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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to FMAB Openings!!!!




you'd like 'GOD fate' by 'faylan', opening to an old show called hakenden. its not a rewatch, but its an OP id recommend in a similar vein to mirai nikki(future diary) openings


It hits differently now, Huh ? The music supports why this is considered one of the most beloved animes. Sub or Dub !!

Itto Sanzzo

Yeah, our boy envy.

Steven Hardy

If you want more FMAB you should check out the movie! Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: The Sacred Star of Milos


I wonder when you gonna watch original fma anime. I think you really should watch it at some point. Talk about it before next vote so people can vote if it is something you should see

Antoine Jones

Now watch the 3003 openings

Antoine Jones

While I agree that he should watch it. I think he needs to make that executive decision on his own. The FMA prudes/tightwads would NEVER vote on that.


You could always watch the original FMA. Just saying...


The way I do it is that I watch the opening for each and every single episode, even brand new openings for new arcs. I never feel like I get spoiled, because I am letting the opening overwhelm me, I don't think much about what I am seeing. The only time I have ever felt spoiled in the 300+ animes I have watched was the 3rd of 4th opening of One Piece. I am sure people know what I mean, and even then, it wasn't that bad of a spoiler.


We do love these for your reactions!! Seeing you feel those wonderful emotions that the anime put you and us through!! Btw I would love to see the Cyberpunk anime opening and outro again!


you have to react bungo stray dogs openings and endings


yea, and I think earliest he should watch it is about year from now, so he doesnt remember fma b too well. I always liked original anime more :P

Tobias Jeager

Asked again for you to react to "Barricades" by Hiroyuki Sawano!!!

Omer Durrani

Raising my hand for anime rewatch right here!


It just hits different

Victoria Pritchard

You could do a reaction to the original fullmetal alchemist, it had the same problem as game of thrones though.

Bobby Vang

Someone gotta make a compilation of *Luke stand-in* in each anime he watched. Like how he's mohawk guy in Konosuba. Luke, when's the Asobi Asobase op and ed?


You should watch the 2003 anime of FMA. It’s a fantastic show and goes in a very different direction from FMAB, both with storyline and themes. I recommend watching it subtitled, so you’ve heard both voice casts.


Awww, this was a cute video! FMA:B was SUCH a great experience, and the OPs hit so hard every time.


Tbf even if "thightwads/prudes" would vote for it it still wouldn't matter, it's just not that many people care about it. Like we're not ever seeing an anime older than 5-6 years unless it's hugely popular or/and a classic. Nothing weird, people don't usually vote for stuff they haven't seen.


To be honest, I would watch you react to FMAB again. It would be like watching the show again with a friend that is as hyped about the show as you are xD


Nah, the ending makes perfect sense for what the show is trying to say.


Do the Slime Openings next plz! :D

Kiril Kupenov

Just watch FMA 2003. Should've been watched that before fmab. Also great openings, darker and psychological, also has a better main antagonist than Father in the sense that it isn't some homunculus doing it for its own reasons but either a human being following it's selfish desires... It also gives some characters which are not depicted well in brotherhood more shine and actual story and character development


Same here, I'll watch every episode 10 times in case we lose some viewers.


Fates openings now ? Dr.Stone would be cool too

James H. Hobbs

The FMA openings, both the original 2003 series and the brotherhood ones, are honestly some of the best anime openings. The themes within them, the music and animation were all top notch as openings. As for spoilers, I don't know if necessarily people are talking about this series specifically or not. Like you said, a good opening will almost always have spoilers, but you usually don't know what it is until you see it in the show so it's not a big deal. Probably the thing people point to the most as being a spoiler, is the 4th opening showing the gate being broken. But honestly, that's not really that spoilery and you don't understand the significance until it happens. There are certain shows that do absolutely spoiler major plot points in anime openings that you can understand. So you have to be careful sometimes.


I would love a rewatch so much!! FMAB has been one of my faves since release and it's one of those shows I could rewatch a hundred times and still not be tired of it. Besides some animes (like AOT pls rewatch AOT) are even more enjoyable on the rewatch because you end up noticing so much foreshadowing and some scenes just feel different with knowledge from later on in the show, it would be so interesting to see your reaction to those. Another option could be to watch the original FMA too.


Also the original FMA also has some really great openings and endings, so I definitely recommend reacting to those too


Life Hack- watch Full Metal Alchemist 2003. You get to be with the Elrics again on a whole alternate adventure- think of it like Fate Unlimited Blade Works vs Heavens Feel

Grant Beaudette

I don't think there's a complete reaction to all of 2003 FMA on Youtube. It'd be a captive audience.


Haha, anime openings manage to capture the feelings of the show so well, I loved seeing it impact you and seeing you go all fanboy the same way that I go over the series. About rewatching anime, there are some anime I'd absolutely love it for while others would have less impact. FMAB is quite straightforward in terms of plot, there are some amazing reveals but no insane twists like in Attack on Titan that utterly flip the series upside down, so I'm not sure how much there is to react to. But for some other anime, like Attack on Titan, I actually think that watching it twice is the best way to fully experience the show and all the foreshadowing and twists. I would probably tune into that, making it my fourth full AoT experience including reading the manga twice.


The series could've had a 2nd season if ed didn't lost his alchemist gate at the end.

Guido Muñoz

I would love to see your second time reaction to death note ops and eds ❤


as someone who have watched FMAB five times in a year or two I can relate to the feeling of "I want to watch it again." Maybe a SUB re-watch could be nice. I watched the DUB for the first time in your reaction and it was interesting.


This is one of my favorite videos you’ve made, in all honesty. I was hoping you’d do this!! My smile was so wide the entire time watching. (I’d be 100% down with a FMAB rewatch btw haha. Maybe in the future?) FMAB endings next?

daniel de polvoz

i would really like to rewacth this anime but this time in the original lenguage it would really make a huge difference the voice acting is amazing u already know how good it is in other animes then you can imagine how good this one is too hopefully u dicide to do it and im here for it.

Kiril Kupenov

Some random bitch answering with toxicity, what a surprise. Guess your parents didn't love you enough, how sad yes... anyways didn't ask for your opinion :)

Antoine Jones

Wouldn't be confused at all. It's called a retelling or "alternate" story. It's not like it's a continuation. Was anyone who watched Marvel What If? Or Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness confused by the fact that Peggy Carter was Captain America instead of Steve Roger's? No. Sooooo unless the person watching it is a complete idiot...


Ling being on the side of the Humonculi before he gets turned into Greed.


You know, if you're looking to rewatch Fullmetal, you could always watch the original Fullmetal Alchemist. It was made while the manga was still being written, so at a certain point it caught up to the written material and they had to just improvise. The story ends differently, there's a slew of different characters, and it features some story elements from the manga that Brotherhood didn't touch on (Such as Yoki's mining town) I haven't watched it myself, so I'd love to watch along with you. I've heard it's a fair bit darker, but that the Tucker and Nina plot has far more impact.

Marcelo Coelho

3rd opening starts with Ed crushing the flowers and ends with the same image but it zooms into his eyes noticing something and he stops right before crushing them. It is an amazing analogy. Stop making the same mistakes, you need to make things differently if you want a different result. Thats Ed and All never giving up and always trying all the possibilities not to walk on the road they don't agree with. Impossible listen to SID- RAIN and not cry


Please react to Kingdom Anime openings 🥹


You could rewatch it in Japanese, in fact I implore you to. Even if not for the channel. Just watch it in Japanese, its so much better :\. I won't deny that FMAB is a good dub, it does break the stereotype of bad dubs. But the best dub will never be better than the worst sub.


Could you please react to the fullmetal alchemist 2003 ost "brothers"? And please Look up the translated lyrics for it? This ost is always the first when I think of fullmetal alchemist ost's and it's a shame they couldn't have it in the 2009 version.


Just be sure to get the original version (which is in Russian) and not a cover. Here’s a link to it with translation: https://youtu.be/RpMHhrSrPOI?feature=shared


It took him this long to watch the FMAB openings? wow Edit: Nevermind I understand now.


Might I suggest watching the FMA:B live action movies? It's a different experience, shorter, but it follows FMA:B very well, I thought. Just a suggestion. You still need to react to the ONE opening for Dolls' Frontline, "Bad Candy" by yukaDD. Also, since I'm a member of your Patreon, I watch everything here. I really don't have time to watch it on your GOT Extras channel, and I don't need the notifications because I get notified of Patreon thorugh email. So forgive me for not subscribing to that.

Michelle (monskling)

FMAB is just so good. Anime can do emotion so much better than almost any film. I do have a soft spot for some old school Anime and I would like to see Trigun reacted to at some point,

Dr. A

AOT endings please

Dr. A

Also FMA endings plz

Dr. A

You might also want to react to the 2003 version openings and endings. That version has an original villain, and other differences because the manga it's based off of wasn't finished yet, but they had a rough idea of the author's intentions.


As far as re-reactions to OPs/EDs to anime that you've watched, Fate/Zero & UBW would be the next big one. You also never reacted to any of the EDs for Zero or UBW.


Did you not listen to the first 2 minutes of the video? He watch them before but over a year ago and he skipped them while watching the show

Dr. A

Did he ever react to the FMA dub Bloopers?


If you ever would want to do a rewatch anime series, i would suggest instead of doing episode by episode, you should the videos into part 1, part 2, and so on, in which you watch several episodes per video. That way people might enjoy watching the re-reactions without it being way too bloated.

Jammy Jimmerino

I think rewatching is fine especially with one's like fma or aot since u notice something knew every time you rewatch

Jammy Jimmerino

And technically not really a rewatch but people who read the manga react to the anime so they know what happens but react to how it was animated


I would very much recommend if you want to watch Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood again, I would really try the previous version, just Fullmetal Alchemist, not brotherhood, maybe it will be more interesting because the story is slightly changed and it is a slightly different look at the anime at all, more old school but more dark and there is almost same number of characters but they are different and there are also some new characters in show so its maybe be interesting for you :)


I saw the post and didn't know this was his "rewatch" type of series. I was going to watch it but got distracted by other things to deal with in life.


When I was a kid, I heard FMA was really good, so when I saw an episode on Toonami I decided to try it out... that one episode, the first episode I ever saw of FMA... was episode 4... Helluva first impression, I've still never finished the series


the interesting thing about this anime, the original was released in 2003, while brotherhood was released in 2009, so there won't be such an extreme difference in quality, so you don't have to worry my friend :)


Luke you are so fucking awesome you're us now!!!!! you know how we feel watching you!!! and I am VERY much enjoying this series!!!!

Arcade'owy Łowca

There's only 2 songs that lyrics hit me pretty hard, and it is fmab op 1 and bleach op 2. There's a translation in my language for bleach op 2 that is just brutal to my heart.


I second this. Personally I wouldn't mind watching you react again to either openings and endings or the shows themselves especially if done this way. I think many of us often go back and watch them again anyway from time to time


This show is so damm good. I think your reaction is waranted lol. A similar joy and nostalgia you are getting now is sort of the reason i watched your reaction to the show. Its interesting the thought of doing a rewatch. On one hand, you know whats going to happen. But even with that I think you get a deeper appreciation for this show during a second watch. There are plenty of parts that could hit different now that you know the plot.


Strongly suggest watching the eds too for this series, they are just as unique and amazing


Yeah opening have lots of spoilers. For you who hadn't watch any of the episodes and skips the openings while watching you were oblivious to them. But people who have watched the show some will start connecting the dots. For example, there's a One Piece opening that actually spoiled the manga of all things and fans caught on real quick. No one had prior knowledge because the event hadn't happen in the manga, yet fans were able to connected the dots.

William Armstrong

FMAB openings are all top-tier. All the openings are symbolic, and while they do contain some out-of-context hints towards events in the show that you will pick up on after having watched FMAB(or after watching certain episodes) none of them are explicit enough that they will spoil a first-time watcher. The only type of person to get more than minimal info regarding show events from them is the type to do frame-by-frame symbolic analysis of openings and that type of person is actively trying to make predictions that may "spoil" themselves. Also, I completely understand the desire to react to openings and ending this way for the channel, however, there is also something to be said about repeatedly listening to the same song week after week and that hype becoming attached to your consciousness. That also allows you to see the symbolism of openings like these unfold over time and make connections as new info is revealed, some shows even make subtle changes as the anime unfolds. Of course, this doesn't always work, not every song is super hype, and some openings contain explicit spoilers for anime events (Both One Piece and Naruto Shippuden unfortunately have many openings like that, while Overlord openings are pretty much all out-of-context and the only type of spoilers present are character shots before they appear in the show). I won't tell you what to do, but I also don't think you should feel forced to react to openings the way you have up to this point just for a particular type of reaction after all these could just as easily be an analysis of the themes you notice in the openings after finishing a series. In that case, you might have stronger opinions if you had viewed it more than 2 times.


I personally would absolutely go along with a rewatch of FMAB, granted I already do that every year or two, the show is just too good. Another option, as others have suggested, is to watch the original FMA (prior to Brotherhood); I personally like Brotherhood better, but the original has its merits, and it does a couple things differently (notably the ending is very different, since iirc the manga wasn't finished yet when it was airing so they had to come up with an ending, could be wrong about that though).


luke, if you want to watch someone else react to FMAB, I highly recommend Cast Senpai! he has such good analysis even for a first time viewer. It's a nice way to rewatch an anime and pick up things you might have missed


I would LOVE a rewatch series, try it out and see how it goes!


You should try to watch the original Anime Version of FMA on GOT Extra. Halfway through it is completely different. It was before the manga was finished, so they did their own thing. I would argue that the OG anime version had a better start than Brotherhood, but Brotherhood ended better. The darker parts of the first half are more accentuated and hit harder in the OG anime, but the second half really goes off the rails. LMAO, would be a really fun journey from your perspective!


Since you're watching Code Geass anyway, it might be worth reacting to the openings for Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Similar to the political themes of Code Geass, democracy vs aristocracy, but as a space opera. Two versions exist, the 90s OVA series with several openings and the ongoing modern reboot that has one opening so far. You could probably react to them all together. Just be warned that the Legend of the Galactic Heroes OVA has 110 episodes and a further 52 prequel episodes, it will be a significant time commitment if you go down the path of a full series react.

Shawn Oxley

FMAB is the goat for me but MHA might be my favourite so I deffo hope to see that


Luke you know... I'd be so much there if you rewatch anime you loved, period ! (not a pun intended about the 4th opening lol)


If you want more FMA content, you should react to the original series. I think that would be really interesting to see. I don't want to spoil anything, but it starts off the same, but ends up with a different story and ending, while retaining the same characters (also giving Yoki his story arc that was cut from Brotherhood and other interesting things).


Ye greed be like "am basically human." We humans embody greed anyway

Ricko Andrew

Luke, have you learnt anything

Keith Merrington

Have to say, even though I never really got into FMAB your reaction to the openings is a fun watch. I get it - once an anime has had an emotional impact on you then watching the OPs & EDs again really resonates. There are only a few OPs I've come across that have much impact before watching (and enjoying) the anime.

Keith Merrington

It would be fun to watch you react to your first reactions to the OPs as well :-)

Roy Meulblok

So, it has been a pure delight watching you see this show for the first time, if you do decide to rewatch this someday, I'mm 100% for it! The reason you get emotional (as do I) watching these openings is because of the attachement you've gotten to these characters. My personal favorites are op 1 and 2.


This re-watch series is Hella fun actually, now you get us :')


These get me teary eyed too, man. The anime is a masterpiece and the openings and endings hit totally different with context.

Karen Porter

Sending virtual hugs, Luke. The music and the storytelling of FMAB truly is a masterpiece and remains one of my all time favorite shows. I also am liking your "rewatch" series for openings because it was fun watching you so confused and trying to guess what was going on originally, but now having hindsight and just enjoying them as you listen to them again. You made me cry too lol. <3

Freddy VC

i dont know if you will read this but, as i allways said, an anime OP/ED is the music+ the lyrics+ the animation, you can't get the full experience if you dont have those three together. Theres so many anime that have some wonderful OPs nor EDs, it is really mindblowing. maybe you should try to react to more OPs/EDs reading the lyrics. and yeah an OP can hardly spoil you if you dont know what the series you're going to watch is about.

Julien Fabrice

Watch your reactions and react to them maybe?


Don’t think it’s selfish at all! I mean, the VAST majority of reaction-channel viewers have already seen the content you’re reacting to. If there wasn’t any joy in rewatching something we already love, why would we click in the first place? Besides that it gives us the joy of watching someone else seeing it and loving it for the first time the same way we did. This is just another continuation of that—seeing you, as a seasoned viewer, still feel the same joy and emotion in rewatching something you love that we feel, too.

Anuar Erlanuly

Personally, I'd gladly rewatch it again with ya, lol


As a fan of FMAB, you owe it to yourself to watch the FMAB OVAs. The last two are especially good 👍

vgl qwp

Rewatch its, This time with Japanese version XD

Ryan DesVoigne

Now you are getting our experience, revisiting beloved anime, and being able to see it with new eyes.

Anas Kournif

You should re-react to the endings too and to Bratja, with the lyrics, from FMA 2003 (why this song ? Because we want to see more tears !)

zsolt juhász

Maybe a bit late comment, but there is a movie too, you should check out that too, I don't think anyone suggested it.. pretty dark that too.

Martin Snow

There’s a lot of shows I can say, wouldn’t be worth a rewatch, but some of the true good ones like FMAB there are valid reasons to do a re-watch, like watching in the alternate language. A lot of people fight over sub versus dub, but a lot of them are good for both, and you’ll never know until you watch both, the other strategy and drag somebody else who hasn’t seen it yet and you can be their mentor.


You cooouuld watch the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist Anime too


Its the same beginning, but deviates from the original story early on and becomes an anime original story. It's still worth a watch tho. If you're not interested, I would at least recommend you listen to the openings, they are amazing!!


You could do a rewatch with jap audio.

Shalah Kay

I would absolutely watch a series where you rewatch FMAB since it would be cool to see you making connections you might have missed, and catching the foreshadowing even better. But maybe that's just cause I'm really into FMAB


Great openings, op1&4 felt really hard. Op 4 for me is the best!

Kim Zwiers

hello are you also gonna react to fma in the future? it is a diffrent aprose to ad character and the story as a hole. so if you gonne do it expect it to be diffrent in a lot of ways. the sub in my opinion is worse the the sub in brotherhood and the dub is mostly the same but in some minor characters is a big difrence. i would recoment the dub even if you have seen fmab in dub to. see fma as it own story and dot expect it to do the same things as fmab and you will not regret it. even tho the animation is lower qualitie i like fma in the beginning way more and later it is just so diffrent there is no rigth to compere them.

Conta Aleatória

Luke, please watch Fullmetal Alchemist(2003) it isn't the same story! The first epidoses have same scenarios but it is different and needs to be watched!! It is amazing and a lot more mature than Brotherhood! The 2003 versions I used to watch with my big brother when I was a kid and it massively had impact in my personality and traumas 😂😂 It is amazing, please do it


While Attack on Titan has higher high's compared to Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, I feel like any FMA opening is just as good as any other FMA opening. So you're never "disappointed" when one song ends, and another begins.