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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FRIEREN Episode 24!!



Marcio Neves

I think they will solve it in the most unusual, but predictable way: throwing a Mimic in the room 🤣

Marcio Neves

They have to fight, yes, but not against each other. As the examiner said, it is a test that requires teamwork. That's why that dude that went alone is probably f***ed 😁

Marcio Neves

"Desu, ne?": "desu" by itself is the verb "to be". "ne?" is like "right?", "isn't it so?", "don't you agree?", something in that general meaning. It is strange for me, as a Brazilian, because we also use a LOT the word "né?" (a contraption from "não é?"/"isn't it so?"), in the end of sentences, while speaking 😁


ne on the end makes it a question. So desu ne means "isn't it?" Well, to be more exact, it is more like asking for agreement with the previous statement. "This is a beautiful mural, isn't it?"


im not too sure about Sense.. :D Pacisist she say.. not interfere she say.. yet decide to step into a dungeon very well knowing there is a ''trap'' that send perfect replicas to guard major routes to the bottom.. xD


I swear they could just have Frieren fight her clone and just at least one other person cause then they have an advantage


I mean Frieren is amazing female character but dont write off the others. Maomao (Apothecary diaries) is just as good

Omer Durrani

Honestly Luke, if you decide to say screw it and just react to the Frieren episode that comes out tomorrow cuz of the fight hype... No one will be angry. I welcome it xd


also how come.. no one till now found a button on one of the statues :DD its literally right there.. :DD i bet i would found it too lol..

Daniel Griffiths

wait til you meet Maomao from apothecary diaries she a awesome female lead :) frierens awesome too but maomao is up there:)


ehm luke :D what about the spell that lets you see through the cloths ? :D or potion to disolve clothes.. :D there alway will be something :D

Daniel Griffiths

we might get the fight tomorrow though... ;P

Marcio Neves

I guess nobody was a proper "dungeon crawler", so no one noticed that the corridors would surround a hidden chamber, before 😁


i've been thinking.. its probably not that easy.. imagine there is a ''being'' that can just one shot you.. :D now it probably doesnt matter if you are Frieren.. :D we think of Frieren as this god like mage that no one can beat.. but right now they stands agains very well maded replica of her.. so i assume Frieren isnt entirely safe either and any other ''pushover'' who would walk in there beside Frieren could be one shoted in like an instance.. :D while she attack Frieren aswell (we know she can cast mutliple attacks while defending herself.. :D) i wouldnt want to charge in there thats for sure.. so im curious how Fern will kill it.. i swear if she throw mimic in it and its get catched or even give them an opening i.. will have a laugh ofc but will be very disappointed :DD i wana an epic fight ://


Fern has been stated to be better than Frieren in one aspect of magic. I get the feeling that’s going to be important. Guess I’ll find out soon enough. Day 25 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.


I think Luke might be mixing up sympathy and empathy. Sympathy is the feeling of care and understanding of another's emotions. You sympathize with others by understanding them and offering support and help. Empathy is going one step further. Not only understanding others circumstance and emotions, but applying them to yourself to experience what they do. To empathize is to experience what another experiences, and provide comfort in sharing these emotions. I never did catch the context in the last ep, so this might be redundant.

Luan Reyel (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 21:54:32 "desu ne" is like saying "innit" at the end of a phrase (I believe)
2024-03-11 21:54:32 "desu ne" is like saying "innit" at the end of a phrase (I believe)
2024-02-29 19:21:11 "desu ne" is like saying "innit" at the end of a phrase (I believe)

"desu ne" is like saying "innit" at the end of a phrase (I believe)

Just Mate

Frieren might be immune to hypnosis and restraint magic, but she certainly isn't to charms

Arcade'owy Łowca

They could swarn a copy of Frieren, but at her level, they are like a swarn of flies in a barfight. Copy would just use something like drago-buster, and they all would be done. Fern has a chance, as she can cast more spells at once than Frieren, and is substancially more powerfull than the rest of them.


I love that Fern was genuinely excited when they found that secret room. Last episode Fern said she pursues magic with Frieren because she likes seeing Frieren happy, not because she herself finds it exciting. But maybe with this they've discovered something Fern could enjoy for herself. If they visit more ancient structures, Frieren could nerd out about the magic while Fern can nerd out about the history.


The other person may be a liability though. If that other person cannot defend themselves against clone Frieren, then clone Frieren will just focus on that person and force real Frieren to help protect them. They'd need a combination of one person who can protect both of them, and one person who can defeat Frieren if they don't need to put any focus into defense. So Frieren + Fern might work, but Frieren + someone else probably wouldn't.

Kyle David Barnes

"I'd probably die" is a figure of speech, Luke. They don't mean it literally, otherwise she'd probably die in her sleep.

James H. Hobbs

You said Frieren is a lot like a kid even though she's so old. And that's kind of true. Most of her time has been spent being pretty secluded. So socially, she is pretty much like a kid. You could say that a lot of her mannerisms, are thanks to the very short time she spent with the hero's party (short relative to her lifespan) coupled with the time she spent with her master. Realistically, those two parts of her life, probably account for most of her personality while being probably around 5% of her lifespan at best. She's just not very developed socially, and as you could see from when they met the one other elf, it's something that is charactertic of elves in general.

brotato 96

See Luke how much you love Frieren when you are watching as it releases, waiting for every episode and being invested in every little detail, like the OSTs, Voice Actors, Fan theories, epic moments. This is what shows like Attack on Titan, Re Zero, Fullmetal mean to us when we have been following it for a decade almost. So dont mind us when we get a little annoyed at you for not understanding things sometimes about any anime.

Martin Mikuláš

you dont remember the one of first episodes where Frieren said Fern would probably beat her cuz she fires spells much faster then her. i think this is what Fern is up to.

Subaquatic Toaster

Luke would charge in and die in an instant thinking a few people can bumrush one of the strongest mages alive without a plan 😂

Mychael Dark

So I was thinking. I noticed, even as a joke, that a lot of people are saying mimic or grimoire, but something they were talkinga bout brings up an earlier episode. I'm talking about the one they mentioned in this episode with those mist ghost things that dvoured people by praying on their memories. Frieren talked about, up until then, how it had always been her master Flamme begging for her life, but this time it was Himmel. The Himmel clone told Frieren to shoot him and Frieren commented that Himmel would say that. I'm thinking this may be a similar situation. Frieren vs any other person would just be a fight, but what about a Frieren vs Fern fight. I think if it came down to a life or death battle between Frieren and Fern, Frieren would hesitate and freeze. On top of that does the clone know it's a clone. The cloens don't have personalities, but they do mimic the behaviors of the original. If that's the case would the real one ACTUALLY try to kill Fern. There are many things Frieren can do to incapacitate Fern without killing her though, so I think that their strategy will involve hiding Ferns presence till Frieren clones goes for a kill shot or something like that and Fern suddenly inserts herself into the clones line of sight. This could cause the clone to freeze long enough to the others to strike or Fern to strike herself. Remeber that not ony can Fern cast spells faster than Frieren, but she can also conceal her mana so that not even Frieren can keep track once she loses sight of Fern. If the clone doesn't even know of her presence to begins with it can be used for one hell of a surprise attack.

Mychael Dark

Also wanted to add: It's really surprising that more people haven't noticed that this isn't just Frierens story, but also the telling of 3 consecutive Master/Disciple generations of Geniuses. The 3 facets of being a mage is power, mana and control. Flamma was the genius of power. Born with the magic potency that allowed her to cast spells that would last for a thousand years, if not more, with very little use of mana. Even a thousand years later, Frieren can't cast a spell even remotely as powerful or long lasting as Flammes spells in her early life. Serie can't even match the power or longevity of Flammes spells and she is far far older than nearly any living being in the world. Frieren is the genius of Mana capacity. Honestly as far as I know, I haven't read manga or LN/WN this is just personal speculation, there is no one BUT Serie that has a larger mana pool than Frieren in the world. She's barely lived her life as far as elven lifespans go, so give her another thousand years and she'll probably have more mana than most of the combined mages in the world INCLUDING Serie. Given time, Frieren will be casting spells that are as powerful or as long lasting as Flammes just by pumping enough mana into the spell. If there is a God of Mana, then Frieren will become their conduit or simply become the God herself. Fern as we all know is the genius of control, the most difficult of the 3 facets to improve. It is my belief that all though she won't live as long as Frieren or Serie, she will surpass them all, even Flamme as being the greatest mage to have ever lived. I have been spoiled with something from this Arc that, to me, supports this assertation, but it's just a hypothesis on my part. Also, we weren't given a whole lot on how she was trained. Is she undergoing the same traning the Frieren underwent to conceal her mana? We know it comes naturally to her, but is she ACTIVELY training to improve the skill? What of Flammes teaching is Frieren passing on and what of Frierens own teachings and experiences is getting taught as well? Fern has terrifying potential to possibly become a conduit/avatar of the Goddess of Magic herself.


14:08 Fern says "Souka, desu ne" (そうか, ですね) which here could be translated as something like "Oh yeah, that's true" in reaction to what Sense has said just before. Without going into detail, "Souka" is used as a verbal reaction to information/revelation. "Desu ne" is used to express agreement. /!\ edit : I was wrong, it's not "Souka" but "Soukan". Devillish132 explain it in his comment just below. ps: There's another contender for the title of "best female character": Mao Mao the apothicary is waiting to meet you :)

Andy Hinton

Day 300 something something.... of ask Luke to react to the World Trigger 5 openings and 2 endings 🙃....😩


Fern has potential and "one thing" Frieren doesn't have (speed), but I don't think currently she's better than someone like Denken overall. She will as she's still young, but now, meh. But she can exploit Frieren's weakness, even if she's no match alone.


Ubel wasn't that strong when she started the first test, but as she copied Wirbel's best spell she became noticeably more dangerous. And above all, her potential is absolutely scary, partly because she can copy any spell if she can emphatize with the caster, but also for another reason, you'll see. Her and Fern have a lot of room to grow. Even if I don't think any of them is as strong as old man Denken right now (but they're sure to far surpass him at some point, not even a contest).


Fern isn't really thinking about a 1 vs 1 fight. She just said it's possible she can kill Frieren.


no no i didnt mean the copy or its weaknesess :D i was talking about Luke saying about Frieren not having any.. sus ''developments'' or whatever he said/meant but there were couple :D way back in the season


she said fights with her ended up faster not that she can actually beat her no ??


i.. dont get it :D doesnt magic comes from grimoars ? then anyone who reads the same book will learn the same spell.. ? :D why bother with ''emphatize'' ? :D yeah i guess some older/stronger/forgotten spells that its books are lost then that ''ability'' or a talent helps but what else ?? also it looks like you have to become a friend ''to some degree'' in order to emphatize like if you find the person interesting sure but most of the time i would find it as bothering :D then again.. i missed how she emphatized with Wirbel if it happen before the fight or while fighting which would be super fast.. :O

Devilish132 .

To make it easier I'll just give English counterparts. "Souka" is pretty much "I see" and synonyms. "Desu ne" is "right?" You can also use only "ne" or "da ne" and it would be more casual, since by adding "desu" at the end of sentence makes it more formal. da and desu are pretty much the same thing, only difference is that da is casual. Oh, and Fern didn't say "Souka, desu ne" She said "Soukan desu ne" (壮観ですね) which can be translated as it was in anime. "Soukan" means literally "spectacular" However Soukan is not used anymore. For now Im living in Japan since 3 months and not even once heard it. In these days They most likely will use just "Sugoi" or shorter version "Suge" which translate to "Amazing"


I saw you mentioned in one of your previous videos that you get all your recommendations from the comment section! I'd like to recommend Erased, or "Boku Dake ga Inai Machi", translated to "The Town Where I Only I Don't Exist." It is a short 12 episode anime, but it is an incredible watch! The OP and ED are both amazing as well, so even just as a react to those, it is incredible!

Martin Mikuláš

Yea she didnt say she can beat her. But she said fights end faster because she can fire spells faster. Which can be advantige to beat her.


Thanks for the information and for correcting me. I didn't know "Soukan", and had never heard it before. I would have learned something. "Sugoi" does seem more common indeed. I'll edit my comment to clarify that it's incorrect.


You're misunderstanding how learning magic works. You don't just read a grimoir and magically learn a spell. A grimoir is just a book someone wrote that explains how to use a spell, so to use a spell written in a grimoir you need to study the grimoir and have a high enough understanding and mastery of magic to actually use it. Most mages learn spells and magic by studying and understanding the underlying principles. Ubel is the the type that uses and learns magic through feeling. She doesn't need to understand the underlying principles to learn and use a spell. She does, however need to empathize with and understand the person that uses the spell. It's not explained exactly how that works.


Fern mostly speaks in a formal polite manner. "Desu-ne" is a polite way to end a affirmative response to the person you're conversing mainly used for someone older or acquaintance


In the earlier episodes, stark told fern not to speak so formally to him, but her manner of speaking without it made her sound very demanding and rude.


TL;DR I give dirty tricks on how to make sure your show is seen by luke, if u don't care about that, just skip this comment. And this comment is DEF not for luke >:(, the more he knows about schemes the less chance those will work in the future, so GLHF. Long message: i'll give you an advice, an 'insight' in luke's mind and how to get "the best" result for your wish. I will give one e.g: 'heavenly delusion'. Idk if u know but heavenly delusion was picked as an anime because at some point in a youtube video there were like 6-7 comments , with hundreds of likes each, saying to check out the "opening/ending" for heavenly delusion. Luke also saw that othes added that show in their "top10", so it's a good show to watch, a.k.a enjoyable, and people in the community also seems to recommend as a gem. But the show itself would not bring views. Now you can see the template: "6-7 comments, 2000 likes overall" , is the level of minimum interest for luke for youtube pick. It took him 7-8 months after the comments and reaction to the op/ed to watch the show. So if you want your show to be watched, you have the route of youtube which is u gotta make it somehow that people dominate the youtube section of a video talking only about that anime. The other way is winning a tournament on twitch. The next tournament starts at the beginning of april on a sunday stream. Now we get into same dilemma, make a bunch of people, at the same time, be there, to vote LIVE, for the same show, so it wins against other 15 shows. One way to get into twitch tournament list is to have discord connections. If you're in luke's discord, talk to ppl, befriend them, and create an "erased" group. then your show will be in the top16 competing, but it won't guarantee that it will win. So the trick here is talking with other "Groups" similar to yours with similar plans, to make an alliance so that, you form a bigger group that will rig the whole tournament cuz you'll end up with +200 people voting same show. Now why would those guys help you to vote for erased? cuz after erased, in the next tournament you vote for their anime, so the same +200 people will help each other. Another dirty trick psychological effect is to pay a few bucks for luke to read your message during the VOTING, if it's voice message even better. Basically if you word it in a way that: "Oh no erased have no chance yet again". It will create this effect where the streamer reads and the viewers who don't vote will vote for erased just because of pity (there is a psychological truth that we humans love to be in power. The power of swinging the votes from the winner to the loser and knowing your vote made that is a strong feeling and people will 100% do it, actually 2-3 wins were RIGGED by luke saying something during the stream that made those lurkers non-voters to vote and change the outcome) I spammed a lot , I gave you ALL the dirty fastest options available, to get your show ASAP seen by luke. GLHF

BRUNO Marques

Ubel was dangerous even before she learned Wirbel's spell. Her personal spell is nasty.


They don't have to fight each other.


So with what you're saying around 20:00 It's not so much a question that they COULDN'T win if they just went in with numbers. But the question would be how much they would lose. There's no doubt that a few of them would, in a best case scenario, fail the test with that method. And in an even worse case...some might die.


16:58 Luke is starting to believe.

Kyle Garrett

With how invincible these golems seem, I'm fully expecting someone to pop a golem against Frieren's clone and try to escape, only for the clone to just easily break it apart.


Honestly it's so obvious and repeated that Frieren is stronger that I hardly see the "spoiler". She clearly didn't mean it that way.

Bård Fredrikson

You've had the wrong impression this whole anime. Frieren isn't unbeatable, she's said so much before. Fern is actually stronger than Frieren.


I can't wait to see if Fern really does create or bait her with a mimic 😅 4 eps left

Саша Милошевић

shes not stronger... shes just better at certain aspect which can guarantee her victory in this fight...she would have no chance against Frieren if they fought seriously

Daniel Golas

Yes fern has greater firepower which is what they need to win, frieren is likely superior in everything else, especially mana capacity


@Adam hmm that actually make sense :D finally someone who explained it better.. thanks :) yea.. didnt thought about that.. most of the time its you read it you know it :D heck Black clover they didnt even read it looked like they knew it instatnly :DD

Keith Merrington

At 14:08, fern says 壮観ですね (soukan desu ne) - breaking this down... - 壮観 (soukan) is an adjective meaning 'magnificent' (as in a view). - です (desu) is the polite form of the Japanese copula (it couples the subject [in this case the unstated pronoun 'it'] to the predicate [the adjective 'magnificent']. It an equivalent to the English copula 'is' [from the verb 'to be']. - ね (ne) is a sentence ender particle that elicits agreement from the listener - in other words it implies that the listener agrees with the statement and it seeks agreement. A bit like saying "isn't it" at the end of an English sentence. So, putting it back together, the sentence means "It's magnificent, isn't it".


why are you always so late with the reaction? (no hate but I just cant wait for reactions sometimes xD)

brotato 96

He just happens to have a free Thursday slot, which was taken by Jujutsu Kaisen before Frieren. I think we should understand from the amount of videos and streams he has to create that his schedule is already busy and he cannot make time for a same day reaction.

brotato 96

And both her replica and real Frieren are stuck in it because she thought it might be real treasure.

Arcade'owy Łowca

Fern beat class 2 mage in mana fight. She had substancially more mana than any of her team members, and Fern still beat her with ease. You also had the explanation that mages use elemental attacks, because they are easier to manipulate, than to create something out of their own mana. Fern use her own mana, and still wins by a landslide. Fern would bombard Denken the second she would have the chance to cast, and her speciality is fast casting, so I don't think Denken out of all those mages has a high chance to win with Fern. Young or not, Fern still has way more experience than any average mage from this era, and she was trained by one of the most experienced mages.


I doubt Fern meant she can kill Frieren directly. But she knows her better than anyone, which means she probably knows about Frierens weakness and with the help of others may be able to exploit that. That's kinda how I took it.


I love this show for sure. But Maomao from Apothecary Diaries is definitely a stronger female MC. Hope you get to watch it soon


What surprise is preparing Fern for us ? That clone of proctor must be a cheat, they shouldn’t be responsible for that:))

. おかしたべたい

Im waiting you start to studying Japanese! Actually, sometimes you speak Japanese from Anime lines, that's cute. I don't use any translations, so maybe my sentence dosen't make sense.