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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Episode 7!!






…. It’s not your memory but your reading that’s off, he said 3rd tier normal, then fifth tier as hero….

Juho Kaartoaho

Please react to Metallic Rouge OP.


He said 3rd tier magic, not 7th. That is apparently the highest a normal person can use. And hero class is capable of 5th tier. The tiers are like the comments have said before 1-10 with 10 being the highest tier


the reason enphirea said 3rd tier magic was the highest any person could normally get is because that is the limit for normal humans, they would need a skill/talent or not be human to cast higher tiers, the highest any humans have ever reached with talents and work is 7th tier. (also the reason they know of spells in the higher tier is that there is a book that someone wished for that contains any spell in existence and automatically adjusts for new spells that are created.)

Zonas is Okee

You really have trouble reading the subs lol


Manor Lords is the game you are thinking about?

Juan Contreras

3rd tier is the highest a HUMAN can cast, but if you’re hero class you can cast up to 5th and is ok about your memory I have bad memory too the only reason I remember some stuff on anime is from re watching shows

Nob Kenobi

Hey Luke, be sure to watch the crossover between Overlord and Eminence in Shadow! Your joke will make sense... lol


Aura is a Beast Tamer


look at the village from the side, the village was raided, over half of a 100-200 selenium village was killed, if not more. They probably hardly have any men left who could fight, let alone defend themselves, and Enri (the girl) can manage a group of goblins shout those who obey her (ainz words). Of course she calls the goblins just so that if monsters attack there is someone there to fight or the attackers would come again


Hype. I love how Luke will read something wrong and get crazy confused and not even double check why.


Magic level from 1 --> 10 and yes Aniz says 10 is the highest but in this world well if 3 is impressed you can imagine what the magic level of the inhabitants of this world is

Kamil Butala

Luke becouse people in that world dont asume that anyone is able to cast higher tier spells ;)

Kamil Butala

Idk if you werent paying attention but Niphrea said that it was probably third tier spell and as it was so strong it could have been even fifth tier spell ...


tbh you shouldnt look too much for the power system in the comments yet. Its about to be explained a bit more detailed in the upcoming episodes. For now you need to know it goes from 1 to 10 (10 being the strongest**)


That part you found confusing is because you read it wrong because he said third tier not seventh


He said 3, not 7, lmao.


YYYOOO Age of Empires 2 is such a great strat game.


3 is the highest a human can do, 5th is the highest some very op human "hero class" could do, his grasp heart at ep3 (i think it was) is 9th tier his lightning spell was 7th. To put it in perspective: it would be like you stand on a battlefield with a bow in hand and someone throws a nuke at you.


Of course Ainz could give Enpfilia or other people weapons but why should he and it would be really stupid to do that. Hey, you people of the Middle Ages, here is a weapon that makes you stronger than everyone else in this world and with which you can kill everyone except me, what could go wrong?

Fernando Lahude

My god Luke kkkkkk, just read that scene's dialog again. Nphirea said third tier, and then fifth tier. Seventh tier is the Teocracy Big Angel from that other episode.

freshyjazzy12 .

Oh Luke lmao how my guy did your brain recognize Third as Seventh? That is quite the hilarious thing that I don’t know if you can give a suitable answer to defend 😂 They think Ainz can use third-tier and POSSIBLY 5th tier which would be incredible for them. They literally can’t fathom the kind of power Ainz actually has.


I guess what you need to understand is that humans are not a strong race, in this world as well as in our world. So yeah, 3rd tier magic is already impressive in their eyes. :D


I think you nailed it with your thoughts on the opening. Combined with the intensity of the opening song it exacerbates the stark difference between the song and the usually calm opening segment.


also fun fact: there has been a mini crossover video of eminence in shadow and overlord :D (https://youtu.be/bCRTrVh0PWY) sadly subtitles arent that good, else id love to see a reaction on that once we're done with this anime.


NOT a spoiler because. the anime doesn't explain the tier system as well as the light novels. it's actually 0 to 11. 0 tier is the weakest but it is exclusive to the new world so YGGDRASIL didn't have 0th tier. YGGDRASIL had 1-10 with 10 being the strongest, then they had a special tier above 10th, which the slain theocracy's calls 11th tier, but in reality special tier magic is so much stronger than 10th tier that there's not really a comparison some players called special tier magic world class magic cause some guilds could use them to change the actual why the world within the game worked. there's only really legends of 7th tier and above existing, but the slain theocracy is aware of higher magic only because they have a magic book that tells them about every magic, but as far as they no, there isn't anyone who can cast that high. but in general 3rd tier is the highest a normal human can reach if they dedicated their lives to magic, and 5th tier magic can be achieved by non humans, or humans who have special skills.


I'm so ready for the next 2-3 episodes


21:40 And to make things worse Luke, according to the LN the hamster is actually a female, lol. 24:30 Ains level 100 makes it difficult to distinguish very low levels, the hamster is strong enough to wipe out the Swords of Darkness easily.


I've already left this comment but it might be too long so here's a TLDR version. the way the magic tier system works in the light novel is 0-11. 0 tier is the weakest, but the game didn't have 0 tier so it's exclusive to the new world. the game had 1-10 with 10 being the strongest, but had 1 more tier called special tier above 10. in the new world, a normal human dedicating their lives could reach tier 3. monsters, non-humans, or humans with unique skills could reach tier 5. then tier 7 is pretty much reserved for gods, angels, and demons. but most users of 7th tier magic are just legends

Niko He

That cute fluffy hamster is actually capable of killing off an experienced adventurer easily. It´s just compared to Ainz that he is a mere hamster :D


You joked about it but there is a overlord and eminence crossover episode. I think it's just part one of a small mini series based on how it ended but there is only 1 episode of it at the moment.


YES a spoiler, maybe anime doesn't explain it in as much details as the LN, but he didn't even get to that point yet. Cmon cut him some slack and let him fucking watch the show.


You misread the subtitle, Nephi said "It was probably 3rd level magic maybe he can even use 5th". He said 3rd not 7th, you might be remembering from the actual episode when he saved the village where 7th tier magic was talked about


The magic Tier system very simple explained: A normal human in this world is only able to use magic up to tier 3 which is increadible. There are some people who can use magic up to tier 5, those are considered heroes. Some people can use magic items to use higher tier magic (like the angel summon from ep 3) but those usually are only around tier 7. Ainz can use way higher magic than anyone you know so far in this world. And Nfirea stated that if Momon can use magic up to tier 3 and has those amazing fighting skills, he should be as strong as a hero as well. This explains why everyone was so wary of the wise king of the forest as well and Narbe was just respectful towards her master xD


With that random horn made a hole goblin village:) Now, we need just a goblin Slayer :)). Who would have thought the pharmacist mentioned at the begging is this one? and now he has a lot of info to make some connections. Wise king of the forest my ass


Funny fact Momonga = flying squirrel

Keith Merrington

@24:15 - the name you wanted was 'Faputa' - she said 'sosu' at the end of sentences.

Morgan Hellström

Are you even paying attention to what is said? Cause I think you completely missread that whole conversation

Thomas M

My bro must have spent a lot of time in NYC to not be phased by a 7 foot tall at the shoulder rodent.


I think Luke has a thing for crazy girls… Maybe…


Luke to explain it to you spoilerfree as possible because you misunderstood things: Magic goes from Tier 1 to Tier 10, with 10 beeing the highest. Enri said Ainz used "Lightning" which is a Tier 3 spell, but because of cut dialogue Nphirea (hentai haircut boy) assumes that it even could be the 5th Tier spell "Dragon Lightning" (which Momonga/Ainz actually used). Tier 3 is the highest normal Humans can reach in this world and 5th Tier would be the realm of legendary heroes and would be really rare, even if not unheard of. That is where the knowledge for the general public ends. Magic of higher tiers is only known to rather few experts, like the Slane Theocracy. They consider 7th Tier magic the realm of gods and that is because they have a few artifacts like the crystal that had a 7th Tier Spell Summon sealed in it. Naturally for someone like Ainz who was max level 100 and could use 10th Tier spell it was still a joke. Funfact: Dominion Authority aka the big angel that was summoned with the crystal, was around level 60-70, which is far too low level for lvl 100 Ainz, even if he has a roleplay build. If Enri and the Villagers (and Gazeff) would know about that and tell others about it, they would see Ainz basically akin to a god. Ainz may know this, but he knows that his strength wasnt anything special in Yggdrasil, so he is basically totally paranoid of someone beeing stronger than him and swatting him like a fly.


This episode was kinda cute.☺️ Day 8 requesting that we watch Ascendance of a Bookworm after Vinland Saga.


highest rank *humans* can cast :D (i guess few exceptions who are *heroes* with amazing talents etc..) Ainz isnt a human :D

Cyrill Attakpah

ok i give you a deal. you binge overlord and i will go on youtube and like every single video you have on every channel.


Non-spoiler INFO: The scene and the statements ARE MADE so that the VIEWER gets SHOCKED later on. A human hero class can cast up to "tier 5" . I said "human". So you can extrapolate that, a non-human creature is able to go higher than tier 5 (6-10). They assume he is human. A human top limit is tier 5.


yeah... It's a spoiler this comment at this point in time, you can repost this comment, and polish it better when that episode come and you can write it then and there, now it's kinda useless and spoilery.


Luke in other shows: Accurately predicts the 67th plottwist 2 seasons before it happens Luke in Overlord: "Is this the village from before?"


Man, Frost Dragons sounds so cool! I hope to see them anytime soon, bro


god i cant fricking wait for next half of this season :DD


forget the village.. he forgot the name of ogres.. ;_;

Julius Cesar

I think you misread them saying 3rd tier as 7th tier; from this and previous episodes they've said about the magic tier system: being able to cast up to tier 3 magic is the best a very good normal magic caster can do in this world, and there are hero level casters able to cast up to tier 5 magic, They believe tier 6 and above is impossible for humans and only legendary creatures, magic items and miracles can do this.

Cyrill Attakpah

nabe was reffering to how weak the "wise king" of this forest is but she saw potential in his eyes. and yes tier 1 is the lowest and god tier is one above tier 10

Elajha González

I think nabe love the big hamster jajajaja this is the reason


They might want to create an amazingly strong foe! But when they remember that the title is Overlord, they scrap that idea into a hamster. 🤣

Matthew Williams

Actually they are connected (sort of) Luke, Eminence in Shadow and Overlord that is. They are both owned by the same parent company and in fact last year there was an anime OAV cross over with Eminence in Shadow x Overlord where the cast of both series meet. In universe of course canonically speaking they aren't actually connected.

Matthew Williams

Luke you're confusing average human norms and reality (at least as it applies to Momonga and co.). True the average hero in that world would be able to easily cast around Tier 3 or 4 level magics, that isn't Momonga and his NPCs they're playing by different rules from average people in this world. Much like Shadow is beyond the power level of everyone in his world with his subbordinates being very much weaker then him but still miles apart in strength from the average warrior in that world as well the same sort of logic applies to Overlord.

brad marsh

don't worry luke i never expect you to make sense.

Sin from Genesis

There are 10 tiers of magic in this world, an ordinary Human in the world could cast up to tier 3, a powerful human can cast higher, but most of the higher tiers are cast by powerful monsters. Its amazing for a human to learn 3 tiers by an adult age but they can learn higher, but its exceedingly rare


Magic tier is 1 to 10 (+super tier), 3 is the highest for a normal everyday person, 5 is hero (adamantine adventurer) level, past that is completely unheard of and the realm of legends/mythology to the humans of this world. And Ains can use the all tiers of magic...


To emphasize the statement above...the world is filled with NPC's. What the show is suggesting is that the know "max" and capabilities of the people of this world is lower than what Ains knows to be the max from his time with players in the game.


Ains is just a GOAT amongst goats

Mr. Dog

In the game the highest tier is 10. However in the new world it's stated that the highest magic tier a mortal being can reach is tier 5 which is considered hero class. That priest dude from episode one that summoned an angel with tier 7 spell is considered to be the realm above mortal means to the people in this world. So if 10 is being the strongest then we can believe and infer that people in this world if they saw a tier 10 magic being cast, then the only one that would be capable of doing so would be a god.


I went to Steam to add the game to the waiting list, but it's already there 😂


Cyril. Isn’t “super tier” after tier 10, then God Tier?

Ross Leonen

I don't think using the word NPC in this case is wrong. Since in this story, NPC are considered higher beings created by the gods (players).

The Large Amoeba

Would love to help find what game your talking about. Sadly its not really enough to go off of. Lots of Medieval RTS out there


You were only joking about it Luke. But there actually IS a cross over between Eminence in the Shadow and Overlord. It's a small comedy special made by Kadokawa Studios, using the art style from Isekai Quartet.


The Highest is not Tier 10 it´s Super Tier Magic which is like Tier 11 which you gonna see in later Episodes


8:52 - You read it wrong, it was third tier then fifth tier. "Third tier magic is the highest a normal person can cast." "He might even be of hero class and have the ability to cast fifth tier magic as well." That is what people of this World think is possible. The anime doesn't say what tier magic most spells are but for reference so far: Episode 3 Ains: 9th tier - Grasp Heart Ains: 5th tier - Dragon Lightning Episode 4: Angel: 7th tier - Holy Smite


I'm not sure about the medieval game you described, RTS is a rare genre these days. At a guess it might actually be Age of Empires IV that came out in 2021. It just had a new expansion 'The Sultans Ascend' that released in November last year.

BRUNO Marques

For context on the magic system: A lvl 50 in Yggdrasil would, if they took appropriate magic classes, be able to cast 7th tier spells. With more min/max a lower lvl might also have access to 7th tier spells. For a lvl 100 caster that is not particularly strong stuff. Conversely a lvl 100 may have access to only low tiers if they use more skill based classes rather than magic. Lower lvl players could be very dangerous even to a lvl 100 player depending on class builds and the situation. Additionally, modifiers can alter magic in different ways (like in DnD). This is true for the magic system that comes from Ygdrassil only. Magic existed in this world before the tier system was introduced. An example of new world power systems are martial arts. No one in Nazarick can use them. Inhabitants of the new world can use both power systems.


You don't understand the statement about him using 7th tier magic because he didn't say 7th tier, he said 3rd tier. "He probably used 3rd tier magic. Third tier magic is the highest a normal person can cast. He may even be hero class and have the ability to cast 5th tier magic as well."


manor lords is the game you are talking about i am pretty sure


By NPC's I meant non-player characters (townsfolk, knights, nobles, the general populous that fills out the world who aren't aware it used to be a game). So, players would be the "higher beings" in the statement I said above. Sorry if the statement above wasn't clear.


I think Luke is over-taxing his pre-watch capability with Solo Leveling and that results in his predictions for overlord being way off. Well it doesn't help when he misreads the subs occasionally.

Russell Gambardella

Nabe said, “putting his strength aside, his eyes seem to gleam with power.” She’s implying (relative to her and Ainz) the Wise King of the Forest is weak in a cute way. I won’t explain the magic tiers as I’m sure you’re sick of reading how you misread the subtitles by now haha

Itto Sanzzo

To put it simple, they are too weak, so tier 5 is "god level" to them.

Michael Böckmann

I think you mixed in the episode number with the things Nfirea said. He told Enri that Ainz probably used 3rd tier magic, maybe even 5th tier.

Renan Pelée de St Maurice

Nfirea spoke of third tier not seventh tier magic. I think you made a bit of a mixup.


To collate the magic tiering based on what has been shown in the show so far, without spoiling anything from the future: 1st level magic: You need to study for four years minimum to cast 2nd level magic: You can make a career out of this. 3rd level magic: You're a super talented, powerful mage worthy of respect in whatever room you walk in. 4th level magic: You're invited to join the college of winterhold. 5th level magic: You are muthafuggin dumbledore and are famous across multiple countries 6th level magic: You are the strongest wizard in all of the land. 7th level magic: Found in a sacred relic kept secret by the pope and handed out as a tactical nuke in case of disaster to a blackops team set out to assassinate the strongest warrior in the world 8th level magic: Magic this powerful only exists in the realms of mythology, as far as the populace is aware. 9th level magic: Ainz uses this to tear people's hearts out of their chests as his go-to weapon, and he throws this tier of magic around like Yuji Itadori throws hands. 10th level magic: You are rewriting reality itself.


I think you are missing one important thing. It's not that humans can't cast high tier magic, it's that they aren't high enough level to. This is because of the lack of easy (potential spoilers if I explain more) resurrection magic. Think about all the MMOs. You don't make max level without dying and being resurrected. In this world, when you die, that's it. So the adventurers are a lot more cautious and no where near the level cap. Also the magic tiers are based off DnD where the max tier magic was 9th.

Regill Derenge

Nabe never said the wise king was strong lol dunno what are you talking about x)

Regill Derenge

you watch too much anime at once dude? seriously I know it's for the money but all those shows' informations are oversaturating your brain... watch less anime but each episode more frequently it is MUCH more enjoyable both for you and us


Normal humans can only cast 3rd tier magic cause theyre humans and weak af


The level of confusion and memory loss are getting concerning. Maybe it would be a good idea to watch fewer animes at the same time. You are even reading the subtitles wrong my man. Quality over quantity, and maybe a dub once in a while.

Gavin Wong

i mean if hes enjoying them, why would u stop him? let him do his job


I agree his reactions were much more emotionally focused before. Now he just pauses every minute and makes a barrage of questions, asking if something is ever going to get explained while he is in the beginning of the anime, even solo leveling and frieren animes that explain things pretty quickly don't have time before being paused, and he seems self-aware saing he shoud sut up but keeps doing it anyway. And forget about getting any kind of nuance and mood of the situation, there is definitly some oversaturation going on.


bro, you keep saying that Momo can use 7th tier so ofc he could use 5th tier. Well yes ofc, but what he said was that Momo prob can use 3rd tier, maybe even 5th tier. 3rd tier is something a normal person cant do, so 5th tier is like Hero class. But Momo can use 10th tier since he was max level in the Yggdrasil game xD

Hawk of Battle

"Wait, is this the village from before?" Ffs Luke, how are you so confused? You literally just sat through a whole scene with a character talking about how Ainz turned up and SAVED THEIR VILLAGE! Like, I don't even....

The GoDKing 27

It’s he talking about clash of clans

Rave Recage

Long story short our squad is Overpowered to the fucking moon. 1 is weakest 10 is strongest tier spell. Think of Ainz and every floor gardian as end game Solo leveling.


Overlord is a narrative-driven anime.


It's not like just some guy off the street asking, he's known Enri for years. Do try to keep up at the very least with info revealed in the episode right before this 1.


Npheria said he thought Ains was casting 3rd tier magic then changed it to say he maybe able to cast 5th tier, so there is no logic error here. The average level in this world is low. Hero class level is only about level 30 Ains is level 100 so of course the average level of magic would be lower.


Yes, this is the village that Ains saved. Enri was the girl who got her back slashed, and Ains gave her a healing potion and 2 Goblin Summoning Horns.


CZ2128 Delta, one of the Pleiades, but not a wolf girl.


Aura has some breath related abilities, though I forget what she did there, it was either fear or anger.


9th seat of the Black Scripture of the Slane Theocracy, the country that attacked Enri's village pretending to be the Empire.


While not an adventure, you have seen Gazaf Stronoff who is as strong as an Adamantine adventurer.


Ains used a 9th tier spell, Grasp Heart, right after he showed up to save Enri.


Hey Luke, thanks for another great vid. Just to help you out a little... You misheard/misread the magic level, which is why you might have got confused. In this vid at about 07:55 he first believes it to be THIRD tier magic that she described (not seventh). Then assumes he might be able to even cast fifth tier. Thanks again, your awesome.

coach taeyeon

I swear I see so much toxicity in your comment section and I don't get it. If you guys have so much beef with his reactions why are you here? I, for one, appreciate you, Luke. I know things can be confusing and hard to follow sometimes. Sometimes I miss easy stuff as well. These shows are meant to be enjoyed, not solved like riddles. Keep doin what you're doin. Sorry to see so much negativity here. <3


I love your reactions, this episode was great

Antoine Jones

It's his own fault for watching stuff subbed and trying to do reactions at the same time. I'd miss shit too under those conditions. I have to try to "entertain"/engage the audience while at the same time pay attention too and keep up with this show I gotta READ because I'm watching something in a language I don't understand? Like pick one do you want me to give this my full 100% undivided attention so I can keep up and not miss shit and do luttle to no rea ting, youre just watching me watch a show? Do you want me to Switch to dub so I can do both? Or do you want me to react to sub, miss shit and look like a clueless idiot 50% of the time? I mean I challenge you to go pick up a book and start reading it while having a conversation with someone next to you. Let me know how that works out.

Antoine Jones

Also you know just because they give him shit you know that doesn't necessarily mean their serious. I mean do you and your friends not give eachother shit most of the time if they do or say something stupid? Or are you all always just formal and stuffy around eachother like you're meeting your gf's parents for the first time. I mean if I'm giving someone shit that's usually a sign that I like them. If I'm not giving them shit and just do/say the bare minimum around them then that means either I'm tolerating them because I HAVE too even though I don't like them (i.e someone I work with) or b) they should probably stay away from me because I'm most likely plotting their execution. How do you know that's not the case here? Cause like you said if they actually didn't like him why would they stay instead of gtfo?


Mmmm was it really considered negative? Dunno to me it just looks like bunch of banters hahah. I poke fun of Luke too sometimes, but only coz he looked like the kind that takes humor in strides. I do agree the show is for enjoyment and wish Luke relax more on the riddle solving, I think a lot of the comments are here because Luke does appear to really want answers….


What are you even talking about ? Is it that hard to watch the episode while reading the subtitles ? Maybe you have a problem with it, because english is not my language and yet I can easily follow the story with subs on during theses reactions. And I agree with the first comment : there is too much toxicity here, and I have a feeling it's just with the Overlord fanbase (espicially the english dub fans).


While I agree with the fact that Luke is maybe watching too much anime at the same time, I strongly disagree with the idea of watching it dubbed. Voice acting is what make anime so good and I have to say, as a non english-speaker, english dub are kinda terrible in japanese anime.


Fair enough, there are some bad dubs out there and sometimes a character gets a completely different feel, but he really liked fullmetal dubbed, and I feel that the damage of not understanding a situation or mood, missing plot points and getting some information straight up wrong is bigger, not saying to completely change to dub just once in a while if the dub is good, I feel like it would be a good pause in between other subs.

Bobby Vang

Luke, the game is called Manor Lords.


magic is 1-10 with special spells that are even more powerful than 10th lvl but usually have a long casting time or specific spell requirements, whats throwing you off in he said momon can use at least 3rd teir (not 7th) and 3rd is the limit for normal humans, 5th teir is the strongest for special humans like heroes from legends, vampires, half demons, etc. and if you remeber in episode 2 the knight said the angle he summoned was 6th tier and claimed it was a power that only a god could survive. ains is basically on new game+ right now.


What do you mean toxicity? It's called criticism, and people do it because they care and want to help to make it better. Otherwise, they would stop watching as you said. Are you not supposed to point out mistakes or poke fun? What a boring ass interaction with your audience would it be if everyone just said good episode love you, nobody is swearing at him or spaming troll comments, he clearly has a sense of humor and is self-aware that he forgets stuff, he even asks people to comment corrections and informations. Also, come on, it's obvious to say dub is easier to pay attention to, nobody is saying it is better, just easier to multitask. Stop trying to make a sub vs dub thing. This tribal thinking is ridiculous.

Tom Boggess

"are there any challenging foes in this world?" what is it about Ains being an overlord do you not understand? He is the lord over all others in this world.

Kyle Garrett

Keep in mind that Ains is from a game where he was max level. When a max level character goes to a lower level area, then they one shot things and have no issues. Even bosses for that area, that might be really tough for appropriately levelled characters, will pose no threat to them. Same thing seems to apply here, where only the most powerful and deadly beings in this world are going to pose a threat to Ains. Well them and any other max level characters from the game that ended up here (assuming there are any). Show also seems to take heavy inspiration from DnD, and in that game when you're max level you're literally fighting gods and using magic that can alter reality, so very few things should ever truly threaten him directly.


The humans of this world can’t cast the tiers of spells Ainz and the NPCs can. Among humans the best magic casters can make it to 5th tier. That’s why he assumes a magic caster(ainz) who saved the village could maybe cast the strongest magic he knows of.


Nabe wasn’t saying he looked strong. She said whether he’s strong or not is another matter yet his eyes gleam with power. Basically saying the hamster has a confident look in his eyes. The hamster is powerful in comparison to typical adventurers and the normal weak monsters in the area and that’s why the hamster is confidently the strongest thing in the forest and defends a territory. He’s quite weak compared to Nazarik’s inhabitants. Ainz is still learning about how weak typical people and monsters are in his immediate surroundings.

Yami Shoumetsu

You misheard the entire conversation. He said 3rd not 7th and this is why you are confused.

Hououin Kyouma

A normal human can use up to tier 3 magic but some extraordinary people can even use tier 4 and tier 5 magic. Non-human beings can use higher-tier magic but for a regular human being tier 3 magic is a great achievement. When Momonga used tier 7 magic in an earlier episode no one other than him and his crew from Nazrick knew that it was tier 7 magic because it is incomprehensible to human beings present there.


That girl is strong for compared to him. It's like comparing a ant to a slightly bigger ant and the hamster is like an even slightly bigger ant


“The Wise King of the forest… is a hamster” That completely defeated face sent me not gonna lie XD Literally dying on the floor here


Lukes inability to remember characters still amazes me.

Senou Xcore

This comment may be quite a bit too late but have you ever considered that these side characters in anime are just guessing how strong someone is? 10 is the strongest in Overlord but they have no flipping clue how strong Ains is. It's like guessing the speed of a sports car driving by.


this comment might be a lil late but the game u were mentioning might be Manor Lords?

Marc Lucksch

Don’t worry, Delta is also best girl in this show, though for different reasons… (It’s because she was MVP)


What you said about the openings made sense. But it's not particularly unique to start off an opening from low energy. Frieren for example had a similar energy to when it played its openings. What probably gets to you (and I do feel it myself) is the intensity change is so drastic. As Overlord's opening starts at an 11. There's absolutely no build up to it. So the energy shift feels more distracting than say Frieren.


Bro, you are the only other person I've ever heard talk about Red Rising. That series is goated