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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FRIEREN Episode 23!!




Himmel's RPG gamer mentality was just on spot.

dani oz

Every step bro to his step sis who is stuck in the laundry machine: "Frieren taught us, if you stuck head first in something, help them by pushing in instead of pulling out"


Rewatching it with you like most of us, and got chills at that ending yet again. Denken's line makes it so much cooler

Daniel Griffiths

that is a cruel cliffhanger... i cant wait for tomorrow:D

Victoria Pritchard

Anyone else hearing boss music, to defeat the Frieren boss they need to send in a mimic.


Denken: why is there a boss music Richter and Laufen: why are the lyrics in latin


When Frieren's copy appears: WHY DO I HEAR BOSS MUSIC?!

Gabriel Pires

Frieren doesn't take any fights seriously, and already crushes everyone with just ordinary offensive and defensive magic. Just imagine what an unhinged, all-out, full-power Frieren with access to her entire array of spells can do. I would have noped out of there faster than the Flash.


The appearance of mimic Frieren was more terrifying than any demon that we’ve seen in this series.


Maybe whatever created that duplicate doesn‘t take all that supressed mana into account? Cannot wait for the next episode.


That´s what i was thinking. or maybe wathever created the copies can acumulate infinite amount of mana


my god what a great episode.. and such a cool ending.. im literally crying epic tears over here :DD

Oliver Schubert

99% accuracy means on average 1 wrong reading every 100 tries, so if you use it on hundreds of chests, you could get a few grimoirs. Considering that it only gives a bad hair day I've seen an edit of that last scene with a dark souls health bar. And Denken still fights, because he doesn't think they have no chance, he just thinks that it's way too dangerous to risk if going out wouldn't also have negative consequences


I think when Sense says she dislikes fighting, she only means between mages (or humans in general). That's related to her statement that "everyone who makes it there will pass", as in there is no need to fight among each other to be among the first to get there. Fighting monsters or some automated defense systems is probably very different from her perspective, as mages will need to do that anyway.


only thing that was missing were a door made of mist :DD

Muligan Shinzuo

A true gamer always checks the whole are for secrets. And NEVER forget to search behind the waterfall.

Muligan Shinzuo

That entrance of the, i assume, boss was pretty epic. However if you just place a mimic down or throw a grimoire her way you get an easy win. It is interesting that of ALL the participants she was chosen. Is it because the old guy already lost once to her, is the dungeon aknowledging her to be the strongest or is it only because she has the most mana? And i they all had to fight their shadows, do we get some Fern on Frieren action next?

Marcio Neves

Not that noone ever past. It was stated that, the last 4 times she supervised a test, no-one passed. We don't know if it was all the previous 4 from the past 12 years or not 😅

Marcio Neves

About she saying she hates fights, I think she meant among contestants trying to pass the test, not agains perils of the real world

Marcio Neves

8:44 "like a videogame"... OH-HO, even funnier when momments later we are presented with the 'dungeon crawler' Himmel: "this takes to next floor... let's turn back, we didn't see everything yet" 😂

Marcio Neves

12:26 Sense gave no condition. The only condition is: reach the bottom within the time limit. So, anyone can take any path they want, alone or together, tailing or grouping, whenever they seen necessary. It doesn't matter, as long as you can reach the bottom floor

Marcio Neves

15:39 OH, DAMN! Only now I noticed the shadow on the ceiling, macthing the one on the floor!! 😱

Marcio Neves

Denken final line was just the best. I would do the same: if it wasn't a test, I would have broken that bottle right away to get the hell out of that dungeon 😂


I think it was because Frieren (and her Group) reached the passage down before everyone else, and then turned back, so the Copy of her was just left waiting until someone else reached it.


lmao she was like a darks souls bossfight


I've spent a week trying to work out how they are going to subvert this fight. I just can't see a full powered Frieren fight ending up in anything but the destruction of the entire dungeon. I assume there must be a hard cap on the power of the "clones" created, so maybe it can't manage a full power Frieren. I am currently betting on Frieren not fighting them at all and destroying whatever created the "clones". Wouldn't be surprised to be completely wrong though.

Cédric Michaud

But if the monster or demon creating this clone is in this dungeon, it makes sense that it doesn’t want to kill himself by destroying the dungeon

Cédric Michaud

Frieren is that gacha player: "1% chance? Good odds indeed."


Looks like we’re in the Dark Link dungeon. Day 18 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.


I'm thinking that whatever makes these copies either has a ceiling to how much mana it can use, so maybe this Frieren copy will have all her skills but not as much mana. Or it's the dungeon itself doing this and somehow that means it can use far more mana than any living being could ever hold. In which case.... denken is likely fucked 😂


It's very sturdy as a dongeon, you saw Denken couldn't break that mere wall even if he can blow up large areas normally.


The Frieren clone casually guarding the last boss room of the dongeon. The being making those clones knows her value.

Aldiandya Irsyad Nur Farizi

Usually when testing something saying "99% accurate" in the real world. It just mean there are some variation that make up 1% that can't be detected. Meaning testing multiple time, doesn't increase the odds. There are a good brainteaser about this, if you watch ted ed it's called "false positive riddle"

Katie Wyatt

Beating clone Frieren is easy. Literally, anyone could do it. Just summon a mimic.


mabey do the next episode tomorrow as well

noah van den berg

also every true gamer: when there's something behind the waterfall: ''ugh so cliche and uncreative'' when there's nothing behind the waterfalls: ''wh-, why is there nothing here? what the heck''


We haven't really seen how powerful Denken's magic is against rocks etc. We have seen Frieren blow straight through Qual and the solid rock cliff he was stood on with Zoltrak, together with the devastation when she blasted the phantom copy of Himmel. I do wonder if Denken would have done better casting Zoltrak at the rock wall as that is a piercing spell, rather than what he actually used.


In retro RPG games where it was strictly 2D back in the SNES there would be lots of hidden paths you weren't able to find unless you really hug the wall. It was my favorite 'pass time' or way to waste my playing time but the satisfaction wad worth it lol


Only if Fern didn't kill all of them along the way


I was having a rough day, and this video brought a smile to my face! I had fun watching it, so thank you

Kyle Garrett

So if Frieren faces the same rooms as everyone else, she'll potentially have to fight herself twice? Or maybe that challenge isn't just straight up a fight against Frieren, but a fight against something you fear? Also curious if the tester's copy will fight, or if it'll also be a pacifist like her and just let them pass it by. I'm assuming that ultimate elf mage girl we got revealed earlier is at the bottom of the dungeon or something controlling all these clones, since she must be nearby if she created the barrier in first test. Man, I really want to watch the next episode now, but i've been watching this entire series through Luke's reactions so I'll try to wait till next week but it's going to be hard!


Frieren messed up everyone's test:)) R.I.P. for those who run alone:( Meanwhile, our hero is stuck in a mimic:))


Regarding climate, it's a northern region but now that winter has passed I think a lot of people are in that kind of "mixed state" clothing period where some are still dressed for winter and some are starting to dress for spring/summer. IRL even places like Sweden get warm in the summers

Tamus Heath

Oh my god, the dungeon is using Frieren as the final boss, that's incredible