks in the first folder inside saves\person\appearance\ for example will appear first

FIX: when adding characters from the new UI, move them to the UI flag cursor position & rotation


FIX: fixed var poses not loading due to bad path

FIX: UI posing updated to better keep original character position & rotation on main controller

CHANGE: added pose name labes to poses UI


NEW: added haptics occurrence sliders, optimized detection frequency

NEW: added lights on/off button for easier management

NEW: added male/female voice sounds on UI select character and teleport reach destination

NEW: added performance setting for Anistropic Filtering

NEW: added pose changing to the new UI with hundreds of poses modified from klphgz's free packs

NEW: added UI range inputs for easier setting & previewing value

NEW: logic for ooba booga chat AI connection and basic chat functionality in interaction tab, text sentiment analysis, basic smile/frown based on chat text

CHANGE: added Tired person attribute; removed eye squint target setting and integrated that with tired level, when tired the character will squint eyes more

CHANGE: changed aeternum.cslist vam plugin ui tabs, added new tab for desktop floating sidebar UI settings

CHANGE: custom VR lasers added logic to hide them when too close (< 0.5m)

CHANGE: moved idle body movement & body movement extra settings, procedural breathing animation settings to new UI as global settings; removed Idle Body Movement tab from old plugin

CHANGE: removed halo indicator vam asset on person selection; planning on replacing it with a new indicator directly in unity that will works for npcs too

CHANGE: removed idlehead setting and moved extra head jitters as part of the gaze system

CHANGE: removed old idle hip & idle chest settings no longer doing anything, idle body extra controls body idle movement

CHANGE: UI settings more help label fixes, added search for general options

FIX: fixed desktop first-person movement sliding (shift+c) to be consistent across framerates

FIX: added shake controllers feature cooldown to prevent overlapping with sticky head/hip feature

FIX: disable grab navigation when new VR first person locomotion is enabled, causing bad movement when used together

FIX: fixed day/night ambient light to pause when in screenshot mode to allow vam to do the screenshot flash effect

FIX: fixed desktop forced initial move player to 0,0,0 location

FIX: fixed floor detection in desktop 1st person mode to prevent climbing above ceiling when jumping too high

FIX: fixed haptics detection on same hand (fingers colliding with palm on fist gesture causing vibration)

FIX: fixed insertion detection procedural expressions gasp sounds to be controlled by the moaning setting

FIX: fixed issue with UI font-size extremely small in some edge cases

FIX: fixed new atom from UI not being added at the flag position sometimes, added subscene loading check process

FIX: fixed various UI css issues, bad aligments & positions

FIX: fixed VR initial position of hand UI overlapping watch

FIX: fixed VR lasers causing issues when enabled & reloading plugin/scene

FIX: fixed vr locomotion code running on desktop & causing sometimes notifications

FIX: fixed VR locomotion starting with crouch position and requiring up-down to fix to standing

FIX: fixed VR watch sphere controller always visible even when UI is hidden

FIX: fixed white line appearing on floor in VR at 0,0,0

FIX: Home VR point&click triggers improved click detection, sometimes actions were not triggering after clicking on certain things

FIX: removed feet & toes Person collision, causing problems on walking and dancing animations

FIX: set Alive Home as hidden & position locked to prevent moving it around by accident

HOME: added doors & walls adjustments

HOME: added double click/trigger to move to location, double click close to the character feet will rotate towards that point

HOME: added fridge in kitchen

HOME: added interaction text system, labels on actions

HOME: added lights with on/off switches in all rooms

HOME: added more night lights

HOME: added smoother studio background, larger studio room, flood lights

HOME: bathroom removed bathtub towels, fixed textures, changed toilet & added animation and sound

HOME: fixed bathroom collision

HOME: improve cloud performance

HOME: made clouds & stars movement be faster when the day/night cycle time speed is set to faster

HOME: optimized clouds,time passing effects, sun; increased cloud movement

HOME: removed statues scaring some people and to keep polygon count down

HOME: lots of other smaller adjustments, new interview room and extended apartment


- FIX: fixed sidebar UI drifting when linked to CenterEye and moving around the scene

- NEW: added desktop FOV setting in General to prevent vam defaulting to 40 fov every time

- NEW: added draw distance setting in General to allow cameras to see further (or closer) than the default 2000m; needs to be higher for Alive Home because the sky is further away than normal vam scenes, to make it feel less like a fishbowl

- NEW: added logic to remove Aeternum UI & Alive extra atoms when saving a scene and to get readded after saving is done; disabled for now, causing too many bugs

- NEW: integrated first person mode from my Fraemework plugin directly in Aeternum UI and added fixes to not conflict with Alive; Pressing TAB on desktop will activate FPS mode; Added FPS settings in AE UI

- NEW: added UI settings help system and descriptions to all settings in the aeternum UI

- NEW: added new Alive Home map

- NEW: added Home tab locations to quickly move around Alive Home

- NEW: added music player Home scene detection to play the music from the speakers

- FIX: fixed atom list height in scene objects panel

- NEW: new dll ExtraLibraries to get steamvr controllers position and to trigger vibration

- NEW: added new vr locomotion feature that has snap turning and faster movement

- NEW: add vr laser pointer setting to make clicking on things easier on some devices where the pointer has an offset

- NEW: added logic to prevent vr locomotion when Aeternum UI has focus (vr controller pointing at it)

- NEW: added VR thumbstick scrolling logic for main menu panel


- FIX: fixed light presets UI position & border (to show purple the selected preset)

- CHANGE: added UI Settings tab and moved there some of the settings from general

- NEW: added new settings to hide floating & vr UI watch & snap sphere controller; new floating sidebar mode & support to move the UI

- FIX: fixed main menu atom not having allow grab to off, causing accidental dragging

- NEW: added reset default settings to normal vam plugin ui for aeternum ui

- CHANGE: made eye sparkle more subtle,adjusted max possible settings to avoid eye 'flashing' effect

- CHANGE: changed cloned atoms id to be less random and more live vam sets the name to atoms (with # and numbers at end)

- FIX: small performance fix for collision triggers and prevent interference with ExtraTriggers

- FIX: app autochange to home on person unselect if the app is person related, keep it otherwise

- NEW: added support to connect vam to Kobold AI for text AI directly without extra software; hidden & on hold due to google's crackdown on colab chatbots

- CHANGE: added logic to throttle UI functions, prevent double-click or very quick triggering of heavy operation like loading new atoms

- NEW: Added ~280 new atoms with previews to the scene > add object panel

- NEW: added categories & search to the add object panel

- FIX: fixed vr keyboard appearing on floating desktop mode


- NEW: added breathing, moaning & bj persistent sound settings in new UI

- CHANGE: adjusted breathing sounds volume & distance

- CHANGE: adjusted squishy sounds volume & distance

- FIX: fixed turn off all lights except headlights button skipping some lights

- NEW: added headlights permanent setting for shadows on/off

- NEW: added slider for headlights presets light range

- NEW: added setting to always turn off all lights except headlights when scene or plugin is loaded; other lights can still be used in scenes in this mode with toggles, like on/off lights for rooms or lights with ProximityLights plugin, but by default all light start as off for consistency when this is on

- FIX: fixed autoride commands wouldn't automatically stop when loading a scene that was saved while autoride was happening

- CHANGE: changed tongue command to not alter mouth open morphs, only stick the tongue out; can be paired with the mouth open command

- NEW: added reset all commands action - turns off all previously enabled commands, and added it to the new ui

- CHANGE: removed heartbeat animation for performance,to prevent browser having to repaint elements just for that

- CHANGE: changed desktop sidebar & fullscreen menu logic to be positioned closer to the camera to minimize object clipping in indoor scenes

- FIX: fixed silent errors happening because of shake detection when dragging things around causing performance drop

- FIX: small performance update for alive & scene data sent to the UI

- CHANGE: changed from InvokeRepeating to coroutines in Alive & Aeternum plugins for performance

- CHANGE: changed Vibe procedural animation moves to be smoother and less exaggerated

- CHANGE: added hands L/R indicators in hand posing

- NEW: 9 new procedural animation commands for chest, booty and hands

- CHANGE: updated sticky hands logic to prevent toggling on when hand commands are enabled and stop idle fist morphs

- FIX: fixed head still following player aroudn during BJ command

- NEW: Added AI generated text dialogue for commands: open vam panel, go to center, come to me, stop all actions

- CHANGE: On desktop sidebar mode increase render index for the sidebar to be above more of the object & gizmos in the scenes

- FIX: fixed lights position to be slightly behind head to prevent interference with UI

- FIX: set aelights atoms as hidden when created to keep atoms list cleaner

- CHANGE: modified aeternum & alive extra atoms to have the target gizmo (green square) hidden always to not get in the way & clutter the scene when hidden atoms is unlocked

- FIX: fixed Vam ui appearing on Start Screen & Aeternum UI loading when aeternum.cslist set as a default session plugin; it now prevents loading in the start scene and will start loading only when a normal scene gets loaded

- NEW: added click on anywhere to select atom for desktop, works with middle mouse button double click

- NEW: added more morphs to be used for expressions in the future from AshAuryn's AshAuryn.AshAuryn's_Assorted_Expression_Pack_with_75_Morphs.7 and AshAuryn.AshAuryn's_Tears_and_Pain_Pack.3

- FIX: added a fix for browser focus issue causing having to click outside the UI after clicking inside the UI so that the vam keybinding work again, now it detects when the mouse leaves the UI and clears the focus making things more intuitive

- FIX: fixed Think bubbles to be controller by Notifications setting instead of Dialogue setting (which is for speech bubble)

- FIX: fixed error appearing sometimes on shake controller features when starting with controllers in off position

- NEW: added switch sounds for shake controllers and sticky hand changing states

- NEW: added sound settings for UI sfx to disable them and change volume

- NEW: added basic api logic for Alive & aeternum plugins to allow faster and easier components building & 3rd party plugins to interact with them

- CHANGE: set Happy personality off by default, emotion state to be handled by different system automatically

- FIX: fixed eye sparkle something causing flashing eyes and increased variety for more sparkle, renamed Eye Reflection to Eye Sparkle in UI settings

- NEW: added new backend emotion system logic for a better centralized way of handling procedural face expressions to be used by multiple components


- NEW: added arousal & discomfort indicators for the selected person; heart rate indicator

- NEW: added scene position marker when adding new atoms to control where they get added in the scene and their rotation; added menu button to bring marker to player

- NEW: Added clone atom functionality in Scene objects tab; atom gets cloned and positioned on the atom marker

- NEW: Added move to flag button for scene objects

- NEW: Added value indicator on range sliders to show what's the current value selected rather than changing values blindly

- NEW: Added head light settings in the scene objects panel; when a preset is selected head lights will get automatically added

- NEW: added Dekstop UI floating mode (in settings > general); in this mode UI is like the VR one and it looks and repositions to an atom in the scene named "MenuHolder". This allows anchoring the UI to different places in different scenes. Atom gets created automaticall if missing.

- NEW: added Floating/VR UI scale setting (settings > general > Floating scale)

- NEW: added Floating/VR UI resolution width/height settings to allow bigger or smaller text in VR

- NEW: added Lights button to turn off all lights in the scene except for the head lights

- NEW: added Mouth & Face commands to the new UI in the person actions tab

- NEW: added body commands in the new UI in the person actions panel (vibe,twerk,ride,etc.) with individual speed & power sliders

- NEW: added spread legs gens morphs and logic to set it based on knees apart distance; setting added in settings > alive

- NEW: added arousal female gens morph and logic to link it to the arousal system and setting in settings > alive

- NEW: added separate home panel and apps panel, home panel will contain more generic info like the time & status

- NEW: added shake treshold in settings > alive - controls how much you have to shake a controller before it toggles between on/off

- NEW: added vam background color change functionality and replaced pitch-black with a dark grey as default

- CHANGE: included VamWidgets plugin directly in Alive to get rid of dependencies

- CHANGE: cleaned up top menu buttons, added aeternum UI actions as separate modal

- CHANGE: automatically set VR hand watch position and default it to the right hand the first time running to remove extra setup steps required

- CHANGE: scene objects buttons layout updated, added phyics toggle (for non-Person atoms), added reset rotation button

- CHANGE: updated twerking to have better default speed/power; added procedural variation

- CHANGE: update halo indicator to auto hide after a few seconds; shows now only after selecting a person and 3 seconds later it hides

- CHANGE: changed Sticky Hip & Head logic to detect when player is intentionally placing the hands close or away from the head & hip to make them stick; show thought bubble notification

- CHANGE: removed Handling tab from old UI, settings are now global, added to the new ui in settings > alive

- CHANGE: removed autocorrect controllers setting - causing too many bugs and random movement, needs revisited

- CHANGE: full reload Aeternum plugin when re-enabling the plugin

- CHANGE: moved teleport marker higher above the head to allow easier selection of the head controller

- FIX: fixed head & body shaking when a hand is linked to a body part caused by the idle movement of the hand

- FIX: fixed AeternumUI still initiating when plugin added on Person or other atoms; fixed to show error and prevent the ui being added from an atom

- FIX: fixed hidden UI auto-enanbling after screenshots & thumbnails

- FIX: removed music buttons and changing scene showing logs

- FIX: fixed UI apps stopping updating after an error affecting one of them and requiring the reload of the plugin

- FIX: fixed body movement problem on moving person with the main controller causing the pose to get messed up sometimes

- FIX: fixed sweat, nips & eye reflection global settings to clear active effects (skin gloss & morphs) when turned off similar to how individual settings used to work


- NEW: added Person quick posing tab with autodetected objects with the Smartobjects plugin & posing states enabled; works on smartobject related posing logic  (WIP, only two basic poses now and two example furniture in the add objects panel)

- FIX: cleanup aevoices.assetbundle if loaded already from a different alive version

- FIX: switch to home app after enabling or disabling a Person atom to prevent overlapping apps bugs

- CHANGE: removed Run in background setting, having the ui freeze was causing too many issues

- FIX: fixed alive operations still going on when person atom is off

- NEW: Added new atom spawning system and a few test atoms: normal person atoms & person atoms with Alive

- CHANGE: removed F9, F10 debug shortcuts

- NEW: added scenes atoms hierarchy

- NEW: Added desktop UI dynamic width & setting under Settings > Display

- CHANGE: changed add new person menu location as a general option

- CHANGE: increased scrollbars width for easier vr scrolling

- NEW: added minimize UI button and logic to blur focus away from AEUI

- CHANGE: simplified bottom character menu selection

- FIX: fixed look-at commands disobeyed on spanks making model focusing back on player

- FIX: fixed look in front command to reset head position

- NEW: added help app articles logic - no content yet

- NEW: added person actions (star icon) Look-at commands

- FIX: fixed clothing changing logic to prevent colors/textures not loading properly the first time clicked

- CHANGE: prevent Aeternum.cslist from running on anything else but as a Session plugin and throw error when it's added to something else

- FIX: fixed UI remaining floating when loading the exact same scene again

- FIX: fixed UI plugin re-enabling itself when changing scene while the plugin is disabled

- FIX: fixed bug with head controller drifting up above the actual head causing weird hanging head position after a while

- NEW: when selecting a Person atom with Alive in VAM automatically select it also in the Aeternum UI

- NEW: added person move to center button

- CHANGE: updated logic when moving atoms to reduce collisions & physics explosions


* UI: remove old autokiss setings from Alive UI and added them in the main UI as global settings

* UI: removed old VAM master audio slider from person plugin

* UI: added shake controller functionality global setting

* UI: moved sound settings to new UI as global settings

* UI: removed person plugin settings, moved to new UI as global settings

* CHANGE: updated jaw settings to work better with the new lip sync system in vam 1.22

* FIX: added logic to hide the desktop UI when screenshot or thumbnail cams are active to prevent it from getting in the way

* FIX: added fix to prevent freezing on loading for people that have many vars

* NEW: global settings system logic for Alive person plugins;  recheck settings when master ui plugin announces setting change to person atoms

* CHANGE: SmartObjects added Stand option, backend logic to grab smart objects and forward them to the UI - no ui options yet

* FIX: minor fixes for the UI style, labels


- FIX: prevent UI failing to load when hair or clothing items return as null

- DEBUG: added more debug logic to identify the cause of failed loading

- FIX: fix UI stuck on loading on scenes with 0 person atoms


- NEW: new assetbundle for voices with a few test replies for 5 voices, 2 male and 3 female

- CHANGE: added error message if the detected vam version is older than 1.21

- FIX: delay creating Alive atoms if vam is loading other stuff

- FIX: tv remote app make buttons easier to click in VR

- FIX: fix UI atoms messed up sometimes when loading while VAM is loading other things already

- NEW: UI boot steps progress to identify causes of failed loading

- NEW: added F11 hotkey to open AEUI debug, F10 to write debug file to identify load issues

- FIX: fixed files path not identified correctly for people that renamed their VaM_Data folder or VaM.exe

- NEW: added Soundpad app to test voices and list available Alive voice sounds

- NEW: added UI popups feature and delete person confirmation

- FIX: music time alignment issues on playlist tab

- NEW: added refresh Aeternum UI button

- CHANGE: Removed some songs to keep file size down

- NEW: added buttons to select the vam person atom & to move the person close to the camera

- NEW: added labels feature and added labels to the bottom ui buttons


- FIX: added validation & error notification when not added on a Person atom

- FIX: fixed error showing and preventing the plugin from loading the vam files when the looks/hairs/clothes folders contain files with no extension

- FIX: fixed arousal stuck at 100%, not triggering climax and going down

- CHANGE: Turned notifications as On by default (thought bubble messages)

- NEW: Added controls shaking functionality to toggle them on/off

- NEW: Added finger reset/relax when shaked to Off mode

- FIX: halo indicator parent to atom so that it turns off when person is off

- FIX: stop head movement when the head position is Off to prevent exaggerated movement

- NEW: added logic to refresh the cache UI files when a version mismatch is detected

- FIX: fixed music current time indicator

- NEW: added logic for full screen apps/panels

- NEW: added loading widget and initial loading animation until data is ready

- NEW: added VR UI keyboard for easier & quicker typing

- NEW: added TV remote for the AETV plugin, detect tvs and allows changing the channels & volume

- CHANGE: removed recent apps feature, overcomplicated things

- NEW: new top bar buttons logic & core app

- NEW: added new character selection system & character menu for easier & more intuitive actions


- FIX: fixed desktop UI not appearing correctly, it was loading in vr mode on desktop too


- FIX: delayed controllers adjustments on plugin load to prevent issues with slow loading scenes

- CHANGE: store legacy look preset name when it gets changed with aeternum ui to have thumbnail

- CHANGE: removed hand fingers occasional morphs refresh to allow new hand posing

- CHANGE: Help > remove all atoms button changed to remove all alive atoms in the scene, not just the ones linked to the current person

- CHANGE: Adjusted procedural kiss animation to be less exaggerated

- FIX: fixed some abrupt head movement spasms happening sometimes, especially on kiss animation

- CHANGE: Set controllers auto fix to off by default, still causing too many issues (in Handling tab)

- NEW: Added first working version of the new UI as Aeternum.cslist (scene plugin)

- NEW: Added music app to play local music, (known bug current time is the same as total time)

- NEW: Added settings app with a few experimental settings

- NEW: Added character app to change, remove and add characters with Alive to the scene; logic to hide person apps when no character is selected

- NEW: Added basic clothes & hair apps; clothes has a bug I haven't figured out yet, the first time when loading a clothing preset in memory it will not load all colors/settings and requires clicking twice the preset for it to load correctly

- NEW: Added cross-scene logic to allow Aeternum UI to work as a session plugin

- NEW: Added autocleanup of the AE UI when loading scenes with AE atoms but without having Aeternum UI enabled


- FIX: skip autocorrect controllers when moving controllers, animations playing or VirtualDoll is active

- UI: removed status triggers, now part of ExtraTriggers

- UI: moved notifications tab options to settings tab

- FIX: fix brow movement sometimes exaggerated

- FIX: fix morph detection logic,prevent reusing morphs from older alive vars causing double effects sometimes like squinting eyes too much

- FIX: reset pose morphs on load to prevent 'stuck' pose morphs after saving scenes with Alive

- UI: readded requested spanking sounds toggle on Sounds to allow custom touch sounds by other plugins

- FIX: fixed command look in front & duration too short problems on high FPS

- NEW: automatically look at other people in the scene from time to time & new command LookAtPeople to focus more on other models

- CHANGE: slightly increase eye-movement "macro-saccades", more eye movement looking around and less staring

- CHANGE: removed old gaze v1/v2 switch in the Gaze tab, keep v2 flow only

- NEW: added Gaze > Eye Squint Target slider to control eye squinting, reduced default value from 0.15 to 0.12

- NEW: added new SmartObjects plugin as a way to control atom related features & priorities, only Watch functional for now

- NEW: added LookAtObjects logic and incorporated it in idle gazing, models will look around at objects in the scene that have the SmartObjects plugin with Can Watch turned on; The bigger the priority level, the more likely the person will pick that object over the others

- FIX: prevent activating elbows too on plugin initialization of models that have knees on & elbows not

- CHANGE: removed VirtualDoll tab, turned that functionality in a new plugin that also works as standalone


- FIX: Added logic to detect controllers movement by other plugins/animation and prevent Alive idle body movement while that's active

- NEW: added heart rate mechanic based on character movement intensity and linked it to breathing mechanic, both influence one another

- FIX: added logic to reduce abrupt head turns when switching over head control to Alive after other animations

- CHANGE: cleaned up & removed touch area triggers feature (hindering progress & obsolete since ExtraTriggers, advanced users should use that instead)

- FIX: enable tongue collision on autokiss & mouth open commands when settings>auto tongue is enabled

- NEW: added more eye open logic, more realistic eye open level when idle, eyes more wide open only when very active

- CHANGE: turned off by default old Idle Expressions > Enable mouth causing too much idle lips movement

- NEW: added personality trait Dancer - more over the top mouth movement for situations like dancing

- NEW: added logic to automatically detect if the controllers (green squares) get too far away from the actual body parts and gradually correct them after a while if no movement is present; can be turned off in Handling > Controllers Correct

- NEW: more backend logic for the new UI

- CHANGE: reduce mouth breathing animation, less exaggerated expressions on high intensity breathing

- NEW: added more eye squint procedural animations

- CHANGE: cleaned up old ticklish smile morphs causing exaggerated smiling reaction on some touches

- CHANGE: removed exaggerated preclimax & climax morphs

- FIX: increased moan sounds priority over breathing, allows more moaning

- FIX: fixed error thrown when loading plugin while model is penetrated

- CHANGE: restrict some expressions during penetration to prevent stacking up

- CHANGE: turned down default Aroused Morph Factor, less exaggerated morph on full arousal

- CHANGE: added more variety to touch reactions intensity, less repetitive 


- FIX: fixed issue with sounds assetbundle not loading when plugin is loaded after an older Alive version

- CHANGE: Removed halo checkbox, halo to be controlled by AEUI

- CHANGE: Keep knees & elbows controllers On when loading Alive if they're already On

- FIX: smoother head animation, fewer robotic head turns

- NEW: added autokiss distance slider in Idle Body Movement & fixed distance to be relative to actual head rather than the head controller which can be way off

- CHANGE: adjusted chest rotation for less often dramatic turns

- FIX: removed old hip idle movement driven by cycle forces overlapping with controller driven movement

- NEW: removed old random touch expressions settings not working, added new expressions on tease,caress & spank touches

- NEW: added new Sad & Angry personality traits

- code cleanup & background functionality for AEUI


- detect manual movement of controllers, reset idle body movement on detection and add cooldown to prevent jerky movement & conflict

- detect pose changes by drastic controllers movement and reset idle movement on detection to prevent 'leftover' idle movement animation messing up the new pose


- CHANGE: made the model always face the camera when teleported by pressing H or with triggers

- CHANGE: added more movement when changing body parts posing to reduce how often the model ends up in a knot. it still happens quite often though

- FIX: made head movement a bit smoother, reduced robotic shaking occurance

- CHANGE: eye reflections added eye sparkles to make the eyes look a bit more alive

- NEW: added new personality trait  Happy, on by default; new procedural expressions, more smiling and more eye movement

- CHANGE: gaze adjusted angles, added more side to side head rotation movement

- NEW: gait change, small up/down, side to side and back/forward movements

- CHANGE: moved aliveresources to main .var

- CHANGE: edited and moved morph dependencies to main .var to keep dependencies & extra work down

- CHANGE: reduced mouth breathing morph power

- NEW: added more micro movement to chest , hip & hands

- FIX: posing - prevent altering other controllers when changing just one specific controller or group


- NEW: added eye reflection morph & auto setup functionality; can be disabled in settings, on by default; makes eye reflection sharper, adjusts it based on the eyes closed morph to prevent eye reflection appearing above eyelids; better looking default reflections for lower quality settings

- CHANGE: added better normal sex detection & in/out movement; more squishy sounds in sync with the movement

- CHANGE: sound levels adjustments, increased volumes, more sounds for normal sex

- CHANGE: arousal system levels changed for touching & insertion for smoother gameplay

- NEW: new emotion logic for procedural sound & morphs; used for initial normal sex reaction & moaning for more expressivity

- FIX: automatically disable vanilla Auto Expressions when Alive is enabled, like on the default model when hitting reset look

- NEW: posing added crouching, sitting & lying procedural poses; dropdown to select between pose types in the Posing tab

- FIX: autoset controllers on initial load to On for key controllers (prevent issues when loading the plugin a model with Comply like the default vam scene)

- NEW: added Reset button & trigger to posing, same as vam vanilla Reset Pose

- FIX: added logic for Posing to fix controller positions relative to main controller; option is by default off, experimental

- NEW: added Static Poses: not random; all main controllers are loaded from the same parent pose

- FIX: fixed spank reactions overlapping & cleaned some sounds

- NEW: Added move person to camera functionality: when H pressed person moves in front of the camera and remains on the original height level & rotation; if there are multiple Person atoms in the scene, the H shortcut will only work if that person is selected in vam. If it's just one person it works all the time

- NEW: Added new Action MovePersonToCamera that can be called with a trigger and does the same as the above, moves that person 1m in front of the camera

- FIX: Fixed issues with desktop clicks not registering at some random angles/scene positions even after the v18 fix


- FIX: fixed some sounds going through collision contact audio instead of head audio, bad volume & not respecting voice settings

- CHANGE: switched breathing to a separate audio source; added stop & cooldown for breathing sounds when head audio voice happens; volume adjustments

- CHANGE: Switched maximum breathing rate to 30 from 40

- CHANGE: smoother mouth-breathe procedural animations

- NEW: added new internal logic to control volume for specific sounds or groups to prevent having to edit them individually manually

- FIX: fixed MoveMarker positioning to stay closer to the actual head and not the head controller

- NEW: Added halo asset to AliveResources; to be used as selected person indicator on new upcoming UI & easier movement; option in settings tabs, by default it's hidden

- FIX: made move marker more responsive, prevent up-down movement on quick drag

- NEW: added logic to allow spawning assets from code

- CHANGE: set sticky head&hips posing to off by default (planning to do idle hand animations & that's in the way)

- FIX: VirtualDoll recalculate hip & chest rotation on VD enable to prevent diagonal movement instead of up/down or back/forth

- NEW: Added sweat, increased skin glossiness on high breathing rate; can be disabled in the settings tab

- NEW: added nipple erection linked to the arousal system and option to turn it off in the settings tab

- NEW: added logic to pose the model or specific body parts by reading normal poses files

- NEW: added Posing tab with buttons & triggers to randomize the person posing for the full body or just body parts


CHANGE: Moved all sounds to asset bundle

CHANGE: Removed scene sound logic, autoload on play, preload & clean sounds from scene audio

CHANGE: Removed old AAsex_closedFF5 random morph on touches abrupt changes on multiple touches

FIX: smoothed morphs expressions prevent overlapping, same morph triggered twice causing twitching & abrupt changes

CHANGE: added more variation & smoothness to spank touch morphs

CHANGE: moved all touch reaction expressions to new smooth expressions logic; added cooldown to prevent repeating & changing expressions too quickly

FIX: fixed expired morph logic treshold to prevent abrupt changes on long duration morphs, shaky lips,etc.

CHANGE: updated kissing animation, more mouth movement, tongue action, eyes opening, sounds

NEW: added personality traits: TongueKisser uses tongue when kissing, Screamer more sounds on spanks when discomfort level is high, Shy avoids eye contact more

UPDATE: added more logic to prevent overlapping delayed morphs causing abrupt changes or stuck morphs

UPDATE: removed allow self-touch toggle, causing too many issues if enabled

CHANGE: added support to alter some non-pose morphs and reset them on load & help + reset alive morphs. removed old reset expressions button 

FIX: added some fixes for triggers not saving & not working with ease-in animated triggers

UPDATE: removed old pouting and added automatic pouting & eyes expressions; added Diva personality for extra pouting 

FIX: fixed head alignement issue when trying to detect what the front of the model should be

NEW: added LookInFront command

FIX: fixed ui tabs gaze dropdown & controllers on select remaining active on tabs change


* CHANGE: added breath in&out strength sliders and moved enabled breathing setting in the Idle Body Movement tab

* CHANGE: added setting to turn on/off controller idle modevement when that controller is selected, mostly for debugging purposes

* FIX: fixed issues with robotic animations, especially on the hip; made them smoother and bounce-back in a more natural fashion with acceleration and slow down towards stops

* CHANGE: updated speeds for procedural chest & hip animations to be less chaotic

* NEW: added procedural chewing gum animation, procedural chewing sounds

* FIX: on plugin destroy remove rename handler, prevent adding up and repeating itself on renames

* NEW: added new system to load sounds via AssetBundles; only chewing sound currently used it, will move all sounds there to get rid of scene sounds

* NEW: added support for dynamic text processing - randomize & insert variables into speech & thought bubbles, similar to AETools DynamicText

* CHANGE: small adjustment to yes nodding animation

* NEW: added dialogue bubble, option to disable it in notifications; integrated with give/take commands

* NEW: added nods as responses to give/take interaction, new setting to turn it of in Notifications

* NEW: added small voice pack, voiced responses on give/take actions & settings to turn it off in Notifications

* NEW: added more logic to make procedural expressions easier to trigger from code and added expressions to Yes & No nodding


- CHANGE: allow gaze movement when very close to the model for better vr default experience, freeze animation can be used to keep the model still instead for morph editing

- FIX: removed gaze head-chest rotation link making the chest controller hard to use & animate

- CHANGE: cleaned up mesy audio settings, moving towards character-driven audio rather than random chances; added vam master volume, voice volume & voice pitch slider

- CHANGE: switched expression animations from Lerp to SmoothStep for more natural fading

- NEW: added more idle head movement & angle adjustments by altering the actual controls

- NEW: added more upper body movement, & slider and toggle in Idle Body Movement tab as IdleBodyExtra

- NEW: added more idle hand & feet micro movement, rotation

- FIX: fixed alive atoms removal on plugin destroy/reload removing also alive atoms of different person atoms

- FIX: fixed gaze head position not defaulting to front when the model is rotated


- CHANGE: VirtualDoll added Tracker1-8 options

- FIX: fixed TouchExpression morphs to work with any morph and bypass package & pose restrictions

- NEW: added Gaze v2 new gaze logic that works better on horizontal positions & adds facing at more dynamic angles; v1 still available as an option in Gaze settings

- NEW: added mouthful,kiss & grunting sounds to Sounds Actions (actions tab)

- NEW: added Focus Instability for eye movement - more eye movement and less staring; slider (Idle expressions tab)

- NEW: added mouth side-to-side auto movement to make mouth expressions look less frozen & slider (Idle expressions tab)

- NEW: added more squint eye auto movement & slider (Idle expressions tab)

- FIX: LookAway command changed angles to avoid looking down almost all the time


FIX: made finger animation smoother

CHANGE: updated cleanup on plugin removal - remove scene sounds, custom extra atoms & model pose morphs

FIX: telport height going above some atoms like lights,empty; it still happens if these atoms are part of subscenes

FIX: fix detect & disable vanilla auto-blink to prevent double blinking when alive blinking is enabled and a new model is loaded with vanilla blink activated

FIX: fixed morph conflict of spank collision causing twitching

NEW: Virtual Doll functionality


- reduced nom-nom mouth effect on some expressions causing too much mouth movement

- reduced auto squint power & adjusted MoreExpressive expressions

- fixed untreated exception on cooldowns calculations every second causing performance issues

- fixed eyebrows conflict causing twitchy movement

- added morph formula check logic to prevent morphs competing for the same formula morph causing twitchy expressions

- fixed auto ride getting triggered by collision trigger atoms

- tried to fix twitchy head movement, it's a bit better but needs more work


- fixed mouse click detection - on desktop sometimes it didn't work at certain angles

- added better touch detection, for male/futa on some areas there was no sound

- added male/futa arouse morphs (automatic erection) and setting to turn it off

- added 4 throb actions for male/futa, procedural animations that can be called with triggers, 3 intensities & 1 auto based on arousal level

- switched actions,controls,positions,sounds to scrollable dropdowns

- added male/futa throbbing based on touches to erogenous areas

- added setting for gaze: focus on contact point. turned it off by default, needs more work to work ok in all scenarios

- added more climax animations & sounds; new action added to trigger reactions leading to climax

- fixed idle expressions variety too static & bland compared to older versions

- updated auto-squint animation (eyes squint when the model is looking very low)

- added More Expressive animations (in Idle Expressions), enabled by default

- added controls for intensity and length of the expressive animations


- fixed repositioned model main controller on initial load: when model was high above the ground the controller was detached from the model and moved to the ground at height 0

- added height level detection and support for the teleport system

- added support to play moan sounds through triggers, they're random and their intensity is based on the arousal level

- added fix for internal collision causing arousal to triger when model moving fast (like twerk)

- fixed arousal increasing too fast by default on autoride 


- changed alive atoms (sound,move marker) logic to work with multiple models that can have Alive in a scene at the same time; model on model action will not work the same as with the proximity stuff from player to model action though (eye contact, kissing,etc)

- added clean alive atoms button in Help for clean-up purposes, removes extra atoms that might remain in the scene if you used older versions previously

- added tongue collision setting - tongue collision gets activated only on mouth contact; off by default because on some models the mouth might go underbite mode without the tongue

- adjusted head angle on empty-space gaze, was often too low

- added bezier curves to all alive expression morphs for more realistic expressions and less robotic linear ones

- added glance, gaze, stare triggers for head, breasts & genital area. They get triggered after 1s/3s/7s; it works based on player head position, actual eye-tracking is not possible!

- fixed autoblow & autoride sometimes still triggering despite being turned off

- added autoride speed & force sliders like with autoblow, not realtime though, it changes when the model switches to a different procedural animation

- added validation for morphs that are altered to be only of Pose type to prevent altering the model & avoid conflicts (might help with the tittymagic issue some of you have but not guaranteed, if you find the morphs that you have duplicated just send them to me and i'll fix it, if i can't reproduce the issue i can't really know)

- added procedural facial expressions on penetratrion and some touches, they increase in intensity with arousal

- fixed autoride detection, auto start much more consistent

- changed Sticky Hip & Head hand position detection to PhysicsLink instead of Parent link - keeps hands fixed on hip/head rather than moving around

- added logic to prevent breathing sounds during or very close to moaning


- fixed caress touches detection

- fixed grunting - gasping on spank collision

- prevent head gaze & eye track when eyes closed command is active

- added DropHands & DropLegs actions - they go to Off for a second so that gravity kicks in. then they automatically reset to the position & rotation states that were before (on,comply,etc)

- fixed tpose detection hands drop not working when the model scale was not exactly 1

- fixed model trying to track player when very close causing head twitching

- added Positions in Actions - quick change positions with triggers, ties in with the vanilla vam animation system

- added presets screenshots and auto add extension if missing

- fix squint causing issues on kissing & eyes closed

- added better head tracking and movement for kissing & sound on proximity

- added settings to keep hands & legs above ground level (when y<0 reset to 0 height)

- added person teleport & rotate functionality

- added Vibe2 command for more procedural vibing movement, recreated the original one i had built in some models demo scenes using cycle-forces

- fixed cheeks ballon pucker morph conflict causing twitches

- reduced idle hip movement, sometimes it was too exaggerated

- improve performance on morph operations

- changed morph detection logic to prevent morphs with the same name causing problems; I'm not sure if the Tittymagic compatibility issue was real, i was unable to reproduce it, but if it was then this update should help


- fixed VR eye contact


- added logic to trigger vam vanilla sounds from code

- changed breathing & moaning sounds with vam pixie sounds: better quality, less loud, more variety, intensity change

- performance fix for collision triggers stacking up on plugin reload

- added RideGentle command

- added AutoRide functionality with procedural changes every few seconds to keep things less repetitive

- added head angle slider in Gaze settings

- turned off tickling by default because the audio is annoying, need to look for better & more subtle sounds


UI tests and experiments with:

- apps (music player, vam tools, etc.)

- rooms 

- aeternum (for more game-ish things I hope to add like skills, $ system)


- adjusted look at target to interfere less with the camera, especially when the model was rotated, and better track the player

- fixed head lock restrictions big bug causing head lock at weird angles or glitches when the model is rotated in the scene

- fixed clean all pose morphs remaining sticky on plugin ui tabs change

- added gaze tab and moved there head related settings

- added head angle customization in the gaze tab

- made the model keep the head still when something is touching the lips and avoid looking around

- change log to default to off for performance

- improved autoblow detection and added more variety to procedural blow animations

- added sticky hands for head & hip logic and options

- added new Handling category for settings that alter the vanilla handling of models; cleaned up debug purposes settings to keep UI less confusing

- added base player focus gaze setting - the percent chance of the model to look at the player when a decision in made between player vs looking around; it's effected by other internal logic too, like proximity & arousal

- added focus time factor slider to control how long the model focuses on something on average before looking to change focus

- remedied model's unnatural fascination with ceilings

- added fade logic for instant morph changes to be less ugly, updated mouth open, kiss & close eyes commands and auto kiss, auto blow

- added mouthopen2 command & action (mouth open without tongue out) and added it in the mix for auto open on jaw touch

- fixed idle expressions not autostarting correctly

- some cleanup & started integration with WxM


- Added autoplay sound immediately after load logic and clean sounds on plugin load; preload/clean sounds is no longer necessary

- prevent gaze weird angles at head contact

- added general Audio on/off setting as requested

- added logic to limit head gaze rotation to prevent trying to turn and look behind

- adjusted default hip rotation interval on contact to make it less exaggerated

- fix eyetarget in-front of the camera on desktop sometimes covering the screen

- stop alive animations & sounds when vam freeze motion/sound is on

- fixed some issues with teasing increasing quickly & sounds playing on character idle movemement due to automatic collision

- added LookAtMe & LookAway commands; do command once to enable it, issue command again to disable it

- added more variety to vibe & blow commands, each time when issued it's gonna be more unique

- added autoblow feature and setting to turn it on/off (in idle body movement), by default it's on

- fixed close eyes command not working properly on unset

- fixed quick jumpy mouth expressions on contact,added cooldown

- added nose & mouth breathing sounds based on breathing rate, custom chest animations for each

- clean pose morphs on plugin load to prevent stuck morphs when stoppoing the plugin, added button to Help section too

- added Expression Action (lasts 5s) & ModelExpression command (random series of Expressions)

- fixed eye crossed & unnatural position sometimes on chest contact

- added support for thought & speech bubbles, integrated thought bubbles as notifications for state changes

- added Thrust command

- added Command force & speed sliders that influence the next command issued; integrated it with ride,thrust,vibe,twerk & modelexpressions

- fix mouthopen tongue expression being activated multiple times at the same time sometimes causing rapid on/off changes

- increase & decrease focus on player occurance based on proximity to the character's head

- added autokiss feature when very close to character face

- added procedural changes to Vibe command for more variations & less repetitive moves

- prevent tpose reset when Alive is disabled


- set better autoposition of custom audiosource atoms & added separate breathing audio source

- reduced breathing audio volume and improved proximity volume, reduced max breathing rate and synced audio to actual rate

- fixed trigger detection for vanilla vam person triggers like mouth & lip trigger

- fixed mouth & sex sounds for more reactions

- added idle finger movement, default position & settings

- added T-pose remover functionality (drop hands)

- turned down default tickle sensitivity on low tease and allow tickled sounds only on high tease & low arousal and discomfort

- better detection on deep insert - by defaut it kept getting triggered too often just when the person was moving around

- updated balancing for state changes tease & arousal

- look at contact points mechanics - the person will sometimes look towards the contacts

- look at player vr hands

- adjusted smile command morphs

- fixed eye movement resetting to Player after Reset Pose and causing less eye movement

- added mouth open on jaw touch setting for people that don't want that


- added mouth touch detection and sound effects

- kissing sometimes increases tease level, mouthful sometimes increases arouse level

- cleaned up breathing audiosorce atom

- updated audio jaw multiplier for better mouth/sound movement when the auto jaw setting is enabled

- added Close Eyes, Open Mouth, Twerk commands

- revamped the morph expressions animation system to allow adding more in depth reactions and micro-reactions when needed

- added Kiss command using the new expressions system 


- added eyes saccades functionality

- added eyes focus functionality - switch between player and looking around

- added micro expressions for eye focus changes for more realistic switches

- tied in the player focus with the character status, stare more when arouse is high, shy away more when discomfort is high

- Renamed Pain with Discomfort because some of your are gonna get me cancelled with your misuse of the plugin lol

- added mouthopen & kiss commands as both persistent + temporary procedural animations

- added more interactive mouth action


- addedvam vanilla triggers into the trigger detection flow for better lips, mouth,etc triggers

- added normal sex detection to increase arousal, needs more work

- fixed contact audio source and new alive audio source to be hidden to not interfere with the scene

- added insertion sounds mechanic

- added more head commands


- tongue adjustments

- auto kiss/mouth open adjustments

- better expression and gaze change on spank detection

- improved insertion sounds and expressions

- changed default touches reactions for more immersion, tease reaction now look a bit more like shivers

- fixed reaction force settings not saving in preset & scene

- fixed eye target to be outside visible camera when on player focus and setting targets as visible

- added Riding command, each time when issues the riding is a bit different

- added procedural nod gestures as actions, yes, now & what/confused; moved procedural gestures to actions, kept permanent states on Commands; i'm still figuring out how to organize this stuff

- added lick procedural animation and incorporated it in mouth interaction along with lick sounds

- updated mouth open command to stay persistent when on and not be toggled off by mouth action


- added mouth smile command and action, added more smiling on tickling

- added eyelids changes based on look angle, eyes more closed when looking down

- added head gaze system (head follows player similar to Life & turns towards targets)

- added breathing animation

- hyperventilation - changed breathing rate sound & animation to allow quicker breathing

- updated look around logic, less star-gazing, more eye movement


- updated head angle logic to gravitate less towards up


- added breathing sounds and breathing rate mechanic, increases & decreases based on interaction

- added enable self-touch condition, by default set to false now for performance and to prevent sounds and actions triggering all the time when the person is dancing, walking or moving in general

- added climax sounds on max arousal and cooldown functionality

- added more sounds that play when the pain level is too high

- added settings category and a few settings for automatic person: auto increase eyes horizontal angle (better side focus look), - - auto disable vam blink, auto enable jaw audio

- added Action Commands and added Vibe (dance) as a on/off combined

- Added Climax body reaction and added it to the Actions Triggers

- fixed sound log error on preload all sounds

- fixed RBAlign log error that appeared sometimes after removing the plugin


- sound - fixed issues with tickling sound reactions

- sound - replaced skin collision sounds with better quality ones

- sound - added more sounds like grunts, panting & moaning (deeper grunts? not true moaning yet)

- touch detection - improved spacing between sounds for more immersive skin collision sounds

- touch detection - added logic to prevent hits with floor atoms causing sounds & states to increase on animations like dances or walking

- touch reaction - added different customizable reactions (movement of the body part that got collided with) for each type of touch tease/caress/spank

- idle - added head idle movement and slider

- idle - added general body idle movement and slider

- idle - added extra hip idle movement and slider

- idle - added extra chest idle movement and slider

- code refactoring

- bug fixes, removed some errors messages & logs


- merged Ticklish functionality to allow touches and sounds in Alive and have expressions be influenced by interaction too, not just random

- 3 states/bars that increase based on touches and their intensity and decrease based on the personality (5 attributes), each with their own morph that can be changed (e.g. Smile when Teased or Angry when Teased, it's up to you)

- support for other plugins/triggers to influence the status bars (e.g. Action > + Tease)

- lots of triggers to allow doing extra stuff when the person state changes (e.g. fireworks on Max arousal)

- triggers for when the person gets touched, where and what kind of touch (tease, caress, spank)

- added contact based audio (hit sounds on strong collisions with any objects)

- added support for any atom touches. Ticklish worked only with the VR hands. In Alive you can tickle/caress/spank with any object. Model on model action now possible!

- tickling in Alive is only in some ticklish areas (feet, abdomen) not all over the body like Ticklish

- there are also erogenous areas that increase the Arousal

- added micro body movement. initially I wanted to make more around this but I figured that if I get the states logic done first then I'll be able to do more interesting & immersive movements based on the states of the person like shaking or more sensual stuff rather than just throw random spasms 


A few fixes. Made an update so that Auto-blink gets automatically turned off when loading the plugin, Alive blink + auto-blink resulted in over-blinking. Made an update also for something someone requested here earlier this week to allow to keep the Alive settings constant when changing looks with old vam looks system similar to expressionsrandomizer


- Small update that adds preset load & save support


- optimization, cleaned up some redundant and bad code causing unnecessary operations

-  added Clear Expressions button and trigger (useful for photoshoots, if you don't like the current expression and want to quickly skip you can create an UIButton for that)

- added enable/disable all features buttons

- added chances per % slider for all features that better controls how often the features are allowed to happen, the iterations slider was not very helpful alone

- added experimental operations limit slider to force a limit on how many morph operations are allowed; it causes the morphs to not fade out but remain stuck for a while until they reset so  works better for microexpressions, not blinking 


- removed normal morphs from being effected like Pucker (REN) and kept only temporary pose morphs in the cycle, to avoid messing up the models if saved with the plugin active

- added more facial expressions and more brows movement (not visible in the video, i recorded it earlier, i added more stuff after)

- added some very quick sliders and controls for some of the logic to allow some customization, v1 had no controls at all


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