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Here is the FULL UNBLURRED VOD from our SWORD ART ONLINE stream! Episodes 11-15!




Lets go

Some guy

I'm sure people have already said this, but you have to watch the SAO Abridged series by Something Witty Entertainment. It's something of a meme that it fixes SAOs plot holes, but either way, it is enjoyable.


I'm sorry Luke, but it was the girl who actually called them Mommy and Daddy. It's not like they wanted that. They just wanted to help her, afterall she's a lonely child that barely speaks in a death game, how is that a kidnapping xD Also you said to not marry LIKE THIS. Bruh, they are together like 2 years, and you can clearly see they are in 'actual' love, they'd die for each other. I can only wish everyone to find such love in their lives.


Mushoku was a Patreon exclusive before anyways? so wouldnt it go back onto that slot after code geass is done or something? Chances are they would have the same level of cheeks to the previous seasons..... A tangent onto books.... Would like to recommend an aussie author Matthew Reilly. All his books are amazing, including a 7-book epic adventure that blends myths, tech and Indiana Jones. Please have a try. :)


They should ban the word "Abridged " when Luke is watching SAO


Kayaba Akihiko just completely got lost in his fantasy of creating another world as "real" as possible.


When I got to the 2nd episode in.. I started realising what episode he would end on. My reaction: “oh man, this is going to be brutal” Still love the content mate! Funny reactions and all, can’t wait for next week. Seriously, can’t wait.


Also, this is the episode most people hate, and call it plot armor etc. because it doesn't match their RPG/MMORPG playing experience. The thing is, there's a logic to that, the game engine, the Cardinal system is an AI (just like Yui), player's will is extremely crucial there. It's explained in Alicization, but i won't say anything more. In general, Kirito's strong will (which was stronger than anyone else in the game, most people just wanted to leave the game, but Kirito wanted to protect others & his love to Asuna), enabled him to use something like Last Stand (the yellow eyes), where he got few seconds to live on 0HP. Also about the fact Asuna didn't die. It's also logically explained. The game DOESN'T kill instantly. Just as someone on Twitch chat mentioned, there's at least 10s window, before you die. Information based on the item Kirito got from Santa Claus boss (the one he wanted to use to revive Sachi). So after her hp droped to 0, she got into that Heaven-like place, and in that 10s Kirito killed Kayaba ending the game, which stopped the death timer for Asuna too. It's just not explained in the anime. Any close-minded people will hate anyway :)

Renaud Nadeau

His reaction to Asuna and Kirito's deaths XD

Abe J

Well.. no reason for me to basically write the same thing. Well said.

Abe J

I love this anime. Probably because of the concept of full diving, id go in a sec, even if id have to stay and they hooked up my irl body to life support. I bet there are a lot of people who would do that.


I personally don't like the sister thing either since I grew up in the west and I think it's injected into this show willy nilly, but I'll say that under consideration of cultural differences, circumstances of upbringing and the past 2 years in SAO - It is at least somewhat "understandable" from a certain POV. That whole brother sister scene can only exist in Japan because the culture, while not seeing it as positive, does not deem it to be an absolute taboo. Since her character felt strongly about Kirito in the first place (taking up Kendo sword fighting professionally to shield her brother from their grandfather), and then suddenly finding out that they are not siblings might cause some confused feelings in a 15 year old, especially after almost losing said person. It's because of the weird wiring in the human brain that can wrongfully interpret certain feelings as love/lust. This has been recorded as early as ancient Greece (Oedipus/Electra), and studied in detail by Philosophers in the 1800-1900s. I can see why it weirds people out but I just ignore it. It's impossible to put yourself into the same shoes as a westener with no siblings.

Daniel Turchan

I NEVER thought I would hear anyone relate SAO to Spy Kids 3, but why does it makes too much sense… Both r super cringe too, Asuna after Yui dies, “I never even got, an email address” 😭😂😂😂

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 14:46:05 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.
2024-03-03 17:45:10 There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.

There 0 reason to give any excuse to the brother/ sister thing. Most significantly because the author doesn't. It was actually intended to show how horrible the situation would be as a counterargument to some trash tropes in other japanese media, but the anime didn't seem to understand that at all and oversexualizes everything about Suguha. I dislike lots of other things about SAO's writing, but in the case of Suguha its more fault of the anime adaptation than the author.

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 14:46:05 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad
2024-03-03 17:50:31 I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad

I mainly just strongly dislike that the reason Kirito won was "spirit/ willpower" That kind of explanation is fine in Shonen or adventure series, but I expect there to be more to it sci-fi with a massive full-dive VR world. So both the motivation of the villain and the method of his defeat were deeply disappointing to me, combined with the fact I found the next 3 arcs quite boring compared to Aincrad


This is where I leave this series. Seeing the first arc again have just solidified my opinions on SAO. The first episode set up an amazing story, and then chooses to leave that behind for a solid 5/10 wish fulfillment power-fantasy. There are a few highs, but also even lower lows. Yui is for me the breaking point. I'll call it as it is. The way she was saved is just bad writing. When writing a story, if a character does something completely out of left field without anything prior establishing of said action. Its an ass-pull. You have to accept all of these things to think Yui being saved is a good scene: Kirito instinctively understood how to use that console. He is an exceptional programmer who so happens to understand essentially everything in SAOs source code in 3 seconds flat. Lucky that he also happens to be not only proficient, but amazing at whatever programming language SAO was written in. Then thinking of, and implementing a way to save Yui, in those same 3 seconds he saw this cutting edge code for the first time. Oh yeah, and at no point in the story so far was it even hinted at that he had any experience coding. I have seen Alicization as well, it does not help the case. You can retroactively explain and rationalize anything in a story. If it isn't rooted in anything established earlier it will feel like a cheap excuse. There are ways it can work without all these planned interwoven story beats. And that is if said reveal re-contextualizes the story as a whole. And that is not the case in SAO. All this is not to say, don't enjoy SAO. If you can good on you. SAO has some good hype moments if you turn your brain off. But as someone who likes the analyze media for intent, deeper meaning, and stuff said between the lines, SAO just doesn't hit. Enjoy the rest of your ride Luke. Also, should you see this. Both Log Horizon & more recently Shangri-La Frontier, does what SAO set out to do better. If you want the "Trapped in a digital world trying to get out" check out Log Horizon. And Shangri-La Frontier is gaming power-fantasy done right.

Саша Одинец

Isn't it a common theme for sci-fi though? That we're more than just machines (as are machines more than that too)? If you need to think of it in more dry clinical sci-fi terms, it can make sense too, easily. When Kayaba made the helmet, it was a new tech and no way there would be any kind of research of long-term effects on human brains. People like Kirito and Asuna fought on the edge of human abilities for 2 years, way surpassing what human bodies can do thanks to different limitations set by the helmet. Of course it would affect how their brains communicate with the system in ways that Kayaba couldn't have account for years ago. In other words - both of them DDoSed the helmet with a signal to move their bodies, to the point when system limit was overcome by them. That's how Asuna moved herself, that's how Kirito moved his hand (just in case - there was no resurrection, it's just repeat of animation from episode 1 to show it's Kirito's imagination). But honestly, begining of SAO is first of all a love story, everything else second. Combine love story with sci-fi and it all is within expectations. Even more reasonable than what first Matrix had in its end 😅


i mean luke back then we only had this 1 season not like u currently binge w 100 eps lol


####*TL;DR*####: In sci-fi, some prefer emotional resolutions, while others demand logical consistency. Criticizing one camp from the perspective of the other is pointless; it's all about personal preference. ####*Long response*####: Like other said, winning through sheer will against something impossible is a classic trope in fantasy shows. I believe that people preffer "scientific reasons" of why willpower worked in a sci-fi scenario where technology is involved. If you give no scientific / logical reason then people will call it "plot armor". So when comes to will power, that will power just give us more adrenaline, and suck more energy of our body, anyone can understand that easy relationship body-mind, but body-machine is a debated topic. - You get the *sci-fi romantics* who LOVE the idea of just going through sci-fi through emotions. E.g: pluto 2023, AI robots develop feelings and overwrite their system rules thx to those feelings through sheer willpower). - On the other camp you have the *logical sci-fi group* . E.g: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2015, Kids get into mecha, they fight for their independence and want to create their own place to live in peace, life's not easy and they end up fighting to death. Characters die because the mecha they use fails in combat, even if their will power is even beyond what kirito does in SAO, they just cannot get more juice power cuz electronics are electronics and programming is programming, therefore willpower means nothing and they die.) If we extrapolate both camps: from the first camp's perspective it make sense, from the 2nd camp perspective asuna should've not be able to move from paralysis, and kirito should've not be able to "revive" for 5 sec (both feats going against the system, the programming, the electronic). As conclusion: depends on what camp you are, one should not be mad at the other camp, people have preferences and choices, if one says plot armor and is mad it just means they're in the logical reason camp and not in the "willpower can overcome anything camp" (no reason to change their minds, it's who they are at their core, and can't enjoy shows who use emotions/willpower in sci-fi shows for plot reasons.)


I love this anime so much :)

Colm Barry

Asuna: "Hah, never said I couldn't kill myself BEFORE you died"

Саша Одинец

" wish fulfillment power-fantasy" since when the amount of trauma and suicidal protagonists SAO has suggested any of that? "The way she was saved is just bad writing" copypasting a folder is school-level computer use... "Kirito instinctively understood how to use that console." it has a keyboard.... he had pc at home... so, yeah? Yui said her full software name, her login info was still in the console - it's basically CTRL+F, CTRL+C, CTRL+F, CTRL+V, Archive. "happens to understand essentially everything in SAOs source code" no need for that, it's a typical nonsense non-programmers say when they trash on SAO. In fact, most of modern coding tools provide prompts upon even starting to write the command like your keyboard predicting what you're writing. All you need to start, is some rudimentary knowledge of English words. The only real problem with this scene, is animators choosing to show it with a "matrix-like code" on screen that audience associates with hacking. Yes, since story is from Asuna's point of view in the book - it makes sense for her to see it as a gibberish, but Kirito later clearly describes it as copying files. Oh well, at least they've shown the progress bar for that.


Marrying your cousin is lega in Japan over here in Germany aswell because the chance for the child being disabled is the same as with any unrelated pair. its still considered weird tho

Patrick Jacobsen

after seeing a lot of theese vods, my opinion is your mods needs to be stricter. when it comes to spoilers, I see a lot of repeat offenders who have been given to many chances and should be perma banned.




If this wall of text is too long, read the last paragraph. Firstly yes. A show can touch on any number of topics, serious or not, and still be a power-fantasy. Solo leveling is a power-fantasy. It also starts off, unintentionally or not, critiquing capitalism. Mushoku Tensei, also touches on suicidal ideation and childhood trauma. Yes, there are many power-fantasy shows that are just that. But it is by no means a requirement for them to be. If a show has all the hallmarks of a power-fantasy, its a power-fantasy. Secondly lets look at that Yui scene. And I will admit to not having read the LN. I work with what the show is, well showing. Yui explains what the console is and reveals the keyboard. Quick side note. It was established that everyone can see anyone's UI, but only the owner can interact with it. Aka using a sleeping players finger to start PVP. So by the rules established in SAO there were no guarantees that Kirito could interact with the keyboard. On top of that, one would maybe expect the admin panel to need admin access. Not be more accessible than every other UI element so far. But ignoring common data security and game design, I would probably also try the keyboard out of desperation in that scenario. The keyboard has no legend. I'll just accept this as an animation shortcut. You could argue that Kirito knows how to touch-type, but that is not a normal layout either way. Which once again, I'll accept as an animation shortcut. What isn't a shortcut, is that Kirito types on that for a good bit before getting a screen. So whatever he did then, he did with no feedback. So lets assume he used that time to get the monitor working. Hes now in this OS, whatever it is. We have once again no indication of what he is doing. Lets go with your take, no modification of the OS, just coping files. Trying to make logical sense of this. Most admin panels have at least two things, an event-log and basic functions used for testing or to fix recurring or common issues. If Kirito did what you said he did. Then recovering data in the middle of a deletion process (Or after, but if you say she was recovered after deletion then there never was any time-limit or danger of Yui being lost), converting that data no matter what type or amount to an item, this item being user specified, and spawning that in the game world. Is apparently a common enough occurrence for the devs to program all these functions in the admin panel. Some of these? Yeah. All of them? No. Ultimately that requires too much suspension of disbelief for me to believe. The reason Kirito can do this is just "Chosen One" powers with extra steps. As a developer, mostly front-end, working in the medical field on data security applications. Saying, "its just copying a file" not realizing that different OSes does this in vastly different ways under the hood. And all the operations Kirito did, would in a realistic setting create conflicts along almost every step. Could you get it to work? Maybe. In that time? No. But it doesn't matter. As I said, if you like SAO keep on doing so. It has its moments. But it also isn't the best written. There is nothing bad about subjectively liking something. Likewise just because you like something doesn't make that good objectively. I like Accel world way more than SAO. But I don't think its objectively that much better. I think Clannad is kinda boring at times, but can understand why its an 8/10 on MAL. Just keep on watching what you like.

dragean greyfield

Things can get a little crazy when an ai program gains true sentience.

Derek Chouinard

This just makes me want to see you react to SAO Abridged


Banger, though i got stunlocked when you said they can just take their time and hospitals will keep them alive - sure, but they're losing out on living their lives, and it's not like their bodies don't deteriorate, muscle atrophy and all that good stuff XDD Also i thought it's pretty obvious that they go with the strongest players for the raid, if you don't and something doesn't work then you don't have enough high lvl players to kill it with anyways. Waiting for reactions next week, cheers!


I hope you gonna read the comments before next SAO stream


Luke will be that wide eyed bunny through this whole Sword Art Online journey, whoever made this story had the assumption that viewer would have even little bit of knowledge of RPG or MMORPG games. Luke not knowing what STR is was so funny =). PS. Btw don't follow Luke's advice on situation like what was shown here, as Luke was telling people to abandon a child found alone in forest and clearly in distress. I have no idea how he went that route.

Kyle Hunt

The whole Yui situation is far less weird and unrelatable when you consider that Asuna and Kirito are children who have been stuck inside a virtual death trap for more than two years. Considering they find a child with no memories, in a world with so few real people, their initial choice was a very kind and childish solution to dealing with the problem. I know a lot of people think that this is where SAO dropped off, but personally, I feel like this is where the mental breakdown between virtual and reality really began. And isn't that what SAO is all about, the dichotomy of virtual and reality and how they can both become "real" in the right context.


And a quick google search said it is also legal in the uk too, must be a japan culture thing i guess


Wow have to add 2nd comment as Luke's idea of having 6000 warriors after finishing the game would have made SAO so much better in this middle arcs. As the next real good one we will have to wait.


Just watched the 14th ep. Well it was good while it lasted, I really loved rewatching those 14 episodes but I don't think I have the strength to watch the second half as it disappointed me so much in the past. Maybe you'll like it more than I did, but I have a feeling you'll be disappointed too. I wish the best though.


If this series takes a nose-dive after this, I will be very upset. I liked the series, but I've seen better, but it was enjoyable. Why do I think the "enjoyable" part is gone now. I hope not. Please!

Hououin Kyouma

Have you ever read "The Foundation" series?


SAO is a rollercoaster ride the whole way through of enjoyment. IMO s1.1 good, s1.2 not so good, s2.1/GGO good,s2.2 not so good... Movie Ordinal Scale not so good, Alicization+ is pretty good and interesting. If you havent seen SAO id recommend watching it as it does have its moments but its pretty hit or miss.


I'm just watching here. I have too much to watch from Luke nowadays. It's starting to interfere with my normal anime watches. LOL. I had to give up on GATE for that very reason. And I liked GATE more than SAO. Maybe I should drop SAO and choose GATE again.


"Why do I feel like there's going to be a weird dynamic incoming?" Ahh, you've learned to spot anime bullshit. Arc 1 is over! It's all downhill from here! (partially joking, but there's a lot I don't like in this arc in particular) "Why did the cameraman have to do that?" RIGHT?? Anime fans always defend this stuff, if they even acknowledge it at all, but the framing of shots is always an intentional choice.


Something the original poster didn't talk about is how the yui scene completely ruins all stakes in this show. It shows that yui is cute, likeable, and therefore will be protected. This was the perfect point to kill off a character, raise the stakes, but instead, yui is saved and absolutely nobody will ever be killed because the writer doesn't want to part with cute and likeable characters. It's also worth noting that SAO is built on the cardinal AI system, which is far out of our knowledge, and is NEW technology at the time of SAO. There is no way that kirito could have pulled what he did in the short timespan he was given. it was just bullshit, idk.

Саша Одинец

@Xudos 1. Just because something seems like it has attributes of PF, doesn't mean that it is. In fact, the narrative of SAO specifically plays on destroying the concept on foundational level, thus has to use some elements to portray it. Remember end of episode 4, when Kirito openly states that numerical strength in SAO is nothing but illusion, and that there are better things in life? This stuff. From there onward, the story builds it up for every major conflict to never be sold through numerical strength but rather strength of bonds characters create, such as ending of episode 14, where Kirito lost the duel, but thanks to Asuna's strength of will, Kayaba was defeated as ruler of his own world and accepted the loss. It's a pattern that persists throughout the series. 2. Yui specifically shows the console, activates her in front of Kirito and Asuna - there's no reason for her to do so if they cannot see it at all. But fun thing is - if we apply your logic - how do you know, that the console didn't show up new windows to Kirito, that are visible to him only? This episode is not the first to switch the point of view from his character, and as is evident by Asuna's thoughts being voiced in the beginning of this side story - we see it from her point of view. Thus by your logic, she wouldn't see what Kirito is doing if there's something to see there. 3. As far as story goes, it's only said to use new engine, not new operating system. Either way, for a tech nerd with *fastest reaction speed in among the victims* it's not impossible for Kirito to luck out on writing commands down fast enough. In fact, he directly called Yui's saved into object as her "heart", as he did about the pet in episode 4. Meaning, the game already has a system to convert its npcs this way, he only needed to find the prompt for it or choose a drop down option. As for deletion process - we do not know whether it actually started or not. The avatar is destroyed, but her access to the console wasn't revoked yet, thus she's still registered in the system.

Саша Одинец

@Sumic What has cuteness has anything to do with any of it? This is nonsense. Death isn't the only thing that leads to stakes either. This sounds so childish 🤨An easy example - have you never heard of the phrase "fate worse than death"? It's not like it exists for now reason. "nobody will ever be killed" lol, did you watch some YTer instead of actual show? Sounds like it. "Cardinal... which is far out of our knowledge" so why do you assume things about it? If you don't know it - anything is possible. SAO is not the first game for the NerveGear, Kirito literally asks Klein if he SAO is the first thing he tried in episode 1. The first time we see Kirito in the show, is him reading a magazine about NerveGear....


In my opinion, GGO the only thing I’m really excited for. I personally don’t mind this arc but it’s a bit ‘eh’ for me. Hopefully that’s not a spoiler or anything. But GGO arc is probably my favourite after season 1.


He really needs to watch the abridged version now. It does such a great job with the story and comedy


Same. The longer I watched the reaction the more I got pissed off with all the damn spoilers in the chat. Luke would probably be just fine with the chat being emote only the whole time imo


Alright make sure to take all the other haters with you lol. It would be a nice breath of fresh air


Also it is really unfair if Mushoku has to go against slime and konosuba, since those aren't Patreon animes. Basically fraction of viewer base against full viewer base. Not everyone is on Patreon, would suck for those people if Mushoku wins. It is a lose lose situation. Also it is literally season 2 part 2, not a new season and he did talk about continuing it when it returns afaik.


Mushoku is a patreon exclusive, and Konosuba and Slime are twitch, how can they be in the same vote?

Pro Anime Fan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 14:46:05 It skips it in the anime but the reason on why kirito and asuna didn’t die is because he turned off the penalty for them since he wanted to talk to him after the fight and for asuna is because kirito asked him too
2024-03-04 17:20:42 It skips it in the anime but the reason on why kirito and asuna didn’t die is because he turned off the penalty for them since he wanted to talk to him after the fight and for asuna is because kirito asked him too

It skips it in the anime but the reason on why kirito and asuna didn’t die is because he turned off the penalty for them since he wanted to talk to him after the fight and for asuna is because kirito asked him too


Excited for next set of episodes while over all its definitely the weakest part of the series imo I really like the setting the show dives into see yall next week

brotato 96

Xudos trust me its not worth your time to argue with this guy. Look at all previous vods of SAO he will argue with every single person who has any criticism of SAO and gaslights them into the arguments that they are ignorant and mistaken about the details of the show. Literally every time this has been his MO for all the arguments. He simply cannot digest that people can have their criticisms and dislikes about SAO.

Саша Одинец

Brotato, imagine your criticism being criticized - something you cannot accept so far. Xudos at least provides reasonable arguments for his points that were defended (Yui's episode, not the power fantasy so far).

Pilligrim Ilyas

Yeah, and also no one dies instantly after their HP drops to zero. There's like 1 or several minutes delay or so. That's definitely true because of how Christmas revival item works. It can revive person in first minute or so after their death

Саша Одинец

It's about 10 seconds after being killed, not a minute, as is stated in the Christmas episode. But that means, from receiving the blow, to HP bar animation of going to 0, then animation of gaining transparency, and then breaking into shards - all this combined, unless animations are interrupted by the damage, is what 10 seconds are about. Like Diavel in episode 2 fell after the boss hit him but only died some time later - time when potion would do no help him, only the resurrection item. As for why Kayaba spared them, it's more implied than is said directly, anime implies it too.


I'm not a big fan of the comments during the suguha scene... "never cook again"

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 14:46:05 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.
2024-03-11 14:46:05 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.
2024-03-04 22:41:36 I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.

I 100% agree that Yui was the breaking point for me as well, even though I disagree with some of your other arguments, and was still hopeful the show could recover up until ep 14 which completely lost me as ever being a true fan despite watching more of it and believing that far worse things are out there in anime and that it does several things exceptionally well. The reason SAO gets special backlash/ hatred is not that it is objectively worse than many other shows, but that it became extremely popular and gave us high expectations in the first 10 episodes, only to dash many of our hopes and expectations. This festered for months until the "hate" YouTube videos came out. The ultimate difference between someone who likes SAO and someone who does not after that is whether or not they care about that dashed hope, and whether or not they can forgive it. The real haters are exactly the people who had the highest hopes for the show when they start watching it.

Dr. A

Bro is the author for real lmao.

no u uwu

Were getting to the uncomfortable arc... God i hope this goes by quick. Everything after this arc slaps but..yea..


Regarding Kayaba : I've never quite considered him a villain in the true sense of the word. To me, he's more like a misguided genius who never let go of his childhood fantasies. He managed to create a full-dive environment, a first, and a full game that goes with it, managed by an autonomous program that runs the game on its own. Overall, it's pretty impressive. Except that he got too stuck in his dream to live in that world, and ended up believing that forcing other people to live there too was a good thing. I don't think he did all that out of pure malice.

Dr. A

Well it's already going down hill honestly. Did anyone feel any payoff for the end of Aincrad?

Freddy VC

totally unnecessary it's just a parody doesnt contribute to the anime nor the history.


A quick google search suggests that in Japan marriage between cousins is perfectly legal even if viewed as somewhat strange. Marriage between siblings is still illegal, however.

Nero Integrate

Bro loves the vikings and says Valahalla and has 0 clue what Yggdrassil is supposed to be. No biggie guys XD We love you Luke, our big little goofball <3


Luke, you are absolutely right. If you see a 4-6 year old child alone in the deep forest (where there are monsters) who faints, you should just leave him there and not worry about it. and if you are between 16-18 and in a state of parental feelings and responsibility you should ignore them and just continue to be a selfish teenager and give a shit about everything. ps. Your statement about the first episode with Yui and that Kirito and Asuna take care of her and accept the scared child.


You're a hater when you don't like something ? For valid reasons. I wasn't trying to trashtalk the anime, it was genuinely fun to watch those 14 episodes, and I just genuinely just want to stop there.

Pro Anime Fan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 14:46:05 Yeah…. This arc ain’t the best. Well good at all really. Literally only liked the funny and the fights. The serious was questionable
2024-03-05 17:16:50 Yeah…. This arc ain’t the best. Well good at all really. Literally only liked the funny and the fights. The serious was questionable

Yeah…. This arc ain’t the best. Well good at all really. Literally only liked the funny and the fights. The serious was questionable

Pro Anime Fan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 14:46:05 Was watching SAO with a friend and when asuna died bro just went “womp womp should’ve dodged”
2024-03-05 17:43:55 Was watching SAO with a friend and when asuna died bro just went “womp womp should’ve dodged”

Was watching SAO with a friend and when asuna died bro just went “womp womp should’ve dodged”


Yes, I agree... They should kick the confused child from their house, oh wait, better, they should drop her back into the forest. Also, I don't see why you have problems with them accepting her as their "adopted child". She is literally lost, confused child, that barely remembers her name, barely talks. Should they just insist that she doesn't treat them like her parents and act like she just a stranger? Also, Asuna crawling into the bed with Yui is nothing strange, her parental feelings were triggered by the small, lost child. They grew up, in a world and situation like they are, kids grow up really quick.


It’s wild that you think the pacing in this is good… they could have made this so much better by showing more floors/more boss fights

Juan Contreras

Normally kids level up fast on games but I don’t think they would on a game where they can die

Jammy Jimmerino

so the reason kirito came back to life, this is my headcanon but the only way i can make sense of it. IS Klein is there remember kirito gave klein the crystal that can bring people back to life if used within 3 seconds. My headcanon is that klein saved that crystal and used it for this moment OR he brought back asuna and she was in that weird realm because kirito technically cleared the game. and kirito just imagined himself dying but didnt actually die


I think Luke picked the wrong word but I agree with what he was going for. The feeling of how 14 episodes feels like 100 is totally true. So much story has been told in such a short amount of time and its very rare you feel like you got delivered so much about the characters and the overall story in such a short period of time. However, the use of the word "pacing" itself would be incorrect as I agree with you. The pacing in SAO is kind of all over the place and could be so much better in general. So I agree with Luke's sentiment, I think he just misused the word.


Just wanted to say thanks so much for the reaction to SAO so far! The Aincrad arc (which wrapped up on ep 14) always has a special place in my heart and its always nice to see someone else experience it for the first time. Curious what you think of what happens next. I'm personally not a huge fan of the next part of the story but I still can't wait for your next reaction anyways. Though there are plenty of parts later on I really enjoy. Also, it won't be directly explained in the Anime, so just some info about why Kirito isn't dead that's not spoilers (if you are interested): Back when he fought Santa (which is hilarious to say out of context) he got that revival item that said it could be used on a "dead" player within 10 seconds to bring them back to life. So its implied that a player's mind isn't destroyed until at least 10 seconds after they die in the game. Kirito defeated Heathcliff in less than 10 seconds after dying. So his mind hadn't been destroyed yet and since Heathcliff is the final boss (literally) the game shut down the moment Heathcliff's health bar hit 0. So SAO never got a chance to actually kill Kirito because the game was cleared before his 10 seconds were up. The first time I watched it I was SUPER confused as to what happened in that scene so wanted to help you be less confused than I was haha. As for the "ghost" Kirito that kills Heathcliff after Kirito's health bar already hit 0, that's a little bit more up in the air haha. One theory was explained to me is as follows. His "death" scene in Episode 14 is actually an exact copy of his imagined death in Episode 1 (when he imagines himself dying when its first revealed that SAO is a killing game) just with different clothes. So a theory is what we see in Episode 14 was Kirito visualizing his own death as finally coming true (exactly as he always imaged his death would look) because he's mentally given up and accepted his death. However, he remembers what Asuna said to him, and decides to keep giving it his all to the last moment and strikes the fatal blow on Heathcliff as his HP drops to 0. So the first "death" we saw was in Kirito's head and just a visual representation of giving up. The other theory is that somehow his mind overcame the limits of the game as he was dying and he was able to make a last minute attack. Kind of the classic "mind over matter" concept where enough willpower can cause the human mind to do impossible things. Which Kayaba Akihiko seems to hint at a little bit when he says "now I've seen someone surpass my own world's laws". So based on that statement, I feel like this is more what the author was going for. That or maybe he was only referring to how Asuna broke his world's laws by overcoming the paralysis on her own (and not what Kirito did). However, I personally believed that's what Kirito actually did as I feel like that ending was supposed to have the "human spirit conquers all" theme to it.

Саша Одинец

It is more than just animation. First - there was no such scene in the book anime adapts, thus the next theory just contradicts original intent the anime should've portrait. Second - if you look closely, not only it repeats the animation, but subsequently it doesn't make sense for a sword stuck in his chest to push him backwards or him to respawn back with it inside. Additionally, Asuna's rapier is missing in said animation, but didn't fell from his hand as next scene shows it in his hand. Only after it does the actual death animation starts - the one of gaining transparency. This transparency animation is what Kirito prolonged to land a hit through his willpower as Asuna did before him with her movement. Only seeing this did Kayaba first got surprised, and then understood and let himself be killed. As for 10 seconds - it was more than 10. But more importantly - it was even more so for Asuna. Revival item works on ~10 seconds that include your HP bar to animate going to 0, then for the body to gain transparency, and then to fell into pieces. As last shard of the body is lost - brain should be fried and revival can't be used. The reason both Kirito and Asuna survived in the end, is because both of them fell to Kayaba. People trying to find explanation that fits previous events get it backwards, because original story is written from its end and most prior episodes are adaptations of prequels. It's the type of thing, that *because* they were spared, you can see that they survived because Kayaba wanted to talk to them, because of it, we can understand Kayaba better.

Саша Одинец

The second theory is closer to what happened) Cut Klein's item out of equations - Kirito simply imagined himself dying, and what came back is his willpower, not the body. Anime just presented this in very convoluted way - check episode 1, when Kayaba explained that if you die in the game you die irl. At one point, Kirito suddenly dies in that episode - in his imagination to a boar, as he remembers how easy it is to die in SAO. So what happened in this episode - to represent his willpower's return (as was intent in original book), they copied same exact animation from episode 1. Have you ever questioned, why did a sword stuck in his chest, suddenly allowed him to fall back as if hit by something (a boar)? Or were did Asuna's rapier went during the scene, while it's back in his hand later? Or why did Kayaba got surprised only after Kirito began to gain transparency, which is after the scene? Well, this is why :) The reason Asuna and then Kirito ended up on a platform outside Aincrad, not another realm - is because Kayaba evidently prepared it long ago for an end of the game and wanted to talk to them. Nothing more to it.

Pilligrim Ilyas

But how did Asuna, Kirito and Kayaba survived in the end then? If NerveGear kills them the instant they fall apart, they wouldn't have made it in the end

Earl Preston

when is the next stream for sword art online I've really enjoyed this reaction. sao is one of my fav. it was early on in my regular anime viewing habits. keep up the great work!

Kyle Garrett

Now you've hit the point where people began to turn against SAO. It'll be interesting to see how you feel about the series by the time S1 ends. Most people gave up on SAO during the second half of S1, or by the end of S1 with most people never bothering to watch S2 at all. I'm really looking forward to seeing how both Luke and Chat react to S2 and S3 since most people haven't bothered to watch GGO or Alicization, so there will be a good amount of first timers other that Luke most likely.


And it’s a shame because Alicization and War of Underworld are top tier. I personally like them better than Aincrad

Earl Preston

I just saw that Saturday streams are 330pm est so im gonna try to login:)

Ty L

The best space opera > Legend of Galactic Heroes

Tamus Heath

I dropped after season 3 (the AR movie specifically), decided I'd finally had enough of this series, although I've heard season 4 is the best so maybe that was hasty.

Yami Shoumetsu

For me this is my theory. Since the revive item exists, we can assume that all deaths in Aincrad does not immediately kill you but sends players to a waiting area. While the revive item Kirito got before can only revive players after they die in a few seconds, what if there is a better item in higher floors that has more leeway into it. So if a player died and arrives in the dead waiting area and no one revives them after a minute or so, they will then die. Now Asuna dies and was sent to that waiting area. But Kirito managed to clear the game before Asuna reach the limit in the waiting area. Since the game was cleared, the kill function in the waiting area was never triggered as the game shifted all processing to trigger the end game functions and so she was saved.

Mike Baker


Pro Anime Fan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-01 00:10:03 Was my explanation not good enough? By penalty I meant the whole dying in real life thing. Kayaba turned it off to talk to kirito after he died.
2024-03-11 17:16:38 Was my explanation not good enough? By penalty I meant the whole dying in real life thing. Kayaba turned it off to talk to kirito after he died.

Was my explanation not good enough? By penalty I meant the whole dying in real life thing. Kayaba turned it off to talk to kirito after he died.

Harley Burnie

1:06:50 The one non-vital, but super important, thing the anime cut was the fact that, ever since Kirito found out about his family's reql situation, he has been mega hardcore, NEET levels, of computer programing and shite. The whole thing with saving Yui looks suspicious af if you just see Kirito as a nerdy teen bot who likes Swords, instead of a nigh-genius level self-taught computer nerd.

Harley Burnie

As of the end of episode 14, I have had a SERIOUS wish to have an anime play out exactly as we are made to thunk for 20 seconds. I want a big ol' anime, with crazy premise, lots of life-or-death consequences, world-altering events, and characters that we end up really giving a damn about, and then...the main character(s) dies, and we just move on. SAO would have been the most epic shite ever if these two had truly died liked heroes, and the series went on for multiple seasons, as mighty as can be. That move would have been the hypest damn thing amd would have my utmost awe and respect. Sadly, it's really damn difficult to off a Japanese main character. I get that I'm probably just ignorant of an anime out there which gives such a show, but as us, SAO was the closest to my dream.


Sky Kids 3d was the shit back then. Back when "3D" movies was just wearing glasses and having stuff fly at your face.

ilyas mateus

U should not ask a lot, everything is explained in the anime. Doing that u avoid spoilers on chat


I mean Jujutsu Kaisen does a good job of killing anyone when it gets the chance, including an MC, and later on basically removing an MC from the story bc of a villain.

Davii Powell

The thing with keeping everyone alive on live support is...... Who pays for it? Eventually its gonna be seen as an un necessary expense.


"This buy is a bell end." Underrated comment.


One way to get people to appreciate such a richly-developed world: Forcefully hold them captive within it for years 🤣


Jesus, too many people in comments trying to push the Abridged. It's a parody. Maybe wait until you're done with the real thing before seeking a parody of it. Kinda thankful he doesn't seem to bother with most of the chat messages.


Marriage to first cousins has been common throughout human history, and mating with first cousins is the preference among most animals - close enough for the genes to cooperate well, far enough for the risks of complications to be minimal. It is not incest.

Karen Porter

Um... you understand that your most recent queen was married to her cousin, right? Even Camilla and Charles are related, as was Diana to both of them... It's all about the imbreeding in monarchy lol. *cough* sorry....


it fixes nothing considering something witty hates SAO, please I hope he either waits till completely finishing the series or doesnt watch it at all.

Trevor Lumpkin

In episode 11 during the scene with the army guys getting chased away by Asuna you heard Rudeus Greyrats VA as one of the kids i think.


Ye I'm waiting for him to finish it before requesting it. Ye I'm late watching vids but I can't watch everything as it comes out.


And also chat is spoiling some good bits in chat with Their random quotes


he's thinking out loud and told chat many times to not answer that

Regill Derenge

This anime is so trash... like... for some unknown reason... never explained... asuna breaks the paralysis and kirito isn't disappearing after dying and find the strength from god knows where to stab the dude. Like ... no explanation nothing. just bad writing.