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Here is the FULL PATREON EXCLUSIVE REACTION to Code Geass Episode 18!!




Code Geese friday time!

Muligan Shinzuo

"This is only gonna end badly" :)


Susaku the hypocrite became a knight let’s goooo


My fave part of Fridays and Saturdays isn't getting to watch Code Geass with Luke but rather watch Luke enjoy Code Geass :D


Dude, the scientist doesn't have a crush on Nina, it's her research he wanted. Didn't you see his eyes when she was talking about nuclear fission ? Which means you can potentially build nukes. Honestly, that guy just loves his work.


No matter how many times I watch Code Geass I still expect Diethard to start talking about the Holy Grail War at some point

William Armstrong (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 20:59:37 The cliffhangers will continue. although I did just realize the consequence of this reaction format means Luke will react to the last episode of season one and the first of season 2 the same week. ..That will be different. Answering Questions 2:45 Who is this? That’s one of the 4 holy swords who work directly with Todoh. 10:00 Who is Schneizal? We have heard him mentioned once before as a prince and therefore one of Lelouch’s half-siblings. 20:25- This was addressed briefly in a previous episode but the Britannian’s have very few black knight prisoners, and the ones they have captured were all cells that were compartmentalized and thus had no access to higher-level information. The ship at the end seems to have some kind of shield system so neither the bullets or missiles seem to be a concern
2024-02-09 18:13:40 The cliffhangers will continue. although I did just realize the consequence of this reaction format means Luke will react to the last episode of season one and the first of season 2 the same week. ..That will be different. Answering Questions 2:45 Who is this? That’s one of the 4 holy swords who work directly with Todoh. 10:00 Who is Schneizal? We have heard him mentioned once before as a prince and therefore one of Lelouch’s half-siblings. 20:25- This was addressed briefly in a previous episode but the Britannian’s have very few black knight prisoners, and the ones they have captured were all cells that were compartmentalized and thus had no access to higher-level information. The ship at the end seems to have some kind of shield system so neither the bullets or missiles seem to be a concern

The cliffhangers will continue. although I did just realize the consequence of this reaction format means Luke will react to the last episode of season one and the first of season 2 the same week. ..That will be different. Answering Questions 2:45 Who is this? That’s one of the 4 holy swords who work directly with Todoh. 10:00 Who is Schneizal? We have heard him mentioned once before as a prince and therefore one of Lelouch’s half-siblings. 20:25- This was addressed briefly in a previous episode but the Britannian’s have very few black knight prisoners, and the ones they have captured were all cells that were compartmentalized and thus had no access to higher-level information. The ship at the end seems to have some kind of shield system so neither the bullets or missiles seem to be a concern

dragean greyfield

Depending on how he phrases the command he could get unlimited use out of one geass application to a person. Example: “I command you to serve me with undying loyalty until your death”.

isaac basabe

Getting stronger doesn't mean literally stronger in this case, remember that MAO also increase his range but also his weakness, was difficult for him to concentrate in a crowd. Unlikely solo leveling, Code geass is the anime where you predict something and the writting go the other way around. So you are always surprised by what actually happens.

Kiril Kupenov

Fuck this massive cuck suzaku... dude literally wants to die pretending it's for the greater good, disgusting hypocrite...

Suraj ayinde (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 18:56:43 What did solo leveling do to you? Randomly dissed it for no reason
2024-02-09 18:31:13 What did solo leveling do to you? Randomly dissed it for no reason

What did solo leveling do to you? Randomly dissed it for no reason

Roxy’s Holy Relic

Is Suzaku the biggest hypocrite in the history of anime? Short answer: yes. Long answer: Also yes. Suzaku’s desire to “change the system from within” is actually less about doing what’s “right” and is instead more about him trying to avoid accountability for his actions. If Suzaku is following orders and acting within the laws and rules of Brittania all of the consequences of his actions are borne by the system itself and not him. He can absolve himself of guilt because he’s simply following what’s been outlined by the law. He doesn’t care whether the law is right because if he questioned it he would have to take personal responsibility for his actions. Suzaku’s sacrificial heroism is less about selflessness and instead more about the suicidal tendencies created in himself from killing his own father. He wishes to die and pursued this wish under the guise of morality and altruism. When Zero kills it’s “he can’t keep getting away with this. You’re doing things the wrong way.” When Brittania kills its, “War is war this is completely justified.” “ A soldier has to follow his orders.” This, among many other things, is why in my opinion Suzaku is the true villain of this show. Without spoiling anything specific, future events will reinforce this theory even further.

isaac basabe

Nothing, actually I love the Manhwa and the anime, but plot is simple and super easy to follow. Super chill to read and to watch. :)


Luke's "I'm So Confused: The Series" continues.


True, the recaps after the episodes are the best part for me lol and I love Code Geass


Luke, to fill you in on Schneizel. You have not met him yet, he has only been mentioned in passing as the benefactor of A.S.E.E.C the group that Suzaku is part of that created Lancelot. Saying anything else will be spoilers.


The missiles got intercepted so they just decided to go close range

Edu S.

actually schneizel was mentioned twice, they said he was the only one on par with lelouch in chess or smthin


Nina: "I think I can split Uranium 235. If only I could get my hands on some to experiment with" Lloyd: "[So] I did this girl a favor..." Luke: "I wonder if that girl's experiment will ever come up again" Nah, it'll be fine~. I'm sure the girl pioneering nuclear fission at our school won't make any waves at all. XD

Chrono 1002

Not gonna lie, that cliffhanger is brutal Also, I love how Luke is like the journalist guy has betrayal written all over his face and his voice is Kirei's from Fate ... if you know, you know


He went with the ship in the way of rockets, to protect his sister from rockets and debris, but he used laser to clean attack zero's area. Does this now make sense?


Eh...Suzaku is neither a hypocrite nor a villain. At this point in the series, his stated belief is that you should not independently break society's laws, even if you think doing so would ultimately benefit society. His actions are in line with this belief, so he's not a hypocrite; Zero's actions go against this belief, so he opposes Zero. The reason he has this belief is what you said: he killed his own father, in spite of society's laws, because he thought it would end the war and benefit Japan. It backfired horribly. To atone, he's relinquished his right to exercise his own judgment, and now defends the laws he once violated.

Roxy’s Holy Relic

He’s a well written character and an excellent foil to Lelouch but saying that Suzaku’s naive idealism vs the actions he takes in the show isn’t hypocritical is a wild statement… In fact Suzaku is so hypocritical that I find it nearly impossible to support any of his actions (very bad in R1 but especially pronounced in R2) Ultimately, it’s not Lelouch’s views that really get the audience thinking about their own moral philosophy it’s Suzaku’s hypocrisy. The portrayal of Suzaku as a white knight who can’t live up to his own ideals is a cornerstone and major recurring theme in the anime


I can't wait for tomorrows reaction! Things are going to get complicated and Cheeeeeeeeeeky!


Sunset Swish: "Mozaiku Kakera.." Luke: NOOOOO

BRUNO Marques

He is a hypocrite. He claims that societies laws cannot be broken, but seeks to create a world where only his desires are enforced. He doesn't actually care about society as he claims, only what's easiest for him. This is even a plot point later.

Suraj ayinde (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 20:59:37 The wording sounded like you hated it lol.
2024-02-10 16:02:55 The wording sounded like you hated it lol.

The wording sounded like you hated it lol.


11:18 Huh. Nuclear Power isn't even a speculation in the world of Code Geass. 18:59 He's *not* her bodyguard. He's her personal Knight. Now he acts as her bodyguard but she can tell him to do other, Knightly, stuff. Like getting his ass in Lancelot and kicking ass. 20:24 "Do black knight prisoners ever talk?" I'm sure they spill their guts after enough enhanced interrogation. However, you forget the briefing near the start of the episode. The Black Knights are set up as a series of cells. Capture Joe and all he knows about are the other people in his cell. So far as the Black Knights using Knightmares... when have you seen one get captured? They either die with the Knighmare is blown up or their ejection pod carries them away.


Would love to hear Luke's thoughts next week on the contrast between Suzaku rising the ranks to lead Brittanian Forces from within as a Japanese and Lelouch becoming the leader of the Anti Brittanian movement as a Brittanian.


Also Schneizel is the 2nd Prince that was mentioned by Clovis to know who killed Lelouches Mother, Empress Marianne


Yeah sometimes it's not really that confusing lol. If one day he watches The Melancoly of Suzumiya Haruhi, this time he'll REALLY be confused.

Aaren YASS

The cliffhangers only get worse, Attack on Titan must've learned from this show ☠️☠️☠️


I sometimes wonder if he should rewatch the episode after he does his reaction.


Racist school and most racist girl appears again, that soldier didn't finish his only job a while ago:( Lloyd very interesting character:) It is an evil cliffhanger, but man you still are not ready:) Intriguing hypothesis at the end

Mariano Amar

He's also been mentioned once before as the prince bankrolling the Lancelot (although, I'll admit I can't remember if he's mentioned by name that time, or only as "The 2nd Prince")

Mariano Amar

*VERY... KIND OF... MAYBE?... SPOILER WARNING* Except that he's also the one ordering the missile strike. And, knowing Schneizel as a character, it wouldn't be out of place for him to do all this on purpose. Later on, both Cornelia AND Euphemia will feel indebted to him for saving her there, and be willing to follow his plans as he's "the more benevolent option"


Which is weird because Lelouch was only like 10 or something when they thought he died. So Lelouch is amazing


we were all forced to wait a week after all these cliff hangers after they were airing *tears*

Shaun since we cant listen and read hentai. Can we read yaoi and listen. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-05-02 02:02:56 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.
2024-04-13 00:26:32 20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.

20:25 When Lelouch was talking about the organization set up they said it was set up so members wouldn't know major secrets or strategy.

Shaun since we cant listen and read hentai. Can we read yaoi and listen. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-05-02 02:02:56 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction
2024-04-13 00:33:32 When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction

When the ship comes and your mouth I'd hanging open. The best reaction